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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And eventually my lost post here. About what I wanted to figure out here. There are authentic traditional schools with certain methods and scriptures. It is only map but based on experience of many practitioners. There are many diff methods. Not all of them lead to spirituality. Let's say spiritual reality is not so obvious (for me definitely). There are diff methods of cultivation: As zen-bear was talking of Tao Yin I wondered in this context. If someone is not aware of this - it is his or her personal karma. Zen-bear did not want to elaborate it but would prefer to go for personal issues. I gave this link here before: Good luck.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And when I asked Cihan if he really got "transmission" without kung fu, arts, and so on... you (zen-bear) said: "who are you here to ask..." What was wrong in my question? That you want me off this thread?
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And talking of "transmission" I obviously meant few important issues which people should be aware of. I just was thinking if it is right to learn such systems with DVD's. I said that would find that your post about FP and Kung Fu. Here this your post: There are very few complete Qigong systems that impart much benefit if practiced out of the context of martial or healing art. My experience over the last 30 yrs. has shown me that practicing Qigong before the Kung-fu never leads to wholesome results. It creates imbalance and delusion on many levels. If one isn't practicing kung-fu, teaching it, or doing holistic healing work, the energy cultivated by qigong practice isn't being channeled into the most natural applications--i.e., it has nowhere to go. With some Qigong systems, after they are mastered, the effects of their practice automatically "kicks in" when one practices martial art or does healing. One is self-renewed just by teaching or healing--without the actual practice of the original Qigong exercises. But this comes after mastery. It is also what Carlos Castaneda's teachers meant by "not doing." Obviously FP seems to be done together with other practices in BFP. And transmission could mean many things including: qigong, kung fu, arts, symbols, telepathic means... That' just was strange for me how people here reacted on my questions about this. Is it my bad karma asking this?
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I asked you for help on the thread. And some people started abuse my personality. NIce!!!!! You asked for the type of help that I already provided in this thread (#89, #93) and I answered you directly in Post #2329--again spelled out in Post #2401 above. With regard to you allegedly being "abused" for no reason as you argue, the fact is that people always get what they deserve by the law of karma, cause and effect. Yes, you replied and that' obviously good and nice that you do all this job. But I Pmed you asking how to combine or if it's worth to combine FP and SYG. You said to ask on the thread. And I asked people. But you did not reply. I wanted to clarify aspects of Xing and Ming cultivation what I stressed in last posts again. That' was one of my main query here which I did not find answer in the thread and I asked it again and again. That' was the question about Tao Yin and what is alchemy and what is not. I used to stress it few times I agree. I wanted to choose FP or SYG or combine them both. I did not find adequate answer on this - if FP only for health (Xing cultivation) or it is both Xing-Ming and if I need practice both of them. People advised "just do it" but I had no enough information on this to make right choice. And was that my karma that I used to ask these questions? Why is it not your karma that you could not answer this question when I asked it? Do you know answer on this question?
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You just distorted my words obviously. I said that people here meaning few people who do not care about such thing as getting transmission from master, or about aspects alchemy (not chi kung). You should understand where my questions were coming from. You skipped many of those questions and stressed on my "lie" and personal relations. I could quote here some Taoists cultivation "tips" about difference of alchemy and qigong cultivation and I quoted something before and you did not reply. That would be more interesting to discuss than going to the personal issues. But few people said that it is off topic so that' why I came to such conclusion that not everyone interested in spirituality.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    WHERE I lied about you or give fallacy information? Quote it. If you don't quote it then you should apoligize for your statement. • The kind that spelled out all of your recent lies, purposeful misquotes, over-generalizations and self-serving switching of contexts. Your LIES are clearly exposed in my Post #2401 And what was the lie? Obviously that Garry used words "freaky silly". I meant Garry saying these words. Bc you both replied to me and I applied to both of you. Garry proposed to do FP only but I recalled one of your posts where you said that FP without solid kung fu practice can create imbalance. FP is not kung fu but chi kung. I apologize for not adequate adding the word "fuck" but it does not change the general sense of your question "who are you here to ask...". I did not mean anything abusive to Cihan in my question. So what is my lie for creating karma? I did not state that you said "freaky silly" and I did not lie on you anything. Everybody know who used that words... I was not abusive to anyone
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sorry, guys, I have had really many questions here in the thread... So many opinions, so many theories... Really was going nuts with all of them. I asked here for HELP. What to choose. Few people replied with constructive ideas and thanks for that. I have read some Taoist theories on cultivation and they say that cultivation of Xing without cultivation of Ming leads to deviations but can give some power. I wanted to clarify all this. If you think this is off topic do not hesitate to say it. Bc in SYG there is lower tantien mudra in the beginning and it seems to be cultivation of jing. And I was not sure about FP Hope you do not ask to pay for this information, I would prefer free sharing here.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Garry, who you are asking? Sunn Gunn hmmm.... may be jing and shen?
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for constructive opinion. Yes Taoists use terms of Xing and Ming. But not so easy really to understand these terms. As far as I know Ming is related to lower tan tien.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is not shop actually if you understand it. This is free community TheTaoBums. As I said Master Dunn must not answer any of my questions. But you should not discuss my personality if questions are not answered. That's what I am saying. But at least I expected that most basic information should be given for free. It would be cruel if you charge for such the basic information. Only I wanted to know was that that if level one enough to be complete system and if it is spiritual system or medical chikung So I just wanted to know if I need to add anything to this practice or it is stand alone practice. That turned out that this is not as much spiritual as chiku ng for psychic power and healing. I think this information should be free. That' actually all I wanted to clarify all this time. So how much would you charge for this?
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    What kind of Shit - O - Meter you talking about? WHERE I lied about you or give fallacy information? Quote it. If you don't quote it then you should apoligize for your statement. I am reffering to the GMDW' friend who says that GM himself said that there 18 levels with 36 meditations in each level. That person has the video where GMDW says that THIS IS LEVEL 18. Why you find it nice to jeer at me on the thread? What I did to you? Did I lie on you, did I show my desrespect? Is that bc I used the word fuck? People use sometime such words like wtf, rttf and few more. You used to say that FP is fucking shit. Did I say any bad word to your side that you turn on your magic Shit-o meter? I could not concentrate on FP solely for 6 months bc I did not have enough information about system and thought to mix with something else. I did not know how many levels how many going to be published what I asked you few times and you did not answer at that time. I know couple people who quit FP practice bc they did not know about all these levels and were not sure if need to meet you in US. I have many other DVDs abd I shifted to them then back to FP then SYG, FP< >SYG. I asked you for help on the thread. And some people started abuse my personality. NIce!!!!!
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I reffered to that post where you wrote next: Antares, Sifu Hearfield and I wish you and all others well on this thread, but please meditate and think more about the purpose of this thread before you post--not that Garry or I are moderators here--but because I personally don't want to spend all so much time correcting erroneous statements and pointing out irrelevancies. Sifu Terry Dunn I realized that you (and Garry) were so unhappy with my questions that only of this reason you could post what I underlined - you are not going to point out irrelevancies. And what were these irrelevancies? I asked you few times so9me basic questions about: how spiritual BFP system, about levels - few diff very basic questions which WERE NOT answered. And when I asked for that another student of GMDW and posted it you said it all irrelevant to the thread including such important thing as "transmission" asking me not to post these questions again. This is open thread and who decide which questions are relevant and which are not? If you have nothing to say - it's okey, you can skip the question. You seemed to ignore few of these questions. Some were answered. I did not say that I was unhappy with your answers and only expected to get most basic information in order to get idea how to practice correctly!!! I know you are busy man and understand you do your best and I said that appreciate that. But then it turned people began to be negative to my queries really abusing my personality. My questrion to Cihan was if he really realized what you call direct "transmission from the Tao". I wondered who managed to get it directly through couple moves of FP. I asked him personally and it was up ti him how to continue our talk. I am free to ask people about their attainments and this could help me to understand what he talked about.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I got this information yesterday. And yes I see no point to take part in this thread as people here is not interesred in spirituality. We have diff goals and thus you don't understand my questions
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As for my reference to another person who is friend of GMDW and who disclosed some info to me that was not clear enough for me while reading this thread and I only said that I asked that person for some clarifications. And I got clear and short replies which ST did not disclose here. For example I was said that: Nothing said that it is high level Yoga and no references to Taosim and buddism spirituality adding new theories akin to Tibetan yoga doctrine. Here I asked for clarifications about similarities of traditions but many people are not likely going to discuss it and not interested of what they learning. Thus let' stop it here right now.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Bubles, you are emphatically distorting my words and twist the meaning of my words how you like it. I put more easy - you are not going to clarify things, neither you want to understand what I was asking. Your goal is fighting here. Thus I see no point discuss anything with you. Where you see in quoted post that I state there must be transmission? I asked to elaborate what is transmission and if we should meet GMDW in person. I asked if it is spiritual tradition or not. That' was the core of my query. Which you do not want to realize. You believe what you want to believe abusing person who was asking for some clarifications. Period
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    What I said was that all spiritual traditions should have the same CORE/THE SPIRIT. And that this applicable to taoist traditions as well. I did not mean it must be the same but ST and other GMDW's students confirmed that GM has power and it helps. And I said you can call it "magnetic induction" or somehow esle. Honestly, this is ENOUGH for my psyche. Edited for addition . Actually Tibetan Yoga book was not advised as "road map", I mistaken but reference is given often to this book.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You are twisting my words, mate. I cited JAJ's words which you called here "dogma" and that there is direct transmission from Tao. And ST said that any of JAJ's theories and many others are not applicable to BFP system. I did not say there is mahamudra like transmission in BFP. If I said that please quote it! I did not say that ST is hiding information. You gave absolutely false and wrong information of what I said! Bubble, I do not know about your practice but this is nonsense what you are saying! You twisted all my words.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for this. At least without insulting... This was about roadmaps... I am sorry that I repeat myself. And mine is sorry that I am still here. Guys, you say to be mindful and listen to you. But you do not want to listen other opinions. I already mentioned that I know one person very well who has been practiced Tummo for 20 years according to the Tibetan Yoga book that ST referring to. This is not the philosophy book. This is correct and direct instructions of opening up subtle energy body channels which according to ST is only "mind". Thus I do not undesrtstand why to refer to this book if you say there is nothing like channels. My friend said that he opened up all this channels and he could for example reverse his age 10 years back in his health and appearance. There are side channels, sushumna, MCO and many other channels. He says if you dont have this you do not do yoga at all. It is up to you who to believe to but you say this is open thread and i share what I know. I just missed your points about this book as roadmap. He said that Kundalini is really evolving and this is real akin to near death experience.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Which of ST's words I twisted to my convenience? Okey, but if student asks respectfully about most basic information like how many meditations there in the system and what can "transmission" mean then it would be nice to have reply to this query not insulting a student. This would be respect from BOTH sides. If there was no answer I used to ask another person who is student of GMDW who you started to abuse too. As you say this is discussion thread where people are free to share experiences and if I ask Cihan about his personal experience I expect respectful answer appropriate to the thread but not the personal insulting instead of reply. Is not it clear?
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Also I just have found next ST words: Thus there is "spiritual channel" which is "trunk" of the tradition, but another day they say it is DOGMA and ST says thanks to SG that he clarifies "misconceptions" about BFP family traditions and other taoist spiritual traditions. Excuse my arrogance please, but what is diff between what Jerry Johnson said and these words of ST? One day you say direct transmission from Tao, another day of "spiritual channeling". This is not bc I am disrespectful, I am very respectful to any authentic lineage. But just previous page I was abused by ST who said how I am arrogant. Was that respectful to me? Was not that insulting my personality ? What I should feel after this? How respectful you are to other people that you asking for respect to yourself? Just think about this
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Bubbles. You gave example of how we easy misunderstand each other. I did not mean that post you are referring, I will find what I meant. But according to your link ST says: Like kung-fu systems, the complete truth of a qigong art is never taught in class, never completely recorded in writing, but transmitted to advanced students through oral teachings, symbols, and other telepathic means, depending on the teacher. So, there is "transmission". This looks now like we are playing games, don't you think so? Example how people can say diff things. This was relevant to the thread but my question was absolutely irrelevant, arrogant and going off topic! Nice! But I do not care anymore because as I said it is like playing games, people are not responsible for their words. Forgive me if I am incorrect in some statements but for me it is like that, now we are going arguing, linking, and quoting....then i am going to be abused again . One day it is must read taoist books, another - nothing to do with it at all.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Okey lads. Let's chill. I was in the mountains last days and wanted to let go my thoughts about all this and I wanted to start FP again with fresh mind but I happened to read last posts and don't feel i can benefit from it right now. I just do not feel right myself with this aggressiveness and I think I should not post here any longer as you already say i am disrespectful freak with irrelevant questions . I wanted to hear other people experience and to see how people benefit from it. I do not care who how ling practice but I care how people pure and honest. If somebody getting agitated easy I do not care what kind of lights he can see. If somebody does some statements then I can ask to elaborate but if there is no answer and only abuse I do not feel right with it. If somebody refers to taoist and buddist books and then saying that nothing in common I do not feel it's right. Just my 2cents
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Both Sifu Terry and Sifu Garry wrote several times in this thread that the best approach is "just do it". Sifu Terry wrote this long before you began posting here. Sifu Terry wrote clearly at the beginning of the thread that FP did not fit into any traditional roadmap. Incorrect. I will cite ST words that FPCK is part of BFP arts and should be practiced along with other kung fu otherwise it has some side effects. As for maps ST refers to taoists and buddhist books saying all his serious students must read these books. I wanted to clarify what is there in common and how it can help. There were not answers but that's okey. I don't say you must answer but I say it is open thread and people should not be aggressive. As many other people have same questions! i did not notice "things went down". This is your own perspective
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Can you cite where I was disrespect to Sifu Terry and where i said it is incorrect teaching? Where I stated he holds information? I used to ask how many levels and how many are "enough" for all benefits. Eventually ST replied but some 6 months after I asked it first time. That's why I asked another person who is student of GMDW.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I used to discuss this issues with few other people who post in this thread and have practiced FPCK for a long time. And I see they have these questions too and mixing FPCK with other practices. For example you advised to practice FP with kung fu for the best benefits. Also you mentioned how powerful was your experience learning from GMDW. And when I asked to elaborate it you said it is not relevant to the thread and that it is "silly freaky". This is just dishonest. If I ask somebody about attainments of FPCK you say "who a fuck are you to ask these questions" - it sounds aggressive. I wanted to find the best approach for best benefits of FPCK practice. This is open discussion thread and people can have diff questions and diff karma.