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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. On being a little Strange

    Have you any wool?
  2. Fair comment Deci but Buddhas know shit-loads of nothing. We, on the other hand; only know next to nothing.
  3. Oh yeah! Sez who? Mr Poopypants.
  4. What the Hell?

    Those whacking sticks are like slapsticks and make more noise than ever they do damage I reckon. That said if ever anyone attempted it on me I'd tend towards a similar response to that of the retreatant at Mount Baldy. Anyone who pays out good money for a retreat and allows some twonk with a stick to whack them is pretty whacky IMO. That Rinzai sect always was a tad masochistic though. All those endless koans. It's like being on a TV quiz show but without the prize money and with whacking.
  5. You're never alone with Photoshop.
  6. Top post of the thread so far goldisheavy. Well said.
  7. It's a metaphor limited by language. Far more complex than any sort of wiring diagram. The dudes who resort to visual aids either haven't quite grasped the concept yet or they have grasped it and are struggling to communicate the incommunicable. Beyond a certain point it can't be taught, it just 'is' and it 'is' for each of us to explore via cultivation. GM Mantak Chia's best avoided IMo but if it floats your boat then float on.
  8. Admitted that's an historic text your chap has translated but there are acres of those about. The selectivity and steer of your OP gives the gist and direction of exactly where this thread was heading. As a Grandmaster ( a teacher of teachers by profession and persuasion) I've come to intuit that all paths tend towards success if followed diligently and with discipline. The 'triumph' such as it is abides in and with the cultivator working with her or his teacher - seldom, if ever; in any text.
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 72 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Will there be a test?
  10. OIC Well just so long as it passes those long winter evenings for ya. Everyone needs a hobby.
  11. On being a little Strange

    Every family has at least one of those.
  12. We get it bubba. Your guy's stuff is right. Every other fecker is wrong. Hope that helps.
  13. I hate to say... " I told you so....." But ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. Cultivating in a group is certainly as, if not more effective than cultivating alone.
  15. Body language mate. Eyes. Gestures, tone of voice and speaking rate. She's not even convincing herself isn't that lass.
  16. Yep, that seems to be the case for sure. No biggie, I'll leave it at that. Interesting thread anyhoo.
  17. Philosophical Leanings

    Late lead singer in a band called ' Queen'. He was a parsee and those are all Zoroastrians.
  18. how to love unconditionally

    Babies do it. No cultivation necessary. It's our default state is loving unconditionally but time and conditioning tends to change that. Find the right person to settle down with and one soon remembers 'how to'.
  19. Nope it's a praxis. That list delineates praxes. The Russian guy is lining stuff up in order to knock it down. Watch and see where this and related threads turn into... " My guy is the ONLY guy...." and so on. Always happens with these sorts of OPs.
  20. Spiritual career

    You can do accredited university degrees in Holistics ( University of Derby) or TCM ( University of Central Lancashire at Preston) here in the UK.
  21. Jim says "God bless you for caring Zoom."
  22. Philosophical Leanings

    You like Freddy Mercury maybe? ( He was a Zoroastrian).
  23. ..........................................> Good call. Closing this thread. It's like those Whack A Mole games at the fairground though is MoPai. Another thread about MoPai will pop right up. Those MoPai lads do so enjoy picking at their scabs. And like picked scabs, they never get any better.
  24. Right up to, but not beyond the point where the scientists need test tubes or any other such kit as produced by materialists.
  25. Jim is spending a few years dead for tax purposes. He sends his very best regards to all though and says..... " Keep buying my book guys, buy some to give. It makes for a great present."