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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What the Hell?

  2. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Yep, there; one can. Not here though, in 'real' life. We'd have noticed.
  3. Eat whatever you like to eat, it's 'dinner' not a cause. 'My diet's the BEST diet' faddists are right up there with Buddhabums and MoPai boosters. Boring. On another forum I visit there's a vegan versus veggie versus carnivore thread been running for years and still nobody posting on it has agreed on anything. Apart from them all liking arguing that is.
  4. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Pigs might do it.
  5. what if...

    What if has its own police force - the 'they'. My old Granny was forever fretting for example... "Look at her from number 23 hanging her washing out on a Sunday! What will "THEY" say?" To a grubby little grandson ( me)..... " Going out without washing your face , " THEY" will think you are a ragamuffin!" I never met the " THEY" but I always reckoned " THEY" were a judgemental bunch of bar stewards whoever they were.
  6. Whats in a name?

    " We should all get to choose our own parents' names." ( Dweezil Zappa).
  7. Whats in a name?

    Yes. For example ' Police'. Like that old song says.... " I fought the law and the law won."
  8. So you're not on the staff any more BKA? That's a shame but belated thanks to you for all the hard work you put in to the job and for your outstandingly fair moderation coupled with good humour.
  9. Aye there'd be a lot fewer kiddies about if they were only told " Yes".
  10. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Interesting point. Wonder what the 'celibacy/retention' crowd think? Not Taoist ( by a long shot) but I've mentioned those anorexic ' Forest Hermitage' Buddhists near us before now. Some of those daft lads definitely need a good hot dinner or two inside of 'em. They are distinctly and visibly malnourished. There's no sense in that whatsoever.
  11. Whats in a name?

    Bit like National Anthems then?
  12. Any movie about daoism ?

    Forrest Gump. Being There Two fine Daoist movies as ever there was.
  13. " The girl that once I was lives on in me. Where else would she go?" ( Camille Paglia). I'm a grumpy old man sometimes. I enjoy it. Be content in any state or condition cos that's all there is and all that we ever have 'right now'. Moods are like waves and waves are part of the ocean. Waves come and go but the ocean abides.
  14. Nooooooo.' Malcolm' on DW is a 9th Dan Nob and his disciples over there ( and maybe there's one on on here?) are even nobbier than he is cos they take his shit on board as some sort of 'Gospel'. Best place for Buddhist fundamentalists is Dharma Wheel and we've quite sufficient of the overspill here on TTB as it is. The Buddhabums are the most fractious bone headed posters on TTB. OK for entertainment when there's just the usual suspects but get the likes of Malcolm on here and you'll soon enough lose sensible posters.
  15. The advice remains the same . Observe the bliss and let it go by returning to your breathing.
  16. Chapter 11: The Big Concealment/Hong Meng character

    Autumnal shades here. Old geezer clothing-colours as a rule, dark greens, browns; some greys. Definitely blue for car colour preference. The new one will be blue, this current one is red ( and knackered). Vans have to be white ( that's the LAW!).
  17. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    +1 Some of those Buddhabums seem to believe that Buddhism is a religion that somehow needs them to evangelise on its behalf. Dharma Wheel is where the fundamentalist Buddhists usually hang out but we do seem to get an overspill of those on here now and again. They surely are argumentative little critters too.
  18. What the Hell?

    Give me an ounce of civet, good apothecary, to sweeten my imagination. Not many laughs in King Lear but that's a classic for anyone who knows just how bad civet smells.
  19. Upping Sticks

    Nope. Mine was a Cockney guy called Jason in rigger boots, jeans and a very fetching RAF roundel motif T shirt. His firm did the fencing for the Olympic park and no badgers ( who were not competing in the games) got into that. Persistent little beggars are badgers too. Guy near here has a vineyard ( really) and badgers kept chowing down on his grapes and getting totally pissed. Drunken badgers creating havoc night after night fecking up his vines and keeping him awake. So he puts in low level electrified wire fencing along the rows. Now he's got pissed up badgers who are also really pissed off because they're getting electric shocks whilst trying to enjoy their grape suppers. It's even noisier. Someone tells him to spray the rows with garlic water as badgers don't like garlic. So now he's got drunken angry badgers that glow in the dark when they hit the electric fencing and who also smell like Frenchmen. Also the garlic water taints his vintage and he gets loads of cases returned because of the faint bouquet of garlic.
  20. What the Hell?

    Obviate as in 'remove'?
  21. Upping Sticks

    Up to the new house today to meet the fencing chap and have a chat with the vendors. 3- hours each way and a lovely day for a trip to the seaside and back. Nice old couple the vendors are and, like us; in the middle of a mega clear out. We're having chain link fencing put up all around the inside of the hedges to keep out the badgers plus bigger and better gates. The missus there has been feeding badgers for years but has stopped now with a view to putting them off calling in. She told me that every night since she's stopped putting food down the badgers come and sit on the lawn looking up at the house. I have nothing at all against badgers 'per se' but they can be pretty fierce especially if they have cubs. Our cat is getting on in years and if the dogs went out of a night and encountered badgers there'd be some fur flying. We'd discussed signage as well but as few badgers can read decided that strong fences would be better than 'Badgers Keep Out' notices in the long run.
  22. *Peaceful Resolution*

    This ' Healing Minute' has been around for many years. Anybody can do it and people in 95 countries around the world take part every day. There's no charge unless you want to buy the ( rather naff) enamel badge and enrolment card (£5).
  23. What the Hell?

    Professional Clergy. Once you get those guys they need a USP to maintain their power. Frightening the punters with some sort of 'Hell' is an almost universal con trick. Hence every religion with full time paid guys in silly priest hats goes in for 'Hell' in a big way. They promote the concept along with their own sure fire 'avoid going to Hell' sales pitch. That, of course; always involves giving monetary or equivalent offerings to the professional clergy. It's a sweet business, there can be never be any unsatisfied customers Issuing writs or complaining to the media because none of the 'faithful' realise what BS it all was until after they have left their body ( " Died").
  24. Observe the aversion , recognise it for what it is.... a passing feeling... Let it pass by returning to your breathing.