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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Astrological Musings

    Nice post Zyd - thanks
  2. Whats with Blue Members...?

    A few Bums should relate to this?lol:
  3. Astrological Musings

    Ha! As long as its not:
  4. Astrological Musings

    Great charting here too http://www.universal-tao.com/free-taoist-astrology.html
  5. Spirit Guides

    Gracious one, thank you! "deeper bow*
  6. Astrological Musings

    Anyone ever tried breath work on the energy centers corresponding to the Chaldean Planetary Hours? Almost don't want to mention it, given how powerful it is.... In essence each hour (by location) is governed by a particular astrological body, which corresponds with a particular energy center (chakra - not sure how it relates to dantiens yet...). In a given energy center's planetary hour, any cultivation work performed on that center is greatly increased in intensity. Be warned though, it can take you to the verge of "unlimited" power - and you can really damage yourself if you are not SUPER careful and minimal (and if you play with this - DO NOT work on higher centers until the lower ones are "asking" you to). I won't give the actual formula I worked out - it would be reckless. But with a single breath I was able to cultivate enough "power" to spiritually project anywhere and anytime I wanted to instantly (in full visual clarity) - and even make it multiple locations simultaneously. I'm just adding it here to make it very clear that "cultivation" is highly influenced by the energy bodies out there (if it wasn't already).
  7. Everything and Nothing, Everywhere and Nowhere.
  8. Random thought about Dao that can not be spoken

    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  9. Yes, water trees seem to give the greatest peace for me, as do rooting exercises. mmmm, very familiar with the pain you refer to (especially in lower jiao), hips and legs. But also middle jiao region. As a child during the "acquisition" phase of said acquired mind/body I would cry convulsively for hours - sleepy muggle parents called them growing pains and would get quite angry that I wouldn't stop (much of it was their stuff I was taking for them). In the fine words of Baron von MĂĽnchhausen, "Open the Gates!"
  10. Ok, I'm not claiming to be good at this...at best sporadically surprising. But I want to practice problem solving with psychic gifts. Anyone got a problem they want to solve or see in a new light? My approach will probably be Socratic like questions in return. Feel free to make this a free for all rather than just about me though
  11. Yes, much of my work always comes back to rooting and water, and kidneys.
  12. Thoughts about God

    Here's one for ya that you wont find on Goolge.... Ceasar and Yeshua (Jesus) were the same soul.
  13. Clean space

    Tried this out over the weekend... I looked at the issue from every angle at once - like the issue was inside a sphere and I was observing it from every possible point on the sphere's surface converging inwards looking at the issue. Got huge yawns and transformation of the energy.