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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Upping Sticks

  2. Upping Sticks

    Duplicate post.
  3. Letting go into death

    I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment. (Woody Allen)
  4. Who wants to talk about Robber Chih?!

    Might Robber Chi have been a sort of Robin Hood character? Many cultures have one of those. The popular brigand who is said to "Rob the rich to feed the poor." Outlaws can be quite popular . Maybe not to their victims but in the sense of the romantic popular imagination.
  5. Upping Sticks

    Living off Grid sucks! Power down today. Nada. Electricity just kept tripping out and all of a sudden we were back into the stone age. Bleddy cold, dark, rough seas and a gale. Mrs GMP less than impressed. Finally tracked down the issue. Sea water in boat house/workshop circuit. Isolated that and so far so good we're back on. There's no mains here on this coast we've oil tank heating and all electric everything else. Open fires in every room but with onshore winds those fill the house with smoke. Possibly not an issue 200 years ago when this place was built but not what we want at all. Multi fuel stove looks good so we're having a look at getting one of those babies in.
  6. Living off grid

    GMP "Which way to Spilsby village please?" Yokel "You'm don't want to start from here for Spilsby."
  7. Am I physically capable of spiritual evolution?

    You don't have NPD. NPD people have no insight. You have.
  8. We are ALL inherently evil...

    We choose to do good or evil. Most people would do you a good turn before they would ever deliberately do you a bad turn. By and large people are good.
  9. Handedness?

    Right here.
  10. Living Simply

    We've just moved from the self-sufficient 'dream'. Smallholding in the countryside all our own veg and eggs plus milk when we had goats. Tiny carbon footprint That was darned hard seven days a week work and far from simple. Land and livestock are very demanding of time and sweat. We're too old to manage the work now so we sold up and retired to a seaside cottage. Simplicity is possibly easier in an urban environment where all services are on hand and you don't have chop wood to keep warm or pump water by hand when the electricity goes out. Anyone with little or no money who hankers after a plain and simple life with lifetime security might consider joining the Hutterites. Those are good people.
  11. Contentment is a result. Maybe that's 'success in life 'after a fashion.
  12. Do you know of superior books on Herbalism?

    This is a standard work here....
  13. what is spirituality?

    a personal quality, in that the person feels to be in communion with a wholly Other. For example.... "I asked the boy beneath the pines. He said, The masters gone alone Herb-picking somewhere on the mount, Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown." (Chia Tao)
  14. I.Q. -- is it important?

    Check out Alfred Binet and the beginnings of the IQ test. IQ began as a 'deficit discourse' and hasn't moved very far from those early days.
  15. On Peace

    Peace will do nicely thank you. I've had war. It was shit.
  16. Amish Wood Milk

    Have you tried olive oil on a soft cloth? That's all I use to clean my trusty briar pipes and they get filthy. You only need a drop.
  17. Upping Sticks

    Well there's three weeks tomorrow since we moved in to this new place gone quickly. DIY and decorating are still the order of each day interspersed with tip runs and essential shopping. The nearest town is seven miles away but a good road and some decent shops plus a B&Q for decorating and DIY supplies. There's a Jewsons too and I've had to buy new skirting board for some areas. It's all lath and plaster ceilings, lime plaster walls and lime washed 'paint' so sand, scrape, vacuum and repeat several times to find anything like a paintable surface. Then coat after coat of PVA to stabilise the ancient crap before finally emulsioning. I cannot understand this love of all things retro. The old fisherman our predecessor here just carried on treating the place as it had always been treated so we're undoing what is basically Georgian domestic 'decorating'. Utterly bleddy awful messy crap it was ( and is) too. What part of 'damp proof course' didn't those cretins understand? Hey ho.
  18. trusting spirits?

    Like attracts like. Cheery, positive people on this side of life will tend to come across cheery positive spirit folk from the other side of life. Always best to 'test the spirits' though and for best results trust to one's own experience and intuition rather than anything a spirit chum might propose. By and large the positive spirit chums tend not to give direct advice anyhoo, they know enough and care enough to leave us sort out our own stuff. You're more likely to get a nod or shake of the spirit friend or loved ones head in response to something you have initiated yourself. The spirits who go around telling people to do stuff are best avoided in much the same way as we'd avoid bossy or pushy types on this side of life.
  19. Evidence of higher spiritual knowledge in Western poets

    THE EMPTY CHURCH They laid this stone trap for him, enticing him with candles, as though he would come like some huge moth out of the darkness to beat there. Ah, he had burned himself before in the human flame and escaped, leaving the reason torn. He will not come any more to our lure. Why, then, do I kneel still striking my prayers on a stone heart? Is it in hope one of them will ignite yet and throw on its illumined walls the shadow of someone greater than I can understand? R.S. Thomas
  20. Buddha is a game. Buddha is not a game.

    It's a game of two halves Jimmy.
  21. Dont give up!

    "Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." (Homer Simpson)
  22. afterlife!

    We (Spiritualists) go to the Summerland. Very nice place, good weather and handy for the shops. It's mainly Spiritualists but anyone's welcome. Reincarnation's an option. Right next door to Summerland is a huge walled city with no gates or windows in the walls. That's where the fundamentalists go. They like to think they are the only ones who made it to the afterlife
  23. What do you think of loyalty?

    Polonius: This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee! Laertes: Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord. Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 7882
  24. Evidence of higher spiritual knowledge in Western poets

    All the Metaphysical Poets. R.S. Thomas. Larkin at his best ( High Windows). Good poetry touches on the numinous.
  25. Tea/Tisane

    Yorkshire Tea. Milk and one Sweetex please.