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Everything posted by Antares

  1. TCM Food Combining

    But what's wrong with soya juice? Organic? I like the taste. Good to mix with protein for breakfast

    Is it he shou wu? Ron Teeguarden disclosed a lot of material on this stuff.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Okey... no bother... gotta burn all books and cut off internet. I wanted clarify difference between FP and SYG. People say it different. If I just shut up I won't know what to do. One say one thing another one says another....
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Okey... shut up. All clarifications finally clarified
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, I see there are moving and standing in FP. But I have not elaborated it to that extent to understand what it is for... In SYG1 we create LDT thus cultivating Ming as I believe. What we do in FP I have no clue. Year, it def works some way. But looks like Tao Yin. IMHO
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Does it create the "golden elixir"? Do you know what is it?
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Have yoru experienced the transformative effects of what you call Nei Dan, or "Alchemy in Taoist Arts"? if so, what style of Taoist alchemic art have you practiced? Certainly, I have not. Otherwise I would not ask you questions here. But I am referring to the theory. We have to use appropriate terms as we regard taoist alchemy arts here. The definition and purposes of Tao Yin are: According to this definition of Tao Yin it is clear that it is used for health purposes and for balancing body and mind functions. i.e. sedating, calming and relaxing nervous system and balancing organ's function. It does not have the same transformation purpose as Nei Dan has and purifies the mind and heart (Xing, Yin). This is typical Xing cultivation method based on the regulation and cultivation of post-heaven qi. It does not produce the "golden elixir". Nei Dan ( Taoist Alchemy) cultivates (nourishes) pre-heaven qi (Ming, Yang), produces "golden elixir" and unites Ming (Yang) and Xing (Yin), transforming person on deep spiritual level and thus leading one to attaining the immortality. I have never stumbled upon the definition of Tao Yin as Nei Dan. And I refer to the taoist classic scripture where Lu Tun Pin is asking his immortal teacher about true method of cultivation and answering his teacher criticizes Tao Yin among many other ones as one of the false method of genuine internal cultivation. If you want me to cite it I would need more time to find it. As I do not read it in English it will take me time to find it in English. What is not Neidan?
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for clarification! I think that's what many people want to clarify finally. FP Qigong seems to be DAO YIN healing system in BFP arts which has its own healing aspects but as far as I know Dao Yin is not the same transformative as Alchemy (Nei Dan) in Taoist arts.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, agree. FP is very subtle and sublime. It does something for me def. I would say I am more total. And somebody asking me few times in PM about sleep. I say just to add delta waves before sleep. This works VERY VERY cool for me, sometime go to bed at 1 a.m. and wake up at 6 - 7 am. Cant recall when I had bad dream, much less negative emotions. That's said let's practice and stop indulging! P.s. I am not sure yet about mixing SYG and FP. I continue stand for one method until it well established. They have diff alchemy. I would better practice the basics of vol.1 of FP than going for SYG and back and forth... But as you have huge experience in meditation might be it is good for you. FP is huge system. Even there loads of stuff to do.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I just wonder if there any historical data on the Doo family and methods? When I mention the system people asking sometime and doubt the lineage and system and I do not know what to answer. They say if it is not described in Dao Zhan then it's new age stuff and lineage is not legit. I am not that much interested in history rather than in efficiency of the system but nevertheless it would be interesting to know more about any historical data. Garry mentioned something of the Wudang roots of the BFSYG. And only I know that FP was created by FDD during his travelling throughout China and Tibet and has some yogic influence and different alchemy from SYG. SYG seems to have more purely Taoist alchemy and FP is different in some ways. Sifu Terry mentioned earlier that FP does not rely on Taoist map but suits well the theory of the Book of Changes. Some people PM and ask me about system. Guys, I dunno. You can ask your questions here. I have very small experience in SYG and I can't say I am expert in FP. But I would advise to begin with one method and do not mix it with anything else. I think it took me time to understand it. I think these methods first heal all deviations which were in personal karma. Including those ones from wrong methods done before and clears up blockages. I sleep def better after I left all other methods and stopped mixing things.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Just was discussing it with someone else in PM... I think it is important to realize that certain practice has certain alchemy and mix might create what they call straying of chi. I can recall myself few years ago. I used to mix 2 types of yoga and qigong + MA. Only now I realized how I was sick. Now I think that it is not about how many methods but one method in legit lineage. And commitment to it. Even there people want to mix sometime. This creates confusion. Ego wants more and straightaway. Some people mix methods of different lineages. Some people think that they should add microcosmic orbit or anything else from books like Mantek Chia. I don't think it useful anymore. It can only exhaust energy. And slowdown efficiency of the lineage method one should stick with. This is one of the common mistakes I think.
  12. Cheya, thanks for update. If I don't mistake 8 extraordinary channels subsume pre-heaven chi. And if I don't mistake it requires transmission, I mean it should be a lineage practice. Probably you develop post-heaven chi. I have this DVD and it's great. Paul Young holds classes in my city. But as I committed in another qigong I leave it for the right time for it. I don't think it's good to mix practices. But keep updating it. It would be interesting to know how you are getting on. And remember that qigong and alchemy are not the same things. We can loose our time for secondary things. BUT TC MIGHT help with other practices, and as I said I would practice it later to see it benefits.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    It takes me about 12-15 minutes normally to complete each med on vol.1. And 15-20 on vol.2. Now I decided to do numbers 1,2 and 4 from vol.1 following by 2 MSW+warm up meds . It takes about 1 hour 45 minutes. I believe it is better to spend more time for each med to allow it to light on alchemical process. Just my opinion/query.
  14. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Four Symbols (Chinese constellation) I am White Tiger
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I wanted to post something clever but I won't.
  16. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Destiny is "ming" in Taoism. Only nourishing ming Taoists change destiny. The point of one has the method or not. All other is BS imho. And western and Chinese astrology are different. Why not to stick with Book Of Changes? I think it very much depends on which conceptions we stick with. There is Fenshui with diff theories. So if we follow Chinese spiritual path we should stick with Chinese doctrine I think.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I think I was wrong I added some another qigong and yoga. Body does not need so much energy. It made me more agitated. Not clear intent. And may be it was too much for me. Wanting much having less. I talked to someone recently who is indoor student of GMDW. He said in my case better to balance body and mind by only sitting in SYG1. And I was said it is good to ad little of FP as it is light healing energy. But only little. I did 3 hours of FP + another qigong + SYG . Wrong. And as I said I feel SYG1 is very grounding for me. That's what I need and think to continue with.
  18. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Physics trains and strengthens your body. Med quiets mind and nourishes energy. What does psych. do? Training your mind? Yes, it might be good same as chess playing, crosswords, soccer... that's good stuff. Nothing wrong or bad with it.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Your right. It was discussed few times already. This is just my karmic nature. All people are different. I just used to mix diff stuff. Thus I need something one. I wanted few at the same time. Just wanted to share this
  20. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Sounds interesting to me. Honestly. But yes this is f... psychology! What a reason to stuff up your mind? How does it really helps? On some psychologiacal level all this is true but psychology is mind. I have found some info on my sign and 95 % are true. But what is the benefit of this knowledge? Only meditation can help.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for this post. I seem to begin my practice wrong. I read that it is advisable to practice all vol. at once for best benefits. Then that one can choose only three meds from vol. 1 and 2 from vol.2. Now this is different. It turned out it should be done one med after another. Adding only one after one has been established. I did all vol.1 and 2 sometimes in the beginning. And another mistake was I mixed with another qigongs. What I was not supposed to do. This is regarding mixing with another stuff. WTF man, you want to mix with vipassana or anything else? Vipassana is part of another tradition, not just sitting. FP meds subsume vipassana. Do you want to be member of 2 traditions at the same time? I was thinking to practice FP and SYG for 2 hours each and even this approach I think wrong. But if you want to practice vipassana I would advise to do med from same lineage. You can do seated meds longer. Now I think not to mix anything else. Thinking to do 3 standing ones in the morning and 2 MSW. Vols 3 and 4 during day and finish a day with seated from vol.1 and vol.2.
  22. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Friend, how it helps to expand the mind, can you elaborate it? I know there is some homeopathic stuff which is based on some astrology knowledge but it is imho very subjective.