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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. I didn't read this whole thread and only scanned over the last post. My first reply was humorous. But this reply may have some negativity in it. I don't know why, but I have been feeling dark, for lack of a better word, all day. It is in that feeling/way of being that I now post, so please be forewarned. I am sick and f-ing tired of people trying to sell me on ritual. I read a book by an authoress in the Magical path. It's called, "Magical Knowledge Book 1." Stuff like Astral Projection requires this big prepetory process - ritual. I read how thsi previous poster studied for 10 years with some Gnostic master. OK. Well Robert Monroe did neither of those things. And a lot of other people just up and leave their bodies as easily as probably the majority of them lucid dream. There is no spiritual growth or development requied. It is not some specicialed skill or talent. All that is going on here is some people "get it" a little faster. Unfortunately for me I am one of the slow ones, and I strongly desire to curse whatever agency or energy made me that way. I am f-ing sick and f-ing tired of having to be slow at these things that I want to experience so badly. It is a constant struggle to have even one lucid dream. The single time I managed to astral project all I remember is talking to somebody on a park bench, something about the light, and slamming into my body. I have no memory of leaving my body and what I do remember leaves doubts that I even projected in the first place. I just say I projected, for a positive mindset. I have learned enough that trying hard to do something will just make it harder to do, and you have to step out in faith as if you have already experienced that which you wish to experience. I read about these experiences others have. I do not seek enlightenment. But it would be really f-ing nice to have a lucid dream, for example, and ask to experience the truth about good/evil - light/dark, as is described in Wagonner's book. Or to, at the very least, leave my body, fully conscious, and explore where I live from that non-physical perspective. Is that realy too much to ask? I even changed my damn diet and went lacto ovo vegetarian so I would not have heavy foods holding me back. What do I get for all the effeort expended, reading and time spent? Vivid dreams - that's it. I am thankful for this. I know some people experience colorless dreams or lack of detail. So in this area I seem to be one of the ones to pick something up quickly - what appears to be a natural ability. But I do not believe anyone is more gifted in any area than anyone else. Like I said, some pick stuff up quicker, and maybe, if reincarnation is real, there is something from that contributing. I just wanted to vent about this, and also request, that you stop trying to sell folks on rituals. Magic doesn't have to be cast from the tip of a wand or staff. You don't need special words. All this crap serves only to train your mind that "Hey, he's swinging that wand around a certain way and saying those words so its time for magic to happen." I don't know how to explain this any better. The actions and words make what you are trying to do more real to you. But there is no need for a physical componant to non-physical explorations. When you hypnotize yourself, you don't have to light candles, draw symbols on the floor, utter certain words, have eaten a certain food at a certain time, yada, yada, yada. You sit back, close your eyes, and let your body fall asleep. Then you bore you consious mind to death so the subconsious takes over. THEN the magic of reprogramming yourself through self-hypnosis can happen. In other words, throw out all the physical, "real world" crap, including rituals, that get in between you and something like astral projection. These phsyical things may be of some service, like meditation. But cut as much of the fat away from the meat as possible. All this extraneous stuff is fat, and makes non-physical activities cumbersome and weighty. FYI, I give everyone here permission to find me and rip me out of my body if you are able and willing to. I am usually asleep between 4AM - 2PM Pacific Standard Time. I think that to ever develop the ability to leave my body and be consious, I will have to have some help. So I am asking for it. I am getting nowhere on my own, and it should be obvious I am frustrated. Anyone can learn anything. Anything is possible - all possibilities exist. There is nothing you can not do, but you have to believe it. Your beliefs, level of openess and receptivity will determine what you experience. The only boundaries that exist are the ones you have drawn yourself or adopted from others. Someday, I pray soon, all humanity will realize this. All humanity will wake up. And every child will expeirence the truth of endless possibility for themselves.
  2. I need a second opinion here...

    I really don't know how to properly respond to the previous posters individually at this moment, so I will do so collectively. What is a Tzujan, what do I need to know or understand about it, assuming it is something that can be known or understood? The script is not designed to create or judge desires. It merelyt supports them, so they can freely change as needed as I change. However, I think some things stick with you. Some people call these dreams or a path or a purpose. I think they do anyway. Not having a clear one of these myself I am merely drawing logical conclusions. Some interests have stuck with me, been with me a long time. Making maps for various video games. Making models for those maps. Drawing. Singing. A desire to create music that I have never gotten very far with. Photography. Other interests came with certain events in my life. I realzied I didn't like the extra baggage around my middle so I wanted to loose weight. I realized I hated certain kinds of emplyment and work. I realized there were some kinds of work that I was OK with, and I wanted to do more of that. The problem comes when I am sitting here, in this very chair, frozen. I have this desire to make a map, to model, to go out and do some Zen photograpy, to have a quick barefoot run/walk (my current favorite form of exercise.) I end up doing none of these things, or worse, watching TV. But in order to get better at anything, and for an activitry to have a culmitive effect., I must pratcie. I must sing to master singing, program to master programmig, level design to master mapping, make models to master modeling. I have to develop my skills to the point that maybe, just maybe, I can find employment and work to support myself doing these things I like to do, that I am interested in doing. If I never develop my skills sufficiently, I am ultimately wasting my time. Having fun, enjoying one's life, certainly has value, but it will not put clothes on your back, a roof over your head, or food in your stomach. That is why I made this script. To unfreeze myself, remove the blocakges, remove the resistance. But I have to walk carefully here, because resisisting resistance gives it power over you. The key is to flow, be water. Work around the stone - those blockages, that resistance. I am not going to war with whatever it is inside me that is causing this freezing. That makes this energy or force my enemy. Instead I am embracing it, surrpounding it, letting it be as it is while I flow past. It is neither enemy or friend. It simply is, and I treat it more as friend than enemy. Love is the grease that makes the gears turn. At least this is my understanding, at this present moment. If my interests change naturally, on their own, as I change, that is OK. But as long as my interests atre still my interests, I want to be open to them and to experience them for as long as they are naturally, in the flow of my life, mine. I do not want to be sitting here, frozen, unable to map, model or take pictures. I want to spend every moment developing, exploring, growing and recieving. I do not want to waste a single moment of time while I am in this physical body where every moment counts and has value. Does that explain this very well? Do my last three statements have things covered, or should I word them differently? How? This is what I am asking, of others further down the path, so-to-speak, than I am, at this moment. Also I agree with the map seller advice.
  3. My guess... You're either like me, not practicing regularly enough, or you're going the other extreme and trying too hard. Trying to make anything happen happens to be very trying. It also happens to make it harder for it to happen. You need to find a method that "clicks" with you are speaks to you, and stick with it. No expectations, doing the same thing for a month to start. Pretty much the same crap you have to go through to become lucid. It could take you a week or 3 months. Practice is the key, along with a journal of your experiences. You need to record your dreams and all Out of Body Explorations. If you are really lucky, you can find someone to take you out of your body. I have been looking for someone to do that for me for some time. You know, lend a helping hand. All you can do is ask. If you do find someone, please point them my direction once you have had your first conscious OBE.
  4. For that matter, how come dropping acid or using shrooms is not on TripAdvisor? I think the real problem is there are no hotels to book, and no reason for them. BTW, what the heck is TripAdvisor? I was just assuming it was one of those online traveling things like Expedia...
  5. I need a second opinion here...

    I think I have it covered, but tell me what you think: I admit... Allow... And accept... Any beliefs... About what I am interested in doing (pause.) I admit... Allow... And accept... Any challenges... In what I am interested in doing (pause.) I admit... Allow... And accept... Any resistance... To what I am interested in doing (pause.) This should work, because it is in resisting the resistance that resistance has any power over you. The bullet only kills you because your body resists it. Your body resists it because you have a belief that if a bullet goes through your body it can harm you - you can die. If somehow you were able to loose that belief, and give the bullet no power over you, it would pass right through your body, unresisted, and you would be fine. The person behind you would not though, so be careful if you use this in your nightly superhero adventures... So what I am saying here is that resistance coming in the form of not having the desire as strongly anymore should have no effect with these statements, because the subject is allowing the resistance to pass right on through. It is admitted, allowed and accepted. There is no resistance to the resistance. It is allowed to be there, do its thing, and leave on its own when it has been worked out. Now that I think about it, this is similar to how meditation is usually taught. You sit down and allow thoughts to happen. You just observe them. You are, in essence, non-resistant to the thoughts. The goal is to not resist them, force them away, or latch onto them. You just observe them and let them do their thing. Never really thought about that before...
  6. OK, I am going to go on a little ego trip here. I am venting, getting stuff out, trying to understand. It's coming from reading Ram Das's β€œBe Here Now.” Understand that I am not apologizing to any spiritually mature beings, for lack of a better description. If they are spiritually mature they can't be offended by anything I say or do anyway. I mean I get that much at least. But I do apologize to the devotees, the followers, the not-spiritually-mature-at-this-moment beings. I know the ego can take offense. The ego wants to defend, to protect. You know you have graduated to spiritually mature when you realize that you have no need to defend or protect your guru, he or she is perfectly capable of defending themselves. Moving on... OK, so this Mahari-Ji guy, Ram Das's teacher in India, is said, by Ram Das, to have thrown people out who went looking for him and found him. That he appeared to them as a little old man in a blanket. This appearance thing is something Ram Das must have picked up, because I know of one account where someone looked at him and his faced cycled through a lot of faces. I know when I look at Ram Das pictures I just see a little old man. So chances are were I to see someone like Mahari-Ji that would be all I would see. I think it highly likely I would be someone thrown out. But I want to know why! Why would a supposedly spiritually mature being do this to seekers? Why would he or she need to? What purpose does this serve? What is the point? What is the seeker supposed to learn from what they will most likely take as rejection (the damn ego again?) I know I would feel dejected and rejected, were I to be thrown out like that. I want to understand this! The other thing I want to understand is why in the hell India? It's like the soil over there in the India/Tibet area grows spiritually enlightened beings or something. It's not the 3rd world cesspool environment, or we would have gurus popping up all over the place in America. It's not the Hindu religion, because no religion is %100 right, and the Hindu faith has some series issues like the whole untouchables things. It's not the Ganges, unless polluted water is the secret to growing gurus, because if that were the case my old hometown of Rainier, OR would be flooded with them. So why India? Why not Canada, or Africa, or the frikkin' North Pole, or Russia? Why is it that the largest concentration of gurus happens to be in India? I just don't get it. It makes an American, like me, without a passport, feel like I am hearing tales of some strange far away land where gods walk the earth in some form of Lord of the Rings tale. I have to come up with thousands of dollars to get a passport and a ticket. Then I have to deal with the mass of humanity flooding the streets of India, including a vast assortment of con artists. If somehow I survive, literally, the streets of India and make it into the mountains, then I have to figure out where a true guru may reside. So chalk up a few more months. Then I finally find a real guru and what? I get chucked out on my arse! Then in every spiritual text I read they all say, β€œIt's all right here!” Yup, its inside me. I don't need a guru, somewhere deep inside me is my own guru. Which amounts to, in my experience up to this present moment at least, to I just have to figure it all out by myself. Nobody to talk to. No advice, direction, guidance. Nothing. I have no idea how to access these answers I supposedly already have. It is easier to go to India and risk getting killed, robbed or thrown out. How do I explain this? Drinking a beer with someone over the internet, VOIP or not, is not the same as sitting down with them right across the table! Coming to this forums here, as wonderful as they are, is not the same as sitting down, old man in a blanket or not, and having a physical presence I can interact with and hear! Some things require a physical body, like sex, for example. I'm sorry, but making love over the internet is a poor substitute at best for having someone in your arms that you can see, taste, touch, here and smell! And anyway, I have this physical body for a reason! I mean if I didn't need it, I wouldn't be wearing the stupid thing, now would I? Can someone help me understand this? Come to terms with this? Find some peace or resolution here? Maybe there is a point of view I am missing or something. I just don't see how someone who is supposed to be loving could throw anyone out who sought them. Maybe my definition of love needs work. But I don't recall Jesus ever doing that to anyone in the Bible. As I recall He always tried to help everyone He could, and was sad when He could not. Isn't Jesus's example the highest form of love we could attain while in physical bodies? I am 38 years old. I will soon be 39. I know time does not exist, it is a creation of man. All it means is how many times I have been around the sun. But I am lonely and feeling lost. I have no friend and certainly no lover. I have no master or teacher. Not that I can have anyone in a possessive sense. Just the way it has to be written in English. I am not seeking ownership. I would like apprenticeship, companionship, courtship, friendship. Just a few days ago I attended a graduation party for our neighbors – family friends – down the road. I should say my dad and grandma's family friends, although I know them. Anyhow their oldest daughter, she is so pretty! Just being around her was like being a solar panel struck by the hot desert sun. I don't know how else to describe the experience. But I know I am about the age of her uncles. I have 20 years on her. I have a knowing that any attempt at a relationship would be wrong, for her I think, and maybe for me. I don't know what the hell my path is supposed to be. But the point is it hurts. It hurts like a motheryouknowwhat. And I am damn tired of hurting. Ego or not, a knife blade, figurative or literal, still hurts like a sonofagun. I am left with only a question, why is it, that up until this moment, I seem to have always been in the group of the rejected or thrown out ones? What does that mean? What can I do about it? How can I change this? I am tired of not fitting in, of being a square peg in a round hole, of not having my own clique'. Where does a late 30 year old, spiritual but not religious, man who shares the interests of most teenagers, supposed to fit in a small town with 12 churches within hollerin' distance? Again I ask, help me to get this, to understand it. To come to terms. To find peace somehow with things as they seem to be. If you have a spare finger and the knowledge of where to point it, then by all means, do so for me. Because I am feeling really alone and lost right now. I feel like I don't matter, that I have no place or purpose. And I am feeling the sharp, cutting edge of loneliness in my guts, twisting there, and I just wish I had someone to be with. But I have no idea what I need to do, if anything, to be ready for that. I am open and receptive. I am working on myself, growing. I am delving inside, doing my inner work. I am learning each lesson that comes my way to learn. The proof is that I am not who I was before. If distance were to be measured on a spiritual journey I could say I have come so far. But I just feel more and more confused, lost and unsure. Please just help me understand.
  7. Please help me understand this!

    I guess the guru must be feel that the people are trying to buy their spirituality, by paying for it with money (which is just paper with stuff printed on it) and time (which is probably just about as valuable.) So expending all that time, money and effort would then not be enough. On the other hand, if someone truly thinks that is the way to get the answers they seek, or to become enlightened, shouldn't a guru, if they are truly loving, point them in the right direction, instead of shoving them out the door? It all comes back to love. If you are truly loving, how can you reject anyone? If you are a reflection of the Source, and the Source loves all, and rejects none, how can you reject any? If you decide to give someone the middle finger, instead of pointing someone to the moon, how is that person ever going to see the moon? All they will see is your middle finger. I don't know how to make this more clear. I will do as another poster suggested. I give up.
  8. Please help me understand this!

    ...And the dream of the mountain...
  9. Please help me understand this!

    I would have thought that figuring out where they guy (or gal) was, looking for him (or her) and then traveling all the way there would have been enough.
  10. Please help me understand this!

    A guru would understand that many are hungry and seeking nourishment. But there are few in the world offering spiritually nutritious meals. I can not speak to any other's experience. I can only say that I have determined that if I have anything worthwhile to teach, and anyone was seeking those teachings, that I would embrace them, were they to come to me. I would not kick anyone out. But this statement is made by one who is not enlightened and knows no better. Someone just going on what feels right. "Do unto others..."
  11. Please help me understand this!

    Well I am no biologist. My guess is that a dolphin is not using time, but some sense of how long something takes. Hard to explain, not up to the task. Essentially a dolphin, like a dog waiting for its owner, is not watching any clock with numbers on it. A dolphin does not think like a human, that "I sent out the signal at 4:00 PM and it bounced back at 4:05." Nor does a dolphin think, "it has been 5 minutes." There must be some way of evaluating how long, but the dolphin has no sense of time passing. But like I said, I am no biologist. I will not continue to belabor this. If what seems to me to be Truth really is true, you will know it when you are ready for it. If it is not truth and I discover that, I will release it and let it go. All I can say is that it feels right to me, to say that time does not exist.
  12. Please help me understand this!

    To quote myself: I am lonely. In a physical sense I have nobody to share my life with, no friends, nowhere I fit. To quote you, quoting me: Who would like to be friends with someone who harms others and still keeps going that way??? I do not understand this statement. When I called you Padawan I was trying to be humorous. My interpretation was that you thought my post was too long and you wanted me to simplify it for you. I misunderstood you, I apologize. I am truly and deeply sorry. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to what you said. It seems as if you were giving me an exercise. I am not up to that right now. But I have saved this thread, and may work on that later, although I make no commitments or promises.
  13. Please help me understand this!

    Beliefs are like water, and I am practicing being a duck... All I can say for certain is that no dog watches a clock waiting for its owner to come home. It may hear its owner from far off, might have a psychic sense of its owner coming, or may know when certain things happen during the day, like the rain, or breakfast, or when its owner comes home. But I am pretty sure the dog is not lying there, ears pricked, thinking, "It's 6:00 PM! My human will be home soon!" Time does not exist for any other life form on this planet other than humans. But I am caught up in the illusion right along with you. Been programmed that time is real, and that this is reality, same as everyone else. The trick is becoming aware of this.
  14. Primal rage, inner critic, self-image

    This is really cool! Seriously! Thank you! I am working on something similar, brainwave with self hypnosis: http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-lucidity/152401-need-help-testing-my-self-hypnosis-recordings-ld.html I would love to get some feedback, maybe even work on something together if you like. My only advice for you at this moment, until I have gone through the tracks, is that you might want to use a loseless format like .flac. I read somewhere, regarding brainwave music, that it is best when it is not under any compression. It seems to be important. I uploaded my stuff as .flac at Soundcloud. I should check and be sure they aren't compressing it.
  15. Please help me understand this!

    To Everyone Else Thank you for your advice and suggestions! I think maybe I get one possible reason a guru might throw someone out. To answer one poster's question, I am in Camas, WA. To reply to another poster, I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and I respect your advice. But I am a former Christian. I find church to be restrictive, sufficating. There is a reason I left my Christian faith - several in fact. All their social functions just don't work for me. That said I am still active in my parent's church. Going to potlucks and helping the librarian build up their library. But I seriously need to find people who I can talk to about these sorts of things, and Christians are not it, because much of it challenges or flies in the face of their beliefs. I feel that a person is entitled to whatever they believe, that is their path, and I have enough of trying to save people to last a few hundred life times. It is not for me to save anyone. I am to be a sign on the road, a finger pointing to the moon. I am to be there to support them should they want to change or leave their faith as I did. But part of loving and accepting someone as they are is to let them be as they are, whatever they believe. That is the truth for them at this moment. I am ready to expand the minds of those willing, and more than likely only those willing to change would even hear me. Finally to the poster's comments about time... Do you see animals wearing wrist watches? Do you see them watching the clock or the setting of the sun? In the world time does not exist. Things happens, the sun rises and sets, the moon has its cycles, the seasons change, but this is not proof of time. Just of things happening. Man has assigned meaning to these events. The day based on the rotation of the earth. The year based on the journey of the earth around the sun. It is all illusion, the only value in time is in man's perception of it. If mankind did not exist, there would be no time. Time exists only in the perception of man, because it is a creation of man, a value ascribed to certain happenings, nothing more. If you were raised as a baby in a featureless box with no change in environment of any kind and no mirror, you would grow up with no sense of age or time passing. You would simply perceiev yourself as changing and would want to know why. But time would not exist for you, and would remain non-existant until you stepped out of the box. Let go of the illusions of reality and time. They only exist in human perception, and only because humans believe they exist. When you leave your phsyical body for the final time, to move on to whatever awaits you, tell me then if time exists. In fact, astral project and explore the astral planes and tell me time exists. Good luck on your journey! May the Source be with you all, and may you all be blessed!
  16. Please help me understand this!

    May my long-winded, twisting, winding words teach you patience Padawan! Let's see... 1. I am offended that a guru would throw seekers out. I think it likely that I would suffer the same fate, were I to find a guru. 2. I am lonely. In a physical sense I have nobody to share my life with, no friends, nowhere I fit. 3. I am hurting. Being around this beautiful young woman, feeling electrified, yet having this inner knowing that she is not for me. 4. I am lost and confused, with no clear dream or purpose. Tired of having to figure crap out on my own. 5. I am asking for help to understand. Some way to be at peace with all I am feeling and going through.
  17. This is a shot in the dark, and not something I have ever talked much about, but here goes. For as far back as I can remember I have these moments where I speak a strange, foriegn language. Usually when I am in a state of bliss or joy or some sort of high emotion. Heck I think I wrote a poem in it once... Hold on a sec... Checking my computer... OK, I'm back, but I can't find it I will look more later. Anyhow I am reading, "Polishing The Mirror" by Ram Das, and I am near the end where he is talking about the names of God. He says, quoting Krishna Das, "Those names come from a Divine Place within us, a place that is before thought, before emotions, before anything to to with conepts or conceptual thinking." I guess I was wondering what the name of God was in this unknown language of mine. I can' tell you how weird it is that I can sit there and say this stuff in a lnaguage I never studied and have no name for. I wonder sometimes if I am just speaking goblygook, but I have a powerful sense it is a real language. It is very confusing. Anhow, in this language, the name I got for the name of God is: Sec'A'Neh (pronounced sec-ka-nay) It is vaugly familliar, as if I have said or wrote it before, and I think that is how it is written, but not sure. I just know how it sounds. Sec'A'Neh. Does that ring a bell with anyone? Just wondering.
  18. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    My apologies... I met physically, in person. Knowingly. In other words, I have not shook hands physically with one who is a Shaman, to my knowledge. Never been to the physical location of one either. It's neat to know there are Shamans here on the forums though,
  19. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    Thank you all for your input and giving me this information! Very strange that a former Christian who renounced his faith would be speaking in tongues. Also not what I remeber the experience to be like the one time I witnessed someone doing it years ago. What I saw was a sort of overflow of emotions, an emotional high, in worship. It brought on people speakng in tongues. For me it seems to be different. I guess I could be said to be in some ecstatic or close-to ecstatic state, but there is no worship aspect going on. Also I can sort of "tune in" it. Just have t think about it. Certainly not in an extreme of emotion now. And I can speak it. Almost like I've tuned in to something, and most of the time I have tuned it out? Well whatever it is, I will just ask the Source to be with me when speaking it, to guide and direct me to its usage, if I should use it in any way. Treat it as a gift and remain curious. It's nice to have things in the world that can't currently be explained, although I am sure if someone really wanted to they could. Checking links. Thank you again! UPDATE: So it closely resembles that english representation for the Hebrew name of God. Interesting. Also this speaking in tongues is connected to Shamanism. OK, well I defintely have a tie in there, as I met Ayhunna, a spirit fox, in a dream re-entry. I seem to have a natural affinity for shamanistic practices. Or at least I think I do. Not an expert, never met or talked to a Shaman to my knowledge. So this language could be Hebrew or Native American or something.
  20. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    Just looked at it again. Sicani. OK, the name of an extinct people. Hmmm... Will research this... Thanks for posting!
  21. OK, so I have started listening to the Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience audios. I noticed something and i need to figure out what it is. The audio puts you into a trance, almost falling asleep state. But I kept finding myself jerked back. Something like when you are watching a TV show and dozing off, but you wake yourself back up because you really want to see it. A feeling like that. Is this normal? Or is it a sign of some sort of resistance? If it is a sign of some sort of resistance, how could I picture it to put into my energy transformation chest (one of the exercises)? I figured out symbols for other stuff, a big, thick, slightly battered old book of my parent's beliefs, mindsets and beliefs, a cross for my former Christian religion and any lingering beliefs there, a belt for any idea of judgment or punishment, and a magic carpet with an anchor attached for my ability to leave my body. But this, whatever it is, I can't put y finger on it, or figure out how to picture it,m so I can put it in the chest. I would appreciate your help here! If it is a natural thing then I simply won't worry about it. Thank you!
  22. rails Thank you. I assume you have used the program yourself? You speak as if from experience. manitou I am not entirely sure how to describe it. I am in the process of what I call one of my, "Oh Shit!" sessions. That is I throw all caution to the wind and take a jump by trying something new. Similar to the first time I smoked some marijuana. Being a Christian at the time, with loving, suffocating parents can cause you to have these sorts of feelings when you go outside the box, the comfort zone, the barriers of your religion, etc. I am going through the Gateway Experience because, to my understanding, looking at the track listings, it's all about helping you get out of your body. To have OBEs, become what I call an, "Out of Body Explorer." But I think there is more to it than that. I am still in Wave 1 (as I recall there are 6), track 2, and in this one I was, essentially, hypnotized to remember anything I want to recall by touching the right fingers of my hand to my forehead, and if I wanted to feel awake and alert, to touch the same fingers to the back of my head. As I was struggling to remember something I did in Gimp, I used this technique, touching my right hand fingers to my forehead, and it worked! I would classify this as hypnosis combined with brainwave music. As you guessed, it is synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain. But it is also for energetic awareness and expansion, as well as to help the person listening to the recordings to overcome things that would prevent this. So that is my interpretation, but you may as well go to the horse's mouth, so to speak: http://shop.hemi-sync.com/products/c310-Gateway-Experience%C2%AE/ Robert Monroe, who founded Hemi-Sync and has recently moved on to the realms he had been exploring energetically, is the author of the Journey series of books. Let's see if I can get them straight, "Journeys out of Body", "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journeys." If you are interested in having an OBE, read these. If you are interested in Brainwave Entertainment, there is a host of stuff out there for it, including information on making your own. Here's a link to my blog, with info on Self Hypnosis and making Brainwave Music: http://hi-techheadache.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_11.html You can check out my work at Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dreambliss-1/tracks Note that SoundCloud doesn't work right on Firefox for some reason, so try Google Chrome, Opera or Internet Explorer. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
  23. I know this is kind of an odd question, but I assume that a lot of us here don't run around in robes all day, and furthermore, that these individuals do yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or other physical practices. Unless everyone just does it in the nude, I think its safe to assume that we all wear some sort of exercise clothing. I need help in this area. Where does someone with a 6 foot+ tall, 240 pound physical body and maybe $20.00 to spend go to get exercise clothing online or at WalMart that doesn't fall apart on him? My first set of exercise clothes came to about $10.00 at WalMart. Just a Hanes set of shorts and a sleeveless T. But the string broke. Same thing for some Jerzees I recently bought - damn string snapped! I need something I can do yoga and running in, that will stay securely in place on my body, and which is secured in some fashion that will not break, or if it does, is easily replacable. I need something loose, and light weight. Something that is flexible. A pair of blue jean short cut offs and a t-shirt won't cut it. There has to be freedom of movement in the physical body. Any suggestions? Anything you found at Amazon or WalMart you liked? Or Fred Meyer? How about some obscure, hole-in-the-web site you found? If you have any suggestions please post links and details! And yes, in case you were wondering, I do exercise in the nude. But I am not about to go running down a public road that way... There are some limits... Thank you for your help!
  24. Hey thanks everyone for your suggestions!