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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Qigong systems

    Fasten a copper wire to your butt "MoPai". One for horses..... Neigh Gong
  2. New member - Internal Alchemy vs. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Welcome to TTB Mr Cat, (nice name). Good to hear that your CFS has improved. TaiChi may be too much too soon somperhaps a gentle QiGong form for starters might suit you. Standing Baduanjin ( 8 Pieces Brocade) is an easy one but can be very powerful. BKA is wise. Finding a skilled and supportive teacher is anyone's best way forward. Main thing ... Take it easy.. Start slow and if fatigued, even a tiny bit... Stop. All success and warmest best wishes to you on your path.
  3. My Bitch Satan (NNSFW [Not Necessarily Safe For Work])

    It's on the wall outside Coventry Cathedral.More pics here... The ancient cathedral was bombed to ruins in WW2 so they built a modern cathedral attached to the ruins which have been retained as a monument. It's not a universally popular building very much of its time, the 1960s.
  4. trailing

    Have you tried prescription sunglasses? As one gets older especially when there is bright sunlight that slightly disturbing effect can manifest. I've had it plus 'word shadow trails' on text when reading. Optician prescribed a slightly tinted lens plus I now wear polarised clip ons for my reading glasses if reading outside in sunlight. That has made a big and most beneficial difference.
  5. Qigong systems

    'Silliness Movement' ' Three hands touch Sky' ' Flying Picnic QiGong' 'Bad One Jean' And from the MA dojo... Dimac Jelly Fist Linen Shirt
  6. What are "you" ?

    I like that concept of 'virtual infinity'. :-)
  7. Poor goat. Goats still celebrate the day that Tarot Cards were invented. :-)
  8. What are "you" ?

    I am a passing custodian of items outside of my nature.
  9. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    Well spotted. :-)
  10. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    I aint sayin' nothin'. Apech wasn't even there. Who is Apech anyhow? I never heard of him. Musta been some other guy.
  11. "Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. ( Zhuangzi, Butterfly as Companion: Meditations on the First Three Chapters of the Chuang-Tzu).
  12. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    But, now you come to Apech and you say -- "Capo give us jobs" -- But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call him Godfather. Instead, you come into his thread on the day his daughter is to be married, and you, ask him for jobs, for favours!
  13. Omniscient shmomniscient! A fat lot of use this guy's God is IMO. Great Ofler the Crocodile God would know for sure.
  14. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    OK I'm back on board but I want a job when you take over. Consigliere or such.
  15. Ghost experts...I need you!

    Aldi do packs of chocolate covered caramel wafers too. Those are really nice and very cheap. Agree on Galaxy. Never liked that. I eat chocolate or chocolate wafers every day. Love it. For sure we need more calories than 'normal' if cultivating. Odd ( very odd) times I miss a meal or my chocolate then I know about it.
  16. Written and deleted

  17. lol

    Simpsons I like. Those others though ... Nah. The Office was awful IMO. Ricky Gervais is about as funny as herpes. Nina Conti and Monkey, she's a class act. Did you catch 'Family Tree' with her and monkey in it and that tall Irish guy who was in the IT Crowd ( OK- ish) ?
  18. How they do it in China

    For sure. So many more active seniors in China than here in the UK. Almost every public park in China of a morning is full of cultivating seniors. Qigong is absolute tops for senior suppleness and maintaining an active and interested mind.
  19. lol

    Fawlty Towers yep. Only fools and horses.. Yep. Open all hours.. Now and again. Last of the summer wine.. With Compo and Foggy yep.. Afterwards.. Awful. Mr Bean nope. Blackadder.. Some ( the Elizabethan). Keeping up Appearances ..yep One foot in the grave .. Some of them were good others dire. Anything since?
  20. Qigong systems

    Yep I agree completely. Some of the proprietary (i.e. 'made up for profit') systems are pure baloney. If nothing else they harm the student's purse or pocket due to the expense. CQHA is kosher though albeit it's an official Chinese Government agency. The cultivations are outstanding, some of the politics though........ But you get politics in all organisations large or small.
  21. How they do it in China

    QiGong Health provision is very effective with particular ailments. With others not so much but the fact that the Chinese have a mixed provision does keep their health care costs down. There's also a greater awareness amongst patients who tend to know them self, or to know someone who will recommend whether they should go to a QiGong practitioner or seek some other form of treatment or not. We still are very limited here in the UK as to state health provision. The allopathic approach holds sway. That said some patients can be 'prescribed' Mindfulness now so that's a start.
  22. Qigong systems

    There's a fairly comprehensive list of QiGong praxes via the CQHA link in my signature. As BKA says though each person will choose their own path. There are so many to choose amongst because people are not the same. Each has their own needs and preferences. There's no 'better or worse' with QiGong just 'most suitable' given each individual's circumstances'. Hope that helps.
  23. Agreed but I'm asking the guy how to play the bowl ( ball).
  24. Reality Perpetually on the Brink

    To say "it is" is to grasp for permanence. To say "it is not" is to adopt the view of nihilism. Therefore a wise person does not say "exists" or "does not exist." (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 15.10)
  25. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    "The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there." ( L.P. Hartley). You just lost a voter man. I aint moving abroad for anyone. I like it here!