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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Pictures of rainbow body, footprints in stone

    We're all Buddhas ( potentially). This clip explains.....
  2. Watching The Birds

    Yep sand counts as water in Islam when there's no water about. In the sand Sahara the Tuaregs 'wash' in sand before they pray.
  3. It was only "IMO". I've not drafted any laws. Could would have been ( and now is) possibly better though.... IMO and as an opinion NOT a precept. We could maybe all cultivate, at least some of the time; " for the benefit of others".
  4. Book on trecko, thogal and Dzogchen

    And we're off! Just another day on the Buddha boards.
  5. Pictures of rainbow body, footprints in stone

    Rachel's just fine.
  6. God told me I was an accident.

    Isn't it! Who 'allows' the mistakes? All respect to that belief BTW this is no way me having a pop. I just imagined God being called in by her supervisor for annual review. Supervisor ( S): " OK so you created Earth this year. How do you think that went then? God ( G): " Pretty well overall. The usual ups and downs, you know how it is; but I got it done on time and under budget." (S): " Mmmmm I can see you worked hard and kept in touch with Accounts, good work on that; but there are a coupla problems here that have come to my attention." (G): " Look , if this is going to be about Adam and Eve again I sent you a memo about that issue back in April. Nobody could have foreseen what happened there. They were TOLD FFS! I had signs erected. We even posted a security serpent and then he went rogue." (S): OK I accept things got a little out of hand down there but if you're given a project you're expected to deliver and cover all the little details. (G): " Do I need my union rep in here with me?" (S): Not this time. As that was your first project then I'm drawing a line under those two snafu's but be assured that I shall be taking a close personal interest in your next project down there on Earth. We're calling it 'Religion' and this time NO MISTAKES!" ( G): " You can rely on me boss."
  7. IMO and as an opinion NOT a precept. We could maybe all cultivate, at least some of the time; " for the benefit of others". The western Pure Land Buddhists close by us here cultivate their nembutsu chanting with stated intention before they begin that the nembutsu is offered with the intention that that 'all sentient beings may become Buddhas. That's always struck me as really nice. Not being so ambitious ( nor a Buddhist) I cultivate with intention for those I think might need a 'boost'. If that does no good then it does no harm either.
  8. T.E.N.S. Device

    Mate of mine in India used one and swore by it especially for long flights. I've sometimes wondered how he goes on these days getting it through heightened airport security.
  9. prayer/meditation

    Mindfulness might help. Check that other link in my sig.
  10. The Dark Side of Meditation

    That's fair comment Rex and at least the guy is linking to that useful interview. There's a whiff of 'triumphalism' in some areas of Mindfulness. It has been over hyped as some sort of universal panacea in some places, mainly by publishers in fairness. I am pretty much 'on top' of English Mindfulness books as I am sent review copies. Every Mindfulness 'how to' book carries a limitations and guidelines preface but you'd not always realise that from some of the wilder claims made on the covers of or in advertisements for some works. That's down to the publisher's marketing departments rather than the authors. To an extent also we're suffering right now from Mindfulness being fashionable in the media. ( It's been around since the late 1970s) Hardly a week goes past without some overenthusiastic newspaper or magazine journalist bigging up their experiences on a Mindfulness gig and pitching their articles as if they had discovered the greatest secret ever. That's BS and will lead to an eventual backlash from disappointed participants for whom Mindfulness either hasn't 'worked' at all or has had a detrimental effect. Most Mindfulness cultivators will feel "10% Better" if they stick with it. Some Mindfulness cultivators it simply won't suit at all and not 'work'. A very few will be worse than when they began. Those unfortunates will be the folks who should never have started Mindfulness in the first place. They are likely to have done so via ignoring the 'preface warning' at the beginning of a book / other medium of instruction: or the very clear guidelines that every responsible Mindfulness Coach/ Mentor is trained to issue - and check that those have been understood by all- at the very start of a Mindfulness programme. A minuscule proportion may have fallen into the hands of some self- certificated idiot who has set up offering ' Mindfulness' training without being in possession of any recognised qualification to do so. In the UK ALL Mindfulness coaches/ mentors recognised by our National Health Service to accept referrals from Doctors have a minimum Level 4 fully accredited qualification, they have been assessed, tested, passed and are subject to regular checks on their work and own Continuing Professional Development. After gaining that Level 4 award the Mindfulness Coaches/Mentors are expected to work towards a Level 7 ( Masters Level) accreditation in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy through either Oxford or Bangor Universities.
  11. Who is a Zen teacher?

    Let it all out Jack. Cathartic is good.
  12. In the big scheme of things you're spot on but at our level on this side of life time's experientially linear. Hence, we know when it's dinner time. That's handy. OK time isn't 'really' linear same as the earth isn't flat but it seems to be flat from wherever we're standing. So my spirit chum ( 'died' 1814) inhabits a timeless place but for convenience when dealing with this side of life then she's some lass who 'died' in 1814.
  13. prayer/meditation

    QiGong's yer man buddy. 10 minutes QiGong a day, every day is good for what ails ya. Check out the Baduanjin set via the CHQA link in my sig. There's YouTubes of it too. Enjoy.
  14. The Dark Side of Meditation

    His full colour ad is to the right by the 'article'. It links to his book. Here...... His website complete with Paypal 'Donate' button is here... ( Give generously) HTH I've no issue with what Michael Stone and that neuroscientist are saying in the clip which he's lifted from elsewhere. That's sound sense. But friend 'Peregrin' isn't saying what's being said in that interview at all he's using the clip as a 'hook' to snare buyers. Could you imagine either Michael Stone or a tenured neuroscientist ever endorsing Peregrin's book?
  15. Bums Average Age

    MtoF trans people are prescribed progesterone. It develops their bosom. We sometimes had patients undertaking the change back when I was nursing. I'd be careful about following Mark's advised regimen.
  16. +1 Could have been something from a previous life that put you off 'liking ' it MH. Seriously though, in Spiritualism reincarnation is totally voluntary so those who accept the idea of it on this side of life are 'right' as are those who don't accept it. One lot comes back, the other lot don't. Job jobbed and everybody's happy. Well not every 'body' obviously because the ones who don't reincarnate are spirit people so don't need a body as such.
  17. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    Just when we thought it was safe to go back into the water...this.... "Canadian Legislative Bijuralism: An expression of Legal Duality" There just HAD to be one somewhere!
  18. "Yep and what if they do and you just watch and take notice? What if it is important for that individual to experience suicide?" ...................... "In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke).
  19. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    Beat me to it MH. You can't have a " Law" ( scientistic) of duality nor a law ( legislation) for duality either. We can talk about duality until the cows come home but in real terms we are just whistling in the dark. Duality is one of those slippery labels that depends upon its various and varied interpreters for context definitely but 'meaning' never. My 'opposite' of my contexted 'duality' ( the labels I'd generally use) = " Is-ness" and that term is as empty of meaning as is the term 'duality' in my context or any other. One of the ironies on some faith paths being that without the negative 'duality' there is nothing against which to define and compare what it is that faith path claims to be 'true'. " We are not 'that' hence we are 'this'." seems strange dogmatics to me but each to his own. Taoism neatly sidesteps the endless circular 'dual/not dual' merry-go-round by recognising that " All is Tao and there's Yin n Yang in everything - in every direction. - all the way."
  20. Does Enlightenment have a plethora of meanings?

    "What do you consider the Christian mystic "me story?" How about Julian of Norwich..... "And in this he showed me something small, no bigger than a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand. In this little thing I saw three properties. The first is that God made it, the second is that God loves it, the third is that God preserves it. But what did I see in it? It is that God is the creator and protector and the lover. For until I am substantially united to him, I can never have perfect rest or true happiness, until, that is, I am so attached to him that there can be no created thing between my God and me." She was the first woman to have a book published in English. Anchoress she was who lived in a hermitage next to a church in Norwich ( church and cell are still there albeit rebuilt after being bombed in WW2 ) Her cell had a window out onto a marketplace so she was quite a sociable hermit.
  21. The High Indifference

    Yep that'll work.
  22. Pictures of rainbow body, footprints in stone

    Sad news. May the earth rest light on her bones. We were only discussing the Olds last month on here.