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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Trancending life & death

    Better to come back as a sea slug than reincarnating as a politician IMO. :-) No idea really but if sea slugs are sentient then it's a fair call I reckon. Any sentient body is fair game, we could come back as anything sentient depending on our need to learn some lessons. Maybe someone driven and super busy last time round needs to learn just being sluggish this time around. So sea slug academy might be a positive turn on the wheel for such a person. It's all about progress in the long run. Pampered cat would suit me nicely. Pampered cats have life sussed. :-)
  2. That is fair comment.QiGong hospitals are tops for recuperative treatments and treating primary ailments that QiGong works on but QiGong isn't for some immediate trauma. That was my, poorly made; point. Insulin using diabetics for another case. Without insulin they will die but with insulin plus Qigong they are likely to enjoy better all round health than someone just relying on the insulin. Let's take a purely hypothetical scenario as example.... The last thing anyone needs to hear if they are lying under a bus with their femur protruding and a crowd gathering round is some twonk from the back of the crowd saying... " let me through, I'm a light worker. Look I got a Diploma recognised by no statutory State regulated health authority beyond the 'doctor in his own mind' guy who sold it to me and printed it. Plus it only took me 500 hours plus a pile of my savings." What our casualty needs is an ambulance, and fast. I'm sure that you would agree Michael.
  3. Master Ken is awesome.

    Master Wong versus Master Ken. Now there's a fight I'd pay to see.
  4. Book study leading to mastery

    Pass on the beer ( we're teetotal) but +1 on reading. What a joy to come to a new book and how much simple pleasure from the well crafted written word. I'd not be without a book or two 'on the go'.
  5. Strength

    Cheers buddy. Whatever happened to that My Little Pony guy who posted on here? He was well into horse stance. Can't remember his name.
  6. Police and Prisons

    Agreed. There are too many people locked up who could be better kept and treated with outside of a prison. I was meaning dangerous nut cases. Things here in the UK aren't as bad as once they were. Back in the day people were imprisoned for debt and the majority of debtor prisoners were guys sent down for failing to pay maintenance to a divorced spouse. By the time they were released the debt had mounted so back they went to prison. Seems to me that in the USA if you are poor, black and a man then you are more likely to find yourself banged up in the stony lonesome than a well off white dude who has maybe committed a similar crime. They tried private prisons here but those didn't really catch on so most prisons are still run by the Home Office Prisons Service. Hence we don't have that same commercial impetus to lock people up in order to keep the shareholders in funds that has maybe been the case in the USA 'for profit' prisons system.
  7. Could we start a list of retreats and workshops?

    Spot on. The old time mediums had a saying that.. " If spirit wants you to work for spirit then spirit will keep you fed." I don't begrudge anybody getting an honest living but there are some right greedy feckers out there fleecing the gullible.
  8. Mrs GMP's chum went for dinner at The Ritz in London on Monday night. Bottle of house wine £94. Cleaners at The Ritz get minimum wage. There's flippin' arrogance. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
  9. Spirit animals

    Yogi Bear now. He was smarter than the average bear. :-)
  10. Police and Prisons

    So Charlie Manson what song would you like us to sing to you next? All together now..... " The sun has got his hat on..... Come on lads.. SING UP!" ;-) Nope. Some people are best banged up mate and we're all that bit safer for the fact that they are.
  11. Trancending life & death

    Don't sweat the small stuff. There is no death there are no dead. No one is born and nobody dies. We're all immortal spirits temporarily lodged in our current flesh and bone bodies. It's a win win world too if you've reincarnated human this time around. Something sure went 'right' last time. We could have come back as a sea slug or, even worse; a politician.
  12. Schools

    Summerhill under Neal was little more than a holding pen for the troubled offspring of wealthy parents. There's some pretty disturbing Summerhill memoirs out there. Recent one here... They do seem to have moderated their approach since they came under the Ofsted inspection regime but I'd not send my hens there to be educated let alone my kids.
  13. Schools

    I get that same thing every single working day. It's not a dream either! Roll on retirement. :-)
  14. Thank you for sharing Ken. Keep at it lad and one day you too may be able to take meditation off that cushion/ pedestal you seem to have A teacher would help, we can only get so far on our own or via websites, books and online 'experts'.
  15. Strength

    So are you squatting more than actually sitting down to do it? Squatting as in weight on your feet or sitting 'down' as in on a chair or a cushion with most of the weight on your bottom? I'm interested cos currently looking at sitting forms for elders who can't comfortably stand for long at all.
  16. Strength

    Silly question probably but how do you sit in horse 'stance'? Picture would help of you have a link buddy.
  17. Sweeping and mopping floors are tops for cultivating. Mowing the lawns too. Anything can work if done mindfully. We tend to compartmentalise cultivation and that might privilege it above other equally beneficial activities such as doing the ironing.
  18. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Tao has universal and eternal existence. It has no need of any teacher to transmit it; what is transmitted by teachers is just the method by which one can personally experience this Tao." ( Anon.)
  19. Tao Te Bums

    Moo. I mean... Mu. Never a good idea to confuse bulls for cows.
  20. mystical poetry thread

    Eccentric or not I wish I had ten bob less in the bank than Pam has. :-)
  21. Master Ken is awesome.

    And from behind too. Don't forget behind. It aint Bagua if you can't 'back' 'em now and again. :-)
  22. Not a bot ... hopefully

    "Night poured over the desert. It came suddenly, in purple. In the clear air, the stars drilled down out of the sky, reminding any thoughtful watcher that it is in the deserts and high places that religions are generated. When men see nothing but bottomless infinity over their heads they have always had a driving and desperate urge to find someone to put in the way." Welcome to TTB Sephtan.
  23. What would your "perfect" retreat look like?

    They have this sauna in a yurt, it is across a field so they go to it dressed in bathrobes and wearing wellington boots. All the knackered old sannyasins like yours truly, when not giggling at the wellington boots etc tend to spend any free time playing Go, drinking tea and shooting the breeze. Those Osho wallahs know how to partay for sure. :-)
  24. Vietman.....anti-China riots...

    I dunno. I've only been once and they were just about the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Totally hospitable. Outside the city its next to impossible to pay for a meal people are forever inviting one into their home for a cuppa tea always with food offered and a chat. Schooldays French will get you by and English is widely spoken too but French more so. I was surprised to see this trouble there.
  25. Spirit animals

    Sent you a PM dude.