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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    č„æā€‰West = " Abyss". In Bagua.
  2. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
  3. Giving up

    Osho on Chuang Tzu here... Free book ...
  4. Never a good idea to dabble without a teacher. A Qigong teacher will soon sort you out buddy. As BKA says, nothing is permanent.
  5. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Yep. One name... Choronzon. Crowley was a great mountaineer but a notorious plagiarist ripping off Dee and Kelly.
  6. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Get someone to take a full face photo of you. Eyes open neutral expression. Print it out. Cover the left half vertically and check out what you see. Then do the same with the right half. One side or the other is your abyss face. You'll know once you've seen it. Hope that helps.
  7. He did crack Fermat's Last Theorem ( allegedly) but as he's possibly the only one who understands the 'proof' there's still controversy. Another guy on the faculty, every day he made a deep little razor blade cut on the back of one or other of his hands. In his fifties he was and you would not believe what his hands looked like! Can't tell you what he invented or you'll be able to see who it is but what he invented made millions and still does in royalties for Oxford.
  8. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    They do indeed but the best teachers coach their students away from that desire and towards independence. Bad gurus groom dependency.
  9. Bat shit crazy some of 'em. Genius maths don at my alma mater in Oxford never left his rooms for four years. They slid his food and stuff under a gap sawed out the bottom of the door.
  10. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    There was a lad from Eton on a school trip who was eaten by a Polar Bear just recently.
  11. Question about cloistered folk.

    A Taoist nun speaks In PR China monks and nuns were made to leave the cloister and join work cadres from the cultural Revolution up to the easing of religious laws. Hence cloistered religious all but disappeared. Hermits were left alone though and there have always been Buddhist and Taoist hermits in PR China. Bill Porter ( Red Pine) wrote a book about those.... Nowadays China is about where we were back in the 60s and 70s. Full employment, increased leisure and 'own time' and money coming in plus an interest in spirituality. Some Temples and Abbeys have been or are being rebuilt . But ( big BUT), everything has to be approved by the state and the state sees temples and abbeys more for the tourism potential. So you find tourist circuses such as the Shaolin doing really well but smaller operations struggling. For a temple or abbey to survive, without a rich benefactor or two maybe in Hong Kong it needs a wide base of supporters, not just the local community. OR they need state subsidy and that implies compromise and probably a gift shop for the tourists.
  12. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    Only " ... The greatest racehorse on Earth... There once was a racehorse called Lightning Bolt. He was known to be the greatest racehorse on earth. He won every single competition he ever entered. He was a racehorse legend. The man who rode him was a very smart, kind looking man called Oliver...." More here...
  13. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    Ta, she's running really well. I suspect the old battery was onmitsbway out for a while and I just didn't notice the fall off in performance as that was so gradual. With this new battery it positively whizzes up the hills. Done 70+ miles on it so far and it's still on the top ( of three-descending) lights for charge. The old one I had to charge it every day. Well pleased I am.
  14. MH17...

    Meh ( FFS)
  15. MH17...

    Phew. I thought you'd gone postal for a moment there buddy. Anybody wants batshit crazy then look no further than David Icke Forum.
  16. MH17...

    FFS Stimps. The David Icke Forum is thataway >>>>>>>>>>>>
  17. MH17...

    Gnostics gnever gnew gnothing gnor gnever will.
  18. Fascination

    Your OPs have that very effect on me stimps. Could be 'masochism' I suppose. What do others think?
  19. Someone else met Jesus...

    Only in America eh?
  20. Giving up

    Disciplined daily cultivation. 'Stickability'. Get that in place and all else follows. Butterflies seldom settle anywhere for long.
  21. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    Ready to roll...
  22. Just you wait until you have kids of your own buddy. They're magic.
  23. MH17...

    Yep it is. That can be a koan too.
  24. RIP Electric Bike

    Here she is, all better and raring to go.