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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Spirit animals

    Yay Sinan you old teddy bear. Wha 'appen bro? I thought that looked like your work. Bleddy good bear painting BTW. Respect. :-)
  2. Book study leading to mastery

    Buddhism's a slippery term too. And "orthodox' as a descriptor of anything at all is slipperier than oiled banana skins on an outdoor ice rink in the rain. Not so sure that enlightenment or whatever follows that slippery concept necessarily depends on zen being Buddhist nor any other particular path as such. Nor even on 'zen' per se. 'Isness' just 'is'.
  3. Master Ken is awesome.

    Well that's a shame cos beginner- practitioner standard in Bagua equates to Level 70 in (western) Mo Pai. :-)
  4. What would your "perfect" retreat look like?

    There ya go BKA. I've been to a coupla these as a morning QiGong session leader NOT as a participant I hasten to add. Certainly broadens the old horizons does Tantra week at Osho Leela. Mrs GMP put her foot down and stopped me working at any more Tantra gigs after she saw the newsletter piccies report from the last one I was allowed to go to.
  5. Spirit animals

    Did you used to be sinansencer on here skydog? Top lad, he did super art similar to that.
  6. Book study leading to mastery

  7. Vietman.....anti-China riots...

    One dead according to BBC and that in a Taiwanese owned factory when their main beef seems to be against the PRC. If the firm uses Chinese characters in its signage then it seems to be seen as 'fair game' by the protestors.
  8. qi master against mma

    Cracking video, most amusing. Touch of the Master Ken about that lad for sure.
  9. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Yes TI, you are quite right. :-)
  10. Mooiji - Anthony Paul Moo-Young

    Yeah it all went bits up when they moved out to Rajneeshpuram in the USA. The Osho brand's still strong though. There's the official set based at the Resort over in Pune and lots of independent Osho groups dotted around the world. The official body tried to copyright Osho's name and writings but failed hence I can post that link to the open source book. This is our UK independent Osho centre. It's a fun place with some fabulous festivals and events throughout the year.
  11. mystical poetry thread

    Pam's very 'zen' in a deeply English and middle class sorta way. Her auotobiography is tops. A fascinating life well lived. She did her National Service out in the far east and that influence comes through in some of the poetry. She's still writing, touring her one woman show and broadcasting today.
  12. Book study leading to mastery

    Yep. There's Zen Buddhism. Then there's Zen. There's even a Roman Catholic Zen sangha. Room for all sorts in Zen.
  13. Book study leading to mastery

    A human wrote it. Generally a man and always with an agenda. Hence it's never a good idea to outsource one's thinking to someone else's writings. My posts for example.
  14. mystical poetry thread

    I love Pam Ayres poetry. She's one of our national treasures.
  15. Very wise. Chinese diabetics who need it are as grateful for insulin as are any other diabetics. QiGong hospitals are useless for treating compound fractures. Complementary medicine is good, alternative quackery can be a killer.
  16. mystical poetry thread

    Yes, Ill marry you, my dear. And heres the reason why. So I can push you out of bed When the baby starts to cry. And if we hear a knocking And its creepy and its late, I hand you the torch you see, And you investigate. Yes Ill marry you, my dear, You may not apprehend it, But when the tumble-drier goes Its you that has to mend it. You have to face the neighbour Should our labrador attack him, And if a drunkard fondles me Its you that has to whack him. Yes, Ill marry you, Youre virile and youre lean, My house is like a pigsty You can help to keep it clean. That sexy little dinner Which you served by candlelight, As I do chipolatas, You can cook it every night!!! Its you who has to work the drill And put up curtain track, And when Ive got PMT its you who gets the flak, I do see great advantages, But none of them for you, And so before you see the light, I DO, I DO, I DO!! ( Pam Ayres).
  17. There is no off button with minds but there is an exit door. Best to keep that exit door open. Otherwise things become pretty overcrowded pretty quickly. We all have a great teacher. Cultivation 101... "Breathe in and you gotta breathe out."
  18. Book study leading to mastery

    Yes I agree. You took my quote out of its context. That's always a drawback with the written word. We each of us 'make meaning' as we read a text. Made meanings vary according to reader.
  19. What would your "perfect" retreat look like?

    Check out Vietnam. 3-months costs in the west can last you two years or more in a nice place over there.
  20. Master Ken is awesome.

    You've never seen Master Ken and More Pie Guy together in the same room have you? Just sayin' is all. Could be the same person maybe?
  21. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    Dr Jimmy Yu teaches at Florida State University where he has tenure. His dojo is in Tallahassee. Western Chan ( No monks or nuns thank goodness). Western Chan's essentially Taoism without those silly or clerical BS.
  22. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Thesis-Antithesis- Synthesis That's a good route to take with analytic research. It doesn't work for cultivation though. TI you are manifesting ( reifying) duality in almost every post. Just sit bro. Give it time.
  23. Master Ken is awesome.

    Brilliant. Master Ken rules! That guy Ken keeps whaling on though, man he is super funny. Did you see the one where that guy's mum visits the dojo and hits on Master Ken?
  24. Spirit animals

    Magpies are all reincarnated French dudes who stole stuff last time around. This is a well known fact amongst the old country people here. Hence one must salute all seen magpies in French thusly.... " Bonjour Pi. Et comment ca va avec votre enfants." To see one is potentially good, to see two is better. However to see one exiting an open window with your watch or jewellery in its beak is seldom a good thing.
  25. Psychic vampires and concealing gender.

    Psalm 133 verse 1.... "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity." Chuang Tzu Book 5.;,,, "When we look at things,' said Kung-nî, 'as they differ, we see them to be different, (as for instance) the liver and the gall, or Khû and Yüeh; when we look at them, as they agree, we see them all to be a unity. So it is with this (Wang Thâi). He takes no knowledge of the things for which his ears and eyes are the appropriate organs, but his mind delights itself in the harmony of (all excellent) qualities. He looks at the unity which belongs to things, and does not perceive where they have suffered loss. He looks on the loss of his feet as only the loss of so much earth." It is fair to suppose that, had the game been invented; Wang Thai would never have been selected to play for the national soccer team. But he was a winner in his own way. ;-)