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Everything posted by ShenLung

  1. Meat eating thread

    You were going to eat the priest, weren't you? It's an odd thing, but the soldier's job is to protect the lives that he or she is entrusted with, not to simply don a uniform, take up arms, and kill things. I shouldn't have put a priest into the scenario, makes it sound like a sick tavern joke The general idea was to get people thinking about what it would mean if there was a genuine possibility that they themselves would be on the menu. It might not make someone go Veg, but it's a thought to chew on.
  2. Fascism + Solutions

    I find Gudo's opening statement, in red, to be quite good. If only all sentient beings regard others in the same way. The problem comes in the second statement, in green. By creating a false distinction between the ruler or the teacher and the ruled or the student, a barrier to progress or enlightenment is made. The socialist leadership might, indeed, manage to elevate the status of some, but in doing so, will surely debase the status of others, and never allow any to become so elevated as to rival their own status. In this way, the socialist state reaches a point where there is stagnation, no progress, and only with brutal suppression does it maintain it's power.
  3. A New Start

    Um, let's NOT have me give out a reading list right off ... spending thirty plus years studying all manner of literature is fine, but not the best way for everyone. I'm going to agree with White Wolf on this; first finding out what one wants out of their experiences is more helpful, and although Shen is familiar with many paths, this forum has many experts in their own particular paths that outshine my abilitites. Mathematics is one of those subjects that requires a particular passion, so knowing what attracted you to it would be very instructive.
  4. People, as individuals are wonderful, bright, and beautiful. Every individual has some exceptional talents, abilities, and viewpoints that make them stand out, I believe that. People as groups loose the individual excellence, and get into some pretty ugly patterns of behaviour. The thinking that goes before such displays, of "we are superior because of x,y, or z" is so toxic in that, not only does it lead to acts of great cruelty to others, but it limits the potential of the people who fall into such thinking. While not all people believe that they are something more than just a creation of their physical selves, the idea that we are something more than animals is fairly close to universal. Yet, even holding this belief, people tend to think of themselves, and especially others in terms of the human animal. In terms of all humans having the capability to become fully realised beings, all of mankind is equal, yet it is difficult to look upon another and see that potential. I do not know if every person can go from the purely animalistic level of conciousness to being fully self realised in the course of a single lifetime. The Tibetans held (still do, I suppose) the belief that the self could be perfected over the course of many lifetimes, so the application of specific teaching methods at different levels of spiritual growth or ability makes some sense coming from a belief system that includes reincarnation. I'm not going to judge them too harshly, for I really don't know any better, myself.
  5. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    Sorry, WW, I was feeling a bit grouchy yesterday. Thinking about the vast amounts of resources that are available, proportional to the number of people is something that I've pondered for a bit, too. Living like kings and queens is a good description of what it might look like, but I have no idea of how to transform the world to that image without some very hardcore violence. Given that violence breeds more violence, that route cannot work, either. One possibility might be the development of a more enlightened capitalism, but this thought is still embryonic .. and no good means of delivering it as of yet. Those people who are wealthy, or want to be wealthy in material things have to do certain things to get their wealth, and to perpetrate it. The wealthy generally want to become more wealthy. In doing this, the thoughts are spent on their money, how to preserve it, how to increase it, how to spend it. Making the world a better place is not typically tied into the mindset of wealth creation, but it would be unfair to paint all of them with the same brush. Some really do think of the lives of their workers, their families, when planning to open a new factory. The profit margin might be less, but these are not the folks who set up sweat shops in poor countries, or pay farmers pennies for coffee that will be sold at ridiculous prices to the end consumer. I've flirted a bit with capitalism; it is hard work, many worries, and no guarantee of success. Living a simpler life is, well, simpler. Few needs, fewer wants, and much more inner peace works for me, and yet - All around me are the products that came into being due to someone who was seeking wealth. The electric lighting, air conditioning, computer, gas heat, refrigeration, car (old, battered, but running), even the chair that I'm sitting on came from the efforts of someone seeking wealth. If all of these things were gone tommorrow, and I were to live in the forest picking berries and cracking nuts, I would have no less happiness, and no less peace, but I think I would miss the luxuries, somewhat. Thinking about the generalions that came before this one, carving out their lives without these luxuries, no air conditioning, imagine, no AC! They had no experience of it, and did not feel that they were suffering from the lack of it. Would people be better off never experiencing the modern miracles, and so not feel the lack of such things? Now we have television, the dissatisfaction machine. It shows people a distorted picture of life, bringing about a contrast of all the things that they do not have ... the entire world cannot live like the characters displayed in television shows; not even the common person in the first world nations can match the image. I'm sorry, again, i've been droning on. At the end of it all, the personal discovery of happiness is something that one has to find within themselves; it seems that the only thing that can come from outside is discontent.
  6. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    Thank goodness for the capitalist, who, completely unkowing, and only in the search to improve his or her profits, provided the children of a third world country with a means by which to feed their families. Doing so, knowing, he would be a saint. Doing so unknowing, only we can regard him as a saint. Better for him that he does not know, since we want to hate his success so, and care about the masses less. Poor? yeah, we always have them. They are good for an ideological crutch.
  7. Racism ... hmm, yep, I must admit, I do not care for Humans. I wear one here on earth, since that is the custom, but some of their habits ... well, let's just say I find them distasteful. Not much of an appreciation for dogs, either, but that is dependent upon whether thay are the domesticated kind, or the version that exists within nature. Within nature, dogs are fine, and I can understand them ... when will Humans learn to be true to their nature? Do we know right from wrong? can we be personally resposible for our OWN behaviour? This is not dependent upon some outside force, it comes from me, it comes from you. Conditioned animals or free thinking men. Choose.
  8. That's kind of an odd way of putting it, since the actual experience is closer to belly, heart, mind, wouldn't you think?
  9. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    There was a fellow promoting a book on transforming the peter principle into a genuine path to success in business. I'm sure he was jesting, but he seemed so sincere .. the greats always say, that faking sincerity is the heart of comedy. Not the best joke, but an "A" for effort! The crux of the entire thing seemed to revolve around this 'Robert Greene' character, whom we are to assume has made the declaration that one should get others to do the work, and then take the credit! found within this thread: To be honest, not really the best humor ... akin to making comedy of bodily functions, really.
  10. If GmP's video doesn't work for you, Mithstrike's will, very good, instinctive qi gong. Switching between channels, another refinement, is to shift the tongue tip between the left and right hand cavities just behind the ridge of the gum line. Feel for them with your tongue, and you will find them, just behind the top left and right teeth. Good qi gong is instinctive, just look for it; it is in every instinctive movement. Thank you Grandmaster and MithStrike (edit) Joeblast's work on the MCO is top - notch, and worth a look, particularly if one wants something more than simple instinctive forms.
  11. If the only thing the book does is to jolt one out of being amongst the 80+percent that are still reacting to stimuli, then I suppose it is a good book ... there is a need for that, after all. If you are not in that percentage, then welcome to Tao Bums.
  12. Seriously, fellows, what did I just say a page or two back about MEN? The answers really arent to be found in one particular ruler instead of another; they are all flawed. To be certain I liked Ron Paul, but he was not my first choice, either. ( I rather liked Herman Cain, and how flawed was he, eh?) Whether one's preferance is for a glycerin suppository, or an oral ingestion, the emptying of the bowels is happening, either way. So much for choice, in elections. We are not going to get the world we want through the actions of others. (edit) this is not a call for violent action, but a plea for self responsibility and self reliance.
  13. Under a fellow like Ron Paul, the US public would know they were in a depression. Bringing to concious awareness does not create the condition, only allow the opportunity to remedy the condition. All things considered, Ron was not the best choice for president, as the rapid raising of conciousness can be quite disturbing to some, as you have so eloquently pointed out. Evil, now that is an interesting concept. If I were to burn my hand upon a hot iron, I might consider the Iron as evil, or learn from the experience. When a sufficient number have burned themselves on the iron of bad governance, the desire for good governance will emerge. So great will be the clamor for good governance, that bad governance will find it quite dificut to conceal the means by which it manages to perpetrate it's existance. This is an awakening that has yet to happen in The USA, but it has happened elsewhere. We noticed, but bad governance pretended that we didn't. We noticed that, too. Bob's children will likely place him in a retirement home that has a reputation for abusing it's residents, and they will not care. Hopefully, the children of Bob's children will recognize the error, and not repeat it in their generation. This sort of correction has also not gone unnoticed, as it is already happening. The children of Bob's children have seen, they are aware, and the changes that need to take place are happening. Trust in the Way of heaven. Filial piety is natural for children who's parents have the Way.
  14. Knowing the Way, trusting in the Way, what conclusions can be drawn about those who seek power and hold power in a time when the great Way is lost? The offices that manipulate and obfuscate do not have the Way; true wisdom is far from them. This is fortunatete, for if they indeed had the way of sages, then the people would always remain ignorant. Not knowing the Way, the officials dress themselves in finery, and practice deciet; the Way of heaven will prevail. The wise and the able hide in these times, knowing the Way of heaven. When there is nothing that can be done, do nothing. Consider the greedy and the selfish; and take a breath. Can one hold this forever? Not doing is not simply not doing, but doing enough, and knowing when enough is enough. Perfect the self, teach the Way, and trust in the law of heaven. (edit) oh jeez, I just became a priest ... someone is bound to try to eat me now ...
  15. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    Under the influence of Morphine, the worst of pains moves to the side, somewhere. It is still there, but not so important. The minor pains that are a result of everyday living are gone, entirely. When the morphine is gone, the everyday pains that were before so ordainary that one paid them no mind, become the most excruciating experience of existance. So the addict retreats into the warm embrace of the morphine, and puts those common pains aside. For the management of great pain, morphine can be good. Not so good as being healthy and whole, but good for the moment. It is everyday, ordainary happiness that make the pains of existance so bearable. The great experiences of joy are just that, but should never be exchanged entirely for the everyday discovery of wonder and amazement in existance ... or else one may become an experience junky, always looking for the next great happiness.
  16. What the Bodhisattva said

    Happiness comes from the most unlikely of sources, once one ceases to seek it. What is, the possibility of there even being an existance is amazing. Enjoy the experience of life in all of it's manifestations. (edit) um, that is, most likely, taken out of context.
  17. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Chi Dragon: Knowing as you do, the ancient chinese ideograms and their colloquialisms, and knowing, as you do, the modern english (american, generally, I hope) and it's colloquialisms, I am hoping for a more comprehendable rendering of TTC from you. What I can grok, I grok .. but the stuff that gets me stuck is in those coloquial expressions that make sense for the people at the time, and get lost in translation. A gentleman, telling a lady " I will knock you up" means two entirely differnt things, depending upon whether one is a gentleman in America, or a Gentleman in England. Getting a translation that can cut through this miasma of meanings is of vital impotance. Can you help with this?
  18. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I kind of like the idea of discovering happiness along the way, instead of chasing after it .. like three little birds on the doorstep ... and Marley, oh yeah ...
  19. HK

    Yes, but able to and able to do so with any degree of reliability are two very different things. Hard enough to view one's present objectively, is it not? Even without the warping influence of hopes and fears and wild imaginings, a future viewpoint from the universal conciousness might be real, but might not be "you" ... and dwelling on these sorts of visions is the kind of stuff that makes a body become completely delusional.
  20. HK

    If I can see, hear, touch, feel, and taste through the point of view of anything in my current temporal view point (changing it, I suppose to a different view point, but still connected through the universal conciousness) then there should be no reason not to be capable of experiencing the temporal viewpoint of anyone or anywhere from the 'past' within that same universal conciousness. Some people just want to have that Cleopatra or Napolean or Isis Priestess experience, and reach for that; they could reach for anything, really. I kind of like experiencing from my own viewpoint; it is uniquely me
  21. Hey everyone

    Hello, Josh, welcome to the forum! I know what you mean about the self falling away when running, but I don't enjoy the running so much; it wears down my boots. There is a path to be explored there, I think ... you just might be the expert in this area. We can always use more medical insight, and there have been some questions in the area of food therapy that might benefit from your participation.
  22. Advantages of starting from No-mind

    ... and sometimes I walk along, and deliberately drop money beside the path that I'm walking, so it will be there when "I" needs it later (edit) that is not a typo.
  23. It has taken over one hundred years of slow and steady 'progress' for the USA to get into this mess, a little patience unraveling it wouldn't hurt.
  24. The Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist

    OnPhour and I were just discussing this, and Cayce on the phone earlier this evening, immortal ... sychronicty, much ? She informed me that Cayce, upon realising that he was giving people past life information, had to stop and go look for the evidence of reincarnation in the bible. Having found it, he then continued to do so. Kinda neat.
  25. In the simple personal relationship between one person and another, it is foolish to expect one to provide the other with happiness or fulfillment; these things can only be provided from within. How much more foolish, then, to expect what is needed from those with whom one has no personal relationship whatsoever? Presidents get the credit when good things happen, they get the credit when bad things happen. But they are just men. Miserable, flawed, and incapable of helping even themselves; driven by desires for power and control over others, how can anyone seek solutions from them? In truth, answers are not guaranteed. Solutions are not guaranteed. These things are possible, yet the source can only be found by looking within. So long as they are sought from without, they will never be true answers; never be true solutions.