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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. I have been watching a series called, "America Unearthed" and it seems very clear to me that every single influential or successful person involved with the early years of America was a Freemason. Furthermore I think the Freemason's have roots in spirituality. I suspect they are teaching their members, or rather, were teaching their members, certain things that helped them to become influential and successful. I am not so sure the Freemasons are doing this now. Is Obama a Freemason? Donald Trump? Bill Gates? Who was the last president, church leader or one of Amierca's Top 10 wealthiest people to be a Freemason? I of course can not be sure and do not know, but I would suspect that there hasn't been a Freemason in America's inner elite circles since the 80's or maybe even the 70's. if you are a Freemason and are allowed to do so, feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I just wonder what the Freemasons are teaching their members? It seems unikely that these people were already influential or successful before they become Freemasons. It seems more likely that this happened after they were initiated. They became the leadsers and forefathers of America. But after they became Freemasons, not before. It may even be likely some of these members were initiated by their parents when they were still children, although I do not know the rules around this. So it seems likely that Freemason initiates used to be given information, maybe they even still are, that boosted them ahead of others in some way. It would be before the whole , "Law of Attraction" teahcings. Before the, "New Thought" and "Christian Science" movements. The only book that I can think would have the necessary teachings would be the Kybalion, but I believe there would have to be more to it than that. So what do you think? Is there some secret training on some ancient text, or maybe even an ancient text copied and distributed to the various Freemason houses? If you are a Freemason, are you allowed to comment on this? Is what appears to be a decline in, "Secret Societies" due to these "New Thought" and LoA teachings becoming more available? Maybe back in the day people depeneded on Freemasonary to make them influential or successful, but today anyone can stumble on the right texts and teachings and make themselves successful. Do you think that is what's going on? The reason I bring this up, odd as it is for this forums, is that I wonder sometimes if I should join such a society, provided I could get myself invited. Maybe whatever I learn there would give me the kick in the pants I need to become influential or successful myself. Just toying with the idea, asking questions, wondering. Curious as to the truth, if it can be pried out.
  2. I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, I didn't check. But apparent drinking guayusa tea decalcifys the ppineal gland. Certainly more research should be done. I am drinking it to help lucid dream, but if it is, in a manner of speaking, cleaning the lens of my pineal gland, so much the better!
  3. I am looking, primarily, for video resources, followed by audio resources, followed by written resources, on the subject of becoming a proficient conscious or lucid dreamer. I would prefer to avoid all the esoteric mumbo-jumbo stuff. In fact, you can consider that with anything I post at these forums, I want nothing to do with ceremonies and esoteric processes. All spiritual practices are ultimately very simple, it is man in the physical who complicates them. Looking for materials or places where personal experiences in conscious or lucid dreaming are shared. Looking for clear, simple instructions in techniques. Conscious dreaming, lucid dreaming and dream yoga all apply. I want to start having fun with my dreams. I want to adventure and explore. But ultimately, I want to invent, learn and practice. This is my primary motivation. My intention is that the majority, if not all, of my dreams become conscious or lucid. No matter the consequences, if any. 90% or more conscious or lucid dreams, 10% or less dreams where I am not conscious or lucid, the reverse of my current experience. Conscious or lucid dreaming every night on a regular basis. No long intravels between days of lucid dreaming. No intravels at all, or very short ones. It has been (I started to write it is, which would perpetuate the undesired state) somewhat difficult for me to become conscious or lucid in my dreams. I would find a Dream Sign, something that shows up in many of my dreams, and use that to become conscious or lucid. Then the Dream Sign would stop showing up, or I would stop noticing it somehow. Maybe this Vipassana "retreat" I attended will have one advantage, that in learning to "tune in" to my body and what it feels like, what is going on with it. Because I would not be looking to changeable external ques to become conscious or lucid, instead observing my body and breathing, maybe that will help. Training now in using the pendant a friend gave me, holding it, saying, "Lucid Dream" 3 times, then tuning into my body at that moment. We'll see how that goes. I have done, and experienced, some terrible things a few years back when I was having more conscious or lucid dreaming experiences. But I am not as I was then, I am not a Christian anymore, and now I have this meditation training, including Vipassana. I have forgive myself for my actions, worked on any fear I have in me, and freed myself to be as monstrous as I need to be, no restraints, restrictions or rules. But I have sent out a warning to all Dream Characters, so that they will not show up in my dreams if they are not forgiving and patient. I figure once I get everything out of my system I will settle down and be better. I included this brief overview to give you an idea of how I am as a conscious or lucid dreamer and a little of my background. This should help you figure out the best resources to share. As always I appreciate your help. I am moving on from my studies in meditation to focusing on a handful of areas for these few months I still have a home. They are: conscious or lucid dreaming, writing and maybe some Blender modeling/UE4 mapping. I would like to use my dream time for meditation and to learn Unreal Engine 4 (UE4.) These are my intentions. Not goals, because, for me, a goal is something to be attached to, and an intention is not. I have these strong desires and intentions, but I must also flow, or keep my boat pointed downstream. Makes life easier. For those of you confused about this topic, wondering why, my answer is simple. When you become conscious or lucid in a dream, you know you are dreaming while you are in a dream. At that point there is, literally, nothing you can't do. Among other things you can learn anything, practice anything, fly, walk through walls, receive advice about your life and explore the depths of the ocean or the universe. The dream world is a world free of all the restrictions of the waking, physical world. Even time is irrelevant in the dream world. In 5 minutes of lucid dream time you can gain years of study and practice on any subject. People are generally unaware of this, that is why you may not have heard about it. If this subject interests you, look up conscious or lucid dreaming at your local library or bookstore. I started a thread at Dream Views covering one aspect of the dream world: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-dream-discussion/158993-what-if-dream-characters-feel-themselves-real-we-feel-about-ourselves.html Thank you for your help!
  4. For the record I am neither a monk or a scientist. The only label that you might be able to stick on me is, "academic." I was thinking about this earlier today. I would be perfectly happy in some ancient library somewhere, surrounded by ancient books and scrolls. Maybe somewhere like Oxford with a lot of beautiful architecture, wood paneling and leather chairs. The occasional class I could take to trade in the intellectual knowledge for experiential knowing. I respect your point of view Oneironaut. I will not disregard what you have shared here. I have saved this thread and all links. I just want you to know that the sharing is appreciated, even if I may be up in arms over some of the content. You know, there is no reason for me to be upset. Maybe some if not most people need things the way you have detailed. But there are always exceptions, and I am coming to understand that maybe I am one of those. It seems like a lot of the time what works for everyone else barely works (if it works at all) for me. But that's OK. I will follow the paths others have cut, stepping off these to hack my own way through where needed. Eventually all these paths through the spiritual wilderness reach the same destination. Ultimately everyone has to step into the jungle to find their own way if they are to grow and mature. OK, I'm rambling now, so I will be quiet for a while...
  5. Oneironaut Thank you for the clarification. I think I have to clear some things up too... I did not mean to come off as disrespectful to Buddhist/Tibetan Buddhist/Taoist belief systems. If I did I apologize, to you and anyone else concerned. Understand that I was a Christian for over 20 years, as I have said many, many times by now. I am sure someone reading this is tired of my saying it. Like I have this huge battle scar and I like t rip my shirt off to show it to everyone who passes by. That is not my intention. I just want you to get that I have had enough of religion to last the rest of this lifetime, OK? I have no objection to spiritual practices and leaving them connected with lucid dreaming if they work best connected to each other. I'll assume you know what you are talking about and they are. I just want to avoid ceremonies, chanting, long hours of sitting on my knees, etc. What I am thinking of as complicated and unnecessary additions. Much of which is what I think of as esoteric. I have a book called, "Foundation of Magical Practice 1" or something like that by a Josephine... Can't remember the last name. I have also read stuff by Meg Blackburn Losey. The whole draw a pattern on the ground, face in a certain direction, use these hand gestures, etc. It just doesn't fit me, it's the same for me with the usual Buddhist temple practices. To be clear I am no avid fan of any corrupted Westernized version of anything either. I don't need what I have called mumbo-jumbo in any form. So if LaBerge is bad, I will read the books, figure it it for myself, and be done with that methodology. Right now I am working through B Alan Wallace's book as I said. I just don't think lucid dreaming should be so hard to initiate and master. OK? I think the process of training yourself to get into and sustain a lucid dream should be easy. Not easy as in free of work. Easy as in free of complications. I don't mind hard work, doing whatever practices are truly needed for me. Also I am not against meditation, I just have failed to see any obvious gain from doing it the last few years, a big enough gain to make it worthwhile to continue. Of course maybe meditation is working more subtly. It's not like I have keep any before and after records. I hope that clears things up. To summarize, hard work is OK but strain is not. Spiritual is OK but esoteric is not. No preference of one training over any other, avoiding religion as much as possible. Thank you for all the links! I own both of LaBerge's books, I am reading B Alan Wallace's Lucid Dream book, and I have a hold on his Shamatha book. I was also able to place a hold on Susan's Happiness book/CD. I have saved the links to the rest. As far as nootropics I am investigating Lion's Mane to start with as I have an affinity with mushrooms. Then Huperzine-A and Bacopa Monnieri. Guayusa tea before bed for lucid dreaming. As far as what my culture has labeled illegal, fuck what they think! Only I have the right to say what goes into my body! If I had a source I would get it and use it. Acid, peyote, shrooms, ayahuasca and DMT to start with. But I have no such source, probably for the best for now. Michael Sounds like an awesome dream man!
  6. Ultimately it depends on the individual. Dreams will be for whatever you decide they will be. For me dreams can be for anything, but I am choosing to use them, in the form of lucid dreams, for adventure, experimentation, exploration, fun, invention, learning and practice. I think the default state of dreams are as messengers which tell you things you need to know.
  7. Just to be clear I am not proposing a hasty anything. All I am proposing for now is KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid (or Silly or Shithead, depending on your mood.) I am sooo sick and frikkin' tired of feeling like this:
  8. Oneironaut I can not formulate a proper response to what you have said at this time. I can say only this much... I am tired of this heavy-handed approach used by almost every follower of every religion I have encountered. The hammer that says, "You have to do it this way or you will fail." With all due respect to those who enjoy or practice it, I do not need chanting, Tibetan singing bowls, hours of sitting on my fucking knees, incense, a belief in karma and reincarnation, the constant surveillance of every part of my body and all this other bullshit to lucid dream. I know this because my first lucid dream happened while I was still a Christian, before I started meditating or even opening my mind to other belief systems, simply by reading Mark McElroy's book. That is all I needed, that is all it took. Now maybe it can be argued I had some natural propensity for lucid dreaming that I since lost because of my own fear. It could also be argued that I do not have any such propensity, as lucid dreaming became harder for me, not easier, since leaving the Christian faith and beginning practices such as meditation. I do not know what the truth may be here so I do not claim to know. What I do know, for certain, is that I didn't need any esoteric practices to get started, and what I came into it, that was the first time I ever heard about it. I didn't know anything at all about it beforehand, at least under the name lucid dreaming, although I had recorded my dreams in times past. If you are a Buddhist or adopting Buddhist practices, then I would advise you learn how to be considerate, gentle and loving. When I first read these words you wrote earlier today, already very depressed, it was like I was already beaten down then you came by and kicked me in the balls. Repeatedly. These are not the actions or words of any Buddhist monk to my knowledge, although as I have limited knowledge, I could be mistaken. I can accept that the Tibetans figured out a way to apply Buddhst practices, including meditation and lucid dreaming, to their own unique culture. It has since developed as a separate branch of the same tree. But if one culture can take these teachings and apply them in a way that speaks to them and works with them, then another culture can too. We do not need Americans sittings in Tibetan Buddhist temples chanting and doing everything else I stated above. We need to grow an American culture branch of these practices. There is absolutely no need for all the mumbo-jumbo and religious overtones of Tibetan Buddhism. We have to meet people where they are, not where we want them to be, and certainly not where we insist they be. So let's figure out a way to bring the core, foundational material into American culture. Let's make this work for people who do not want to sit for hours on end meditating, who, in fact, derive little if any benefit from meditation. Let's throw out the psychological mumbo-jumbo too. I agree with you about that. Let's distill this down to its essence, so anyone, anywhere in the world, can use it and easily as well as effortlessly lucid dream. Instead of trying to conform others to whatever we want, lets love and accept them as they are and work with them from there. This is the sort of information and materials I am looking for in this thread. You can leave your esoteric and religious hammers at the door. There will be no conformity or conversion here. I have tried to put this as plainly, politely and simply as possible. If I have failed please accept my apologies. Please note I am not a monk, and have no monk-like disposition. I spent 10 days being, essentially, brainwashed during a Vipassana Meditation "retreat." I have had my fill of that shit for the remainder of this year, at least. FYI I have B Alan Wallace's, "Dreaming Yourself Awake" and have started to read it. So while I may not necessarily agree with what you have said, I will read and apply the teachings of this book, coming to see in my own experience how this approach works for me. I am doing that much at least. I can not say I appreciate what you have said. But I do appreciate that you took the time to post and share knowledge. Thank you for that. seekingbuddha If you would like to clear up any of my misunderstandings, I am listening, I will be open and receptive, at least initially.
  9. Explore this forum, ask me questions here or there if you have any, my user name is the same: http://www.dreamviews.com/ The forums is not as friendly or nice as these forums. But there is all the information you cold ever ask for there on Lucid Dreaming. It is, as far as I know, the best resource on the internet. As far as books start with these: http://www.amazon.com/Lucid-Dreaming-Beginners-Techniques-Interactive/dp/0738708879 http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-World-Dreaming-Stephen-LaBerge/dp/034537410X http://www.amazon.com/Dreaming-Stephen-LaBerge-Market-Paperback/dp/B00ZT29DPC As far as videos, start here: https://www.youtube.com/user/stephenberlin https://www.youtube.com/user/GordonXPhillips https://www.youtube.com/user/TracyChapman https://www.youtube.com/user/lucidipedia https://www.youtube.com/user/LucidDreamInfinity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC82JRYhU0yRWKS9q1MXGW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF0hWVrqo0iMcuos3SeUhAQ Please note that other than the videos by Stephen Berlin, I do not know the quality of this material. This is the best of what I have found by looking just now. I think you will find much useful information here.
  10. I can find not materials by Namkhai Norbus at my library or on YouTube related to Lucid Dreaming. The man appears to be another liberation focused Buddhist monk. I have, honestly, had quite enough of the religion of Buddhism. But thank you for the suggestion, if life puts the man in my path, I will be allowing, open and receptive. I have a hold on Arnold Mindell's, "Dreaming While Awake." Nothing at YouTube behind psychology. I find psychology to be just about as esoteric as the Buddhist practices. This book, as I recall, was very hard to read. But certainly interesting and worth reading. For those interested: http://www.amazon.com/Dreaming-While-Awake-Techniques-24-Hour/dp/1571743596 Maybe Lucid Dreaming can lead to enlightenment, or higher states of consciousness, or is a higher state of conscious. Honestly I don't care. For me this is simply something I can practice and derive benefit from. I don't need or want anything else. Just being able to Lucid Dream on a regular basis, to begin to use this time to have fun, invent, learn and practice, that is enough for me. I'll let anything else happen or not happen as it will, it is of no interest to me.
  11. Thank you. I actually own this book, and I was not impressed with it at all. I can't figure out why everyone else seems to think it is so good :/ But I appreciate you sharing this with me! Please note I also have both of Stephen LaBerg's books on lucid dreaming, and Robert Moss' book on Conscious Dreaming. I also have a hold on, "The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" at the library as well as a few other titles. Talk about esoteric! Oh and I am reading Waggoner's most recent book. In addition I have some videos from Robert Moss, some stuff from Carlos Casteneda (again esoteric), the audio from Hemi-Sync as well as the Monroe Institute, and all the stuff from Saltcube/lucidity. You could say I am rather informed on this subject. Not to mention that Dream Views has a few thousand techniques I can unearth and try. I am looking for that one video, that one audio, that one book which I have not heard of. Which maybe only a few people, if anyone has heard of. That upon listening, reading or watching, something clicks, like when I first read, "Lucid Dreaming for Beginners" by Mark McElroy. That book was what started everything for me, when the first cracks in all my beliefs structures began to appear. BTW those are cool pics in your avatar and signature!
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I must be an oddity among men because (as far as I know or can remember) I have never shied away from changing the things about myself that I have come to realize need changing. I just dive into that thicket and start whacking away. Change Begins Inside - DreamBliss
  13. I returned from a 10-Day Vipassana Retreat a few days ago. Some of you may have been waiting for some sort of status update from me. I am struggling with what I want to say. I will attempt some words here with this post, and you can read my initial impressions at my blog: https://blisswriter.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/my-initial-thoughts-on-my-10-day-vipassana-retreat/ I will focus on how I feel, right now, in this moment. I am feeling anger, frustration, hurt and weariness. The best way I can describe my experience since my return is that it is like I have been given a treatment that makes me feel far worse than the disease. I knew, after the first day, that this was not the place for me. This was not what I needed at this time, and it especially was not what I wanted. I chalked it up to what I was told, everyone wants to quit on the first day, and I am an especially stubborn bastard. Plus SNG, in that first video discourse, alluded to anyone who leaves as being weak minded. So that was a challenge, as he intended it to be. The feeling that I did not belong there remained, becoming especially apparent again after the 4th day, but again I stuck with it, because everyone quits on the 5th and 6th day too. By the 8th day I was feeling deeply hurt inside, I was depressed and melacholy, but I stayed because now it was a matter of pride to see this through, to be able to tell others I made it through rather than have to say I qut within sight of the finishing line. The stupid things we do for or out of pride... Since I have been back I have felt especially raw. I feel worse than before I left. Sometime midway through the course I cried a lot before bed, tossing and turning, not able to sleep. I had this strong feeling that I could not kill myself. I had these reasonas why, never mind the bullshit SNG teaches. I had my own reasons. But I don't feel that anymore, I just have this memory, this echo. My whole life has been like this stupid course, it really has. I have kept myself going out of sheer stubbrness and pride, for no other reason. I am halfway through it now, the finish line is still not in sight. Yet I will keep going even though I don't have a single, solitary reason to do so. At the risk of sounding like a complaining, spoiled whiny little brat I have to say that this experience is not one I wanted. It could be argued that it may be needed at some time in my life. If this is so, I doubt very highly it was at this time. What I wanted, and what I think I needed, was a loving, supportive healing experience. I needed to recover. I needed clarity, space an a chance to get my feet under me, pull myself up by my bootstraps. I received some clarity, I received space. But I feel as if I have been further smashed into the ground by the sheer weight of all the shit I am forced to carry. In a year or less I will not have a place to live. I look around at other people, and they seem to have it figured out. They have jobs, have started families. It is a complete mystery to me, like a painting I just can't figure out or a code I can't decipher. As if there was a class but I never got the notice, never took it, now I have am F in "Getting Out On Your Own." I simply can't and won't do work that does not interest me, and I would prefer that I enjoy it. I simply can't and won't live my life alone. I am weary in body, mind and soul. I feel like I have been run through a meat grinder, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiriitually. I have no intention to ever return to one of these so-called "retreats." There is nothing there for me. In fact, I suspect there is nothing in this entire world for me. But that is a pretty stupid thing to say when I have seen so little of it. I guess we can add immature and naiive to my list of flaws. Fine. Just going to focus on helping my grandma get her stuff packed up, getting her moved out. See where my parents end up, test the fleece (referring to the Christian Bible, Gideon I think), see what employment or education opportunites are available. Already looked pretty well into the education side of things, not much there. But I won't close myself off, at least not yet. I will remain allowing, open and receptive. Once everyone is moved out and my work here is done I will make a decision as to what to do next. If there is nothing in this area for me, or that appeals to me, I am leaving. I will attempt to see a little of the world before I declare I don't belong in it. The Universe doesn't make mistakes, right? If I am here, there must be places where the puzzle peice that is my life can snap into. I am just about out of what little hope I could scrape together. Yes, I gained much from going to the course. I will not deny it. Deep stuff worked through, habbits broken. Sure. But if you keep thrustig the metal into the fire, beat on it, heat it, beat on it,. and never cool it, that metal will loose all its durbaility and strength. Everything and everyone requires some sort of rest. Nobody goes in for heart sugery and brain surgery at the same time. At least as far as I know. Recovery is needed. But I am denied this, and as a result I am growing weaker. I have words yet to say to one person in particular here, but I still have to work on them. I don't think I have much else to say here at Dao Bums. I will watch this thread. But I am tired of words, I am tired of a computer being my only link to any kind of social interaction. I am especially tired of help that is not really help at all, yet still I am expected to show appreciation and gratitude. I am supposed to be thankful for all the pain the advice I folowed brought to me. I am supposed to be gracious, motivated by love. Able to smile even as you punch me in the face. I am so far from being any kind of holy person like that it isn't eve funny. I will leave these superhuman abilities to the Buddhas out there. I am comfortable saying I am the furthest thing from any holy, wise spiritual master. I won't deny my weakneses, and I will claim my strengths, such as they are. Don't expect much activity from me around here for a while. Please accept my apologies in advance if I hurt or offend. It is very hard for the bear that has been seriously unjured to not want to maul anyone who passes by. Just treat me like a wounded, dangerous animal and don't take anything I do or say personally. I appreciate it. Understand that I am in a lot of pain right now, and these words are insufficient to describe the levels. I am alone and hurting, angry amd frustrated. Be patient with me. There will be no other updates for a while. But I have have more to say about the retreat, and will post that at my blog.
  14. It is far easier to be who soceity, Says you should be, And to do what soceity Tells you to do, Than to simply and truly, Be you!
  15. This really made me laugh man, thanks. I know exactly where you are coming from too... Pizza and masturbation, the best friends a single man can have...
  16. I do too, but have little hope I will. I just don't even have the willingness to try to make something happen anymore.
  17. So as I have said my grandmother is selling the house. The property is classified as flat land and it is located in the Clark County, WA area. The house was built in the 1930's by hand and has to be sold as-is because it needs a lot of work. The barn may be even older, but it too needs some work. The barn has a wood and dirt floor, the house 2 stories and no basement. There are 4 and 1/3 acres with a well and some mature timber. There are fruit trees, an overgrown orchard, blueberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes. Sewer, driveway, all that is there as well. My grandmother got in touch with a real estate agent, a friend of a friend, and the agent told us we might be able to sell it for something like $140,000 initially. This same agent brought in an enthusiastic buyer, claiming to be looking for a place for his family, who was willing to pay $170,000. The agent's wife (they work as a team apparently)has brought over this man, his wife and his brother, who he is in business with. They were interested in the land but paid little attention to the house. There is a neighbor with a piece touching our land at the rear, 2 acres, she will sell at the same time we sell ours, but through a different agent. She thought the figure grandma had been given was too low. She has 12 years+ experience in real estate. She set up a meeting with a managing broker, and it went sideways, because as soon as we mentioned grandma had been working with this other agent he bailed. Said he couldn't help us, it wasn't ethical, we had to stick with the agent we had until we cut all ties with him. He just got up and left. I thought this was very strange, because how is someone supposed to get the best price possible unless they shop around? Understand that no papers have been signed, no verbal agreements have been given. Our neighbor since found someone else, an agent and investor with 25 years of experience, a "top producer" as she called it. Exactly what she said we needed, someone with a lot of experience who was a top producer in their company. This man says we have been given a low ball offer and it sounds like the agent my grandma first talked to was a "buyer's agent" likely representing these people he had brought in, probably to redevelop the land. The agent gets a bonus for finding the house, and makes profit on its sale after it is redeveloped. It feels right to me, that this is perhaps what these brothers in business were intending to do. This man then proceeded to explain that he sold a property up the road from us, 3.5 acres, 40's house, tear-down barn, flat land, listed at $275,000 and sold for $307, 000 with two weeks to closing. My dad does not believe the land in this area is worth $100,000 an acre. My grandma doesn't want any conflict with Ken and these buyers. They would rather just sell it through Ken and be done with it. But my grandma has to live on whatever she gets for the sale after all the fees and taxes, plus the expenses of moving, and she will likely be paying $3,000 a month for assisted living. So the money won't stretch very far, and it completely leaves the three children out of any sort of inheritance or financial help. Where will my mom and dad move, and how will they pay for it? I can't find anywhere for average or median values of land per acre in this area. This man says the lowest he saw in this area for 1/2 acre was $259,000. He will come over and walk the land, giving us his estimate tomorrow. Just a few questions for now... Is there anything to what this management broker said about ethics? Are you expected to stick with the first real estate agent you talk to, and not ask around? If you have real estate experience, and have sold property in the Camas or Washougal area, what would you expect to get for a place like my grandmother's? How is the value calculated, is it so much for the land, so much for the house, etc? Maybe it's $200,000 just for the land, which would come to $50,000 an acre, and $100,00 for the house and outbuildings? Is there any way to check and see what a fair price for this property is? Anything online? Also is there any way to investigate this first real-estate agent my grandmother talked to? Anything online for that? What resources are available to be sure that a seller is getting the best price and working with a reputable agent? I will add more questions later if I have them. For anything you consider to be too personal to post here, please PM me. I appreciate your help with this, and any help you wish to send in any form such that my grandmother gets the absolute best price for her property, the time she needs to pack up and move out, a spot in the assisted living center of her choosing, help packing and sorting things, the best licensed movers available to move things for her, my parents and myself who are able to travel anywhere in Washington state as needed, and anything else needed for a smooth, quick sale to my grandmother's and her children's advantage. Thank you.
  18. Yeah that was my next question... What constitutes an agreement? OK, so according to that thread, as long as nothing has been signed, there is no violation. Furthermore, even if something is signed, as long as the property has not been listed, there is nothing wrong with the client contacting other agents, just not the other way around. So this person that was talking about ethics was spewing a load of hogwash, essentially. I know that the third person we talked to had no issues with communicating and talking to us. Of course we (actually I) solicited them. Thanks for relocating the thread to its proper place. I just threw it in General and hoped that was OK. I will mention to dad about getting the property appraised, see what he wants to do.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    The way I interpret and understand it is that desirable things are supposed to be hard to obtain (I.E, you have to overcome obstacles and/or endure suffering to obtain them.) You have to use will to push through. If things are easy, the will becomes weak. So the whole system depends on strong will to push through obstacles to obtain what is desired. Strong will to push through suffering. Strong will that is only developed by these obstacles and this suffering. The obstacles and suffering have a co-dependent relationship with will, according to this quote. If there are no obstacles or suffering, there is no need for will. If there is no need for will, then there is also no need for obstacles and suffering. Ultimately, to have anything you would considerable desirable, you automatically must go through obstacles and/or endure suffering. That is why I said, "Right... So life is supposed to suck..." I just hope to hell that the words of this quote are not true, that I can have strong will independent of obstacles and suffering, because that means I can have what I desire independent of these.
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Right... So life is supposed to suck...
  21. As I have alluded to in my Meditation Practice Discussion I have come to the awareness that I am here to life the life of a teacher and writer. I finally know my purpose! However, at this moment, I am not interested in the life of a teacher/writer and it is not the life I want. I am not in the right consciousness yet, the right mindset. One way I could get into that consciousness is to read the words of someone who is living or has lived such a life, the life of a teacher and writer. It is important that both were the primary focus of their lives, as it must become the primary focus of mine. At this time in my life I can't say for sure what life I am living. Spiritual seeker perhaps, although there isn't a lot of seeking going on. Perpetual student? Meditator? Artist? Whatever the case may be, teaching and writing are not the focus of my life. I teach and write, but I am not yet living the life of a teacher and writer. A biography or autobiography is one way to get me into the consciousness of someone who has lived or is living a life of a teacher and writer. It is what I can do right now, at this time in my life, at this moment. Force is not the solution, neither is resistance, and I probably have tried both. Up to this moment, I am not living a life I desire to have. Developing this consciousness will bring me there, eventually. So please list any an all books you can think of, that either are autobiographies or biographies, or are about the teacher/writer's own experiences in becoming and then living the life of a teacher and writer. I am especially interested in books with a spiritual or zen focus. I am really drawn to teachings like the Art of War or The Book of Five Rings (graphic novel version.) I would prefer something written by the author themselves. The only book that fits much of this that I can think of is, "In my Own Words" by Alan Watts, but I don't consider him to really be a teacher and writer, and he didn't either. Wayne Dyer's, "I Can See Clearly Now" is maybe another. I appreciate your help with this. The list could be compiled and shared as a sticky topic later for others to refer to as desired. I will dig around Google and see what I can find. But I am sure someone here has read a book about the life or process of living the life of a teacher and writer, something influential in some way. If you have a title in mind, please share it. Thank you.
  22. when you get old enough...goofy

    There is an awesome graphic novel of that....
  23. when you get old enough...goofy

    But isn't what has been interred there just a physical vessel that was once part of a human being? Aren't cemeteries nothing more than a repository for the human equivalent of a cocoon?
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "I believe looking reality straight in the eye and denying it." - Garrison Keillor Also "Although the mind resists it, the fact is that like me, you have a choice between having the life you want or the reasons why you can't" - Alberto Villoldo (Courageous Dreaming)
  25. when you get old enough...goofy

    There is no such thing as too lightly... Life is a dance! Have fun with it! I imagine things like that happen a lot more as you get older....