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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    All instructors can see the energy and able to do corrections out of this, that' most wonderful thing I noticed for myself. Even if a student was slightly tensed in some parts of the body. Also it changes the mind and soul, they become healthy and general wellbeing is increased. Sensation of harmony is the most important. All extra ordinary abillities are considered to be like flowers on the road, the geneal and only the goal - the spiritual immortality
  2. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    In pure alchemical methods the theory and methodology of WuXing are used. The stucture is: Water -> Wood -> Fire-> Earth-> Metal Each method correlates with certain organ and pre heaven channels. This is practiced not for nourishing yuan qi yet but for balancing organs and building pre heaven channels which must be built for the further goal of nourishing yuan qi. Because when people are aging their prenatal channels are weakened and illnesses are coming. Qigong does not work with these channels. This theory and methodology I am getting in YuXianPai school where people are getting very good results .
  3. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Wuxing strengthens more physical organs and strengthens post heaven qi. It can balance something and imbalance something at the same time. It does not work with Ming but can be good as initial method on the initial stage. But this is not a method for itself. As I mentioned there are fixed methods for every stage in neidan but there are no fixed methods for realization in qigong. They can give out some theory on this but as I believe it is corrupted methods. The difference is in the structure of exercises and the level they work with our energy. Also it can be even harmful when the lineage is not authentic. There are many qigong systems which can connect person to some egregor which is fed up by practitioners energy giving them some sensations.
  4. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Qigong works with post heaven qi. This is akin to row in a current. Neidan works with pre heaven qi. This is akin to row against the current. The fiture of Neidan is to reverse the process of the "bear - life - death". A person "consists of" Ming and Xing when born. Ming is the vital energy of a body. Xing is the soul. Yang and Yin. Soul is very Yin without energy Ming. When Ming is gone a person dies. This happens when a person goes in the current of the Nature. Qigong does not work with Ming. Neither meditation does it. The fiture of a aclchemical method is to join Ming and Xing. It has stages in alchemy. There is a method for each stage in alchemy. What qigong does not have in its method. Qigong is good as preparation method for alchemy but it's not a part of Taoist school. Alchemical methods were invented in the Past when people where much more balanced and there was not necessary to practice qigong. Nowadays most people need to practice qigong prior to practicing Neidan in order to bring more balance to mind and body for the ability to practice Neidan. But Taoist schools do not have qigong as method. It could be some MA forms which saved in some Taoist sects but all of them are alchemical and far not what you can encounter on the market as qigong or just callisthenics.
  5. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    You do not have transmission in authentic taoist school and I undesrstand where your confusion is coming from.
  6. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Here is he says something about "internal alchemy": Meditation can belong to the alchemical method but only on the final stage of alchemy. In authentic alchemical methods meditation in the beginning is prohibited and cannot be alchemical method for itself. Also it can cause deviations in newbies. The explanation is very easy - most of people are in yin state; meditation increase yin and movements increase yang. Also it does not mean that when someone does qigong movements or MA forms he/she does alchemical methods. "Stillness and movement" is not sign of a alchemical method. Latter one is very much about connection to the authentic lineage and its energy. That' the crucial point. Qigong and alchemy work with different channels and absolutely not equal. Before doing meditation practitioner must harmonise energy of a body using alchemical method which opens up prenatal channels and then nourishes prenatal qi. Qigong and mediataion have nothing to do with it.
  7. In alchemy there is another principle in training. As I already mentioned this training goes from inside out. This is not as it is in yoga for example or in bodybuilding. First of all we will have to work with energy and then energy build the structure of a body. It could be tree stance or slow movements which effect energy channels. We will have to bring to the balance thoughts, energy and spirit. But it is done not through external body work out in alchemy. This is fiture of the alchemical methods. It is difficult to explain to people who know a very little about alchemicals methods as people compare things on the basis of their limited knowledge. And other people can use it giving them corrupted methods.
  8. I have to post again only for clarification. Wudang is the name of mountains. It is not school. Nowadays many people use this name and there are dozens of qigong systems which use the name of Wudang. Also there are dozens of qigong systems which refer to Wudang. Longmenpai is like trademark nowadays which is used to draw people who pay money. But this is qigong. If you go to their website and examine it you will see they teach qigong and MA ONLY
  9. My Friend, it will be my last post in this thread. Wu Xing Gong is Qigong which can not be a part of any Taoist school. Qigong is corrupt method which derived from alchemical methods. If anyone says to you that qigong is part of Taoist schools it means you encountered wrong teacher. As simple as that
  10. Yes, it can be used in MA training but HOW these videos of Xinqyi and Taichi warm ups correlate directly with alchemical practice? Which school of alchemy is it coming from?
  11. I pay attention to the name of the thread where you mentioned daoist school . First of all taoist people practice alchemy and any martial training is not to be practiced. You post videos of physical training here in MA. In alchemy training internal power is coming from inside out and not other way around! Otherwise it will be external training.
  12. Physical exercises in Alchemy? This is nonsense. It has NOTHING to do with school of alchemy.
  13. I did not. I do not trust practices pointed out in doubtful sources. What is the lineage of Mantek Chia? What school does he belong to? What is the next level after his MCO practice? Who got results? But I heard about many people who got bad side effects having practiced his practices. At this time this is my policy to practice authentic stuff. Why to waste time for something doubtful?
  14. I am not sure yet honestly but they say that both of them are effective because they are schools of "internal alchemy". But Wu Lu Pai is more effective - it' like a rocket but it' only for very serious people. Wu Lu Pai begins from the Ming restoration and its path is very suitable for people living in society and I believe that YuXianPai path was more for people who adhered monastic path and they began from Xing methods. Nowadays YuXianPai begins from Xing methods as well but Xing and Ming are not something separate. In general in WuLu method is more "straight" but difficult to maintain practice so it' far not for everyone. Even for people who live in Russia and CIS. It' entirely depends on who you are yourself. Some people have very good effects from Juiyangshengong (Wu Lu' initial method) even in the very beginning, some people get it later. These schools are interrelated and many students practice both schools bc of it alchemical engine. Juiyangshengong is practiced by the people from YuXian school and WuLu' people practice methods from Yuxian school to cleanse organs and in order to bring balance to the mind and body. Even these initial methods are worth to practice till the end of life. Even only Juiyangshengong is very powerful method bc it works with prenatal channels. The effect is not in kind of visions or what else people can expect but in balancing mind and body and it can take couple of years to realize that you have changed. We have to realize the difference between qigong methods and alchemical ones. But we practice qigong as well in both schools for the purpose to harmonize mind to prepare for the alchemical methods. In June they hold intensive seminar near S-Petersburg where there will be a lot of mentioned practices and also there will be one in China. Not many instructors speak English there as they learn Chinese. So I am not sure how they can deal with English speakers. If there are people who interested I can ask them as I am in Russia now and going to see them often.
  15. Wu Lu Pai is very closed and very hard to practice IN LIFE. It maintains strictly traditional approach which is based on the relation teacher - student. Every student must practice in a group very diligently. Must practice every day and attend all classes. Far not for everyone but it' fastest path in alchemy. First stage in it is spontaneous yangshengong. (far not qigong as it openes up preheaven channels). YuXianPai is less strict and more open for everyone. Less responsibilities and can be practiced apart from a group but it would be more powerful when practiced in a group. More personal freedom. Based on initial methods of cleansing organs beginning from kidneys. It works with preheaven channels as well and is not qigong. On second stage practitioner would replenish prenatal qi. In both of them a person must be initiated.
  16. Yes, it's better to do it under constant supervision and initial stage of the qigong practice is about 6-12 months. Also you can get first initial method of YuXianPai school for kidneys which is half way alchemy practice. It' up to you how often you would be able to come to Russia. They hold summer intensive seminars for 7 days which cover a lot of practices including baduanjin and yijingjin plus alchemy methods of YuXianPai plus jiuyangshengong. This stuff is already very powerful stuff. So you could visit Canadian instructor and then attend one of the 3-7 days seminars which are held quite often. Some instructors come from Siberia, for example. This solution is not the best one but also you can go to China with them if you are committed in it. This would not be cheap for you but this is not cheap even in China for local Taoists. And may be even more expensive. they position is that dedicated practitioner should have active life position and is supposed to earn enough money. Taoisim is "yang" teaching. It is far not as it is Buddhism or Yoga.
  17. There is instructor in Canada btw. It's better to practice it in a group in my experience. But the doors are always open. I do not know what to offer you. May be Misha Lomax in the US? He seems to be cool guy IMHO But sitting meditations are prohibited in the beginning in our schools. It creates yin and might be harmful for the beginner. It might be one of the reasons for the anxiety issue btw.
  18. This is only the chance to have chance © Carlos Castaneda. What is the chance of those people who practice reading the books of M. Chia? Let' think about this. We do "internal sounds", for instance, as well but it has certain goal in accordance with other practices, which have its own goal in its turn. But if you do them separately and without real knowledge why you do this and that you might do something in very wrong way what might give unpleasant side effects. In this case with anxiety it seems to me a head is not relaxed and 12 main channels are not opened up. Also it could be wrong motions for this goal. What are the chances to get "immortality" in this case? I did not mention other main channels. Does [bookish] qigong work with it? Who invented these exercises, what an author achieved himself? As for chances the teacher says that one can receive full transmission only when he/she has the fate. Here is no any guaranty at all. But one should practice diligently in order to succeed on the path to Dao. It means: right method, right people, right place, right approach and right intention. let' agree there are more chances to get all what is mentioned in the title of this thread. But when someone does not have even right initial method to empty a head from stagnant qi what are the chances?
  19. i am not from Wu Lu Pai. I am more in YuXianPai (school of meeting immortals) at the moment. The patriarch of this school comes to Russia every year. Also all initiated taoist know the name of the Wu Lu Pai's patriarch and many of them saw him. People go to China every year. Every year they hold plenty of seminars and practice intensives which you can attend and try this methods. What' the problem? That you do not know the name of the Teacher? His name is secret for the public for the safety measures. Remember that authentic Taoism is half way "legal" in China and suffered a lot in the last century. Recently many of taoist sects had to go "underground " bc of Falun Dafa' politics issue. You might be expect that Taoist teacher will knock your door in order to prove his authentication. But they do not come to people to prove something to them, they come to the people who practice and who really dedicated to Taoism.
  20. For what goal? There are LOADS of "fantastic" exercises disclosed in thousands of books. Today they feel "fantastic" after doing this and that and what about tomorrow, after tomorrow, week, month, year, 10, 100? How you will bw fantastic in 100 years, man? I click specially for you. Enjoy it
  21. I can. But the question how it will help you. I am not here for the promotion of my school and teacher. I practice in a group where we have experienced instructor who constantly visit seminars which are held by the Russian branch of the quite famous Taoist School in China. We have methods of the 2 Taoists schools also we practice qigong in the beginning which is mix of the best exercises which they picked up in China for 20 years meeting various Chinese masters. Beware of fishy guys here on TTB who create fake schools. Do research before going to a seminar and paying money
  22. I did not attack you or your opinion but only referred to your issue that you disclosed in this thread. It has nothing to do with people who have "cancer" or any other illness. This comparison is not correct. Only I mentioned that the reason is yin/yang imbalance and tried to explain where it was coming from. It seemed to me you sounded like you wanted to find some "energy exercise" which you can do on your own getting it from video or book. I tried to explain why it was wrong approach and that in this approach would not be much "spirituality" meaning that genuine "way" or "path" is not only "training" of [post-heaven] energy but [pre-heaven] spirit also. I believe that we inherit our spiritual achievements from previous lives and spirituality is determined by our own karma and our efforts in this life: correct way of life, right deeds, diet, regime, correct energy practice, correct thoughts, right teacher and tradition and so on. This is difficult way of overcoming obstacles on the way. And huge part of it as I personally believe is correct teaching which includes all of this. This is how it was from very beginning - every spiritual person of the past had a teacher plus good karma. But many people here believe that they can become spiritual by doing some fishy "energy practices". This is the way to delusion. Even having got a good teacher it is very difficult path. I personally trust only the traditional practices which are very difficult to find in general. No book or video can disclose this practices. It is almost impossible. Even if your are lucky to get it then it is difficult to work it out even with good teacher. You do not seem to understand it and I stressed it once again but not in order to insult you. All of these practices you are talking here are working with post-heaven qi and they can help a little to improve sensitivity of qi and can help to improve health but there are more chances to get sick [qigong syndrome] without proper supervision and if it is coming from a source without lineage . The only way to get "full range" of benefits is to practice neidan which works with pre - heaven qi. You can not get it without teacher. This is the law. All the best
  23. Sorry, but you sound very philosophically. To me it sounds like "i am teacher, i am god, i am...". BS. Excuse my language. A good teacher CAN SEE your energy and your imbalances and can help to overcome it giving adjustments personally for each certain person. Also teacher transmits the energy. I just would not be able to get rid of a few of my blockages which I strove to overcome on my own for years but one experienced man (therapist) did it for a few sessions by transmitting energy and giving me exercises to work it out at home. How you are going to bypass all this on your own I can guess only. This is just example. If you can not overcome anxiety how you can reflect about your own way of spirituality? Even in order to benefit from Baduanjin one must open up channels by the mean of practice of initial level qigong to get feelings of qi flow otherwise all other stuff will be just calisthenics without any benefit. Nowadays there are dozens of baduaanjin and yijinjin on the market but who knows how to do it right?
  24. NO NO NO. Avoid this stuff. There is no lineage and a lot of crap. You, guys, going nuts offering these crazy things to each other.
  25. Thank you, GrandmasterP. I used to live in the UK and tried to find something "authentic" there. I did try "yoga", meditations, tantra, neikong, MA... then I realized it was waste of time and money. Now I have another understanding about all that stuff. Probably my opinion will sound negative here but it was my experience and it was part of the lessons I've got in my life. Most sad thing here is that you are right that there are many people who scam others and... themselves as well. So called teachers learn something "spiritual" somewhere in India or Taiwan at the best and then they teach others playing the role of a "guru". I remember i got anxiety issue when was doing breath methods from a tantra tradition which I learned in a local center. Also I got lungs problem by doing it. Instructor could not help me at all but she charged me every time when I was coming to classes. Then I mixed few methods from different traditions and wanted to succeed in my "spirituality". WRONG WRONG approach. Also I practiced from DVDs and books mixing up things. Sometime I could not fall asleep and was anxious without any reason. Only when I gave up doing all that stuff and got transmission in good lineage thing began to improve. Also I realized that beginner just is not able to do qigong right. Besides it is not easy to find good qigong teacher. Now I do very soft qigong and some alchemy method which are very soft and I believe that supervision of good instructor is MUST have almost for everyone. Also I was lucky to meet an excellent Siberian therapist who worked out my energy blockages. He is quite enlightened person and he said clearly that people do mistake trying to practice from video or books and that it is very much about ones personal karma to get benefit from any practice. He says that it is impossible to practice right when one has problem with spinal column what is very common. This can only increase a blockage of energy. Only enlightened person can teach right methods and it is very much about transmission " from heart to heart". No book can replace it. Only people who have good karma and spiritual experience from previous lives can benefit from video or book. Authentic qigong or neikong is very rare nowadays. I remember I had been practicing Iron Shirt for 2 years without any benefit and no one else benefited from it in that group and that instructor did not realize that his approach was wrong in the very beginning. He did not teach soft qigong in the beginning in order to smooth out energy and open qi channels in students. He always smiled and said that we did not practice good enough. I remember anxiety issue I got from that practice. He stated he was enlightened person and he charged good price. Unfortunately it is quite common thing nowadays. I believe it is crucial to practice in a group of people where there is real teacher within authentic lineage. Anxiety issue will not happen to anyone in this case. It would be a first sign of wrong practice or wrong approach.