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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Tibetan Yoga of Breath

    Lobsang Tulku Rinpoche is talking about Lu Jong, Tsa Lung and mind work:
  2. The teaching of Quanzhen

    And it seems to me original Quanzhen method had Xing cultivation as foundation. Ming method as foudation was set up by the founder all of Southern branch Chang Potuan. So I believe that only Southern branches are worth our concern as Xing methods are very difficult to cultivate proparly for the majority of western people imho. But some people may get more benefits other way around The question if northern schools are open for westerners and whether they preserved the method of ming
  3. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Quanzhen was divided into northern and southern branches. All northern ones begin with loads of Xing methods and often require becoming a monk. Longmen is northern branch and it is questionable whether they (Wang Liping school) preserve Ming method. They can only say that they have it but... When I asked about Quanzhen methods here I had the query about Ming methods first of all. There are many Xing methods can be found. Or it might be heart (xin) methods only. Many monks in China can read Wang Liping novels but it does not mean anything to serious people. So I suppose only few southern branches preserved Ming method or teach it openly. Authentic Quanzhen' Ming method has been lost probably. And everything about immortallity could be the nice myth. Wang Chungyan died at "normal" age as many others. We can only believe that wonders exist.
  4. The teaching of Quanzhen

    That' it. All of them are authentic but methods are absolutely different. And all of them belong to Quanzhenjiao. All methods are right. I think it's better to choose master but not school. I have idea what to practice. There is always something what we can do. Even method from a book can be right in particular moment. Transmission helps but is not must. If somebody asks huge money for transmission that would not be authentic but commercial. We have to be honest and do not lie each other
  5. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Wang Liping teaches seated method in the beginning what is wrong accroding to the core taoist scripture. This method is listed there as one of false methods. Taking into account that factor that nowadays many people just earn money on spirituality I treat them very carefully. There are options and I choose what the right to my feelings but not to smb's else. I never pay such ammount of money for seated meds. And I do not care who is he. That' all.
  6. The teaching of Quanzhen

    You have to read that book with history of the Monastery. They have two monasteries (south and north )and method was not lost.
  7. The teaching of Quanzhen

    I meant that even short time is enough somitimes to find some information regarding particular schools and teachers I did not say how I estimate schools. I said I had no funds and desire to pay big sum for seminar. You say you learned enough. Ok, I will listen to you as you more experienced it this study. What the main authentic text is basis of your school' method? Any evidence of this? Please do not say that you must not bring any of them. Just one documented is enough
  8. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Tao, I asked people about Quanzhen methods. I know about Wang Liping and his school does not suit me. And I can not see connection of Wang Liping to the Quanzhen' school from my amateur perspective. White Cloud Monastery is main monastery of Quanzhenjiao Pai. What is the connection of Wang Liping to Quanzhen?
  9. The teaching of Quanzhen

    That practice seems to work with sun and moon balancing yan and yin in the body. And this is not Longmen' practice and it comes from White Clouds monastery whithin Quanzhen school. We are talking about Quanzhen school
  10. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Why to pay 3000$ for meds which are free in books?
  11. The teaching of Quanzhen

    But you paid 3500$ for seminar? It' your choice and I do not judge you. There are another options at my place. There are some taoist people near by who teach authentic stuff and ask money only for the rent and for class what one can pay. This is honest and not 3000 + $$$ for med. Another issue - can you find Wang Lipings method in authentic text? Could you give me link to the text please?
  12. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Exuse me, after university I was to work for government organisation for 2 years with wages 105$ per MONTH. 50$ I paid for bills and 50 $ for food. 5$ I had for music etc. Now it is 300-400$ per month at my place and bills almost half. When I contacted WL's school they asked me to pay 3500$ for 5 days seminar. May be you should not judge people your way? I must work all year with no food and live with parents in order to pay this gentlman for his meditation technique which I can get in a book. If he teaches me how no to eat... then may be... But thanks for your honest opinion about me. I need to get another job but there are other options. If I get job for 1000 $ then I will have to work 12-15 hours. When to practice sitting then?
  13. The teaching of Quanzhen

    That' not Wang Liping's version of meditation as far as I understood. Is there anything in common in both of these methods?
  14. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Hmm, I did 5 minutes search and I found information about doctor Baolin Wu who transmitts some practical Quanzhen' aspects. And it' far not sitting method akin to Wang Liping' who seems to be a little commercial to me. I do not want to offend anybody but money WL is asking for his teaching is too much and I have another information about Quanzhen' (Longmen) authentic methods. But thanks.
  15. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    from second link: Anyway he was over 100 when he passed away. The spirit is more important for me. Even if he is at his 90+ on the video he was great
  16. RE: Can the Practice of Stillness-Movement add to your Martial arts ability?
  17. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    He was famous in China even in 1920 when he won national Chinese wushu championship. In the middle of 20th century he was famous as he beat american boxer in China. Also he had transmission in Wudan neidan school. Is it not enought?
  18. But all this was within Feng Zhiqan (Hu Yaozhen) lineage so it should compliment each other
  19. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    What do you mean, dawei? I believe that teacher must be qualifed enough to teach others. It could be TCM doctor or qualifed person within neidan school. I had bad experince with qigong teachers so I have my opinion. I do not buy qigong stuff anymore. For example, this Lu Zi Jian was studying TCM from his childhood. And often I can see western qigong people who have extra weight but they teach TCM and right diet, body cleansing... Funny enough. I do not believe qigong people anymore and very careful with neigong teachers. And avoid fake neidan teachers
  20. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    This is common problem for everyone I know this. But I was talking of tantric buddhism which is only authentic at this time which can lead to rainbow body. And I asked a Rinpoche about Ming when on a seminar and he rufesed to answer about Ming. That' why it' more difficult for us - different culture and diff mind from Tibatans who grew up with this. I have heard about Chan Min Gong Qigong which they date back to Bodhidharma. It begins with some Xing method of cultivation and then they say there is tantric method. Not sure if there is Ming method but it called my interest. Anyway I believe taoism is easier for our minds bc there is no tantra and no visualizations etc.
  21. Hold off for a minute. Is not GoT based on hunyuan qigong? Is not hunyuan qigong taichi chen style qigong indeed? Or you discuss SM only?
  22. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Lads, plese, stop going so much theoretical. What are the authentic practical aspects of this school? Any good sources on it? Teachers? Will appreciate proper answers.
  23. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    Buddhism is very specific teaching with specific cultural features. It' difficult for our minds I would say. And I would not trust all that information about 100' with rainbow body. I dunno about Ramana. You should realize it was his karma of previous lives and I can not check his level of realization. You say just something mystical what we cannot check. What do you offer to us to go to a mountain and seat there quietly?
  24. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    I have the book with first level of his method. It' alchemical practice within branch of Longmenpai.
  25. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    How do you know what exactly they practiced? And "many" how many? 1 out of 1000? May be it is only in the mind including "five lights".... He died of cancer. Cancer is the pure yin illness. You say yin does not exist. Do you believe that death and illnesses exist?