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Everything posted by Antares

  1. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Friend, Happy Birthday! The main question, lads, why to believe all THIS STUFF? Is not it only MIND?
  2. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    I do level 1 seated for 20-30 following by standing level 1. Sometime only seated. I think it's important in the beginning to start with to rewire energy circulation. It's good for grounding and balancing
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi. Thanks for commentary. But I mentioned that I have experience in Aikido and I used to practice weapon and I still have couple of Japanese long wooden swords at home. So I was trained how to release someone's spirit cutting the person from baihuei point down to navel. What I was saying and you don't seem to understand me that that practice has few goals. It was not actual skill how to kill but how to HEAL. Do you get me now? Heal yourself first of all. This practice was to help to enhance ones skills of: patience, it was form of meditation, feel the distance and skill how to relax and thus train alignment and how to extent your mind, training of the maintaining central line and it was extantion of empty hands techniques. And it was practiced with partners for attaining all these benefits. Only working with someone else you can see where you are wrong when teacher points out to you your mistakes. But if one does it on his own one can make mistakes not even noticing what one is doing wrong. Then it only can nourish Ego and ignorance. You seem to miss all my points and talking only how to kill skills. And IF WE REGARD FP Healing Heavenly Meditation Chikung I wondered what is goal of this sword form. You say of balance. Ok, can you elaborate it further please? If find the info about Chinese Fenghuang you will see that thT was only symbol of virtue, prosperity and peace. It has slightly different symbolism than in western mythology which I cited above. So how it helps to enhance or balance FPHHCM?
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Different schools have diff theories. I recently read Ya Mu's article on this subj and opened thread on it. According to Ya Mu's perception all MA forms have attached karma to it. Because it is designed for killing. And regarding my recent query on benefits of FP sword form it turned out that benefits are to know how to kill and cut others. I do not know if it is useful in our time. Self defence is good skill but as I was taught in my Aikido training for over 3 years the martial art is not for killing but for giving a gift of life to others even if they attack you. And as I was taught internal MA are designed for cultivation of spirit and health. Martial aspect was secondary. If we regard other internal MA like taichi or bagua we will see it is designed for health and spirit benefits first of all. And I personally would not commit in practice how to kill others. Hope it makes sense
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's interesting thing. Just was reading thread on astrology signs. I myself am scorpio. I knew that there are few types of scorpio but I have never looked into details of it. So there are three types of scorpio: scorpio, eagle and phoenix. As far as I know there are two aspects of Flying Phoenix Heaven Chikung. One is healing and this is Level 1 which is disclosed on DVD's and there is Level 2 which is... destroying.
  6. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    I can't agree. There are few types of Scorpio! Scorpio is one of the most mystic and spiritual signs but attached to sexual desires, not arrogance. Your wrong
  7. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    Hi. Questions here: 1) Are there correlations between time and face directions 2) Can I eat 10 minutes after I have finished the med? I do early morning and very hungry after, my appetite seems to grow up

    Download is good you don't pay extra to the slow post. But camera and resolution are not the best

    Wow. I too have noticed it. Now I know why Garry, just wonder how many levels have been released on these 3 DVDs. I believe 6 levels on 2 DVDs and plus another ??? on the 3d one?

    Since you did flying phoenix for a long time it just may take longer for you to feel the effects. Why? Sifu Terry says FP facilitates progress in other BFP arts
  11. I use this formula which contains Rhodiola:
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Pure evil!
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks. I have wooden boken (sword) which I have had from my aikido training. Will it work with this form or I will have to get another one? Which one you would recommend?
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    But this is much more external than FP meds I believe. It's may be like in taichi. Form is more for maintaining the body and martial in application, and working with "external" meridians, but there is nreikung in taichi wich is different and more internal. So sword form is more external than FP meds?
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Garry, could you elaborate what are the benefits of this form please? Is it internal?

    Garry you look evil with this sword!

    The more the better! I do SYG 3 times. Plus FP once. I realized something what was doing wrong before. I mixed BFP with another stuff! I think this is such a disrespect to the lineage and egoistic approach. But we have to open the heart to the system we do. But I hope FP is good with SYG! I gonna do moving long forms from vol. 3 and 4 only once a day. I did taichi until now and I think what a to do it if there is so cool forms in FP!
  18. Wing Chun and Taoism

    No, I had been doing another one. But I have started this one today. Want to see what it can do. It seems to nourish kidneys. Must be good stuff. But it should be done the whole life.
  19. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    Garry, thanks, it is very good we can talk here and to get more info about this system and its aspects. I did not know SYG has wudang roots. It's interesting to know.
  20. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Yes, I read your post. The title of the book is Taoist Alchemy!!! But you are talking of qigong. Alchemy begins with nourishing yuan qi (xiang tian) but qigong works only with post-heaven qi (hou-tian). I should not share my view on immortality as this thread is about JAJ's book and stuff in it.
  21. Wing Chun and Taoism

    It seems to be very good qigong. Nourishes kidneys and prolong life. Lost treasure of Shaolin. More info:
  22. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Do you know anybody who attained immortallity by doing qigong and by reading books?
  23. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    I see no point to mix up the stuff. Qigong is not alchemy, just you have to admit it
  24. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Green Tiger, it seems to be only qigong! If it is NOT complete WHAT is the point to engage in it?
  25. Wing Chun and Taoism

    I have this DVD on my shelf. Did you practice it?