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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. What To Do When Someone Says You Are Going To Die?

    So I guess I need to look for the men's retreat next door...
  2. What To Do When Someone Says You Are Going To Die?

    My bad, I think this is it: http://www.ci.ojai.ca.us/ Nungali Thank you! One again you gave me a good laugh and perspective. You keep that up and I may end up sending you a friend request... Spotless Thank you for your very comprehensive repsonses. There is a lot there and I will spend some time being with it for a while. Michael I could take you up on your offer, but then wouldn't that be a fear response? Which means I would be at a fear frequency? On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a second opinion... I will get back to you on this. Everyone She said she can't give me any more detail. It was her last emal to me. As I read all of your responses two things occured to me. One is that I feel or suspect she was being manipulative in some way. I feel or suspect she was trying to drive me away, and justify her doing so. Like her email was her way of working out why she wanted to cancel our meeting and no longer communicate with me. I was going to post her last email, but it doesn't feel right. I do not know her perception of her sensitive abilities. I believe she has only used the word sensitive to energeies or something like that. It seems like she can also communicate with plants, which I actually find interesting and want to learn how to do myself. The other thing is that I remembered I actually had a premonition once! I can't remember the details right now, but something about driving down the road, going round a corner, and if I did not slow down I would hit a car sitting there in the road. It is a two-lane road, they would be in my lane with no room to move around because there was a car pulling onto the road off the other lane. Anyhow I reached that stretch of road, and just to be safe, not oit of fear as I recall, I slowed down as I went around the corner. Guess what? There was a car sitting there, that I would have rear-ended most likely, not having time to stop, and a car pulling out of the other lane! I don't know why this thread made me think of that, but I mention it just in case it is important. I do not consider myself to be a psychic or medium or anything. But I also don't have any beliefs against having such abilities. So I guess I am open enough if my Higher Self wants to tap me on the shoulder occasionally.... I have not recieved any such tapping about California, but I will consult what I call the Voice Inisde. see what it says about this. Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I feel a lot better about this. Had to shake off how I felt after her email. Crawl my way back to a higher flying disc...
  3. What To Do When Someone Says You Are Going To Die?

    Thank you for your replies. This is physical death, not spiritiual death. As for Rara: 1. I don't have to go to Cali, no. But I have to leave this house, let it go (her words, and I agree), and find my own way. It is time. It has been time for a long time. No more putting it off. I have come to understand that this is the next step I must take in my life. To leave, without a plan or safety net of any sort. I have no better destination in mind. Other maybe than Arizona and the Grand Canyon. If you know of any spiritual places in the states near Washington in the US I am all ears. 2. I do not know her all that well. I can not prove that she is for real. I could try, but whether or not she is right is ultimately irrlevant. Because this is the second time I have been told something like this. Two different, unrelated sources. Because there is a 50/50 chance of her being right or wrong. Because it is more likely she is right than wrong, as I have been thinking about ending my life for a long time, and if the LoA teachings are right, that our frequency or vibration determines what we attract into our lives, then my death would certainly be drawn into mine. 3. I am sick of yardwork. The surest way to make me want to kill myself is by giving me menial labor as something to do in order to stay alive. To quote myself, "Life is meant to be lived, not merely tolerated. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured."
  4. I know you were all waiting with abated breath, or perhaps weary resignation, for my next thread. Well here it is! I am watching Abraham-Hicks Laying New Pipes. Yes, this is about the Law of Attraction, and is directed to those with some knowledge of this. A member of the audience had a question about love at first sight, and Abraham explained to this person that when they are on their high flying disc, in other words operating at a higher frequency or vibration (you more spiritually realized folks would identify this state as one where you are near or at enlightenment, no longer in pursuit of a female, for example) you would not notice or even hear someone at a much lower frequency or vibration. Or they would be unable to notice or hear you. Well that leaves me with a question... How did Jesus, assuming he existed, ever heal the sick? Obviously if you are sick and paralyzed, with a few rare exceptions, you will be focused on this undesirable state you are in. You don't know your true nature, that your sickness, like everything else, is an illusion. For the most part those presenting a sick state of some sort are operating at a lower frequency or vibration. Maybe not always. I am sure there are enlightened handicapped people, but that would open up some more questions... How does this work, assuming it works this way? If you lower your frequency so you can interact with them, you can't perform what others would percieve to be miracles, but which, likely to you from your advanced/enlightened spiritual state are no different that walking or riding a bicycle. Also, if they are focused on their sickness, how can they become aware of you? I was thinking about this in the kitchen a few minutes ago. I wondered if I stepped back in time, to when I was a Christian and depresed most of the time, if I could look around me from my current higher operating frequency, would I see circumstances, people and situations that I never noticed back then? Are we all walking through life, not even aware of certain other poeple around us, beyond maybe some basic level outside our awareness? People that just don't register in our awarness? Either because they are so much higher in frequency than us, or so much lower? Is it possible that right now, in my unenlightened state, that there are enlightened people here in this little town I live in, maybe doing miracles, maybe walking through walls, walking on water, flying and so on, that I never percieve, because it is so far outside my current operating frequency? Is it sort of like a radio dial, where the only people you can percieve are those within a few numbers of your channel? I was going to see if I even knew about this forum back during the last days of my Chistianity. I don't think I did. I think I became aware of it only afterwards. It makes me wonder what other places on the internet I have never accessed that advanced and enlightened souls gather at all the time. What do you think? Utter bull? Maybe true? True but my understanding is wrong? If my understanding is wrong, please help me understand correctly. It'll be interesting what you all have to say about this.
  5. No offence has been taken, interesting discussion, this post is inspired by the book, "Illusions" by Richard Bach. I have just reached the part about the blue feather... I wonder as I read this how much of it is intellectual? What the author knows, what feels right to him, but not something he has applied? Like I have a sort of internal sense that allows me to provide guidance to a teenager and her mother. But I am not a parent, this is only stuff that feels right, that I know, that I would do, but I do not do, because I am no longer a teenager, and I do not have a child of my own. In other words, is Mr. Bach walking on water and through walls? Or is he just showing us the way we can, to the best of his feeling/understanding? Is it applied and practical or merely felt and understood?
  6. It is moving from an unconsious focus through circumstances and situations in one's life to becoming more consious, more aware, of that which lies beyond the physical world. For me it also means moving from the milk of an organized religion and blazing my own path to the experience of whatever or whoever this energy or entity they call God really is. In other words, I no longer invest my belief energy in how others describe God. I read their descriptions, they have a lot of different names for this, but I am figuring out what it means in my own exprerience. Spirituality is finding your own way to your own experience of the Truth. The trick is that it will only ever be your own Truth. Everyone else has to find their way to their own version of it.
  7. A cousin of mine just got married. I was sick and used it as a valid excuse not to go. But I would not have gone even if I had been well. Another cousin, her brother, is also getting married in a month I think. I was close to both of these people at one time. Close enough that I am probably right in assuming both them, and their mother, my aunt, will be hurt and offended by my absence. It doesn't matter that we have had little contact for over 10 years now. I was thinking I should say something on Facebook. Say I am not going, and explain, with as little detail as possible, why. But I don't know if this is something I should do or not. There may very well be envy and jealousy hidden here somewhere. But as far as I am aware, the reason I do not want to go, is because doing so would hurt me. In fact, every time the family gets together, I feel especially isolated and alone. I feel drained and hurt. I have no idea where this is coming from, no obvious reasons I know of. I think, I truly believe, I am happy for them. I have nothing against any of them. I am glad they have found someone to share their life with. But I feel as if everyone else is getting what they want. They are finding someone to share their life with. They have a dream or a purpose or both. They are happy. Everyone around me seems to be finding someone, seems to be going somewhere. I feel frozen, stuck in time. I have attended 3 weddings that I can recall and 2-3 funerals and memorials. I can honestly say that the only marriage and funeral I wish to attend at this point are my own. I think it would kill me, figuratively and literally, to go. To watch other people being happy, having a life worth living and sharing, enjoying the things I have wanted for such a long time. This video does a good job of depicting exactly how I would feel: http://youtu.be/ZEQEvUIcjJw I want them to be happy. But the bright light of their experience casts very dark shadows, and I am in those shadows. I could force myself to go, but I would be miserable and I would have a detrimental effect on others as a result. So, in your opinion, what should I do? Should I post at Facebook and say I am not going, briefly explaining why? Or should I just remain silent and hope they never ask me why I was not there? I slipped by with this sickens my body is fighting. But I have no more convenient excuses handy. I appreciate your help. I know some of you have to be getting tired of giving me advice only to have me completely ignore it. I thank you for your patience. I keep thinking I am somehow broken or flawed. That there is something wrong with me, and as handy as I am, I just can't fix it. Everyone else seems to have it figured out. I am as confused and lost as ever. It's almost like they are from an alien exotic culture, with customs that remain unfathomable to me. It seems so easy for them. Meet someone, have sex with them, get married or not, have a kid, repeat. Like the majority of the rest of the American population. But I just don't get it. I just don't understand it. I feel as if I should, as if I should know this stuff, and that is just additional proof that there is something wrong with me because I don't. Anyway... Enough rambling...
  8. Seeking Advice... Again! How Should I Handle This?

    Thank you for that correction Nungali... That will teach me not to write something when I am half asleep... Maybe... I don't understand the deer antlers thing. Going right over my head... Edited and corrected my post.
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "We should no more weep for the one who has died, Than we would for the caterpillar entering the cocoon." "There are no limits to what you can do, unless they have been set by you!" "Love comes from the heart, not the mind." "Answer repression with creative expression." - Mark Wey AKA DreamBliss
  10. Seeking Advice... Again! How Should I Handle This?

    Just... Wow... I have no words. Except... Thank you, everyone. Apech, your words really resonated with me. As did yours, silent thunder. I think I will take your advice, and maybe do as Aetherous suggested. Come in, stay for the ceremony, leave afterwards. I will have to make arrangements. OldChi, what is this secret smile practice? Have you any information on it, as you practiced or practice it? Could you share that information? Also thank you for what you said. Marblehead... I suspected someone would come in here with advice along the lines of, "Hit on the bridesmaids..." Surprised it was you though. I thought it would be Nungali... (edited, big boo-boo here...) But yes, you are correct. My room is filled with monkeys, better to take inspired action in the natural flow of my life, which means going to this wedding, where I can meet people. Never know what might happen. Just have to somehow do so in a way that if I do not meet anyone I am not disappointed. Silent Answers... I would trade every moment I have for a worthwhile way to spend and share just a few of them with another.
  11. I am creating a Book of Dreams. This is something I am using to raise my frequency or vibrational level. You could also think of it as something that is keeping me more positive and helping the negative to have less of a hold on me. In this Book of Dreams, so far, are places I want to set my eyes on. These include the Big Sur coast in California, the Venice Canals, and the stars reflected in a still sea. I can not properly express to you the power this picture I have on my calendar for one of the Venice Canals, or the image sequence in the movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End" has on me. There is more energy there, more desire to set my eyes on these things, than there is to let the events of the last month and even last few years have a detrimental hold on me, In short, they are getting me out of this swamp I am in. Please keep this in mind when you post. Remember dreams are very fragile things, and if you break mine, you are destroying the only thing that is currently keeping me going. The only dreams I have at this moment, the only reason I have to live. I appreciate your understanding. Now, the reason for this thread. I am going to start adding things I wish to experience in this Book of Dreams. One of the things I have been curious about, for a very long time, is ayahuasca. But I have heard there are people defrauding those looking for this experience in South America. I am hoping that someone here either knows of an authentic place where this can be experienced, or, even better, has actually been somewhere and had this authentic experience, and would be willing to tell me where this place is. I hope this request does not violate the rules of this forum, as this is considered a drug. For me it is for the shamanic and spiritual experience. I just found an article that talks about this can even help with depression and PTSD. I know, from my own experience, the positive effect shrooms had on me. I know it changed me somehow, for the better. I know that ayahuasca will do the same. So I definitely want to experience this. http://reset.me/story/document-contains-nearly-every-study-ever-conducted-on-ayahuasca/#.VUvl1Xfbo74.twitter If you are not allowed to post and tell me where I could go to have an authentic experience with ayahuasca for any reason, maybe you could PM me? I would appreciate this. I need to know this place to go, so I can do a search for images that I can place with some writing about it in my Book of Dreams. It is a very visual book I am constructing. I do not wish to break the law and I do not know where this is legal or illegal. But I reserve the right to practice civil disobedience on subjects like this. If everyone tried shrooms a couple of times in their lives, believe me, the entire human race would transform for the better. So any laws saying this or ayahuasca is illegal I can not support. If it grows naturally on the earth or is part of a practice or tradition of a native people the law does not apply, as far as I am concerned. In the end it is my body, and I decide what goes into it, or not. Not the law! If this thread violates forum rules, and I hope this forum is not that inflexible, I understand if those in charge feel they must close it and I apologize. I was just reading that article and wondering where I could go to collect information on this. I thought maybe I would start here. Thank you.
  12. Best Place for An Authentic Ayahuasca Experience?

    Thank you for that information. I am glad to see the money goes to a number of good projects. However this whole thing seems to me to be about making money for them. It reminds me of what the Esalen Institute has become. I guess I was looking for something less commercial? Does that make any sense? As far as possibly dying... Let's just say that at this point I hardly see it as a problem, so it is definitely worth the possible risk. But when I have this experience, I will not be motivated by fear.
  13. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Songtsan [Gesturing up to the previous post] Run. Run very far away, as fast as you can... Nungali JK (just kidding.) I'll bet you're a very good metaphysical matchmaker.
  14. Best Place for An Authentic Ayahuasca Experience?

    I do not feel any sort of addictive pull when it comes to drugs. Smoked weed, had shrooms. It's fun when I am with others who are also doing it. But when I am by myself? I just don't have any desire to use these substances. Not trying to run away or escape into them I guess. Usually face my pain head on. About the only time I am tempted to use something like marijuana by myself is if I am in extreme physical pain. That's about it. I don't want to close myself off to enjoying this in America, but I would prefer to not Ameicanize this. You know what I mean? I think I would prefer to go to some village in the South American jungle somewhere and experience it there. Within their cultural traditions, if my being a part of it is allowed. Fragile state or not, this is a Book of Dreams we're talking about. Things I intend to experience and see with my own physical eyes. It could be months or years before I have this experience. There is no rush here. I might want to summit Everest one day, but I am not rushing out the door to do so.
  15. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Well obviously. But the ego has a low threshold for pain tolerance... For all but the most enlightened or spiritual, a rejection feels like a rejection of the person, not the ego.
  16. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Nungali We won't be comparing our swords here... Keep it in your sheath! Michael Yes, I learned something... I learned how to be rejected over and over again without hurting myself or anyone else! I can even be rejected and still function moderately well afterwards! I fear this unique lesson will continue to come in handy throughout the rest of my life. I wonder if it will always feel like this:
  17. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    I was living in the top level of an apartment complex. I like my movies and music, tried very hard to be reasonable about it, but what I was told was that the neighbors were complaining. Understand that most of the time I was quiet. I never received any proof that anyone was complaining, nobody has said anything to me other than the manager living there at the time. I also ran out of employment. I worked for a few months driving a double jack, stepping up and down off that, for 10+ hour days, at a food warehouse getting pallets ready for delivery. I tried a janitorial job, something I said I would never do, for a month after that. The first job beat the shit out of my body. the second beat the shit out of my spirit. Compounded with the fact that my dad got nothing for his 30+ years, and that you can't even work somewhere that long anymore, I learned a lesson I will not forget about the flawed premise of working for a living, especially doing so for anyone else's profit. I may not know how to do it, or what I will do, but I have tried to do as others expected of me, I have tried the whole "get a job" pile of bullshit, and I worked hard at it. I know that path leads nowhere, and having a family as what you earn is little consolation. No, I don't know how to go about it, but I will work for myself, doing what I find enjoyable, fulfilling and meaningful, and I will have a family besides. Fuck what society thinks!
  18. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    No, but I have! They are fine. It just never really worked out for me to go anywhere. I had nowhere to go. I still don't, just this idea I can't shake of the Big Sur in California. I have ventured out a few times on my own. Tried, and failed, to make things work. Lived in an apartment, paid the bills, for about a year. They will be left with some things they will have to deal with, and grandma is 90 now, but they have to walk their path and I have to walk mine.
  19. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Update She has my contact information, but does not wish to contact me, so I have been told by a 3rd part. So that's it. If we earned medals in the afterlife for effort, trying and working hard, I would have more shit pinned to my chest that almost any of you! But we don't, and it all is meaningless.
  20. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    I don't even know where to start. Haven't since about a page ago... Nikoli, your advice does not resonate with me at this time. But I appreciate you providing it. BES, you have been continually patient with me, thank you. That last bit I said about you defending your gender, it didn't feel right when I said it. I am afraid I saw it exactly as you detected I saw it, a fight or a war, something that had to be battled and fought. But you are correct, or at least what you said does resonate with me, life is a dance. And unfortunately I have two left feet. But it is about the journey and the learning how to move with others, having fun with that. So I was way off base with what I said. My sincerest apologies. Thank you or your patience. Also if I may give some probably unwanted and definitely unasked for advice... Next time you see a young, handsome man out in the woods alone, if you are not spoken for, go after him! When opportunity knocks, always answer the door! Same for when the Muse comes knocking, if you are the artistic type. Nungali, you have also been patient with me, keeping things humorous and light here. You must be having fun with this, or you wouldn't be able to do that. A good example for me to follow. Thank you. Michael, I will save the martial arts moves for when Nungali gets out of line, or when BES finally looses her patience with me and throws a desk at me for a DeskPlant. Although in the case of a thrown desk I don't think it will do much good... Thank you for your advice and continuing support. For the official record, "We cool!" All Else, Again thank you for your advice and viewpoints. I find myself stuck in a rock and a hard place. In order to have the sort of relationship I want, I have to conform. I have to look a certain way, I have to have a 9-5 job, I have to live a certain way... I have to change myself into something other than I am to suit them. But I have to be who I am to allow my purpose to unfold. I have to honor how I feel about changing myself to conform to society. Among many other things I do not agree with the idea that I have to work some 9-5 job, that this is the only way to have money and provide for myself and someday, a family. I have said it many times before... My dad worked at Safeway for 30+ years before retiring. I know what all these years of work earned him. I know that part of it has to do with his mindset about money. I know the societal model of getting educated and working until retirement has nothing to do with why we are here, having a physical experience. It is the human race's idea of how things should be (@ 5:50): I am actually surprised to see so many defending this model here at what I consider to be a very spiritual place populated by very spiritually mature people just blindly taking this idea, holding it up and saying, "This is how it is" as if it has always been that way, as if there is no other way it ever could be, and as if anyone that does not accept this is somehow wrong. I would have thought there would be more of you saying, "Listen, the societal model is a pile of shit, let's figure something else out." Well you can add me to the dissenting voices at least. What it comes down to is you are all probably correct. This just is not the best time for me to be looking to start any sort of relationship. What you didn't understand was that I was trying to determine if there was any reason for me to stick around here (where I live.) Trying to find my way and some reason to keep going. But I remain lost and without any reason to continue. But that is the way it is. That is the apparent reality of my situation, the apparent reality of life in general, and the apparent reality of society. No point resisting it. Resistance just makes these apparent realities stronger, and they are strong enough already. Admit, Allow and Accept. It is up to me to focus on a different reality, the one I want. If I create the reality I experience, if I can choose it, then this is the only path left open to me. I don't know what else to say. I accede defeat.
  21. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Well that is also good advice, but here's the rub... She lives across the river in Portland, OR. She did not give me her contact information. Only told me where she works. I can come up with the money to travel over there, costs like $7.50 for an all day bus and max line pass. I can travel over there to her workplace. Assuming I have the right one in mind and remember the name correctly. But I would have to approach her at work, and that requires a different dynamic I am not versed in. I could sit from 12-3 or so at Red Robbins and hope she shows up. That was about the time we met before. Hope she remembers me and is actually interested in me. She could very well have simply been an extroverted, talkative person passing the time with a random stranger. I sent my contact info to her business and will check, now that a reasonable amount of time has passed, to see if they received it and passed the information along. Other than the day trip to Portland, not sure what else I can do. It could be she has my information, and has not communicated with me, because she is not interested in me at all. So that is the situation, as I perceive it. I will email the business again right now.
  22. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    zanshin I am open to making friends, and have that set in my profile. In all my messages, as far as I can recall, I have directed the woman to my profile. I have always focused on common interests. I have asked questions relevant to their interests. I have included a detail or two about myself where relevant, in the context of their profile. I have kept all my messages short. I have handled all rejections maturely, respecting the desires and preferences of the one rejecting me. So in short I have gone above and beyond all you have advised, and any reasonable expectation. It is still excellent advice however, and does give me hope, maybe a way to deal with age-base rejections. But I think you are right, she probably used the age difference as the easy way out. Harder for her to tell me, "You're fat and don't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, so I am not interested in you" than to simply say, "I am not interested in men outside my maximum age."
  23. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Yes, she is, and I do appreciate it. But BES is also a woman, and speaking in defense of her gender. This is, as I said, a matter of conflicting rights. I have the right to desire women in a certain age range and with certain physical traits. They have a right to desire men in a certain age range with certain physical traits. And never shall the twain meet. Or something like that. If you would have taken, "...terminate my physical existence..." in context, you would know exactly what I am saying. I am no longer angry or frustrated. I am not depressed. I did follow up on the RL contact to the best of my ability at this time. I have not forgotten about ithat experience..
  24. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    I went to bed feeling very angry and frustrated. Got woke up, just two hours into a restless sleep. Read some Michael Dooley's, "Thoughts Become Things." Couldn't even look at any of my books before going to bed like I normally do. Realized that I am not having fun. When it comes right down to it, life should be fun, dating should be fun, I should be enjoying my dating experience, not going to bed angry and frustrated. I don't mean should in the normal, usual sense. Can't think of another word. This isn't the beating myself or anyone over a head with a stick should, if that makes any sense. I asked myself, before I had this realization, what course of action felt better. I do not feel bad about changing my birth date, if I even can, and changing my age. My conscience would be clear there. Because of what OK Cupid has done, and what my current age is presenting me. But I would feel bad about lying. I hate that. What has honesty ever done for me? What has being a good guy, or a nice guy, ever done for me? But following my feelings, I want to be honest. Not because I give a flying fuck what the women want either. I am sure enough to the point of claiming to know that the age thing is just being used to weed out those who they feel would not share their interests, or would be married, or have children, or be divorced or widowed. Their reasons for wanting someone up to a certain age are as shallow as mine. We both have the right to have what we want, neither right outweighs the other. The problem is, their desire and preference is being allowed to outweigh mine by OK Cupid's system, so my only recourse is to lie about my age, but I want to be honest, so that course of action is closed to me, which means OK Cupid can no longer be used by me. Following my feelings my course of action is clear. Quit OK Cupid, so I will delete my account later today. Because I am not having fun, not because I am giving up. Giving up feels really bad. So I will look for another site. Find one that is more fun to use. If I can't find one, I will have to quit the whole online dating thing. Making no assumptions right now. Which brings me to: BES Good points, everything you said. Except that I have no physical location where I can go to socialize and meet people, as discussed earlier in this thread. It is either online dating or nothing. Michael What you said was true, in "reality" as defined by modern society. I can not, and do not, fault you for telling me the truth. I have to focus on the "reality" that I want instead. The Sara books by Esther and Jerry Hicks are awesome for this. Yes, they are books geared for a younger audience, but they are fun, humorous, always lift my spirits, and point out, very simply, how to use LoA teachings to focus on something wanted, in the face of appearing to be powerless against all the forces against it. And when you can't change it, you an change your perception of it, and by doing that change the effect it has on you. In other words... Society says I have to be under 30, have 6 pack abs and be handsome to win an attractive younger female, as I desire. I can not, so far as I know, reverse my age. There is where I must change my perception. I can change my physical appearance. My body is my creation. Others may not agree with this. But I chose to look like this, to appear like this, at some level. I can choose to see myself differently, in a more desirable (to a female) form. I can take inspired action to this vision in the form of diet and exercise. I am, in fact, already doing some of this. Finally I can draw to me those women who are more spiritually mature than myself, who can, and do, look past the physical age and appearance of someone. In that group of women there has to be at least one who is the right one for me at this time in my life. So I can keep that vision in my head, define reality for myself in that way. Otherwise it would be frustrating for me, because I have been trying to get rid of the fat for years. I exercised a lot. I dieted. I became a vegetarian. Even reduced my intake of gluten. Not one damn thing has worked! If I have to wait until I look like a middle-aged male supermodel, I would definitely terminate my physical existence. I may never be able to change my body, so waiting is not an option. Instead, having fun with this, and life in general, will keep my point of attraction, or my vibrational frequency, high. Which will draw to me those things I want quicker. I am having a Step 1 experience, maybe multiple Step 1 experiences. I am compelled to ask. Step 2 is none of my doing, that is the Universe answering. Step 3 is allowing. I have very clearly and strongly asked. In fact I have been doing that for a long time. For both my physical appearance to be more attractive, and for a woman to share my life with. So keeping my spirits up, so to speak, allowing what I have asked for to show up in my life, is what I have to do now. OK, stuff kicking in, must try to sleep again. Maybe now I will sleep better. Thank you to all who have posted. BES is right, probably not much more to cover here. It was really awesome of all of you to help me with my profile! If I do find another site I will use as much of that as possible. Thank you again! Update Just before going to sleep, realized that I am a Co-Creator of the experience at OK Cupid. that I could be causing others to be angry or frustrated because of the age range I have set. Part of the action I can take to make the experience more enjoyable for myself is to make it more enjoyable for others. So I have set my age range to 18-49, just for today or however long I leave my account open.
  25. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    BES Thank you for you feedback. I do appreciate it. But did you read the rest of what I posted this page? I was told by someone they were not interested in me because I was 6 years outside their age range. 6 years! If I was a betting man, I would bet it had absofuckinglutely nothing with enjoying her partner longer. This whole thing puts me in a bind. If I lie I'm an asshole, but if I don't all I will see are women 35+ who are fat and ugly, or who have kids, or who have been married, etc. Just because the way OK Cupid matches people. The only way to get a pool of women in the age range I want is to lie about my age. The only way to get these women to be interested in me is to, initially at least, lie about my age. There is no intention to deceive here. I am just refusing to let women say they aren't interested just because I am a few years outside their preferred age range. I am also refusing to let OK Cupid match me with a set amount of years of my age. If the system is rigged, you have to hack the system, It is as simple as that. I don't know what to do. I was going to close my account, but if I do that I am giving up. No matter what I do I am fucked in every capacity except the desirable one gendao The whole world domination thing just doesn't appeal to me. Michael I can not formulate a response to what yu just posted at this time. I need to step away now. Everyone Going to give this some more thought.