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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Not answered questions regarding FP in this thread were: 1) what is transmission in BFP. it meant to be question about connection with spiritual Lineage. It was question about entities and dreaming methods too. 2) internal elixir, pre heaven / post heaven qi, why there are no terms of psychic channels and MCO. Terry referring to the Tibetan Yoga Doctrine which is full of psychic channels description as part of internal method cultivation processes. What is connection with this doctrine? Why Tibetan? All authentic methods referring to taoist scriptures. Friend of mine who I mention before and who uses this book said there are channels indeed which are the part of the subtle body. Has anybody here opened these psyhic channels with FPCK? 3) how many levels in the system and how many are going to be published? Your answers were like "shut up" and "slow and steady" and "nobody must reply your questions". I just repeat questions bc you ask. I am interested in internal alchemy method and not just qigong methods. This were my questions are coming from.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As for the levels GMDW's personal student confirmed that there are 18 levels with 36 meds in each. 18 standing and 18 seated. This is not the system of just 2 levels with half published. Somebody is not saying truth. And I just wanted to say that for me it is too vast system. And it seems to be huge dao yin system.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Dao Yin is based more on personal consciousness. This is one out of the minor methods. That means it is for health/ healing/ martial arts / psychic power. Subsumes occult power methods and is based on postcelectial qi. Nei Dan is based on transmission within spiritual Daoist lineage. It cultivates Yangsheng and is based on precelstial qi cultivation. It might look similar but it has diff approaches. And diff principles. That's why in authentic taoist scriptures high level taoists criticized methods based on personal consciousness (Yinsheng) without connection to the Tradition. Thus we can not say that all methods and qigong are the same. And saying "slow and steady" is not the capstone of these phenomenon. If somebody is not aware of this here please do not attack those who wanted to clarify this. Just admit that you yourself might be limited in understanding. Authentic spiritual lineages have they scriptures and methods. This is different approaches from qigong systems as such.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Leif, thanks for the link. This is another information than I was said by someone else who is another GMDW's student. He said there are 18 levels with 18 meds in each. That is where my confusion coming from. I just thought that it would be to much. But if more than half is published it is fine. Just wanted to clarify it
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    My questions were: 1) FP is neikung too or not and if those levels which will be released on DVDs are enough tools and how many "levels" one needs to cultivate. Not so difficult questions I believe. Don't want to ask anything else. that's ENOUGH
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You answered before and I replied. I might have one "clever" reply of the mind and another which is only feeling which difficult to express. All people uncosciousely looking for happiness. Just good health is not big issue for me. I could do some 20 minutes yoga complex and it is enough for good health. I think I was clear with my query on comparison of neidan and dao yin. You said it's neikung akin to neidan. But you can say only about your system and it is clear how many "levels" there and how it can be transmitted. No questions to you. .... I just wnated to make choice between FP and SYG as I have no time for both Okey, I have got your idea. I do not want to ask anything more. I do not want to screw it up. I do not like to oppose myself.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    But this is not only about money. It is time and efforts too. You say that Sifu might not to answer questions which he does not like. Then one has choice to commit or not. In ancient times there were not choice and people just met teacher and followed him. At this times we have too much information and bigger choice. If Sifu Terry shared much that's perfect and thanks to him. But what is wronh to answer simplest question? And this is one of the major question which is normal to ask. I repeat once again if I was not clear - if you can not get tools for practice would you continue to practice it?
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Garry, that's wise reply. But I only wanted to have a hint if the material which is published enough tools or not even a close to enough. Otherwise I personally can not concentrate and start wondering... It is better to answer simplest questions. The system is good but I do not like too vast systems which would be impossible to cultivate even physically. Agree, we are not in the mountains where you can practice 10 hours akin to Ancient China times
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Okey, Bubble, I have got you. Your might not reply anymore. In order people don't ask it again and again it is better if one who transmits a system to a public would say in the very beginning how big the system and how it can be transmitted. You do not care of this and this is fine. But others might think of this. And what is wrong you think with answering to this questions? Regarding your example, some people can meet Sifu Terry anytime and they don't care much about what is published or not. Other people can not meet teachers in person and they want to have idea of what to practice. This is normal to clarify this in any other methods. Please read other threads on the forum where people answering questions about systems, how many levels in it, what is the goal and many other issues. Why not to answer this query in the beginning? Is it not normal or what? If you think I can not even ask this question and if I ask then I stop posting here and probably change my practice for another one. Why you think you can jeer at me? I practice 3-4 hours every day. And I do not know what other people looking for. It's their personal choice. I can commit only in the system which can give tools for my needs. If system can not give it I can change for another one. May be you not aware of this and this is your personal choice. I don't want to compare people like you.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    No, man. That's the point. Some people only saying their believes. Somebody who is learning FPCK under GMDW said that he was said by GMDW that there are 18 levels with 18 meds in each. So it is only 1/18 has been published. Another point that levels 1 and 2 might be enough for everything good in life like walking on the sky and flying far galaxies in no dream that's another case!
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Bubbles, I personally can not agree with you. And my is very sorry for that. Please don't make assumptions that I demand that Sifu Terry gives me something. This is not nice to distort what was asked indeed. And why not to answer to such simple query? Give me the reason for that please. Do you have time for 324 meditations in your life? If someone says that Level 1 is somewhat complete then provide a link for that but not to say like I think that.... I appreciate your opinions on anything here but it's better if somebody very knowlegable would reply on this.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I want to ask Sifu Terry if Flying Phoenix Chikung LEVEL 1 is complete in itself or not? Could you elaborate it please? I asked it before but I did not get proper respond. I just confused a little about these methods and thus I can not concentrate on something one. Recently I was said that there are 18 levels of 18 meds each in FPCK. I like this chikung and I would continue with it solely if I would know clearly how many levels must be completed and how many are going to be released? HELP! Does anyone know the answer?

    There is nothing about on full breath in between. And nothing like that in FP which is another BFP's art! Of course people are getting confused

    Time for clarifications!

    Then there is the breath in between which is 100% in and out.... I suppose out and in 100 % breath in between. In FP there in no full breath IN and OUT in between. For example, 50 percents out, breath in to top again, full out, full in, and 40 percents out...
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Garry, cool video to understand the speed of BFP meds.

    And I would try those 690 AD but very f... expensive

    Sure, but it does not mean that SYG is deeper. It's just different. In the beginning SYG is very grounding and balancing the body and mind, and some advanced FP meds are very energetic. Terry warned few times not to do some of them before going to bed. But you can do number one from vol.7 which is sleeper med. I only suggested that advanced FP meds might be very powerful and that's why vol. 1-3 are followed by them. But anyway they seem to have diff alchemy. I dont know why is that. Terry says it is nothing about channels and MCO. Just purging the mind. Okey, I will try like you, main stress for SYG and some meds from FP.

    Garry, should one start with BOTH SYG1 seated AND stand or only seated in the beginning for a month? Or both SYG1, then both SYG2. Or both SYG1, then after a month SYG2 PLUS to SYG1 and less time for each but more meds at one session? Some people say they were sitting for 1 hour, my legs are getting numb after half hour and I stand up for SYG1 for 20-30 minutes.

    Tao, is there breath % in 690 A.D. meds? As far as I know GMDW said that FP and BFSYG are equal. But it seems Terry Dunn has released only basics of FP. So vol. 1 & 2 which you have done are probably the foundation of FP for the more advanced FP meds. And may be FP is more cumulative in nature than others BFP arts but I dont know, it what I wanted to clear up but no one knows exactly. May be Burning Palm is more powerful and shorter at the same time . In his very first posts Terry said that FP is purely medical qigong which is "safety net" for other BFP arts. There is martial advanced forms and application too but it was said that it is not going to be released on DVDs. Still not sure... May be SYG... And plus some FP standing forms from vols. 3 & 4 for 30 minutes. Have you done vol.7, Tao? Thanks for your overview on the subj

    Is it only on my screen Garry disappearing? Was thinking of both FP and SYG and honestly having tried both thinking it is too much practicing both.... There is so much stuff to do!!! BUT I recall Garry mentioned Burning Palm system and that he even liked it more and it is shorter. And I wonder when it is going to be out? I mean BP meditations. I have 2 DVDs of SYG and leave it for the right time. At the moment FP takes all my time.

    but what is wrong with it? yeas, i too have noticed it. but it might be process of cleansing. i drink lot of water to assist the process of detoxification.