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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Gods created out of Fear

    Who is observing this 'now'?
  2. Q: How many zennists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Lotus unfolds under moon.
  3. HELP!

    Ah Lewisham. Gateway to the East. Sounds as if you are on the mend Cap. Fake it 'til ya make it bro. All strength to you.
  4. Meditation....

    If ever he decides to sell his place he'll need to redecorate to get that 'kerb appeal' in order to attract buyers.
  5. Perennial Question: Nature of Yin/Yang . . .

    No matter which way we slice it nor how finely there's still Yin and Yang, indivisible and co- existent. In everything and all parts of everything, Yin and Yang continuously dance. All is Tao.
  6. Seaside here we come

    Off to a cabin by the sea early tomorrow morning. No phone, no electricity, no internet. Lots of books packed along with the essentials ( in no particular order) Kite. Surf Board. Dog food. Frisbees. People food. Sun cream ( I am an optimist). Rainwear ( Mrs GMP is a realist). Be good guys and I'll see you all in a week's time.
  7. Computer codes found in fabric of reality!

    That link won't post.. Go to wiki and paste in... Adinkra symbols (physics) Or try this one.....
  8. Computer codes found in fabric of reality!

    Gates is a Superstring boffin. He was on a science documentary on BBC TV here a while ago, amazing guy. Check out these symbols, from his research.... Link won't paste... See post below..... Pretty familiar eh?
  9. The special scent - what is it?

    Lilies ( apparently).... "Hail, Sovereign Lady, lily whose sweet scent perfumes the faithful; fragrant incense and myrrh of great price." ( Hesychast Mantra)
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Put it back! Good to see ya back Cap.
  11. what's the coolest/oddest thing you've ever found?

    A tiger in a touristic 'tiger sanctuary' up in India's Western Ghats. They only had the one tiger so I was lucky to find it. It sat up like a dog begging and waved a paw in a friendly fashion as we passed. I found out later that the regular tiger had recently deceased so the centre had borrowed one from a circus.
  12. Fresh hotdog A customer bites in The sound of mustard
  13. Gods created out of Fear

    Caveat on that review albeit I have the book on order. It's the first and, so far; only review on Amazon UK and awards five stars. Call me Sally Cynical - and I'm not implying this review is such - but IMO the first four five star reviews of books on Amazon tend to be penned by ( and in no particular order)... 1: The Author. 2: The Author's Literary Agent. 3: The Author's old mum of significant other. 4: The Author's cat ( using a pseudonym and/or ghost writer).
  14. Gods created out of Fear Barbara Ehreneich's an old school atheist of sorts but her new book 'Living with a Wild God' could have been written by an old school Taoist. Part of the review here.... "The other focus of interest is the possible meaning of her "uncanny" experiences, one of which, at Lone Pine, California, in 1959, was particularly intense and upsetting. These experiences she sees as almost beyond language, and even as she tries to put them into words, she's always warning against both her own wording and the wording that religious believers and psychologists might be tempted to use about them. Her final two chapters are meditations on these experiences, and they invite the reader to consider the possibility of a "life" in the universe that is beyond categorization and that she is pretty sure the categories of monotheistic religions just don't "get." She is talking here not of what she believes -- "I believe nothing," she says -- but of what might possibly be believable. The actual experiences of religious mystics like Meister Eckhart, the ongoing examinations of consciousness and possible intentionality in animals, and the parasitic and symbiotic relationships of micro-organisms with hosts are all adduced, not to "explain" what happened to the young Barbara but to remind us that there are forms of life, relationship, and consciousness that we would do well to keep an open mind about. I found the book compelling in its storytelling and intriguing in its implications -- I couldn't put it down."
  15. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    For sure. I once heard a convention centre full of Pentecostalist ladies all singing in tongues. Beautiful it was.
  16. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    And you are the arbiter of that are you Antares? Grow up lad.
  17. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Oh man, this shit again! Get over it FFS. If someone is happy with their teacher that's super. If they love and admire their teacher's lineage that's super-excellent too. How many though pitch up at Bagua 101 or anywhere else knowing the first thing about lineage and how many who stick with the programme give a toss? Very few indeed. The only time ever I see lineage bandied about online is some twonk banging on about how his ( it's always a guy bragging) teacher's lineage is so much better than someone else's teacher's lineage. Now that is the purest of BS as anyone with even half a brain knows. Anyone remotely interested in lineage as a study area definitely does NOT diss any lineage at all. We respectfully acknowledge all lineages and lineage holders along with their students. That is common good manners. One also recognises that there are perfectly valid cultivations and teachers outside of traditional lineages. Look no further than my sig for one and it's the only one officially tolerated in China where most of 'our' stuff came from in the first place. Lineage should never be an issue. If something suits you and works for you then go with it and have the basic common sense to realise that what suits one person does not necessarily suit another, hence all the choices on offer. This almost constant carping on about how someone's lineage can beat up someone else's lineage is akin to a pre school kid shouting insults at another kid across the nursery playground.
  18. A Zen master once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't.
  19. Mudras

    I was taught and use 'cosmic mudra' for cushion sitting meditation. Right hand under left, thumbs arched and almost, but not quite touching. (Left hand under right if you are left handed). For chair sitting meditation hands resting on thighs palms up, each thumb making a circle with first finger and other fingers slightly splayed. There's no magic in mudras ( nor much else for that matter) they just give one something to do with the hands and then forget about the hands.
  20. A Wild Clown Ninja Appears

    That guy in the clip over on page 1 has fantastic stability. You could near enough draw a straight line through from his head to either one of his feet or straight down and central into the ground no matter what shape he was pulling. Super clip and a pleasure to watch, thanks for posting it Nungali.
  21. Anarchy - A Way of Living

    Good call MH. Organised anarchy is the pits in my experience. When I taught in London back in the old ' Peoples Republic of the Inner London Education Authority' days under Ken Livingstone's uber socialist political administration of the capital my union was an anarchist stronghold and Black Flag was the newspaper of choice on sale at all union branch meetings. It was a great paper, really cut through the BS of local government ( which for Greater London was really BIG government), we had a bigger regional economy than any entire country in Europe barring the UK, France and Germany The problem with the anarchist 'leadership' in our union and likewise the editorial board at Black Flag, some of whom were professional colleagues and union comrades; was that they were forever falling out amongst themselves over political minutiae. That led to splits. Anecdotally the Black Flag debacle inspired the Judaean Peoples' Front skits in the movie Monty Python Life of Brian. Endless schism and splitting into ever smaller warring factions so concerned with their own petty squabbles that nothing of note politically could be accomplished either within the unions of across London. Then the newspaper 'folded' to be replaced by an intermittently published poorly produced 'magazine' eventually becoming moribund until the internet arrived. On paper anarchy is a fabulous polity and, my own preferred option of anarcho- syndicalism is even better. Both approaches are spoiled however by the anarchists / syndicalists' perpetual fecking about and fallings out. Old anarcho-syndicalist joke. Farmer: " I am thinking of employing some anarchists to clean out the stables." Farmer's wife: " Forget it. Those people can't even get their own shit together."
  22. Greetings

    Welcome to TTB Miles. There are some QiGong tips in the Chinese Health QiGong Association signature link underneath this post.
  23. Fair comment. Some folks seem to be out as much to convince them-self as anyone else. 'Evangelical Buddhism' is an oxymoron.
  24. The special scent - what is it?

    On wood - either Sandalwood or Pachouli Oil - usually.