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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Not necessarily. Some moats and many lakes have a flow of water through them. Ponds do tend to be standing water but not all. Difference between a pond and a lake according to the old country people here was that you can throw a stone across the widest part of a pond but not across a lake.
  2. Sweet Dew Bathes the Polar Mountain

    Then how come the Chinese are such notorious spitters in public? We were quite shocked by that when we visited. Even the best hotels have spittoons in the public areas. Uggghhhhhh!
  3. Can't post an image on this iPad but check out the water 'feature' in the BG owned Watford Grove hotel near London where the Bilderberg Group held their UK get together last year. Top left picture here..... Horrific.
  4. An interesting paper.
  5. Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

    Given that their classes and materials are completely free I was surprised that it didn't take off more than it has done in the UK. OK a Tai Chi or QiGong class here generally only costs four or five pounds a session, less for seniors; but free is cheaper and money is tight for many folks but the FG just hasn't got out there much beyond ethnic Chinese people in the UK. This is all they have...
  6. Rabbits out of hats. That's a good one.
  7. The Cool Picture Thread

    Constipation. Sure t'be. Poor lass.
  8. Tarot Set for beginner - any recommendations

    Osho Zen for me. There's plenty of choice though.
  9. The qualities of a true leader "princess"

    Who needs 'leaders' , apart from 'followers'?
  10. Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

    I went to a do at that Jamat Islamiya mosque in Dewsbury once . Biggest mosque in Europe for membership they told me. Bleddy good food it was and they made us very welcome. There were some English converts there too, the regular mosque guys were mostly wearing togs the same as we were and most of the converted guys were dressed up like Pashtun tribesmen. Those felt hats that roll up all round, they all seemed to go on for those. Very odd. Nice hats though, always fancied one.
  11. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    That's " LIZARDS!!!" Shape shifting inter dimensional LIZARDS !!! For example our own dear Queen ( according to the LIZARDS!!! Boosters) Lizards , the regular reptiley ones on the other hand are lovely creatures.
  12. Deliberate, calculated Rebellion.

    Not you UA - that's an interesting post you made. Thank you, this just me thinking out loud and NOT having a pop at you... That's generally default position for teenagers and kidults. As one gets older then compromise with and accommodation for the 'other' tend to be the welcomed path of least resistance. 'Rebels' are much of a type... Quite young, idealistic, bit of a pain in the erse. ' Be yourself for life' is a recipe for stagnation, everyone changes all the time right through life. Everything is impermanent save, sometimes and sadly; an illusion of permanence. Change is our only constant.
  13. Sheer stunted and stunting racism. Times have changed. Thank goodness.
  14. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    No ( but 'No' is)
  15. Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

    Tandoori? chicken! Do these old ears deceive me? Tandoori and Chicken! Has the world gone mad? You'll be claiming that there's 'garlic bread' next!
  16. Not something that leads to polite debate that stuff you got going there then buddy? I'll pass. :-)
  17. The pyramid shape

    Good call. That's move 1 in the Baduanjin QiGong. It's called ( in our path).... " Hands Push Sky." Very powerful move if you Breathe right whilst doing it.
  18. depersonalization

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ( Lao- Tzu).
  19. Yep you got that right. Plus the smell. Ponds are a lot of work to keep sweet. A reed bed is a good idea. Reeds are super cleaner uppers. Plus they attract birds and frogs which are nice to look at and, as a bonus; they get to eat the mozzies.
  20. Man this thread would make for a great book. Bestseller it would be. Or a website with paid adverts on. Winner!
  21. What is your name?

    Bob and Jenny ( the twins age 10) are going home from Sunday school and Bob says to Jenny. " I just don't get that Holy Trinity stuff that teacher told us about today." Jenny replies. " It is eezy peezy. Look... Daddy calls mummy ' Darling' . Mrs Brown from next door calls mummy Sally. Our teacher at school calls mummy " Mrs Davies".... But she's always really just Mummy."
  22. I found out I'm Jewish

    Zol zayn mit mazl. :-) ( 'Good luck' in Yiddish). Check out your local schuls. You'll feel welcomed in the right place for you. It's a sweet deal being Jewish cos, if you want to; you can ' make aliyah' and go live in Israel. The weather there is glorious all year round.
  23. Falling into Suchness

    On this wind-swept shore waves batter ceaselessly- but on the high rocks of the dharma not even the clinging oysters can leave a mark. (Dogen).
  24. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    With any professional politician I start off by expecting him or her to be a devious, lying - thief. I find that doing so saves time later.