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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    It's better to find teacher. The method can not be realized by reading a book. There is danger to fall into mental constructions when mind begins to operate by terms and definitions. This is one of the major problems for beginners. But I believe it's quite useful to read it because it will give some ideas about right and wrong methods of cultivation. But anyway one will need a teacher for the transmission of the method and his/her help for understanding the theory of the cultivation in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
  2. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    Yanshengong is preliminary to neidan practice. It's similar to qigong but it's not. Qigong was invented recently and it's some body and energy exercises which work with postheaven qi but yansheng was even mentioned by Chuang Tzu and belonged to Taoist arts in the past. "Yang" means "to nourish" and has the meaning of "no-action"; and "shen" means "life" in Chinese - this is "prenatal qi" in the human body. I would put it in hieroglyphs but my system does not support it. As practise methods in that school I mentioned it is Wudang 5 Animal Frolics and some static and dynamic energy exercises. They state it is necessary part of the Taoist art.
  3. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    There are a few people in Russia who have taoist teachers in China. Some of them have relation to WL and Wudang lineages. The latter one relates to the one of the Wudang branch which is Chang San Fang' lineage as far as I know. But it' mostly yanshengong and not alchemy as in Wu Liu. I was confused about this when was reading about this Wudang lineage. In general I would say there are few very credible taoist systems which are available for studying in Russia and Belarus which are not available all the way in the Western countries. I dont mean Wu Liu only but some other systems also and not Chinese only. There are many information that would be quite off of this thread and it is difficult for me to put it in English here. I can say it' more cheap than in the Western countries and the matter is not in the price only but in authenticity also. I can give you links but all information there is in Russian. Here are not Wu Lui and Wudang systems available only and not only in Russian and if you are interested I would be able to give you more information in PM. The question is whether you ready to travel to the the East Europe. If you live in USA there are few options for you as well. I did not mean it's only in CIS but I know better what is available here. Anyway I do not believe that learning from DVd is good option for anybody
  4. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    I am sorry for I have missed this question. I can give you link and more info but... all these seminars are held in Russia and Belarus only. PM me for more info
  5. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    What does mean "top off naturally"? I did not get it. Anyway I quoted your words about "fascist neidan schools". I dunno where you could meet such schools. Sounds weird to me.
  6. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    JB wrote: Some of renowned taoists of the Past had been looking for a Teacher who could transmit the neidan method, for all their life and when they finally found him they had had to serve to him for few years before Teacher started teach them. Consider this facr as argument and remember that actually it is (real Teaching) is far not for everyone. I do not say to become opendao' student but just give you real example how people of the past estimated the real Teaching. Now situation has changed and you should not judge taoists if you just can't get it right. You should not call taoist methods fascist just bc you never spoke to real taoist people. I had a chance to speak to a few students from taoist neidan schools and no one said that things happend naturally in pracrtice. All of them have certain method of cultivation. All the same in authentic yogic systems. They are not fascist at all. This confusaion has roots in that that people read some pops books and make conclusions on the basis of the information they get from it. But authentic teaching is not transmitted by books.
  7. I mean one which worked really good for you. I tried many and I would not say it was working good. OK, I did not get sick but I expected something like WOW effect. There is one secret taoist formula and it is sold only in China and prohibited to ship outside China. They say it is the very best formula . What I expect from it? Balancing yin / yang in body's organs. It was not the case with what I tried before.
  8. But this is only quote: anyway i am not talking about this initial practice only. I believe there are few students who is practising next level of the methods
  9. You can read it from description of Jiuyanshengong practice: I know it is not welcomed to show these results to anyone else but I was curious to see someone who began getting younger. This is what taoist scriptures describe as one of the level of achievements. But it is nevermind. Also there is a statement that correct Ming practice grants physical immortality and this is evidence of the right method I never have heard it from other traditional teachings and I wonder how it is really possible to achieve. I suppose someone must have very good karma to achieve it and this is not only a matter of practice for itself. I have to keep practicing more intensively and check it out myself
  10. What means "based on Ming" and "prepare yuan qi"? I seem to be confused a little here. As far as I know these preliminary exercises refine post heaven qi in organs and prepare pre heaven channels. But there is no restoration of yuan qi yet. So it might be the preparation for the Ming gong. I did not ask instructors much about this as I was concentrated on practice rather than on theory. From this point of view it is beginning of the ming gong indeed. But this is quite different from initial WuLu method. In YuXian it looks more as qigong exercises with usage of personal consciuosness (post heaven shen) but in WuLu' method this is only a short preparation for the Ming method (Juiyangshengong) where work of personal consciuosness should be stopped and is not welcome at all. So there are different approaches at all. As far as I know in ming method the movement and restoration of yuan qi is possible when post heaven shen is kind of switched off and a person has spontaneous movement when yuan qi manifests itself opening pre heaven channels and post heaven shen is only watching at the process. This is the work of yuan qi as far as I got it right. Hmm, it sounds similar to the spontaneous contemplation in Dzogchen teaching. But nowadays they teach how to use personal mind to control this process in "meditation". It is just may be that WuLu initial method is more straight than in YuXian but both of them are ming gong practices with different approaches. I just was confused how movements based on personal consciousness in shengong could be Ming method. As far as I got it right this is the advantage of taoist alchemist - the refinement of Xin-Xing is achieved by the Ming restoration. We do not have to sit quietly, we do not need to refrain from "mundane" way of life, we do not need to "clean" our soul (heart)... Sounds pretty good but I believe it depends on how we are already "pure" and how much emptiness in heart we already have. So this returns us back to the xin methods again. Actually I am trying to say that even Samatha in Buddhism is not meditation yet and is only preliminary practice for quieting the heart, and it is only xin method. But many of schools who teach it nowadays lost Ming method as the foundation for serious spiritual results
  11. Ok, but what traditions are you talking about? Some branches of LongmenPai, chan, zen, fitness yoga, christianity...? If we have a look at authenticTibetan/Indian traditions I suppose there are many Ming practices but without stress on it according to Taoist terminology. So we have to admit that many traditions have preserved Ming methods... but I can not do this statement. The issue is only in final realization as I believe. And also how orient tradition are compatible with western mindset. It' better to talk about Taoist school and methods as we are on the Taoist forum. May be Taoist Ming practices are something really different from other orient tantric/yogic methods but we can not even talk about it without having experience in all of them so it would be better not trying even to compare them. The Ming method could be a matter of certain kind of transmission within a traditional teaching. It' all about a person' personal karma and level of a teacher. Even if there is ming method but there is no good teacher a student will not be able to complete the method to the result which is described in authentic texts. I believe it's very crucial who we are getting a method from. May be it' even more important than the method for itself. Have you seen anyone who stopped the process of aging and reversed his / her age back? This is what Taoist texts describe as some proof of achievement. I have seen few people from WuLuPai but I saw them few times and I had no chance to see them before. So I cannot say anything definite how it works for them. If younger look is not evidence what an evidence could be there else? I actually know that there are few powerful methods within WuLu and YuXian and that people getting some good results. What is special in these Ming methods in Taoist schools? I know a little about WuLu but as for YuXian for example there is no Ming in the beginning and if we have a lool at history of Quanzhen school there were a lot of xin- Xing methods in the beginning quieting the mind. Ming method in work only when person restores yuan qi indeed. Do you think it' possible without direct transmission from high level Chinese teacher?
  12. Nice theory. Only the question HOW are you going to raise your frequency. Everyone already has soul and spirit which vibrate with higher energy frequency but people can not feel it because of many karmic blockages in the mind and body. How are you going to increase the frequency of your mind to realize the Tao? You need: 1) Teacher who already has this frequency 2) Method how overpass your karmic issues Theacher transmits the energy coming from the Tao and this is only the way how to overpass your own blockages. We can say many other theories but all of them will remain theories until we have high level Teacher and authentic method. Method of "energy cultivation" works with our innate energy body. Far not every single method works the same way and far not every method can bring you to the Tao even if you put much efforts. The method must have the right sequence and cause the right changes in you energy body. The human being has certain energy structure and only enlightened person knows how to work with energy body. Far not every teacher knows the right method for energy cultivation. The difference is that which energy channels they work with
  13. Hi, opendao. How can you be sure that ALL tradtions have lost the method of restoring Yuan Qi? I think that probaly the difference between some of them and Neidan is that they do not use such terminology as Xing and Ming. Foe example in Tantra they use such words as: mind (Xing) and Kundalini (Ming). How can you be sure they are not envolved in "dual cultivation" by practicing mind - heart cultivation and Kundalini methods? In general in Tantra they begin with xin-Xing method on the stage of Kyerim and then there is final stage wich is called Dzogrim where there are many methods of work with innate power (energy, prana, qi). Far not every Taoist school starts with Ming method as well as many tantric traditions. This is only the matter of terminology.
  14. No, many paths lead to Death unfortunately. For example, the achievement of Ghost immortality is considered to be even worse than normal death as person who would achieve this can't be reborn and can't get physical body to get chance to practice again. It is because this person wasted Ming (Yang essence) practicing wrong methods (Yin methods). Taoist scriptures warn about these mistakes on the Path. That' why not all paths lead to immortality and even health. As I said before neidan method can't be realized by any single person on his/her own and can be only transmited. This is neither Buddism, nor Yoga, nor Chan, nor any other tradition. I believe it is mistake to compare these teachings with alchemical taoism. May be there are some similarites regarding achievments in authentic tantric methods but there is all the same as in Taoism concerning transmission and you can't get it from a book. Tradition is never transmited throughout books. If you feel your heart promts you to choose tantra then you have to find a teacher and get transmission. But believe me it' very dificult path. I know a very advanced tantra teacher within authentic Indian tantra lineage and according to his words it' very dificult path for westerners and very dificult to succed in it. This is not just to seat in meditation like RM. Who knows what realization he attained
  15. I am not sure I've got all sense of your post but we are on the Taoist board. It' up to you why you are here. If you are getting me right of course. Yes, there are loads of teachers out there and you are free to choose. But if read Taoist scriptures very carefully, Wuzhen Pian for instance, you will realize that methods akin to Ramana Maharshi were considered as Yin methods which lead to the first level of achievement which is called "Ghost Immortal". It has not been considered as right spiritual achievement in Taoism. That' why I am saying you have to study authentic scriptures but not New Agey literature. RM' s method is very similar to late Chan practices which have been under the critics by authentic teachers for centuries. Many people are so lazy to study Tradition properly but I understand why. It is because people rely on TV, popular books and so on.
  16. Ayurveda stands for going to bed 2 hours prior to astronomical midnight. As only this time our mental state of mind rests. And to wake at 4-5 a.m. for practice yoga and meditation. At the same time according to taoist perspective this is one of the best time to practice. Any clever thoughts on it? What time are you going to bed? I am striving for going to bed at 11 pm but it is real challenge as another people in my house not sleeping till very late. But I noticed it is better to go to bed earlier. But might be practicing at midnight has it's benefits?
  17. I see. But we have to always remember that spiritual development is covered by thousands of misconceptions. But not that many people have reached it in their own lifes. Can you build your own atomic power station or your own cosmic shuttle and fly to the Orion on it? Why you think that Alchemy is anything easier? There are tons of books about "spiritual " methods but this is only human thoughts on the subject. I would advise to read authentic literature on the Taoism, Wuzhen Pian for example. Genuine Taoist Tradition is based on the theory of 5 elements and I ching - The book of Changes. Authentic Taoist methods are based on the principle of the "heart to heart " transmission. In general if we talk about development there are two main methods of it: qigong - the method of onward perfection and neidan - the method of reverse perfection. Practices akin to M. Chia's stuff are qigong only. People who teach qigong and meditations teach qigong only but they might call latter as "internal alchemy". Everything what uses breath, vizualization and meditation is qigong only and it can not help much in spiritual realization and it is even considered to be harmful even if it would give some unusual effects. In general alchemical practices work with different channels and breath and vizualization are never used in it. We can only get transmission in order to practice right and I believe that only practices of this kind can lead to the real health and enlightenment. All these stages are fixed and have certain exact achievements what they call as four stages of immortallity. But there are few schools within LongmenPai school which began to use meditations and loads of onward methods. Unfortunately I can't comment it but you have to ask them if they teach the methods which nourish Ming - the primordial Essense of a body. There are many schools which use onward methods but calling it "internal alchemy". There are hundreds of secondary shools even in China and many teachers say that they teach neidan and belong to a authentic school. But authentic methods are very very rare to find even in China. The head of our center Dmitry Artemyev was lucky to meet the authentic patriarch of WuLuiPai The Teacher of Single Yang in China after many years of search in China. We have hundreds of students in qigong, neidan and internal martial arts. So I just want to put it clear that the information I disclose here is coming from very authentic sources and is based on over 20 years research in our center. Please do not accept it as a wish to argue with somebody or insult someone.
  18. OK, but I can't make it out who told you that it is "taoist method"? Any link to the authentic text or school? You can't seem to realize the main issue here - there is NO system, NO people who got realization in this system, NO authentic teacher, NO authentic methods which were mentioned in taoist scriptures. There are loads of methods that are just made up by people who have no connection to the authentic taoist methods. How it leads to any solid results? I already said before that in authentic schools there are fixed stages and fixed methods in practice. Nothing like "internal smile" or in it. This is something from psychotherapy might be I dont know
  19. But why you think I have to read it? There are loads of information in books, booklets and websites. I do not mind you read it, that' fine. I have few methods to practice and I consider few more to be engaged and I am struggling to find time for all this stuff honestly. I only advise to be careful with doubtful sources and not to practice it on your own. Even meditation which people consider to be very useful for enlightenment. I give you simple example. I visited few seminars on qigong and alchemy last few months and I tought I got everything clear and that I did everything right. But every time I realized that it was coming only from my considerations and in general these methods never have been disclosed in popular literature or video. People always consider something to be right out of their considerations which are often limited. Even to practise some forms of qigong right we need to have some standards how it must be practiced right. I do not even consider how far certain method is authentic and how it can really help. I did read Mantek Chia books few years ago and I tried something out of it. But now I have authentic methods and I can say it has nothing even similar with Mantek's stuff. Today I stumbled upon a review on the web where a man shared his experience of one year training in school of qigong similar to M. Chia and how he got deviations out of this practice (which is very popular in mainstream - seated meditaion) and then he found authentic school and method and felt much better after few months of practice and even it was proved by a medical check he did. There are many subtlities in practices which we might be not aware of and there are very much of distinctions in techniques which are coming from genuine Chinese masters. There is difference between qigong and alchemical methods - channels which they effect and the way how it is done. That' why transmission is very crucial factor here. Such practices are not disclosed in books and they would not work well without transmission. It's better to find internal MA master within authentic lineage. There might be a few alchemical methods which might give you a lot of benefits. Sorry if I am wrong in grammar
  20. I have dicided to create new topic as moderators are very unhappy when I post about this subj in other topics regarding taoist schools. I was advised to create my own topic. I will answer here some other posts from another threads. Vitaly said: What is not true? Born in 1971, Master Yuan Xiu Gang, a Daoist priest (Daoist name Shi Mao), is the 15th generation disciple of Wudang SanFeng Sect. This lineage dates back to the 14th century when Zhang San Feng became enlightened by the Dao and created Taijiquan. Master Yuan has loved martial arts since his early childhood. At the age of 7, he started basic physical training in wushu, and at 16 he studied Shaolin wushu for 3 years. As a result of his increasing skill in gongfu, understanding of internal martial arts, and enthusiasm for Daoism, in 1991 he went to Wudang Mountain, the reknown center of Daoism and internal martial arts. Master Yuan was fortunate to be accepted as a disciple by the great Master Zhong Yun Long. Since then, Master Yuan has been practicing internal gongfu like TaiJi, Qigong, XingYi, BaGua, and meditation. In 1994, Master Yuan was selected by the Wudang Taoist Association for Taoist Wushu Performance Team, and initiated into the Purple Heaven Palace, the largest Daoist temple at Wudang. With the blessing of the Chairman, Master Yuan joined the circle of Daoist culture. Since then, Master Yuan has furthered his practice of Daoist philosophy and internal gongfu. As a member of the Taoist Wushu Performance Team, Master Yuan has traveled to various places in South East Asia to demonstrate Wudang gongfu. He has also represented Wudang when receiving high-level Government officials and celebrities from other countries in their visit to the Daoist mountain. I can see nothing about alchemy on his official website. This is typical school of qigong and MA. I personally respect qigong masters and methods and this thread is not against them but only to clarify the confusion.
  21. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    The task here is to stop spreading misconceptions about authentic taoism.
  22. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    This is not my view but view of three authentic lineages in China. Where was I insulting someone? Any facts which you can prove of the exception you call me troll? Is not it insulting me personality? Which authentic sect you belong to judge me? Why are you not warned to stop insulting me? If you yourself can prove your statements regarding taoism with reference to authentic lineage I will apriciate it.
  23. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Trolling is not acceptable term in this case. I always prove my words. I respect all authentic masters in qigong/alchemy/MA. But Vitaly is a special case. You would understand me better if you speak Russian and could read all information about his activity. If I would disclose all this information about this case it would take much time and moderators will ban me again. There are few taoist forums in Russia akin to Tao Bums and all of them have certain opinion - this is self claimed "master" from unknown school in China.
  24. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Probably I am talking to a teenager. I have only disclosed some information for those who ready for serious things in their lifes. I understand that some part of this information can be used for wrong things and that not everyone can accept it. It happened in all times when pure Tradition came out from underground. This is not for everyone. I am confused when hear such words that come from someone's mouth. Probably this is just not for you. As I said before one must have the fate to get right methods. Most of people are not ready for it