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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Testing

    Now that we have a Town Hall shouldn't we elect a Mayor and Aldermen?
  2. Man I go away for one week and look what happens. You guys! Good job Trunk. and Good luck Dawei.
  3. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    It's far older than the Pentecostalists would have us believe. They claim to have rediscovered glossolalia at the Azusa Street revival of 1906 in LA at the beginning of the last century. I've a journal here of the gloriously named Lorenzo Dow ( died 1834) an American evangelist who came to England and supported very early Primitive Methodist camp meetings in the mid 19th Century. Wonderful character who dressed and looked a bit like Wild Bill Hickock. Lorenzo reports not only congregations spontaneously speaking and even singing in tongues in those first camp meetings but also a strange dance and uncontrollable laughter along the lines of that 'Toronto Blessing' that was passed off as a new thing a few years ago. Truly there is no new thing under the sun.
  4. easiest/ hardest thing to do...relax

    A week at the beach is a great way to relax. Barefoot QiGong on the sand as the sun comes up. Pretty darn good.
  5. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    Aye, everything's there for some purpose or other. I do think that 'our' MP boosters should rename it though as it has no recognised connection with the root lineage. It'll be 'Western MorePie' for me from here on in.
  6. Anarchy - A Way of Living

    Black Flag UK Anarchist Magazine archive here.... I remember back when it was a weekly newspaper.
  7. The best seminar I ever took was..

    +1 on that. If a seminar group 'gels' everyone gets so much more out of it than with 'spiky profile' groups.
  8. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Not necessarily.
  9. Would appreciate help

    See another medical professional, a skin specialist for preference; and maybe check out apartments to let whilst you're at it. That cabin of yours sounds like a damp trap. Hope that helps.
  10. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    These 'hungry ghosts' then. Why 'hungry' : how 'ghosts'? Might we not be in danger of falling into cultural- linguistic labelling here?
  11. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    Whatever one decides it to be perhaps? One would, at or beyond the point of attempting to articulate said 'wisdom' to another; be completely wrong.
  12. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    I voted No but it would be a shame to lose the MoPai boosters completely from TTB. Every village needs an idiot or two to leaven the whole.
  13. The best seminar I ever took was..

    Tony Parsons ( the Open Secret guy). His seminars are mini satsangs. It's all good.
  14. Hello my brothers, my name is Paul

    Clouding the issue with veracity BKA! As someone who has headlined two threads over on the Space- Cadet's-Panda forum without once ever having subscribed to that font of all wisdom one can but concur that MPG is less than a gentleman. One thread over there began life under the catchy title "F*** You Grandmasterp!". Had I at any time heeded MPG's surely sincere and well meaning advice to me on his forum I would by now be walking with a slightly more pronounced limp than I already do. This chap PMark is a Panda-fellow traveller and if he actually is in Nicaragua teaching ' MoPai to backpackers' then one can only surmise that said backpackers will be as grateful of instruction from a complete stranger as are backpackers everywhere. Who amongst us has not been in a backpackers hostel and NOT flocked around the guy travelling on his own who really wants to be friends by introducing us to cool new stuff that he is super-good at doing. Those are the guys one actively seeks out.
  15. Qi gong. Taoist, buddhist differences. yoga

    Well Ch'an is just Taoism without those silly hats and Zen came from Ch'an. Better to say 'Buddhisms' than Buddhist maybe? We've a western Pure Land sangha in the next village and a New Kadampa community not far away from it. Both own the name 'Buddhist' but they are as different as chalk and cheese. The New Kadampas run a spiffing veggie cafe.
  16. Chapter 11: The Big Concealment/Hong Meng character

    We are men. Sometimes we sulk.
  17. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    Check out 'glossolalia' on Google. Hope that helps.
  18. Gods created out of Fear

    "Night poured over the desert. It came suddenly, in purple. In the clear air, the stars drilled down out of the sky, reminding any thoughtful watcher that it is in the deserts and high places that religions are generated. When men see nothing but bottomless infinity over their heads they have always had a driving and desperate urge to find someone to put in the way. ― Terry Pratchett, Jingo.
  19. A Wild Clown Ninja Appears

    Great cultivation and one that effectively self-assesses too. If you're doing it wrong then you topple over.
  20. The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski

    I watched every one when it first aired on UK TV. Ascent of Man plus Ken Clarke's 'Civilisation' turned me on to pursuing an academic career. Can still remember the gist of the last line from AoM final episode. JB is in a 'plasma physics lab' looking at some huge piece of kit and says something to the effect that... " Plasma physicists here are having to use the language of poetry rather than science in order to describe what they see."
  21. Seaside here we come

    Sun , sea and sandwiches plus a potential seaside bolt hole. Calling any bums over on the eastern seaboard of the USA. If you spot a large red box kite on the beach, it's mine. You can keep it.
  22. Are you a left brain or right brain Bum? Take the test... Spin off from another thread where this came up.
  23. enlightenment

    No idea. When our driveway is icy in the depths of winter I put salt down. That shifts the ice. Indoors, if it turns chilly we crank up the furnace. Seems sensible, as does burning a lump of wood to keep the fire going. Sitting outside in a snowfield meditating whilst surrounded by a gently steaming circle of snow free if somewhat soggy earth ... For those who enjoy that form of cultivation then that is the form cultivation that they enjoy. It takes all sorts.
  24. Boddhisatvas apart, that has to happen each and every day for every Buddhist same as it does for the rest of us.If anyone tells me they are bang on with every single one of those eight 'rights' on that eightfold path 24/7 I'd wonder why they were trying to convince me with that dubious claim. Pobody's nerfect.
  25. sense of humor?

    There's pug we meet out walkies sometimes. When she gets over excited she faints. Just for a few seconds, flop; over she goes. Then she's up and OK