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About Kundanoobalini

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  1. Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation

    Then it seems I may have Kundalini, it made me say words I don't understand and make weird sounds. Also mudras have come naturally, especially one where my hands press towards each other at the fingertips. By "intelligent guide" do you mean intelligent like how nature work or actual sentience? I feel that this energy know my body much better than I do, but still there is something mechanical and impersonal about the process as well. Maybe we're not supposed to know?
  2. Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation

    Hey SonofGods, thank you for response These are the symptoms that I have experienced tha last years: -Spontaneous\atomatic body movements, -Spontaneous\atomatic yoga movements -Spontaneous\atomatic acupressure or tapping\hitting on sore points all over my body, i think it's trying to force energy along merdian lines -Spontaneous\automatic making weird noises -Spontaneous\automatic cracking joints -Spontaneous\automatic mudras -Spontaneous\automatic mudras rubbing nails together -Spontaneous\automatic breathing patterns or pranayama -Spontaneous\automatic rolling of eyes and\or tongue movement -Feeling strong pressure around the lover belly area -Mood swings, not that often and dramatic, but indeed noticable -Pressure inside skull, as if my brain is trying to change it's size. -Increased interest in religions and spritual matters -Seeing different lights, as mentioned earlier, like many stars, and orbs and circles of different colours inside my mind. I also tend to see some white "prana sparks" when the sky is blue. -A few times I have experienced that energy has come all the way up to my head and knocked me out for some seconds. It sounds weird but it felt good. -Shifts in sex-drive, horny as **** one day, and indifferent to sex the next day. -These days I find myself doing spontaneous acupuncture, I have an urge to stick needles on points on my body that seem to correspond with meridian lines. I wonder if this is Kundalini or pranotthana. For me as a working man who may want to start a family one day I want to have somewhat control of the process. Thanks again to everyone who replied here.
  3. Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation

    Thank you all for your replies and helping a Noob out! This is gold for someone like me who wants to make an informed decision on what to do further.. The Pranotthana thing was news to me. Is there way to know the difference between Kundalini Awakening and Pranotthana? Will the Pranotthana eventually stop or will it always progress to Kundalini Activation?
  4. Hello dear Bums I have had an unintended active Kundalini since January 2010 and gone through about 1500 hours for letting all kinds of kriyas occur naturally. The process has been very fascinating and challenging, but I don't seem to have changed much on a deeper level. I'm still the same person I was before the awakening. I have gone through some heavy mood swings but I don't feel any more overall calmness, happyness or deeper connection to anything. Isn't all the kriyas supposed to clear mental and emotional blockages? Does it take way more time? I have read that a Kundalini awakening can be a waste of time without proper cultivation, but on the other hand many also say it's dangerous to proceed with further sprititual practices? I tried some deep meditation and that seem to stir up some bad emotions, should I proceed or is there better and safer ways and methods for cultivation? I work a full time job so I don't have much time study and test everything. I would love to be able to live a relatively normal life while gaining some of the benefits of Kundalini, if that is even possible. I feel that my nervous system is a little messed up and that I have some old resentment that should be dealt with. Any good practices to handle that? Is KAP legit btw? I'm a little on the egde right now so excuse all the noob questions that have been floating in my head for the last days. Any tips and suggestions is very appreciated.
  5. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Here is another update for those who may still be interested I have kept to the about 2-hour shaking sessions every day, though now they are more like spontaneous tai chi, yoga and advanced stretching exersizes - then actual shaking. Still I let the body decide what it wants to, even if it wants to me to absurds thing like standing on my head There have been both some positive and some negative symptoms accuring. I'll start with the negative *I noticed that this process at times stirr up old memories and unpleasant feelings like anger, For example, a couple of days I was really mad about some insignificant stuff that happened years ago. when this occur I try to just take it for what it is, feel and recognize the anger without acting upon it. *Another noticeable bad kundalini side effect is my nervous system being a bit over-senstive. Often making my entire body or certain muscles twitch by over-reacting to low or sudden noises\movements. Combined with living in a city with heavy traffic this often disturb my sleep quality, either waking me up or keeping me awake. If anyone has some tips on how to calm down the nervous system during kundalini activation I would be gratefull. As for positive things: *The stretching is making my body way more flexible than it ever was, and the body feels lighter. *All the various movements has burned off a some deadweight body-fat. Kundalini is actually providing a great work-out! *moments of deep inner calmness after a session, too bad they don't last very long. Besides the physical symptoms there is also the mental stuff , I find myself examining my core beliefs and moral values more often than usual. Spiritual question like whats the purpose of life may also occur. Though, the most mind boggling question currently is "what is really going on here? " - what is this force that drive my body into all these positions and doing this stuff? What kind of consciousness are we dealing with? Is it a good force? http://awakening.phoenixtools.org/?p=50 Or is it an evil force? http://www.thejinn.net/truth_about_spontaneous_chi.htm I think that probably depends on the mind of the person involved. Either way, It seems no one really knows what kundalini is, that's kind of scary yet intriguing. Feel free to offer insights or your opinions on this.
  6. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Aight, here is a little update for those who are interested. For the last weeks I've been doing a 2 hour Shaking session everyday. During this I just let the Kundalini take control of the body with the intent to shake loose stuck energy. It is quite amazing, like having a built in yoga\martial arts coach! The moment I let go of my body it spontaneously starts to shake all my limbs violenty. At first it seems like random spastic movements from a madman, but it actually puts exactly right strain and pressure to the joints and muscles where it's needed. Further on it automaticly stretches the muscles as it knows precicely where there is tension and blocked energy. It's remarkable yet it still feel very natural all the way trough, like stretching after waking up. Sometimes when certain limbs are stretched my mood instantly changes - either to sad, angry or blissfull. This is probably my repressed emotions being released. At times my body is even starting to kick and punch in the air as if I was possessed by Mr Myiagi's ghost! The most mind-baffling thing however, that has happened during a kundalini induced shaking session was that I instantly got on my knees, formed a triangle mudra with my fingers and placed it over my right eye. Like I was seeing trough the triangle like the all seeing eye. All I could think was "WTF im doing here?". If someone knows the purpose of this kriya please let me know! So, incredible thing are happening indeed, yet they somehow feel they are all completely natural, except that triangle thing I think this is an interesting read in that regard: http://replenishyoursoul.com/blog/meditation/ Shaking is apparently healthy for mind and body, animals and the Kundalini (whatever that it really is) certainly knows that! Here is another interesting testimony btw: http://www.imagerynet.com/book/excerpts/kundalini.html At the end there was a great visiualisation technique: Redirecting Obstructed Energy Close your eyes and relax. Slowly become aware of the flow of energy within your body. The energy may be a powerful current. At other times, it may be almost imperceptible. The energy may seem to flow from toe to head, head to toe, or from the center on out. Identify the flow of energy. Let's say, for example, that you feel energy moving from your toes up to your head. In your mind, follow the flow of energy. If you perceive any blockage in the energy, imagine that there is a door at that point. Open the door and explore the room that lies behind it. Make whatever adjustments that are necessary in order to allow the energy to flow through the room, and then allow it to continue on its upward course. An infinite array of graphics may appear in the blocked rooms. People from the past, who have been our tormentors, often appear in the blocked rooms. Perhaps a room will be filled with memories. If you don't know how to handle the people, places, things, or symbols that appear in the blocked room, invite your chosen form of God to appear in that room with you. Ask God for advice as to how to deal with the obstruction. Sidenote: Instead of rooms, I imagine closed doors or gates as mental obstacles, they will have locks, chains or bars in front them. I then visualize that im opening the doors\gates by breaking the locks, bending the bars, unlocking with a key etc. I tried this when I was at the gym and it gave me an amazing power boost! Have a good day bums.
  7. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Thanks again good bums! I will try the shaking practice, it seems like fun. Has anyone here actually experienced that? It sounds incredible.
  8. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Thanks a lot for that, I will definately check that out. It seems there are many different interpretations of the kundalini phenomena, no wonder people end up in mental hospitals
  9. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Hmm, you say that as if I had a choice. As far as I can tell from what I read sofar about kundalini - is that it can't be turned off once it's activated. Is this false? I'll look more into QiGong though.
  10. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Thats re-assuring and encouraging to hear! Once again, thanks to yall for taking time to share your experiences.
  11. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Thanks for the welcome! Now, going back to around spring 2010, I have experienced the following: -Spontaneous\atomatic body movements, -Spontaneous\atomatic yoga movements -Spontaneous\atomatic acupressure or tapping\hitting on sore points all over my body, i think it's trying to force energy along merdian lines -Spontaneous\automatic making weird noises -Spontaneous\automatic cracking joints -Spontaneous\automatic mudras -Spontaneous\automatic mudras rubbing nails together -Spontaneous\automatic breathing patterns or pranayama -Spontaneous\automatic rolling of eyes and\or tongue movement -Feeling strong pressure around the lover belly area -Mood swings, not that often and dramatic, but indeed noticable -Pressure inside skull, as if my brain is trying to change it's size. -Increased interest in religions and spritual matters -Seeing different lights, as mentioned earlier, like many stars, and orbs and circles of different colours inside my mind. I also tend to see some white "prana sparks" when the sky is blue. -A few times I have experienced that energy has come all the way up to my head and knocked me out for some seconds. It sounds weird but it felt good. -Shifts in sex-drive, horny as **** one day, and indifferent to sex the next day. Thats what I remember for now.. so im pretty convinced it's kundalini. So far without any real bad stuff. Besides from these symptoms I experience little change in my personality, so im wondering if am supposed to do something to help the process along or just relax into it and let it do its thing.
  12. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Thanks for the warning, if you have any tips, safety precautions or methods to avoid kundalininsanity to share - it would be most appreciated. As for the 'folie a deux' - I wonder if all the scary stories about kundalini awakenings can contribute to make things worse also? I do try to keep my mind in check regardless.
  13. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Anamatva: The darshan experience sounds like some pretty intense stuff! It's great that something good came from it. I have been seing different lights like many stars, and orbs and circles of different colours inside my mind, but I never got any deeper meaning from them. I also tend to see some "prana sparks" when the sky is blue. I can also let the kriyas come at will, though I feel like the energy needs to be released. Kindoff like the need to go to the bathroom, you can hold it off, but not for too long Karma is another thing that sounds a little woo-ey to me, but I will not dismiss it entirely. I tried searching for "shaking practice" but didnt find much, do you have a link? Sounds like something I should try.
  14. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    That sounds good, irritation or anger is mostly useless. Though anger could be used to fuel motivation in some cases. What I meant by "done" was occurence of physical and mental symptoms, kriyas, energy surges etc. Those are the factors that worry me a little after reading all the warnings and stories.
  15. Some questions regarding Kundalini Awakening

    Went along with being crazy... lol. 15 years, thats quite some time. I have experienced the symptoms for like 2 years and thought THAT was a long time. So you are still undergoing the process? Are you letting the energy just run its course and do it's thing?