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Everything posted by Horus

  1. ok, so the bone breathing (Iron Shirt 3) used packing process breathing also? I've not studied it yet. Thanks JoeBlast
  2. Thanks Jox. Yes, that's the packing process breathing (Iron Shirt 2). And yes, it must be done with special attention not to force it, and to pack very lightly. Michael Winn did it too intensely in the beginning and developed little red pressure dots on his body. So, when I worked though this I was focused on very slight packing - which I still do. That way there are no issues. But, that work is not the Marrow Washing (Iron Shirt 3) - which I'm more interested in finding out what concerns there are with.
  3. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Prenatal Spiritual Virtues (Compassion, Inner-Peace, Integrity, Honor; Wisdom, etc.). There are 4 types of virtue explained in his system: Apparent Virtue - acts of compassion visible to others and are rewarded with material or verbal gratitude etc Yin Virtue - kind deeds without any expectation of reward Mystical Virtue - good deeds without people knowing about it Genuine Virtue - good deeds performed spontaneously as a reflection of ones inner state
  4. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    ok, thanks BKA
  5. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    So, did you have extreme fatigue? and if so, did it help?
  6. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    So, what was your symptomology (if it's not too personal) and how did they help rectify your situation?
  7. Ho Hi Owledge - thanks for posting. "2) When you feel alright and then someone starts interacting with you, pointing out your flaws, and you don't want to admit those flaws in you, then the simple escape for you is: I felt fine, then the guy appeared, now I feel uncomfortable, thus 'naturally' he is the source of that. I feel repulsed? Well, it certainly isn't me, but the feeling is there, so it has to be that other person there who is repulsive." When these kinds of scenarios arise I like to just allow the ego to burn (my own ego I mean). One of the best ways to work with this scenario (in a normal waking state), I have found, is to just accept what has been said - seeing that it is a projection (which everything is really) and yet not defending (either verbally in retort or mentally in taking a given position about it). I find that anytime I just allow them to say it and take no steps to defend, judge or disprove etc it has a great burn affect on my own ego self. So, if someone pulls me up on something, and I feel said repulsion - I don't try to say to myself oh its them projecting. Instead I (try my best) to utilise the situation. I just allow my own objections to flame if they will , and observe it (oh, that upsets you does it, huh (would be my internal dialogue). I guess I try and make good use of all situations - and it someone upsets me, I accept it as much as if they make me smile. In the end it's your own ego you have to take responsibility for - so I don't try to defend mine anymore (if I can catch it). With this ethos it tends to be genealogical and past-life stuff that is harder to catch - and then I know I really have something to work with/detach from. I try to bring it back to self. edit note - wrote "ho" instead of "hi" (maybe it was a hoo?)
  8. Had a great session with the extra 8 this am http://jedischool.cf/index.php/topic/25-nice-opening-of-the-qiao-wei-channels-this-morning/
  9. This is a really nice thread. Very interesting to read this and feel y'all back in time I've been doing Mantak Chia's work for about 2 years now. Fusion1, Fusion 2, and started Fusion 3 about 3 months ago. I've also (prior to the Fusion work) been doing various foundation work - embracing the tree (Iron Shirt 1), empty force circle qigong, healing sounds, inner smile, simple tendon changing, yang style Taiji - I find this work fantastic, and while I'd agree that it has dangerous potential (Iron Shirt) - I've watered it down and approached the whole thing in baby steps - and it has been a wonderful journey. I got electrocuted prior to starting the foundation work, and was entrained to the electrical frequency - this work reconnected me with the earth and has healed most of the issues I had. Prior to all of this work I did have a zazen and swod teacher for a few years - which already opened up the MCO. So, I'm now working through the 8 extra channels. It is like a beautiful respite to work with the 8 extra channels - awareness of the points, the energy at each of them, the flow of the energy through the channels, opening them up, feeling their pulses, joining them and growing the energy. I agree that doing the 8 with surplus energy is the way to go. I find that if I do the 8 after fusion 1 it is a bit lack lustre, but after fusion 2 it is bliss. I find "home" in the final 4 of the 8 (limbs). It really feels like such an arrival, almost a weeping relief energy, such love. Yesterday I was doing the 4 of the 8 (limbs - Bridge/Regulator) channels and a "chunk" of negative energy slipped out. It was a trauma from a few years ago... As that energy slipped out I pushed my mind into it (as an effortless action - not a lower choice, it felt like higher self ushering me into it) and I "projected" into the location where the trauma originated (a beach house I stayed at a few years back). I'd always lean to the side of caution with all of this work, but don't be afraid. If you take baby steps and honour yourself, and your intention is humble and loving, taking responsibility - it can be a very beneficial journey. For me, I quarantined myself in the preparatory foundation work (with big emphasis on rooting/grounding) and only started the Fusion work when my sense of self was asking for it - and even then I only agreed with myself to venture slowly towards it. Zazen was a wonderful grounding/foundation - the no mind aspect allowed for stillness and the ability to enter quickly into a non-thinking feeling state at will. The Iron Shirt (mainly rooting (very very soft packing process breathing - taking it to an absurdly light level) and embracing the tree (adding sacred sites work - merging my consciousness with the earth grid at various energy centers on the grid) - both gave me a solid rooting foundation to counteract an "highness/spaciness" that came with the meridian work. I find this work so amazing and beautiful that I was more than happy to take it snoringly slowly. I've just learned about James Macritchie's resources from this thread so will take a look. If anyone's still notified to this thread - thanks to everyone for their input (including the OP!)
  10. Well, thank you JoeBlast! You could both write a great book together...."Taoist Physical & Subtle Anatomy & The 3 Dantiens MCO by Mark Foote & Joe Blast" Or have I Blasted myself in the Foote?
  11. Awesome post, Mark...when are you releasing your Taoist Anatomy Text?
  12. Sure, but if you widen the stance of the legs, more like an ultra low compact horse stance to the point where the thighs are only lightly touching the belly its fine.
  13. The squat position is fantastic for rooting though, as hui-yin is engaged to the earth, and the hips are opened. One needs to be elevated from the crown to the heavens to alleviate the breath, and must roll the shoulders and cup the armpits to free the arms from the legs. I do this and circle the palms close to the floor - if there is seismic activity within 10,000 odd kms I "always" see earth elementals coming up through the floor to tell me about the seismic activity. I've never done it as a standard practice though, but if you keep good form I can't see why not to - it depends on your intentions for said practice.
  14. Thanks Jox. Ideally chair/stool sitting for neigong work, but I love half lotus also (when the cosmic/earth energies are on the yang/stronger side). I usually use Full-Lotus for Kriya. I'd use full-lotus more but my left hip is still a bit tight (due to large intestine issue). Full-Lotus and dragon/tiger fist/palm (thumbs to palm and fingers/index finger locking them in) locks the energy far more and things are intensified x much more.. So, after 10-12 years of half lotus - full-lotus is still a work in progress for me...
  15. Chair, Full-Lotus, And Half-Lotus.
  16. Which 'Neigong Forum' Banner Is Best...?

    I like the one you have currently in the footer, but also like the one you've just asked about - but prefer the font not overlapping the figure of the meditator.