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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. "go and sin no more"

    Yeah me too. I lost that geocentrism riff on the edit..
  2. Hermetic and Occult - Change?

    Noooooo! Christian section should remain where it belongs, with the Occult. Hermetic section could be sealed for all the interest I have in it, but some enjoy it. I visit another site that has a 'secret societies' section wherein everybody talks knowledgeably about what secret societies get up to. I suggested that its should be renamed the " Not very secret societies" section.
  3. Exam Board tomorrow

    One never becomes board, posting on TTB.
  4. A lot of questions

  5. Words of My Perfect Teacher

    He was a dog?
  6. Gods created out of Fear

    True story. One of my work colleagues introduced a friend of his to a hated manager at a faculty party with the following words... " Meet my friend Tony Shit. You know his brother Jack."
  7. This guy sounds enlightened to me.

    Yep, ya gotta be bald to gain enlightenment. That's the law.
  8. "go and sin no more"

    Shot in the dark here guys... Summary of what John of Patmos wrote in Revelation...( for one example)... Chapter 6 In this chapter, the lamb opens the first six seals on the scroll, one by one. Heres what happens at each breaking: 1. A conqueror on a white horse appears, and gallops off to do some conquering. 2. A man on a red horse appears. He is able to take peace from the earth and make people kill each other. 3. A man on a black horse appears. He has a scale in his hands. The four animals with eyes all over their bodies make a rather Python-esque remark about the cost of a days wages and being careful not to damage the oil and wine. 4. Death appears on a pale horse, with Hades behind him. The four horsemen are now complete. Death is given a quarter of the earth to kill via the sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts. 5. All those who died for their beliefs appear beneath the altar, seeking vengeance. Theyre told to wait just a little longer. 6. All hell breaks loose. The sun turns black, the moon turns red, the stars fall to the earth, mountains and islands are removed. Everyone hides in caves in the mountains and bemoans the impending wrath of God. Summary of what John of Patmos meant to write there.... " I had some more of those tasty little mushrooms for my supper last night."
  9. Exam Board tomorrow

    That's a plank not a board BTW. Plank -n- a long, flat piece of timber, thicker than a board. Board -n- a piece of wood sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness. Just for sparkle... Floor 'boards' are planks.
  10. +1 BKA. It's like driving a car. At first a learner driver has to think about everything all the time Eventually given continuous practice we develop 'unconscious competence' at car driving. Same thing goes for cultivation nobody can be ' adept' at very much at all without disciplined regular practice.
  11. Exam Board tomorrow

    All students passed successfully. Huzzah! That's me done with work apart from a meeting or two until Monday 1st September. Let the summer commence.
  12. Words of My Perfect Teacher

    Us old Osho Sannyasins took 'insincere' as a given. Our dude revelled in insincerity. Osho was truly sincere about being insincere. Maybe that 'insincere' Lama there was working some powerful transmission but some sitters kinda missed the point. "What works - works , for whom it works."
  13. What can feminism do for men?

    Way back when word processors came out I was down in the reception area of the college where I then taught. Deliver guy came with a big box and asks the security dude to sign for it and where should it go to. " What is it?" asks the security dude. " Some sort of typewriter with a TV attached." Says the delivery guy. " Ah then that'll be for the commercial typing class." says the security dude. Hence subsequent deliveries of word processor kit all went to the commercial and typing faculty rather than into the college offices where they were supposed to be delivered. The typist teachers refused to give up the kit hence for a year or so we had typists being trained on the latest electronic kit who, if they landed a job in the college offices found themselves using paper, pen and old fashioned typewriters. And... To bring these two themes together feminism and typewriters. 100% of the faculty and 100% of the students in 'commercial and typing' were women and nobody back then thought that there was anything wrong with that. How times have changed, and for the better IMO.
  14. I'm no MoPai booster lads but Ken has as much right to boost his chosen path on here as any of us have to boost ours. I don't think that it serves any purpose having a pop at Ken as sometimes seems to happen and if Ken is feeling constrained then that's less than fair. Ken's always been very polite in boosting his corner IMO. I don't agree with a lot of what Ken says but I do think he has as much right to free speech ( within forum rules) without being 'shot at' as the rest of us enjoy.
  15. Words of My Perfect Teacher

    In my job that's seldom a good idea 'officially'. If we get a Grade 1 " Outstanding" when the Ofsted ( Government Education Inspectors in England) come to call then one tends to find the diary filled up by management with additional gigs ( for no extra pay) along the lines of " How I got my Grade 1". Such gigs tend not to endear one to ones colleagues ( nobody likes a clever clogs) nor oneself as anyone doing extra work for the same pay tends to feel like a bit of a fool. GMP's Rule of thumb for lecturers ... Give it 100% every session except when being officially observed then rein it in just a tad. Get a Grade 2 and you're 'improving' get a Grade 1 and where next? ( Extra work is 'where').
  16. "go and sin no more"

    John the Revelator was possibly an embittered exile and Revelation a biting satire on the Roman hegemony that exiled him to Patmos. All that Beast and Harlot and such like could well be old John taking a swipe at the Roman occupiers. That theory IMO makes as much, if not slightly more; sense than some of the wilder eschatologies built on and around Revelations.
  17. martial artists in the real world?

    I just meant that in a down n dirty rumble a MMA fighter is likely to beat any MA purist. Thing is with MA we train for and expect similar things within the style and fight other players of the same style. Your MMA dude is coming into the contest with a wider 'menu' of techniques, some of which the MA purist isn't anticipating or at least, not anticipating fast enough.
  18. "go and sin no more"

    Old gag... And Jesus said... " Let any amongst you who is without sin cast the first stone." Silence. Then, suddenly; a single rock flew from the back of the crowd narrowly missing the poor woman's head. Jesus scanned the crowd tetchily and then called out... "That was NOT meant as an invitation mother!"
  19. What can feminism do for men?

    Yep and I totally agree with you there Tyler Zamboni.
  20. Which 'Neigong Forum' Banner Is Best...?

    Just trying' to be helpful is all. That's a factoid about The Simpsons BTW
  21. This guy sounds enlightened to me.

    Thank Gods! I thought it was just me seeing things. Bless you guys.
  22. Words of My Perfect Teacher

    Fair comment. I posted a link elsewhere on here a week or so ago to a Dzogchen lama talking about Pure Land cultivation. That was pretty good. "Perfect" though... That's a big ask of anyone IMO.
  23. What can feminism do for men?

    ' Baby' Brother Manual Portable typewriter here. It was super reliable, had it serviced just once in twenty- some years. Always used one of those correction strip ribbons to overtype my many typos. I lugged that baby everywhere right up until laptops came in. When they did that was akin to the invention of moveable type. A real gamechanger.