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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Poll about jewelry :)

    Twice the diameter for women than men. HTH
  2. Black Indigenous Malaysians embody Anarcho-Taoism

    Yep. Plus we need to walk a mile in somebody else's Chinese-made plastic flip flops before ever we critique their footwear choices. I can't wear those flip flops that have a pillar between the big toe and next toe. In India we called those 'safety boots' as most site workers wore them to work.
  3. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    There ya go...,+the+wonder+of+birth,+%22&source=bl&ots=7gXp25VsJM&sig=TP7t4FdT7O45KLAgj9366sO2wWo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Bo66U7y9OuqN7QbJ-4GIBQ&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22my%20essence.%20Nothing%20exists%20that%20is%20not%20my%20essence%20because%20I%20am%20the%20universal%20root%3A%20there%20is%20nothing%20that%20is%20not%20contained%20in%20me.%20The%20unborn%2C%20the%20wonder%20of%20birth%2C%20%22&f=false
  4. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Seems to me that it depends on which Dzogchen interpreter one favours as to the message that's transmitted. Polysyllabics aside if one of your Dzogchen boosters is saying that there's some sort of compartmentalisation going on and that 'this here' is distinct and separate from 'that there' then , with respect that dude is pulling our malas.
  5. Black Indigenous Malaysians embody Anarcho-Taoism

    They are wearing plastic Chinese-manufacture-looking flip flop sandals and those fabrics were never woven on a hand loom either. Wherever you choose to travel and howsoever remote the 'tribe', rest assured that the market economy arrived long before you did.
  6. Roots... aka toes

    Celtic. I've seen that before. Any podiatrist or reflexologist will tell you that "the feet are the windows to the soul." Their shoes are the first 'tell' and the feet give you most of the rest. A nice trick for QiGong or TaiChi teachers if ever you want to get a gasp of amazed... .. "How did s/he know I was doing that?"... from a class of new students is to say - two minutes into a set and in a commanding voice.... " Stop gripping the ground with your toes!" Works every time.
  7. Druids. Who knew? Druids always seemed a pretty sussed faith path IMO. One service a year at Stonehenge ( admittedly they have to get up early for that) plus their Welsh Eistedfodd that seemed to be it. The last Achbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is a practising Druid too and he was a busy lad with the Archbishoping gigs so the Druid stuff could not have cut into his time overmuch. Lazy person's faith path, thought I. Who knew they had such a complex 'theology'? I have decided to 'pass' on Druidry.
  8. Yes im not the only tao bum!

    You'll fit right in here. Welcome.
  9. Bums Average Age

    In dog years we are all far older than that Poll suggests. Alice our cocker here was born in 2010 but she's 28 in dog years. Mr Leo the cocker is 84 in dog and can still easily do what many men could not do even when youths but would have done if they could have done. ( Catch a flying frisbee in his teeth).
  10. PPF behavior and rules

    ((((Sob)))) I admit everything. It was The Devil told me to do it! Where do you want me to sign?
  11. Druids. Who knew?

    +1 Spain's similar. Every other waiter out there seems to be called Jesus. It's a nice story anyhoo Mr J being in Glastonbury and it does local tourism no harm at all. Maybe it's not so important whether or not he existed or ever came to England with his ole Uncle Joe as it is that people then and now seem to like imagining that he might have. My take for what it's worth is that Glastonbury was a pagan site well before Christianity arrived here. When the first Christians turned up they sort of attached a bit of Jesus narrative to the place in order to put their own stamp on it. The parish church in the village near us is 10th Century Saxon but it replaced a older wattle church and that was put up on a much older burial mound type feature. That happened a lot round these parts
  12. idiots on the road to enlightenment

    Tienes ese derecho!
  13. Just as an aside. Anyone who thinks that MoPai is a tad contentious has yet to discover the inter-school fractiousness around commercial Bagua. Here's a nice article from the BlackTaoist site and that quote in the last paragraph, to me; is 'statesmanlike'.
  14. Real Compassion

    Yeah I got that. It was that 'ego burst' impression of Andrei's post that I was responding too. Not in any way to have a pop at Andrei but to point towards that free little booklet that sets out Tony's ("non-")-position pretty well IMO. Tony Parsons is one of the good guys and we'd all of us travel a long ways to meet a less 'egoic' person.
  15. PPF behavior and rules

    WTF happened? How come BKA is wanting to leave TTB? She's an asset.
  16. False accusations

    Please don't go.
  17. Real Compassion

    Andrei. Tony Parsons isn't saying that he is giving a message. He is saying that there is no message nor anyone to give it. Little booklet here explains .... Hope that helps.
  18. idiots on the road to enlightenment

    Gotta have light n shade. One presumes the other.
  19. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Not an Osho fan then eh TI? It's all words buddy. Only difference between Osho's verbose meanderings and those 'holy scriptures' we see bandied about on here with such gay abandon is that we can all see Osho pontificating on YouTube. Consequently there's less room for some second or three hundred and thirty-third-hand dude passing off what " Osho really said" in a book, sutra, "magical" siddha nor any other media. Believers gotta believe. Seekers seek. Twas ever thus.
  20. Tom Bisio's Bagua Concepts DVDs are excellent IMO. Ad here.....
  21. Bums Average Age

    Yay. 60+ Boomers rule. ( So far).
  22. Druids. Who knew?

    For sure. William Blake's hymn ' Jerusalem' is our unofficial National Anthem and is all about Mr J ( before he became famous) maybe visiting England with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea. JofA planted his staff on a hill near Glastonbury and you can still see the bush that grew from it today. ( If you believe the tourist board). You'll find tons of books and media out there about that subject. Here's one... Enjoy.
  23. TaiChi I struggle with as I have two left feet a poor memory for moves and very little physical coordination. QiGong however I can do and believe it keeps me hale and hearty.
  24. What made you laugh

    Batman Chooses His Voice.
  25. Random thought about Dao that can not be spoken

    "Krphxyzwlps" Is what they are 'saying'. I can't make the image any larger.