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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Mind cannot understand transmission. Only heart does. I intended to study and the learn the movements of the above posted gold, but in the first minute, I got what I need. Virtue and love counts more than any technique in the way. You will get the transmission only when you are ready, when you start seeing life through your heart as a simple habit. I am practicing only two moving standing meds of FPCK for three years diligently with no live teachers, only by the light I am receiving from this thread, by the two best Sifus of my life. Please be grateful to them and ask your questions from your heart, not from any other body part . With my sincere gratitudes, Cihan But what is the heart? Have you really realized what you are saying about? It is true that mind can not understand the heart. Only teacher who realized his heart can transmitt it to you. Okey, I do not want to be too much dogmatic but lets be realistic. You do only 2 meds for 3 years, right? There are over 500 another meds in FP. Let's calculate how many years it will take you to cultivate all of them. Do you think this is all what you need? And did you really understand those moves? And here: I cited something about another spiritual lineage which was recieved by Tilopa from Buddha Vajradhara as they believe it. The main method is Mahamudra there. What do you think the blessing is?
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    It dows not really matter who is that person. For example I was said that moves must not be so slow. And I agree bc in standing moves I feel uncomfortable doing it so slow and I posted the clip before where you could see me jerking. That person says that horse stance should be shoulder width apart, not that wide. Otherwisw it blocks flow of qi. And I do with more narrow stance than ST says on DVD. Also FP and SYG could be combined in group of meds and done together. And info about how many levels there and more other but no that much. This is examples how people can teach differently learning from the same teacher and how it is to learn from DVD. But most important is energetic influence of teacher on the student whcih no any DVD can do. And that person confirmed that but occasionally. And you can find ST words in this thread how greatly GMDW affected his training.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, I know nothing about Dao. But I am honest. And I don't insist there must be "transmission". You can call me fool, that' ok, I am fool indeed and I am honest. I have been studying all this not first year and read and listen what other people say including great masters from other lineages who I can't call fools. This is reality. Having good experience with something is not the same as having GREAT experience. There are levels of gradation. Will you call Ya Mu fool who says that transmission can save 10+ years of practice? Or what will be experience of Terry Dunn if he would learn FP from DVD but not directly from GMDW? You say "no stronger current " but students of GMDW say THERE IS strong current from him when they are together. Of course we can get something good from DVDs. But to what extent? If somebody has decades in other practice then any other practice goes better. Another people can get excellent results after 10-15 years of practice instead of 6 months with "transmission". And I was talking of how it can be complete without seeing GM is person. When I say "a student of GMDW" I mean somebody who is his student right now and that person tells me some info what is not disclosed here in the thread. Do you know anybody in yoga or tantra who got "immortality " without transmission in spiritual lineage? They not even recommend to practice it without it. Try to practice trulkhor without transmission. Why is it not the case in Taoism?
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Teacher "introduces" student to the lineage. Correction of stagnant qi (a student of GMDW said he projected healing energy). Increases vibrational rate of a student. Terry posted here that all their techniques were greatly boosted up in presence of GMDW.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And please do not say "you don't have to expect anything from practice...". Transmission is kinda law in Taoism and any other spiritual teaching. It cuts off years of practice. Just wanted to clarify why I was asking questions
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Was reading this blog again and found Terry's words about "transmission" (projection of qi) from GMDW. The question is why not to be fair and not to mention it when people asking about this? I do not believe it can be complete system without seeing GMDW in person.
  7. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    Stories is one thing but asking somebody to describe personal internal experience is another thing. It's not desirable to share it with anybody who is not your particular friend. I personally don't want to know exactly what it is. Better to know how to get it and experience it and this should not be intellectualized
  8. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    Ronko, why you want to know this, just wonder? I do not think it will help anybody but only makes expectations. I think we need to let it go
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I did research regarding buddhism deities. We must not refer to Vajrayana. Buddha Samanthabhadra himself has blue light.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Never have been to B&R. How is the your mix of FP and Yi Gong btw? Does it give any flavour to your ice cream? Do they complement each other?
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Actually same should be for FP too. It's all the same.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    No, Ya Mu says you must practice virtue: Intent alone doesn't do it. It takes Virtue, raising of the energy body vibration rate, and the practice of Listening. Without the practice of Virtue it is extremely difficult if not impossible to raise the energy body vibration rate (purifying the energy body). Same goes for the practice of inner energetic development. And without practicing Listening we cannot develop discernment And as far as I understand there is 500 hours program for healing skills.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Ya Mu's stuff is VERY serious as far I as realized. You must practice virtue and practice a lot every day for healing, yes. In FP they say you can "go out" and enjoy. This is good. And in FP may be one hour is enough even for healing others. In S-M 3-5 hours. But I not thinking of healing yet. Just mentioned.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, there is the choice actually. Ya Mu is cool and I just forgot to mention him and his S-M system. Somebody who did FP and after switched to S-M said that with Ya Mu's transmission he has much more energy level. But every system has something better than another. In S-M one must practice every day for 3-5 hours and if not the energy dissipating what not the case with FP. With FP they say you can practice one hour only and miss even few days of practice. And there are not only Taoist masters. Terry says that FP is very compatible with Tibetan yoga and may be tantra. It's just here people choose Taoist arts. FP can facilitate any other system one chooses. Comparing systems I meant those systems which have been released on DVDs. And there are few Taoist sect available who provide transmission. I just can not travel at the moment. And was looking system on DVD. The good with FP it stays with you and good for health and spirit development and compatible with many many other systems. We need some 12 months for foundation building and then they say it can be practiced for only 60 minutes or even less per day. And one will be able to heal himself and others. So I stick with FP solely for awhile
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is Interesting question. I have never had lights or anything since I have been practiced. Just when I relax and concentrate ih my head I feel just peace there and it's like nice feeling of empty space...And I have more clarity As for lights.. visions... entities... aliens.... The Tao which can be named is not eternal Tao.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And yes, I myself am thinking. May be better to master FP to some degree and only then switch to SYG? It is may be good to mix it when one is already mastered to some solid level and then add another BFP's system. I believe it makes sense rather than mix when one is not mastered. Any good thoughts on this?
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    There are 18 levels with 36 meds in each. Anyhow I don't think anybody here going to do all of them. May be when first 2 are mastered then practice the rest during dream time, I dunno. The name of the DVD series is Chikung for Health. And people really can benefit from it. That's probably was the idea to release first level which is good and safe for all people. Better than nothing.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Leif, they say of transmission not only in magic... But is not BFP magic? Anyhow Tradition should be the bridge between a person and Tao. Is Tao only the Emptiness? Tao is the Path too. Tao is vehicle too. Tradition is vehicle. You can find in Taoist texts how high level masters criticize distorted Chan adepts of which just trying to still the mind attaining the false emptiness. The transmission of spiritual lineage is the rule of all authentic lineages in yoga/tantra/Taoism. In yoga they say no guru no yoga. They call it deeksha or shaktipat which is supernatural divine force. This is the engine of Tradition. I was considering Kunlun because it is powerful and short. It were my thoughts when I heard of xxx meds in FP. But may be I did not undesrstand right. 18 levels may be 18 seated and standing in total plus dynamic forms. Anyhow that person gives some precious information about meds. It was said that 5 minutes are enough for static and not to same meds for more than 6 months. And good to mix BFP stuff. That's why for some people SYG seems to be more powerful after FP. And vice versa. I can do SYG and how many fp meds I can. Good meds, good lineage. The thing here is might be that some lineages are purely spiritual traditional and another ones are half way traditional. You can compare them only having experience in both. Otherwise it is guessing what is dogma and what is not. Who has experience in authentic traditional Taoist lineages? People doing qigong here mostly, mixing stuff and judging and sometime spreading their believes. Peace
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That quote describes the path, the method, the spiritual technology, the Path of all paths. And you are so right when you say that what it takes to get there is to just keep doing our chosen practice. Transcend the self to reach the Self. As my guru taught, no one can meditate for you. Yes, but why then in Oneness they do Deeksha? In Yoga - Shaktipat. Dogma?
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I cite Jerry Johnson's words from his book on Taoist Alchemy: "Each true Daoist magic magical lineage has "Celestial Guardians" Who are assigned by the Heavenly Realm, to oversee the esoteric teachings of that specific spiritual lineage. These powerful Spirit Entities are responsible for maintaining the spiritual integrity of the sacred teachings of that particular Daoist sect. In advanced alchemical teaching, when certain information has been downloaded from the master to the disciple... it is the responsibility of these celestial Guardians to open certain energetic portals in order to facilitate the successful manifestation of that particular magical teaching."
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I am not sure. I can not say yes or no. But in the most lineages they say about transmission. It's not just practicing. Sect... hmm... may be it is not always just a group of people? It is energy behind it. Many teachings akin to Dzogchen were received from enlightened beings in high state of mind by spiritual adepts. That's why I stressed attention on Taoist texts. Dao Yin without Tradition is just callisthenics. Tough question
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Tilopa (988-1069) Tilopa (Tibetan; Sanskrit: Talika, 988 - 1069) was an Indian tantric practitioner and mahasiddha. He discovered the mahamudra process, a set of spiritual practices that greatly accelerated the process of attaining bodhi (enlightenment). He is regarded as the human founder of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and is, in effect, the Buddha Vajradhara ... ...During a meditation he received a vision of Buddha Vajradhara and, according to legend, the entire mahamudra was directly transmitted to Tilopa. After having received the transmission, Tilopa embarked on a wandering existence and started to teach. He appointed Naropa, his most important student, as his successor. Just interesting.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's I wanted to clear up too. When they say Tradition it is not only scriptures and yoga postures or qigong. Tradition is Energy. By doing certain practice with certain approach one should connect to this energy.