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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Munir Baba ( the silent guru of Goa) supported his ashram by running a cow-dung-patty fuel business. You did NOT shake hands when greeting Munir Baba ... Ever! Stinky hands apart though, he was a really nice guy. Never said a word ( he could speak but didn't) yet you could understand anything he wished to communicate through his expressions, gestures and whistles.
  2. How does your garden grow? This season

    Bumper crops of tomatoes and runner beans so far. Potatoes have been good too, plenty more to come and the christmas Day seed potatoes will be going into their pots this coming week and moving house with us. Very little blight about this year. Strawberries still coming but slugs have been at those of late due to wet weather. Flowers-wise things have begun going over sooner than they did last year. It'll be an early Autumn I reckon. Good show of roses and those have held up well, we're doing less dead heading this year for early August than in previous seasons.
  3. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    You call that a knife? THIS is a knife. ( Crocodile Dundee)
  4. "The toll is very real..." Or The toll is really veal?
  5. Anyone into strength training?

    You got that right. Never ceases to amaze me the stunning ladies those weedy little rich dudes seem to be able to attract. Must be their personality. ' Mrs Merton' ( comedienne and TV interviewer) once asked Debbie McGee ( stunning)... " What was it that first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?" ( a wizened and elderly TV magician)
  6. Ebola coming to the USA

    As long as he doesn't make housecalls .........
  7. What the Hell?

    Light and Shade. Ya gotta have both. There can be some powerful lessons learnt in dark times.
  8. Cultivation of the Mind

    Not a fan then?
  9. Ask the cows whydontcha? Given the franchise Turkeys would be unlikely to vote for either Christmas or Thanksgiving.
  10. Whats in a name?

    EVERYBODY will remember seeing that episode of Mork and Mindy.
  11. Thoughts about God

    Yep. Cultivation is ritualistic IMO. We do the same things at the same times with intention that our 'actions' might be beneficial. Same thang really. Gotta admit to a soft spot for some ritual aspects Russian Orthodox music for example and the full blown Baroque Roman Catholic Mass. Then again I'm an opera buff and that's much same.
  12. Watching The Birds

    They look cute do penguins but en masse they stink so bad that your eyes water.
  13. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    David Icke forum is wall to wall loonies and that's just the mods, the members are slightly whackier. Every full moon it goes bat shit crazy. Excellent Word Association Game crowd on there though.
  14. Whats in a name?

    You'd think so. They sold meat and sausages mostly. Maybe the family slaughtering was a sideline but I suspect the locals might have objected. Usual thing happened, a supermarket opened up on the bypass so all the small local shops in the town centre eventually shut down for want of customers. It's all tat and charity shops now.
  15. Delight all the neighbourhood cats by growing more mint. Cats love it. It makes nice tea too.
  16. Sectarian bickering

    Sectarian bickering is what sectarianism is all about. No point being in a sect at all unless you can define what you are against those other sects who have 'got it all wrong'. Take that away and most people are similar to everyone else. ( Except western 'Tibetan' Buddhists of course, they really ARE twonks).
  17. Whats in a name?

    Death is surname around Essex. Most of them spell and pronounce it De' Ath. There was however a long established butcher's shop in Leigh on Sea with the sign above the shop window reading....... " Death... Family Butcher".
  18. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    Well I've just enjoyed six Tesco Choc-chips-Digestive Biscuits for my pre-bowls lunch. Now that is a good biscuit. They have tiny chunks of chocolate embedded throughout. Very tasty. Everyone has a different metabolism and your body tells you if and when it needs sugar. Too much of anything isn't to be recommended but a little of what you fancy does you good.
  19. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    I do hope that Buttercup sticks around, she posts interesting stuff. I'm forever being suspended on Dharma Wheel. Only once, so far; from TTB though and that was by a bunny boiling mod who has since been 'let go'. You staffers on here do a good job IMO.
  20. Baduanjin - 8 Piece Brocade can be done in ten minutes.Don't eat meat. Don't drink alcohol. Don't indulge in 'recreational pharmaceuticals'. Avoid caffeine ( except in good tea) and shun 'carbonated' fizzy soda-pop. Lions drink water! Cultivate every single day as close as possible to the same time every day until the cultivation is so much a part of your existence that it 'cultivates itself'. Be kind to yourself and those ripples will spread to others. Ignore fractious persons. Job jobbed. Hope that helps.
  21. Ebola coming to the USA

    This Donald Trump? If so, WTF has a golf course developer got to do with Ebola?
  22. Random thought about Dao that can not be spoken

    You did. Just then.
  23. Ebola coming to the USA

    Malaria ( locally called 'the ague') was a major killer around these parts of England right up to World War 2. DDT spraying did for it in the main but there are still odd indigenous cases out in The Fens.
  24. Random thought about Dao that can not be spoken

    Fair enough if the Tao that we can't discuss here on TTB is the eternal Tao. We can settle for chatting about the temporal aspects of Tao that we're interested in, do observe and may discuss. ( as we do). In sure and certain knowledge that we're probably wrong.