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About DreamBliss

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  1. So... Many years ago, reading one of Robert Moss books, I performed a, "Dream Re-entry." I have talked about this before. On successfully doing this one time, the only time (to my memory) I recall ever doing it, a fox showed up. The fox was not there in the original dream. Around the time I started doing some sort of Chakra meditation or work, and the fox appeared again and was with me during this. The name that came to me for the fox is Ayhunna. For some reason, I stopped doing these meditations. I stopped doing the visualizations, and I stopped interacting with Ayhunna. I feel bad about that. I don't know what changed in me. But with certain things I am considering, and my mood at the moment, I miss playing "Chase the Fox" with my friend/guide/teacher. I would like to hang out with them again. I've got some Shamanic drumming tracks so I am covered there. But I don't have any ready visualizations or anything to work with. I had the thought that maybe I should find an authentic Native American Shaman on YouTube, if there is such a person, or failing that, find a Native American Shaman author - some sort of teaching that would be used with the Native Americans when working with a spirit animal or guide. I don't really know who or what Ayhunna is. Only that I think of him as a him, I see him as a fox (and I'm not ready to deal with seeing him as anything else) and he first showed up during that dream re-entry where I was using Shamanic Drumming. So I figure the best way to honor him would be with some sort of authentic Native American practice. Please note I am not Native American, except maybe in heart or spirit. I was egoically thinking of myself as a Shaman for a short period of time, but right now I want to keep it real, and it seems more genuine to say I feel connected or drawn to what little I know of the Shamanic path. Hopefully there are some authentic Native American teachers around, and maybe someone here in these forums can point me to them? I will look myself of course. But this is really the only spiritual community I am a part of at the moment, and I thought I would come here and ask for help first. Appreciate your help with this, and thank you! Now you know, those of you familiar with my avatar before, why I chose that particular avatar, and why Nungali enjoyed calling me, "Little Fox" for a time.
  2. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Not far from Portland, OR. So if you know of any spiritual teachers hiding in the immediate area, please enlighten me (pun intended!) Best I found so far was a woman channeling Lord St Germain of the Ascended Masters. I only attended one session, but it was interesting.
  3. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    So I checked the links about Eric Peppin that were provided. Just the usual defamation BS. The formula is always the same: spiritual teacher becomes successful == spiritual teacher is accused of abuse or rape. And as always, the word cult is thrown around with most of the folks tossing it having not the foggiest clue what a cult actually is. Main point is nothing disproved any of what Eric Peppin claimed to do or proved any wrongdoing on his part. So not a worthy resource, though I do appreciate desire and willingness to help. Thank you. You know I believe and claim to be intuitive and sensitive. Every once and a while (though not for some time now) I see strange things. Nothing huge or life shattering. Just weird, and the voice in my head quickly minimizes it. Like the time I was at the theater and saw a beautiful, happy, young couple walking towards me. They were maybe 10 feet away. Then as they passed me I saw they were actually an older, but still very much in love couple. I figure I either caught a glimpse of their spirit or soul. Or maybe how they see each other. But ask me to do that again, and I can't! So just because someone claims psychic powers yet can't read your mind on command doesn't mean they aren't psychic. I do see one avenue of investigation and that is to see if there are any military records for Eric Peppin. It is claimed in the book he helped the military find subs as a kid. Maybe a FOIA request would shake something loose. Not sure I can be bothered though. That first link was also very harsh towards Tony Robbins, Michael Bernard Beckwith and Oprah. Oprah for cryin' out loud! Probably the closest thing to Mother Teresa outside the Catholic faith. What's next... Go after Thich Nhat Hanh or Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev? UGH!
  4. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Would that I had the resources to do so! I agree completely.
  5. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Thank you for the information. I will verify it with what I already know. Unfortunately there are just as many people out there claiming things that never happened to them, claiming someone (usually someone famous or popular) hurt them in some way, as there are lying spiritual teachers! But these folk are at best lying, or rumor mongering, or at worse on a smear campaign. I see over and over again countless attacks on spirituality and spiritual practices, as well as spiritual teachers. I live not far from where Osho was kicked out. I have been told Carlos Casteneda was a liar and a murderer. I have been told the lady channeling Ramtha in running a cult. I have been told Teal Swan is running a cult. Heck the folks claiming these things would defame the Buddha or Jesus Christ if they could get away with it! I don't like to waste my time and energy on liars and naysayers who serve only one purpose, to preserve the status quo. To keep things locked into physical reality so the great capitalist machine can keep churning. If we could effortlessly experience things "outside physical reality" and the information on how to do it was readily available, society would likely cease to function as it currently does. The whole damn system works because everyone thinks that all there is is getting up, going to work, rinse and repeat. I know there is more to reality than what my senses tell me. I know there must be authentic teachers out there who can do things most can't. But wading through all this BS is exhausting...
  6. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    More like a jolt to break through the blocks. Mainly because I spent so long working on myself I started to become self-absorbed, and nothing (and I mean nothing) I have ever done, outside of renouncing my former Christian faith, created any fundamental, meaningful and substantial change.
  7. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Thank you, everyone, for your replies. Anyone familiar with the book I mentioned, or Eric Peppin?
  8. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Some good advice here, thank you! But a little too much dependence on the religion of science (I know that phrase irks some of you, sorry.) Some things can not be measured in a lab - they have to be experienced directly.
  9. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    I shall look into this and perhaps do it. Thank you.
  10. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    I too consider these things and love them Nungali. I often look around the world in wonder, and then wonder why nobody else is looking around! But the miracle of watching a seed sprout or an ant lug a huge nut to its nest doesn't in any way leave any sort of fundamental, meaningful or substantial impact on my reality. The physical world is certainly wonderful - full of wonder - but that doesn't help me change the trajectory of my life. I wish it were enough though. Finding wonder in the world is something I can do effortlessly! BTW, love the William Blake!
  11. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Well so far all the low-hanging fruit I have found (some of it very delicious BTW) has turned out to not be substantial enough to feed me, like eating a watermelon, or downright rotten! I would be happy with low-hanging fruit if it did indeed, "provide life-changing results before entering the miracle zone", as you said. And did not come with a limited time offer or price tag. I don't need to walk through walls, or in my case it would be flying or teleportation. I assume we are locked into certain rules collectively in this reality. But being able to sense energy as if it were a tangible thing and see things most are not aware of would be good enough for me. That would certainly short-circuit this unwanted inner tendency of mine to believe the physical world is all there which has left me unable to change my life in the big 3 ways: Fundamentally, Meaningfully and Substantially.
  12. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    I am open to anything, yes. But I won't do literally anything, no. That desperate, literally do anything mindset is very dangerous in my opinion. It may be needed in small doses in certain cases, but what use would be the knowledge I seek at the harmful expense of another? If it would harm another person, I probably wouldn't do it. Hope that answers your question.
  13. I recently found a book by Eric Robison titled, "Bending God." In it the author speaks of a guy named Eric Peppin. A psychic, with abilities and powers. I want to know if I have finally found someone who can do what is being said of them. I am ashamed to admit I have been looking for a real spiritual teacher. Someone who can easily work at the energetic level and do things I would label as "outside physical abilities." I read these experiences others say they have had all the time. Robert Monroe going out of body. Robert Moss and his shamanic dreaming. The guy whose name I can't spell levitating in Autobiography of a Yogi. Ramtha just taking his physical body with him. I want to witness someone doing these things, directly. No tricks, no BS. I want to hit the core beliefs I have about reality so hard they shatter, just like they did when I renounced my faith and stopped being a Christian. This all assuming these things are even real. Maybe none of it is. But I want to know for sure. I want to experience for myself. I no longer want generationally held hand-me-down beliefs. I want to experience something so powerful that my mind won't be able to excuse it away. I want to be left changed forever by it. Maybe this is a foolish desire to have. But I am at a critical time in my life. I keep finding myself disappointed by the books I have read. It's getting bad enough that I am starting to hate books! I feel that everyone is either outright lying, or exaggerating. How am I to know the actual things that will bring fundamental, meaningful and substantial change right now, in this moment? I do not want enlightenment and could care less about it. I have neither the energy or time to devote to some decades long practice for which the results I have to take on faith. I want to do something, today, period. Is there any sort of practice I can do that is guaranteed to bring results that challenge physical reality? I am open to anything, especially anything that has been used successfully by the one suggesting it. Failing that, are there any real teachers I can contact, who would be able to guide me through some sort of reality challenging experience? I sent an email to Robert Moss. He was very rude. Ram Dass has passed. Eric Peppin seems uncontactable. I'm very tired, on every level. I am weary of my life and the seemingly concrete box of an experience of reality I am locked into. I want to know if the things in this book I am reading are true. I don't know how to ask that in Eric Peppin's Discord. Any advice? I keep thinking that if I could just know for sure there is more to life than this, like everyone seems to be saying, if I could experience that in a fundamental, meaningful and substantial way, maybe, just maybe I could figure out what to do or where to go from that elevated perspective. Or maybe I would suddenly just know what to do next. But the main thing is I would have something powerful and strong enough to fundamentally, meaningfully and substantially change my life. Something real, something I experienced for myself that left no doubt. This is not just what I want. I need this, for reasons I am not allowed to go into here. I really and truly appreciate your help with this! If you could get me a 1on1 with a real teacher experienced in outside physical reality (who isn't gonna throw prices and limited time offers at me) you would be helping me to alter the trajectory of my life. This is something I desperately need right now. Thank you for reading.
  14. DaoBums Facebook Group

    Just a heads up that the DaoBums Facebook group is not being properly moderated and now contains pornographic spam. Whoever is in charge of the group might want to clean it up. I have left for now.
  15. Sometime in the next 4 months I will be homeless

    A bit of an update... First thank you Nungali, I needed the smile that reply gave me. So two things have changed: 1. I now have my application into the school district. No jobs at either of the locations I can walk to for which I wish to apply as yet. 2. My mom is dead-set against the idea I broached with here and dad, of offering the landlord $1,000 a month, $1,200 at most to stay here and see what he says. She says she feels intuitively that we need to move. I call bullshit. I don't think she is listening to her gut at all, and have good reason to say this. But it is what it is. When the lease expires, that's it, we're leaving, whether or not we have anywhere to go. That's the hand I have been dealt and must play. I have more to say, but the community here, as good as it may be, is not equipped to handle that, so I'll carry that burden on my own.