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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Yep. ( In a 'roundabout' way).
  2. MH17...

    Spiders do good work. We'd be up to our necks in flies if it wasn't for the spiders.
  3. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    Electrical Bicycle. Cos mine's been fixed. Yay.
  4. How to avoid being seen by ghosts...

    It didn't work for SheepishLord. Not been seen here for years. Those hungry ghosties must have found him.
  5. MH17...

  6. Qi Conservation Mudras

    Mudra 1 is good for Nembutsu. Cosmic mudra for sitting. Mudra 2 I don't use as it strains my thumbs but thumb against middle finger is a calming mudra. Hope that helps.
  7. Sense of spinning while meditating.

    Yep, it's normal. It'll pass so don't worry about it just observe it ,let it go and return to your breathing.
  8. Top 5 Revisted

    Being married to Mrs GMP. Our menagerie ( kids included). QiGong ( was Bagua MA but I got too old and slow) Kite flying/Zazen ( same thang but one includes kites) Cycling Not an especially spiritual list but I'm not an especially spiritual person.
  9. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    'He had opened his heart to the sublime indifference of the universe.' (Camus: L'etranger)
  10. Has MPG wheedled his way back on to TTB yet again do you think? I'm only asking because Space Cadet Panda appears extinct. Nothing new since July 19th not even one of those trademark Tourette's-type rants from our chum.
  11. MH17...

    Posting on TTB? Probably. And... Meh!
  12. Books and DVDs will only take you so far. The advantage of having a teacher and/or mentor is that s/he can see what you are doing and immediately correct any mistakes. Nothing apart from a skilled human being can actually sit and watch what one is doing whilst one is doing it to offer help and guidance right there at the point when it is needed. None of us learnt to drive via a book or DVD, thank goodness. The roads would be worse than they are now had that been the case.
  13. Space Cadet Panda forum dead? Why?

  14. Space Cadet Panda forum dead? Why?

    Costs nothing to ask does it? Those lawyer lads are ever keen for business. He took down those two abusive thread titles but I live in hopes of more. Nothing ventured.....
  15. Space Cadet Panda forum dead? Why?

    I check regularly to see if he's begun any more " F*** You GMP" abuse threads. One more and I'm thinking of exploring the potential of suing his erse, or that of his service provider; for big bucks. Worth a punt, these 'no win no fee' lawyers are a keen bunch and we could do with a new car.
  16. Plantar Fascitis is the bane of standing form cultivators and most Yoga players get it now and again too. Easily treated. Find out which leg you favour ( everyone has one and it is usually the opposite to whichever hand you favour so lefties suffer more right foot issues and right handers get left foot issues). Prove this by checking the thickness of any callous on each foot. Your 'favoured' foot has more and thicker callous than the neglected one. Then gradually train yourself to consciously bear weight equally across and through both feet. That takes time because your 'favoured leg' muscle memory has been in place since you took your first steps as a toddler. Also... Stop gripping the ground with your toes. Hope that helps.
  17. "Emptiness" tastes like chocolate.
  18. does kundalini make you infertile

    That's still a heck of a lot of people and India is the home of Kundalini praxes.IMO it's all BS, just another differently cultured check-list of common cultivation praxes and experiences. Once there's a graph or a colourful graphic for folks to learn then that's the job done as far as some are concerned. They've learnt the words, memorised the illustrations and hence they are an 'expert'. Tosh! Then the 'expert' spends ages copying and pasting proof texts and banging on in endless posts about how 'their' way is the 'best' way. I don't generally post on these 'rocks off - rocks not off' threads on the theory that it's just young lads not getting enough or nasty old pervs wanting to air their seedy musings with those who have little or no interest into what happens, or does not happen; inside someone else's shorts. Any cultivation cultivated via a disciplined daily and long term regimen will pay dividends. Arguing about merits or otherwise of cultivation methods and menus gets no one anywhere at all. Deeds beat words hands down. Every time.
  19. Getting terms straight: Negative = detrimental?

    Well if all that gets one through the day then it's possibly useful to some. 'How to' diagrams tend to work best in colour and on paper though. Real life's a tad 'messier'.
  20. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    Clive Barker was born in 1952. Has to be a good guy. Everyone born in 52 is thoroughly nice. Also he was born in ( hideous crime-ridden ) Liverpool but now lives in sunny California. That shows sound common sense.
  21. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    Going by past posts, one or two on here have had a 'crush' on you before now Deci! Hell hath no fury.... etc.
  22. mental fog

  23. Enlightened movies

    The Trial (1962). Trailer here...