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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Better to be comma- tose than suffer colon trouble though.
  2. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    A gross is 144 here in the UK. Is than the same in the USA I wonder.
  3. Hello Mods. Might my Lawn Bowls thread in Off Topic become a PPF please? Many thanks. GMP
  4. Please can my Lawn Bowls thread become a PPF?

    Bagua comes first IMO. :-)
  5. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    I'm pretty sure that I exist. If I'm wrong then some swine keeps eating my dinners.
  6. Thank you. I tried looking it up. All I got was space cadet BS from some 'Galaxy Control' outfit. Marvellous things, commas. :-)
  7. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    Just now and again maybe. No 'I'. Thing is in order to try and describe such times it's 'I' describing in the here and now and sod all to do with the actual thing supposedly being described. I gave up trying to describe such events a long time back. May as well try to accurately communicate what Stinking Bishop cheese tastes like by using only words ( and no cheese) to someone who never heard of, let alone ever tasted; Stinking Bishop Cheese. ( It's delicious BTW- very cheese-ey).
  8. communicating through emptiness

    Aye it's a slippery eel is 'emptiness'. The moment we notice it - it dissolves.
  9. communicating through emptiness

    Man that is dedicated meditation. Ice cream available in the next room and you can sit? Respect! :-) Ice cream would win every time here. Hence we don't keep ice cream in the house as a rule.
  10. Greetings carbon-based bipeds

    There's a whole Chinese Internal Arts section over on the MA Forum...
  11. energy anatomy and postural effect

    Good grief! I thought that photo looked rather 'dated'! :-)
  12. Misconceptions and mistake during practice

    He's right about 'retention' that's for sure. Not sure what the going rates are these days for retreats in the USA but that sum seems rather high for just four days.
  13. Misconceptions and mistake during practice

    Yes it is $900- American + your travel costs for a 4- night 'retreat with GM Xu Mingtang' Book here... Bargain!
  14. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    Richard Rose wrote over on Zen FI and I thought this may be apposite on reading your post that.... "You can't set out to drop an ego intentionally. Too many other egos will rush to its aid. The only thing you can do is keep working, keep focusing your vector until you have a breakthrough that leaves the ego behind."
  15. energy anatomy and postural effect

    Have a scroll through the Chinese Health QiGong Association resources via that link in my sig. There's some good stuff over there. Hope that helps.
  16. Exactly.And there are precedents. Luke Chapter 11 in the Christian New Testament for example... Verse 24 ff... "When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' 25"And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. 26"Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first." It's all well and good getting rid of an entity but if the client leaves out the welcome mat thereafter then s/he is asking for trouble. We had one daft lass who picked up a psychic leech from playing with a Ouija board. We shifted the leech without much drama then six months later she's back again having been messing about playing at doing seances for her chums. She had picked up another leech plus two hoverers ( no relation to her) keeping her awake of a night in terror. She wasn't a bad lass nor especially bonkers just bleddy silly. She's fine now and still comes to Tea with Spirit now and again.
  17. Brad Warner Gonzo Zennist

    This lad's well worth looking at. He's a kosher lineage holder without much of the BS that sometimes goes with that.
  18. Brad Warner Gonzo Zennist

    Mark Foot who posts sometimes on here and is well versed in Zen is a mate of BW. We should all look like BW does at 50+. Has that guy discovered the elixir of youth? Agree with you on Hardcore Zen, a good read. For all Brad's seeming gonzo punk approach and rad blogs, he comes across as a deeply conservative Soto priest as far as zazen goes.
  19. Greetings carbon-based bipeds

    Me neither. Found this.... Looks interesting. Do you always "exhale through the nose" as per the teacher's comment on that clip fugue ? That's quite unusual in QiGong.
  20. Please can my Lawn Bowls thread become a PPF?

    Thank you for my PPF. Much obliged. :-)
  21. It's not uncommon for people to present complaining of 'demonic' possession when in fact they have mental health issues. Whilst we're not medically quaified to diagnose mental illness in anyone , with experience and a helpful spirit guide one can discern 'genuine' cases. This is not the type of work that anyone should actively seek out. Needy cases will find one quickly enough if that was 'meant' to be.
  22. Please can my Lawn Bowls thread become a PPF?

    No I never had a PPF. I've only ever been GMP on here.
  23. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    Thanks for that reference Nikolai. MH is the expert here and I'll defer to him as I may be completely wrong on this. My understanding ( which may be wrong) is that Fred is totally dissociating himself from any kind of religion either for or against. He doesn't 'have a dog in the religious fight' as it were, what he's saying is something different to religion ( he claims). He's foreseeing maybe that some readers will classify his work under 'religion or anti- religion' whilst claiming " It's NOT that at all." Isn't he?
  24. Everyone deserves an honest living. The old time mediums used to say... " If spirit wants you to work for spirit then spirit will feed you." I make no comment on any specific individuals but some shysters out there, such as the ones we see in our newspapers now and again; are 'more for the fleece than the flock' . Twas ever thus.