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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Yin and Yang

    It's a dance. One being in the other and vice versa. For example, determining to 'be' Yin is quite a 'Yang - thang'.
  2. Why this here? The exact same debate is happening on DW with all the usual suspects involved over there plus you guys who are then simply re-posting the 'highlights' from DW onto TTB. Do you perhaps think that duplication somehow lends credence?
  3. How to cure Fallen Arches?

    Orthotics can help so a podiatrist might advise. That said flat-footed is a good stance for standing cultivation. We advise students not to grip the ground with their toes as it's thought that hinders 'sinking', but other schools have other ways.
  4. Who is a Zen teacher?

    To some extent 'western' Zen has re-made Japanese Zen. Until the western Zennists began arriving in Japan back in the 1960s Japanese Zen was pretty much an herditary funeral and death registration business. It's very different nowadays to what it was.
  5. RIP Electric Bike

    Guy here fitted solar panels to his wagovan... Mrs GMP less than impressed over the replacement battery cost. Mrs GMP: "You could buy a new touring bike for that." Me: " Yes dear but I would have to pedal it uphill." Mrs GMP: "The seaside is, by definition; flat. Your trouble is that you are a very very lazy man." ( ' man' paraphrased)
  6. Mods note page 1 notice.... "No Copyrights, its made to share with everyone. So feel free to share this book with others." The Ambedkar Buddhists in India are all 'scheduled caste' ( formerly known as untouchables). Here in the west where they have Sanghas they tend to be self employed business people. If anyone ever wishes to experience Buddhist friendliness and hospitality at its very best then you could do a lot worse than seeking out the Ambedkar Buddhists if there are some near you. I do wonder if visitors to TTB Buddha boards might not sometimes get a poor impression of Buddhism via some of our Buddhabums' carping posts. Real Buddhists aren't like that! Real Buddhists tend to be like the Ambedkar people. Nice.
  7. Buddha and his Dhamma free book

    Puppy Olive is a regular critic of the news media. Hence the 'tory' press selected.
  8. Buddha and his Dhamma free book

    We have to take a newsPAPER every day since the puppy arrived!
  9. Buddha and his Dhamma free book

    Synchronicity. ( we take The Times on Saturday. Book reviews are better than the Graun's IMO) PS That scandal-affected guy Dennis Lingwood who calls himself Sangarashitka and founded the Western Buddhist Order latterly Triratna started out as a British Army deserter in India. Dr Ambedkar took him in and Denis became a Buddhist. Once the amnesty for deserters came in Dennis returned to Blighty and the rest, as they say; is history. Triratna and the Ambedkar Buddhists could not be more different.
  10. RIP Electric Bike

    Kids round here love those. They can use them on the road a year before they qualify to use a petrol version. It's the import taxes that drive up the price here.
  11. And that I am needs no excuses...... ( All together now. Sing up!).......,..
  12. Older, wiser to truly appreciate.

    She's a lass.
  13. That whacky funster! DW's probably the right place for this load of old bollocks.
  14. MCO Practice Times (11am-1pm) & (11 pm - 1 am)

    Sorry. I'll try again.... ..................... A= Possibly yes. Possibly no. Try those times and compare outcomes to cultivation done outside those times. ........................ The issue such as there is with prescription is that it can sometimes put people off beginning. HTH
  15. It opens on iPad. Must be an Apple thang. That's all I could find. Soreee. Threads like this one tend to start my sicko meter running. Some sick fecks seem to get off by posting unpleasant images online. Who in their right mind imagines that this sort of dreck has anything at all whatsoever to do with cultivation?
  16. "So the self is the separate seeker that pursues everything that it thinks it can know and do, excepting the absence of itself. That absence is the emptiness which is unknowable, but paradoxically is also the very fullness, the wholeness (paradise) that is longed for. " ( Tony Parsons). {Me neither MH. I much prefer 'fullness'}
  17. RIP Electric Bike

    Not so's I've noticed but wherever one stops someone always asks about it. There's a regulation list of questions. 1: Is it electric? A= Well DUH! ( It says 'Electric Bike' in big orange letters on both sides of the frame). 2: How fast does it go? A= As fast as I can pedal down a steep hill or 20 mph on the flat using the motor. 3: How far does it go? A= As far as I can pedal it or 30 miles on one charge if I only used the motor , which one never does. 4: Where did you buy it? A = 50cycles in Loughborough 5: How much are they? A= I paid just short of Β£900 but they are dearer now. 6: Can I have a go? A = I'd love to let you but I am running late. Maybe next time. Once those ritual questions have been asked and answered the electric- bicyclist is free to proceed on her or his way..
  18. How kind. There's always a pot of tea and cake here for visitors and once we move to the seaside I reckon we'll have a steady stream of those popping in. The week we were house hunting up there and rented a cottage we hosted three lots of Mrs GMPs chums ' just passing by'. Seaside seems to attract visitors like jam does flies.. Been a while since I was in China. Our school is affiliated to the official PRC QiGong 'authority' so we maintain friendly links. I do enjoy Duck Dynasty but for down home ' getting in touch with my inner redneck' viewing then for me; it's 'Storage Wars' all the way. I love that show.
  19. Here's one we made (up) earlier........ 'Ripleys Believe it or Not' freak show in Blackpool had one of those Tibetan shrunken bodies on display years ago. Concensus being that it was a mummified child. There were complaints made and the unsavoury exhibit was removed to Ripleys Chicago HQ museum. The story made it into the national press here at the time. They were quite a collectors item back in Victorian times. The bizarre is ever novel to a certain class of folks. Thankfully most freak shows have gone the way of bear baiting as a public amusement. Not everywhere apparently.
  20. Yep. MPG was Bluefire. Pretty obvious from how and where he began on TTB and that last post sealed the deal Classic ' wheedle-manipulate- carp' entryism. Sad really. The poor guy must be crushingly lonely as, even his former chums on the Space Cadet Panda appear to have deserted him having, presumably; tired of his endlessly circular vitriol.
  21. Bowling last Saturday we had a jolly rink until tea time. Four on each team so lots of social chat aboutbthebgame and all sorts of other stuff. After tea one of our chaps decided to share his sorrows by tellingnus innhory detail hownhispoor wife had passed from cancer and then onto how, a month later his brother died suddenly and in odd circumstances from a brain haemorrhage. ( He was shouting out from his bedroom window to bemused passers by in the street that was being held captive in his own house, then collapsed and died). Now that kinda put a dampener on the concluding ends of that game and everyone except guy telling the tales came off the green just a bit gloomier than we'd gone onto it after tea. I can see it was cathartic for our chum to share his woes but there's a time and a place.
  22. My No Pain Meditation Seat

    Aye, it's horses for courses really. Everyone has a different pain threshold. I'm not bigging up masochism here but Mindfulness began life in a Pain Management Clinic hence it teaches some useful pain management strategies.
  23. Most efficient way to get into cycles? Bagua?

    Yep. MA was my bag back in the day. There's something for everyone in Bagua. Good book tip.
  24. It's as much cultural as anything else.The spiritual big hitters I mentioned are as bald as peas but if you check out their Orthodox Christian opposite numbers ... ... those beardy coves could be out of Duck Dynasty. Apropos Duck Dynasty, those Robertson men are very hairy yet deeply spiritual in their own way. There are Duck Dynasty devotional books aimed at their particular faith-path market. As for musculature there are those emaciated Buddha statues beloved of the 'no food after 11am' paths on the one hand and on the other we see those maitreya-model fat laughing Buddha statues that the Chinese love. There's a Forest Sangha centre not far from us , they only eat one meal a day and, quite frankly; one of the young English 'convert' chaps there needs a few good hot dinners inside of him He look looks distinctly ill. They are forever advertising for caretaker/cooks in the local newpaper no one seems to stay there long apart from the two ( rather camp) Thai monk guys who own and operate it. Western zennists by comparison are great trenchermen and women, they love a good meal or several. Anyone who has ever driven any distance in the USA with western zennist travelling companions will be no stranger to the inside of Taco Bells and Ponderosa Steak Houses ( all you can eat salad and ice cream bars- free steak if you can prove that it is your birthday). Those Zen dudes out west can't seem to pass a Ponderosa without them calling in.
  25. Let's Talk about Fa Jin(發勁)

    Sounds good. Have to admit a lot of the 'theory' side in Bagua rather went over my head. It was more the external MA that I enjoyed. "Watch it, Train it, Do it" was about as far as I went. Only really got into internal stuff when I came to QiGong later in life.