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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Tulku Urgyen ( who he?) hits the nail on the head.... "Whatever appears due to causes and conditions (me: including vidya and avidya) is ultimately nothing but a moment of mere perception." Call it whatever you choose and attach howsoever many labels or woo to it... Every experience is perceived north of our own neck. The woo merchants wrap that simple fact up in variegated BS in order to secure a nice living for themselves and keep the business going. The quacks on here and elsewhere selling their patented nostrums are 'in the lineage of' and none different to the old sectarian scallywags who pitched their 'exclusive' woo to pull in the punters. Not to single out Dzogchen but merely using it as a contextual example...( from wiki on Dzogchen).... "Tibetan Buddhist ascetics consider that the state pointed to by these teachings is very difficult to describe, and can only be discovered through the esoteric transmission and pointing-out instruction by an authentic Vajra Master." So the 'authentic Vajra master' has a nice secure living cos he holds the franchise and is the 'go to guy'. Mr Urgyen gives the lie to that nonsense in his pellucid statement quoted at the top of this post. It's all in the mind. Cultivation hones body and mind. All else is labelling and dogma. The dharma is not something to believe in but something to do. Ultimately 'we' cultivate, no school nor 'master' can do it for us.
  2. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    Yep. Nobody was ever going to get up too quick after that. I'd have stayed down too. Sometimes you just gotta think.. " Maybe next time." :-)
  3. What are "you" ?

    Possibly one of the Hampshire Nungalis? They did very well, shopkeepers in the main and one or two soldiers. 'Major' Binky Nungali especially. An ornament to the regimental Amateur Dramatic Society was Binky. They still speak of his 'Nanky Poo' in the 1998 Mess Panto production of Aladdin.
  4. My Bitch Satan (NNSFW [Not Necessarily Safe For Work])

    Old English country saying. " Talk of owd Nick... he'll come or he'll rick." Translated... Speak of the devil and he will either manifest or cause trouble for you.
  5. Going Through Stuff

    Easter was late. Working stiffs especially are always that bit more squirrely when there's that longer pull to Easter holidays. Odd for teachers, we have our two week Easter break, go back in on the Tuesday only to finish again on the Thursday for the May Bank Holiday weekend then just three weeks in work until half term break. Blink after half term and its the long summer vacation. Pleasant for sure but unsettling. An early Easter spreads out the breaks more evenly.
  6. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    We've lost one creeping trumpet. It was the runt of the litter and just didn't take to the garden at all. The rest are doing well. Much needed rain today after a long dry spell when we've had to water every evening. The ground has been bone dry.
  7. "The concept of God in Hinduism"

    You got that right. Any path requiring learning a foreign language isn't necessarily the right path for us. All these different words tend towards the same experiences anyhoo. Labels are just labels.
  8. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds This old Japanese monk has single-handed built a nice garden and carp ponds not too far away from us. Some clips here you might be interested in MH. Scroll down for the carp pond clip. He's a nice guy too.
  9. Nice test, thanks for posting.
  10. You said that before. Or was it deja vu? :-)
  11. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    He has left us His shoe. Behold the Shoe.
  12. Metaphysical It's only 'magic' if people choose to call it such. "The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive." (Thich Nhất Hạnh)
  13. Philosophical Taoism

    Very wise. It's a circular path is vengeance. Tends to come back and bite folks in the bottom.
  14. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    Gotta have HiViz jackets too.
  15. Yep, that's good advice there God. Thank you. I always suspected that God was a lawn bowler.
  16. Philosophical Taoism

    Best served cold. :-)
  17. I don't think that most men can multi-task as well as most women can.
  18. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    What we need is a casino. That'll bring in the punters.
  19. I Ching

    There ya go... Have fun.
  20. What are "you" ?

    Just hang on with that hot cauldron jobby, we're waiting for Health & Safety to do the risk assessment. Rice paper is fine just don't rip it cos it's the last piece and we've no money left in the stationery budget.
  21. What are "you" ?

    There'll be a test. But first you must fast and meditate Grasshopper.
  22. Soma was most likely orally consumed cannibis

    Papaver Somniferum. A candidate for 'soma'. Main thing is with all these 'recreational pharmaceuticals' lads... Just say "No". Anybody who needs a chemical crutch to cultivate aint cultivating properly. That shit'll waste your time, your health and your energy.
  23. There are no stairs.