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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. Currently reading the Michael Roads Reader, which contains, "Talking with Nature" and "Journey Into Nature." It is vaguely reminiscent, or reminds me of, "Black Elk Speaks." But I liked the idea of being able to communicate with animals, plants, etc. What I am seeing in the conversations he is recording is it is very much like when I talk to what I call the voice inside. The mannerism of the words. It resembles the way things come out when I ask the voice inside a question, kind of focus on my heart area, and begin to type whatever comes to mind. This is not what I was hoping for with what Michael Roads is sharing. On the one hand it means I already can communicate with the natural world, using the same technique I already use, just focusing on whatever it is I am communicating with. But on the other hand I wanted to be able to do things like go into the woods and ask a plant if it is edible or not. I wanted to get things from that plant's perspective, not all of the plant kingdom's collective mind. My working theory right now is this... There is an individual energy for every cell, every organ, every part of your body, and in the same way there is an energy for every animal and plant, the earth itself, and every part of everything. This means when I am talking to what I have called the voice inside I am actually communicating with my heart energy, or I am communicating with my higher self. So these individual energetic parts are probably how my higher self speaks to me. I think it works something like Source speaks through the Universe which speaks through the Earth which speaks through the lifeforms on the earth which speaks through the various parts of each life form. I am not making this very clear, my thoughts are somewhat muddled. But I was thinking about this last night and am still trying to wrap my mind around it. Bottom line is to take the way I speak to the voice inside to a plant or a rock or anything else and see what it says, probably through my writing. I am not sure I would hear a voice as such in my mind, I can see where this might walk the narrow ledge of madness. But I question common definitions of sanity and insanity. Maybe if we understood the person better who heard multiple voices in their head, taught them to focus, to tune in and out, maybe what we have is not an insane person but a sane person with an unusual sensitivity. The people we call sane who drive back and forth to work in an unconscious gaze, the same people who coincidentally all of a sudden decide to walk into a movie theater and shoot a bunch of people (as an example), who everyone that knew them would say, "He seem like such a normal guy..." I would call the life that brings a person to such a place insane, and that kind of living insanity. But this whole thing is probably best saved for another thread. I will let whoever wishes to start it. For me personally sane and normal excludes the heightened states of awareness and consciousness I am interested in attaining and living in. Is it sane by the definition of society to want to get my hands on acid and have a trip?
  2. Honestly I didn't even know this could be done until someone told me that she can do it. She seemed pretty accurate in what she told me some plamts said to her, when she spoke to them on my behalf. Maybe this is a shaman thing? Or maybe it is a sensitive thing? It makes sense that you should be able to communicate with them. Because they are connected to the Source, same as you, and that same energy is inside them as it is in you. It should be able to communicate with you through the perspective and form of a bush or a tree. I was wondering if there are any books out there that teach this? I think this is something I would like to learn how to do. I feel strangely drawn to it. Sadly, this person who claims to be able to do so, will no longer talk to me. But I have a hunch that someone in these forums is able to do this. As always, I appreciate your help.
  3. While off-topic, I just read this, and it is the clearest explanation of the subject of others being mirrors of ourselves I have read so far: “The particular egoic patterns that you react to most strongly in others and misperceive as their identity tend to be the same patterns that are also in you, but that you are unable or unwilling to detect within yourself. In that sense, you have much to learn from your enemies. What is it in them that you find most upsetting, most disturbing? Their selfishness? Their greed? Their need for power and control? Their insincerity, dishonesty, propensity to violence, or whatever it may be? Anything you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you. But it is no more than a form of ego, and as such, it is completely impersonal. It has nothing to do with who that person is, nor has it anything to do with who you are. Only if you mistake it for who you are can observing it within you be threatening to your sense of self.” - Eckhart Toll, “A New Earth”
  4. a posed question?

    I think I have reached the end of what I can say here. I see something so clearly, It is so evident and obvious to me, But I am not Jesus, I can not heal the blind so they can see. To my perception you are overcomplicating things. I think things are far simpler. But it is not my desire to argue with others over beliefs. What victory has a man actually won if he proves he is right? My energy is better invested elsewhere. I originally posted in here out of a sense of play. I tried to keep it that way. I just don't feel I can do that any longer. I leave you, to walk your own paths, and to feel your way along the parts of the elephant you are attempting to describe. Blessings and Love to each and every one of you!
  5. a posed question?

    Also... When you are enlightened and can see beyond form into the formless, what you are seeing there is nonduality. Yes, it is a label, a term, a word - a signpost along the Way. Even in your enlightened state however there will be opposites playing out in the world of form, and as long as you are physical you will have to interact with that world. Your perception has changed, you see behind the curtain, but you are not focused there yet, you are still physically focused. So even though you see things differently, even if you are not attached to anything and seeing the formless, there will still exist the things you want and the things you don't want. Or the things you prefer and the things you do not prefer. The only difference is that you will see the truth of everything, that, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein. For example, see (visualize) yourself in an airplane at 1000 feet. Now jump out of it, without a parachute. Notice as the ground draws nearer. Just before you hit the ground, leave the visualization. So you have what is desirable or preferred (safely in the airplane.) You have the undesirable, what is not preferred (jumping out, inevitable painful landing.) You also have up (in the airplane) and down (hurtling towards the ground.) You have bad (no parachute) and good (in the airplane, safe.) That is duality, and the proof of its existence. For everything in the physical realm, there exists, whether we are aware of it or not, its opposite. I hesitate to call anything a law but if I was to claim something as a law, that would be it. To be in the physical realm is to experience duality.
  6. a posed question?

    I find it interesting... Christians chain themselves with sin, and Buddhists, maybe Hindus as well, with karma. Having worn the chains of sin for so many years and remembering well what it felt lie to wear them, I will not submit to your chains of karma. But if you choose to, it is OK. That is your path and perhaps what you came here to walk. My path is to remain free of any disempowering structures, to realize that they only exist in the beliefs and perceptions of those who believe in them and perceive them. There are no laws, nothing changeless but Spirit and therefore nothing real but Spirit.. There is only apparent reality powered by the energy of collective belief. Someday even gravity will have no effect on us!
  7. Nah, plants are probably easier to talk to...
  8. The video on the first page has been removed. Here is a link to Mooji's channel, perhaps you could re-link the original video here? If it was not from Mooji, maybe some more details so I could track it down? https://www.youtube.com/user/Moojiji Thanks!
  9. a posed question?

    Putting my hand on a hot stove would only have physical consequences. Who I really am would remain unaffected. We become enlightened when we see past the masks. As long as we see only the masks, as long as we are focused on the world of form, we will not become enlightened. When the actor realizes they are playing a part, and stop identifying with their role, that, I think, is enlightenment.
  10. This is a teaching I have encountered in Ram Dass: http://www.amazon.com/Polishing-Mirror-Live-Spiritual-Heart/dp/1622033809/ref=la_B001HCS3GS_1_2 In essence we are all mirrors for each other. Others reflect back to us the things in ourselves we must address. The world is a reflection of our beliefs.
  11. The title says it all. I am about to sign up for an online dating service. My prerequisites are: 1. There have to be a lot of females from around my location (USA Oregon and Washington.) 2. It has to be free to search profiles and to contact people or be contacted by them.. I have narrowed down my search to: OKCupid PlentyofFish SpiritualClick SpiritDating Zoosk Any advice? Based on your own personal experience, do you recommend or not recommend any of these sites? If so which one(s) and why? Are there any other sites you recommend? If so which one(s) and why? I would really like a thriving, spiritually-minded dating pool of single women, but I am not so sure such a thing exists, especially in my area. But I have to do something other than sit here like a lump. Put myself out there. Please note! While I am sure there are amazing women in China, India, Mexico or some small island 100 miles off the cost of Australia, I am not interested in this thing called a "long-distance relationship." I am looking for a physical person I can date or hang out with, should she choose to meet me. Although I suppose if one of these females outside the US was rich enough to send a private helicopter or plane to pick me up I could be convinced to go out with them... I appreciate your help with this. The last time I tried online dating I think I picked the wrong site, and I probably didn't have the right attitude.
  12. Thank you for your feedback, information and links!
  13. a posed question?

    All facts are subjective, a way of saying something is so with such knowledge as is available. Since you don't know everything (or don't remember you are God and know everything) you can not draw any certain facts. They used to say it was a fact that the world was flat. There is no law. Spirit has no need for laws, so laws do not exist outside the dualistic, physical world. The best way to learn the truth about life, in your own personal experience, is to simply throw out all these damn rule books you have been lugging around!
  14. a posed question?

    I may attempt to answer your questions later. For now I will say only this... Bad and good, right and wrong exist only in duality, only in the perception of humans who live in a dualistic physical world. Only humans have the need for the punishment of those they collectively feel have done wrong. Do you see mice getting together to lynch the cat that killed one of them? I hate to break it to you, but when you leave this physical world, if you decide to make your way down to hell, the only people you will find there are those who believe they must be there, and they will only be there as long as they believe or feel they must be there. Hitler will not be found roasting on a spit somewhere, no matter how many people might wish it so. Spirit lives beyond or outside of duality. Spirit does not see bad, good, right or wrong. So there is no judgment, karma or sin, because there is nothing to be punished. I am sorry if you don't like this, but that is the way it is, and you will see for yourself when your physical life is over. You would not condemn an actor killing another actor on the screen to death for the murder. Nether will any of us, actors playing our roles all, be held accountable in any way for our actions while in the physical. How could God condemn and judge itself? The only consequences exist in the physical, within current human society. Earlier version of human society held different views, Later versions of human society will hold different views. The teachings in every religion of judgment, karma and sin are simply behavioral controls, an attempt to control the behavior of others. It is no different than your mother or father telling you fairy stories about what would happen if you went out into the woods at night. It was just to keep you out of the woods, to protect you and keep you safe. There is no more judgment, karma and sin then there are monsters under your bed!
  15. a posed question?

    All such factors that you list are powered by spirit through beliefs. Death, karma and sin only exist because people believe they do. Change is only inevitable because you believe it is. Evolution happens because you believe it must. You are a co-creator with millions of other humans of this fantasy and all its apparent reality. But apparent reality only appears to be reality. When all is said and done only one thing remains - spirit. None of these other things are real. But spirit is real, because spirit never changes, it only appears to do so.
  16. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Watch out for the Kraken...
  17. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Nungali, you were not aware of this but there was a time when I wanted to: I had this whole thing written, I was going to tell you off, then I saw Michael was friends with you, which made me pause, then @ 1:34: Then I was able to let go of being offended by you, allowing me to appreciate you, and now here we are: Although sometimes I admit it feels like this (you're the Kraken):
  18. Sexual Attraction and Stretching by Meditation

    I think this is coming more from your awareness and present-mindedness. You are more in tune with everything and everyone around you. Maybe you are comfortable with who you are. That, it seems to me, is what would draw them.
  19. Adyashanti - Steven Gray

    I appreciate this teacher as well. But I reached a point where his teachings were doing more harm than good for me personally. This is hard to explian. There is nothing inherintly harmful or wrong in them. Just not for me at this time in my life and spiritual development. Thank you for sharing.
  20. a posed question?

    Spirit is the ocean surrounding you. It's waves may slap you on the head. But it is not trying to get your attention. It knows you will become aware of it when ou are ready. It knows you came here for a certain life experience, which it is experiencing through you, and is perfectly content to let you do your thing. When you are ready to become aware of it, that is when it will make its presence known. "Ask and you shall receive." BTW You can make no mistakes and do no wrong. So spirit would have no need to relentlessly or otherwise seek you out. Because even if you completely fuck up your life, everything is OK. Spirt just loves and accept you, no matter what you do!
  21. Opposite energy of Rejection

    It is ACCEPTANCE. You must first love and accept yourself. Then you will be able to love and accept others. If someone rejects you, first love and accept yourself, then you will be able to love and accept them. Any energy drain comes from negative feelings around the rejection. All negative feelings will suck your vitality right out of you. Be authentic and honest about how you feel. Be with your feelings. When you are ready, forgive them. Admit, Accept and Allow. Embrace the pain, open your arms, release it and let it go. Detachment is impossible, because rejection hurts. It's like someone reached into your chest and pulled out your still-beating heart. Try being detached if someone physically did that to you! You could no more be detached from the physical experience than you can the emotional experience. Detachment is also seperation, which means it is ego based. My feelings hurt, I have been hurt, I will detach from my feelings. That would be like detaching physically from the nerevs in your body. Sure, you wouldn't feel pain anymore. But physical pain tells you that there is something you need to address. So does emotional pain. It is a guide and an indicator. Abraham has much to say about this, I will try to summarize. But essentially you feel bad when you are rejected because it doesn't line up with who you know really are. Choosing to be hurt this way brings you into misalignment with Source. Who you really are (Source) loves and accepts you unconditionally. I haven't gotten much further with this myself at this time in my life. I have been rejected a lot, even recently. Somehow this last rejection didn't really bother me. I saw that this was a person that I didn't want anything to do with. It didn't feel good to talk to them, and it probably wouldn't feel good to be around them. There is no hatred here. Only a clarity that this person makes me feel bad, so I would rather not talk to them or be around them. Now it worked in the natural flow of my life to simply leave this person out of my life. Because they wanted to meet me, then canceled. I could make the effort to re-establish the just-starting relationship, but this person would be desiring my friendship. How could I see them as my friend? What kind of friend leaves you feeling bad when you talk to them or are around them? It is out of love for myself that I leave things as they are. It didn't flow in the natural course of my life for us to be friends, leave it at that. No critism, hatred or judgment. I have no negative feelings towards them. I have forgiven them for the negative way they affected me. I love and accept them as they are, and I have asked the Source to bless and be with them. I am free of any negativity from this as a result. But I would not have been able to come out of this as I did had I not been loving and accepting of myself, demonstrated by the realization that it would hurt me to be with this person, and caring enough to not bring them into my life. Also I had to be able to forgive them, realizing that they probably weren't conscious of what they were doing and how what seems to me to be fear was influencing them. Not a judgment, just what I observed, what seemed apparent to my perception, but I claim no more than that. It is much easier to forgive someone when you realize that they probably just don't know any better. Lastly I could forgive them and bless them. By leaving them blessed and forgiven, there is no negativity influencing either of us coming from me. I don't know about all this energy stuff. Just groping my way along here, same as everyone else. But what I have shared with you are my expreriences. May they lead you to your own realization of the truth you need concering this matter at this time. Blessing and Love!
  22. I respect your viewpoint and appreciate your sharing it. Elitist? Me? I will have to think about that one... Also what does individualism have to do with self-reliance? So I can't champion self-reliance and be motivated by love?
  23. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    SriChi Thank you for the advice and encouragement! So I am not the only dude around here interested in ecstatic dance? Cool! Yes, Nikolai1 has a great sense of humor. Nungali too, although sometimes he can rub a guy the wrong way...
  24. taomeow Thank you for the book suggestion!
  25. I am not calling anyone a slave. Please note, "AS a slave behind the oars..." In other words like or similar to. I am saying, in essence, you can choose to conform or not. If you choose to conform, you are like a slave. Maybe you have heard the phrase "wage slave?"