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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What can masculinism do for women?

    +1 I enjoy Duck Dynasty on TV. I also enjoy some shows featuring camp gay men. Those Robertson men in Duck Dynasty are mens' men in a rather old fashioned sense. Husky outdoorsy guys. The camp gay guys are men too. It's all good. One thing that's not so good though is that maybe an out gay and camp man might not feel so 'at home' in West Monroe ( home of Duck Dynasty). Not to generalise nor accuse West Monroe or Duck Dynasty of homophobia ( I've never seen any on there) just to say that we've still a road to travel for true equity when all sorts of women and men can feel 'at home' anywhere in the world.
  2. What can masculinism do for women?

    It is. Along the lines of 'feminisms' in a way. How people perform feminisms or masculinities will vary according to that person, their background, interests, all sorts of factors. Hence it's next to impossible to generalise around a 'catch all' label like 'feminism' or 'masculinity'. That's what Whitehead says on masculinities and, elsewhere his Keele colleague Prof Miriam David ( a first wave feminist) has to say about 'feminisms'.
  3. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    After a while the alkies tended to get better anyway in secure psychiatric hospitals There was no booze allowed so after a pretty horrible first month or two given regular meals, plenty of rest, no booze plus treatment Then they were good to go. So they'd be discharged and generally a few months later they'd be back in again having fallen off the wagon.
  4. PPF = Personal Practice Forum You can get one of those on here by asking the Mods. Check them out. Some really good stuff in there and all very polite.
  5. What can masculinism do for women?

    "Male power; patriarchy; management and organizations; sexualities; gay friendships; sport; intimacy; identity; hegemonic masculinity; violence; schooling; language; homophobia; Black, Latino and Chicano masculinities; families; media; postmodernism; and subjectivity." ( Blurb from Masculinities Reader). It's a big area is masculinities.
  6. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Humour is a funny thing isn't it? I wonder how well Mr Carlin or Lenny Bruce ( for two examples) went over with middle or mainstream Americans? Pre- Python here we had the Cambridge Footlights Review and that humour only really worked with people who had been to university. Us working class oiks were laughing at 'Carry On' movies and Benny Hill. The 'posh' stuff we simply did not 'get' as being funny.
  7. Thing is though TTB is seen as a safe place whereas those other sites who knows who one would be giving information to by signing up? Space Panda is full of abuse of the nastiest sort and the Space Panda 'types' also seem to have a hand in the other MoPai related fora out there. I'd never sign up to anything along those lines and very few seem to do beyond the usual suspects.
  8. What can masculinism do for women?

    Stephen Whitehead is the 'go to' guy for masculinities... Thoroughly super excellent chap. He was a Prof at Keele University who went off and ordained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand. He's still out there and cultivating as a married layman now. Once had him ( pre-monk days) in to give a talk to some undergraduates. Just about the most interesting speaker we ever had. Top chap, very interesting views on masculinities too.
  9. What are your goals?

    +1 In much the same way that 'emptiness' is very 'full'..... True 'stillness' is incredibly dynamic.
  10. shaking from/in the dantian

    There's definitely a moon influence on cultivation and much else. One forum I visit goes bat shit crazy around every full moon.
  11. Another advantage of a MoPai 'how to' thread might be that nay sayers would have less to say nay about. If it was seen to be working then that could only be for the good. Also if anyone came up with some non standard spurious stuff then the thread owner could call 'foul' on it. You'd have to have someone acceptable to all as a recognised teacher. Ken or Leo maybe, they are genuine dudes IMO.
  12. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    Back when I was nursing we used to have to administer Vitamin B Complex injections. Usually those were prescribed for alcoholics drying out. It was a tough injection to give, the complex was in two phials and very thick so you had to stand the phials in warm water before drawing the contents of both into one big syringe. Marvellous stuff though. A patient could be really under the weather and shaking like a leaf before the injection but five- minutes after the injection it was as though they had a new lease of life. Until it wore off.
  13. How and why do babies lose belly breath ?

    When they begin toddling then walking maybe?Before that happens babies are pretty much in a good cultivating position all the time either sitting or lying down. Just a guess there, I really don't know for sure..
  14. How about a MoPai cultivator PPF with all the skinny on there for each level? If some troll appeared then the thread 'owner' and anyone else so inclined could just 'Ignore' that person. Might that work?
  15. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    We did indeed. And a guy called Tony Hancock and he was truly dire. Thing is with 'stand up' it's all very safe. Get people laughing at and about 'serious' issues and those issues are somehow tamed. It's cool to be flippant.
  16. I dunno. These guys are pretty sure that what they do have is the real deal. " The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Hence if there was a group cultivating rather than some guys posting about cultivating then there'd be something tangible to see and to assess. Right now all we have is words rather than deeds.
  17. Grrrrrr. I was hoping for commission! As any fule knoe. ' John Chang's' real name is... Mo R. Pieguy. ( The 'R' stands for Rant)
  18. What our eyes see isn't real. Nor are our eyes. Who is it who is seeing?
  19. A thread for everyone interested in retention/celibacy

    @ BKA..... I have read your words and they are true indistinct from the deepest truths at first we mistake this magic gem as rubble then suddenly we see it as a jewel ignorance and wisdom aren't different the ten thousand dharmas are simply so but for those who cling to dualistic views I take out my brush and write down these words "Don't see yourself as anything but a buddha." Why search for a place where nothing at all remains? ( Hui k'o in Hsukaosengchuan: 16).
  20. Ken you should set up and maybe market those three levels. Going off the online interest in MoPai that's gotta be a sure fire winner.
  21. A thread for everyone interested in retention/celibacy

    That whole.. " I do this in order to become thus." ( Or in retention's case)... "I DON'T do this in order to become thus." Popular schtick for sure, and it always sells well; but at bottom it's pure duality.
  22. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Awful man. And people paid to listen to him! Only in America eh?
  23. FIFA World Cup 2014

    England got knocked out? There's a surprise. 1966 I think was the last time England won that cup.
  24. A thread for everyone interested in retention/celibacy

    Fair comment juliank. I just call 'em as I see 'em and these retention booster lads online mostly conform to a type. Very tetchy.