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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What would you ask a master?

    Just a suggestion here. Stir a spoonful of sugar into the water. That'll sweeten it.
  2. Sufism/Islam and entheogens

    Dunno about anyone else but I never open links that come without at least some explanation as to content. There are some sick puppies out there. Not you buddy but just sayin' is all. Say 'what it is' and more folks will possibly take a looksee. HTH
  3. Can stillness medical system cure these illnesses?

    Not quite. Healing is healing. It's not constrained by a medical paradigm. If you are ill, cultivate for healing and follow a multi-agency approach ( including medical professionals) in hope of a 'cure'. Anger cannot be cured but an angry person may be healed. No more anger.
  4. I suspect this might turn into another of those 'shady' woman bashing threads if we let it, but in hopes that it doesn't then here goes.... There's Yin and Yang in everything and everybody. You cannot sub divide anything or anyone howsoever small or finely that Yin and Yang still do not co-exist therein. Co-equally dancing. It's all Tao. Light n Shade brother Lataif. One presumes the other, neither can exist independent of the other. It's all 'is-ness' ( Tao) all the way down, plus the other nine directions too. Free diagnosis for you bro. ( Forgive the intuited presumption but I'm a Doctor). Imbalance is causing unhappiness. Try cultivating MCO. It'll do ya good.
  5. Death, Dying and Next---- Thoughts & Speculations

    Cultivation 101. "Is-ness" Which is... Being in and relishing the eternal 'now'. That's where the infinite 'is'. The past has gone and the future's fictional. All there is 'is' now. It's pretty easy to be in the 'now'. Cos we're already here. Just sit. Follow your breath and bring wayward thoughts to settle by returning to your breathing when those thoughts try to entice you away. MoPai's probably as good a cultivation as any but do it 'now'. And all good wishes for every success.
  6. Can stillness medical system cure these illnesses?

    Healing isn't the same thing as 'curing'. All cultivation done with right intent can bring about healing. Cures are trickier though. You need a 'multi-agency' approach for cures and, as we all know; sometimes that does not work - despite everyone's best efforts.
  7. That Dark Side stuff

    That lady is NOT happy in her own body. Not happy at all. Poor soul.
  8. Death, Dying and Next---- Thoughts & Speculations

    We'll all know for sure eventually. Coming at it from the more optimistic ( spiritualist) end of the spectrum. The old time Spiritualist motto was... " There is no death. There are no dead." We're all of us eternal spirits temporarily occupying our current bodies. This side of life is like the tip of an iceberg, far less than the whole thing. It just seems to be the 'whole thing' to some folks. They're wrong. Everybody goes across to the other side of life when they leave the body. Some get a bit 'stuck' here hence some types of 'ghosts' but, in due course everyone gets across one way or another. There's chance, time and opportunity there to reflect on lessons learnt and distance travelled last time around. Those who choose to can reincarnate if there's more to be learnt. Those who choose not to reincarnate don't. Some like to stick around 'over there' and help friends and loved ones still on this side of life. Once each individual's loved ones are all across on the other side of life that's when you tend to get an exodus of folks reincarnating. Everybody likes a change eventually. We call the other side the ' Summerland' but labels mean nothing. Others call it 'Heaven' or 'Valhalla' or 'Western Paradise' or whatever they're used to calling it. Thing is whatever they did imagine it to be like on the other side of life. It's far better because the possibilities aren't limited by limited human inderstanding nor constrained by verbal based language to describe them. "Numinous-Transcendent" is as close I can get, and that's nowhere near close enough. There's no such places as 'Hell' nor "Purgatory" nor " Bardo-as-purgatorial" or similar. All that BS is an invention of 'woo for money' paid priests and religious professionals who have a vested interest in keeping the punters fearful in order to maintain their own cushy sinecures. Hope that helps.
  9. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    It's an on topic point too. Back in the old days we had more bosses who seemed to feel threatened by staff who showed initiative or were ambitious for promotion ( I am a teacher). All our managers were promoted teachers and career teachers aren't necessarily good workplace managers of adults. A few years ago they began recruiting trained managers who hadn't been teachers. Management was their career. Those are the best kind, they get job done.
  10. TTB's had a mention on Amazon. Please "like" the review ( if you like it).
  11. Sitting meditation: for how long do you sit?

    20-minutes ( on a timer), once a day on workdays. Twice a day ( usually but not always) on weekends and during work holidays.
  12. TTB on Amazon please " like" a review

    Braces we calls 'em. Suspenders is what they're called in the USA. Wide black elastic jobs. Stop my pants from heading south. When did it ever get to that stage where the only place to buy decent braces is America and the only decent braces from there only remain in production cos the Amish still buy them? If ever the Amish decide to 'modernise' then I'll have to buy tighter trousers. Everything is 'joined up' in this world and no mistake. Bit like that tornado-butterfly effect.
  13. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    All bosses are OK. Right up to, but seldom beyond the point; where they say " No". We've had some real doozies in the past. Recently not so bad or maybe I'm just mellowing.
  14. Non-duality in the Dao De Jing

    That's maybe a good thing.In the context of that TTC verse. For example, moving from cognate knowing to 'is-ness' via cultivation. OK that's a dualistic 'before and after' call - on paper - but maybe not so much in practice .... maybe.
  15. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    One time a detested boss tripped over her cat at home and was off work with a broken leg. Her staff sent a Thank You card , to the cat. The same staffroom often speculated on what the final words of that hated boss should be and someone came up with her gasping... " Take your foot off my oxygen tube." To which the consensus response was... " No!"
  16. Non-duality in the Dao De Jing

    Merel - Ch.47.1 "Without taking a step outdoors You know the whole world; Without taking a peep out the window You know the colour of the sky. The more you experience, The less you know." Henricks has that as... 1. No need to leave your door to know the whole world; 2. No need to peer through your windows to know the Way of Heaven. 3. The farther you go, the less you know. That said though, isn't any duality, or lack of it; more 'in' us than ever it is anywhere in the TTC? What is read presumes a reader and each reader makes her or his own meanings in and from any text.
  17. Our Pure Land cousins attain to Western Paradise simply by cultivating Nembutsu. That's it. Anybody can do that and IMO it's good 'insurance'. Spiritualists all get to summerland 'like it or not'. No cultivation required, far as we're concerned everyone gets to summerland and carries on learning. Onwards and upwards. They do say there's walled off compounds up there so that the fundie Christians , Moslems and suchlike 'chosen people' can believe they're the only ones who've 'made it'. Maybe there's a special compound for MoPai folks. Thing is Ken, if only Level 30+ MoPai dudes can make the grade then everyone else is screwed because the MoPai don't recognise anybody but MoPai 'as' MoPai. Seems a bit off for some westerner to cultivate MoPai for years following one of the systems 'leaked' to the west, do really well at it and then arrive in the afterlife only to be told... " Feck off, you're neither Chinese nor a MoPai member so you aint coming in." I doubt that's going to happen though. There's room for all on the other side of life. Where else would we go? "Hell" is just a boogie to frighten the gullible into putting more money into the collection box and keep the priests et al in business.
  18. That's quite a gloomy view Ken and not supported by the MoPai literature 'out there'. Think about it. ' John Chang's' teacher in spirit chatted to John Chang. The teacher wasn't in some awful place. He was, and possibly still is ( unless he's decided to reincarnate) in 'summerland' or 'heaven' or ' western paradise' or ' call it whatever you like'. The place we continue to when we leave this body is as pleasant, or unpleasant; as we have built it to be during our time on this side of life. Even the absolute stinkers from this side of life have the opportunity to reflect, learn and improve prior to either settling down over there or coming back for another go on the roundabout 'down' here. The only 'punishment' anyone has is self recrimination and that's a starting point for improvement. Are you maybe just a tad depressed Ken? You come across as being less than happy. Maybe good to talk to someone real rather than here online.
  19. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    Feeling guilty are we? Otherwise why seek to justify?
  20. There is doubt aplenty on this thread along with claim and counterclaim. It's all very polite though and that's almost a first for a MoPai thread on TTB so kudos to everyone who has posted here so far. The only MoPai text that all parties are agreed is valid is the one from Jim now on SoTg's useful site. We don't know if our friend from Indonesia is who or what he claims to be nor has he posted anything that might support his position. Saying... " I am this so DON'T do that!" is not evidence, it's a post. Nothing wrong with the post but nevertheless we can't reasonably treat with it as we've not the documentary evidence to guide our thoughts one way or the other. Anyone who wishes to see and discuss the ONLY published information on MoPai levels can do so at SOTG's site. There is factual, textual, tangible evidence, we can see it and discuss it for what it contains. Whether or not it 'should' be available or not is a moot point because the information IS available. The cat being now out of the bag, all can discuss the cat, or not; as they see fit. Shouting "Go away cat!" at a cat never works. The same applies to Jim's text on SoTG's forum, it is there, we can see it. Job done and 'well done' to SoTG for publishing it. Edited by GrandmasterP, Today, 02:37 PM.
  21. What can feminism do for men?

    Hijras in India, they get a living.It's taboo for women to dance and sing for entertainment in village society but OK for Hijras. It's no sort of wedding feast without a troupe of Hijras dancing, singing and invoking blessings on the happy couple. They're an ancient MtoF TS cult and they use fishing line. Tied tight enough and left in place long enough eventually nature takes its course and they hold a 'birthday' party ( just don't look in the 'gift' bag on the buffet table). The 'Mah' ( head Hijra for the troupe) does the necessary. Those dudes really know the meaning of religious sacrifice. Here's one...
  22. What can feminism do for men?

    Hijras in India, they get a living. It's no sort of wedding feast without a troupe of Hijras dancing, singing and invoking blessings on the happy couple. They're an ancient MtoF TS cult and they use fishing line. Tied tight enough and left in place long enough eventually nature takes its course and they hold a 'birthday' party ( just don't look in the 'gift' bag on the buffet table). The 'Mah' ( head Hijra for the troupe) does the necessary. Those dudes really know the meaning of religious sacrifice.
  23. Mantak Chia & Iron Shirt 3 (Bone Marrow Washing)

    Best avoided is Mantak Chia's stuff IMO. Very 'harsh' , somewhat crude cultivation and, potentially; could do more harm than good. It seems to be marketed towards appealing to men of a certain type. There's better, safer and a lot less expensive cultivations on offer elsewhere.
  24. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Dolly Parton closed the Glastonbury Festival yesterday. Fabulous set. She played the Benny Hill theme on a sax during her act. Crowd loved it.
  25. Keanu Reeves, Immortal

    VOKADOR has been published. It's all there on Son of The God's website. The whole Dakinis shebang. All 108 Chapters, anyone can read it. Chapter ( Level) 108 ....."Have fun using bilocation." should, allegedly; only be attempted by those in possession of a permission slip signed by More Pie Guy and bearing the official lineage seal of the Space Cadet Panda sangha.