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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    1) Is that complete system in the book? 2) what is it like - seated meds, stands, qigong movements, visualizations, breath? 3) Is it authentic or made up stuff?
  2. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Guys, we WANT to know your RESULTS, PLEASE.
  3. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    I too have started SYG Going to do level 1 for 2-3 hours a day
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I agree about intention. I think there are few levels in this. And I can't make judgements what is right or not, it could be just my perception. Guan Yin is another name of buddhist Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion. All things are empty: Nothing is born, nothing dies, nothing is pure, nothing is stained, nothing increases and nothing decreases. So, in emptiness, there is no body, no feeling, no thought, no will, no consciousness. There are no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind. There is no seeing, no hearing, no smelling, no tasting, no touching, no imagining. There is nothing seen, nor heard, nor smelled, nor tasted, nor touched, nor imagined. There is no ignorance, and no end to ignorance. There is no old age and death, and no end to old age and death. There is no suffering, no cause of suffering, no end to suffering, no path to follow. There is no attainment of wisdom, and no wisdom to attain. The Bodhisattvas rely on the Perfection of Wisdom, and so with no delusions, they feel no fear, and have Nirvana here and now. .
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Okey. I agree. But just proposed another look on it. You could get this material on ebay for let's say 10 $ from somebody else. Anyway this money would go to some dude. And to pay 10 $ for postage to him. And let's say one has only 10 $ for food for next month. What is the good here - not to practice for a month and wait or practice? What is your look on it? And must you buy a material from lineage holder or if you buy it on ebay is it SIN?
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Garry, I just want to feel good myself and be happy. That' all I want from a system. I do not even think of energy.... I used to ask about types of energy but it is only ideas behind it... Because there are diff systems and many many crap stuff on the market ( i don't mean certain system )
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sometimes I notice it but sometimes it is only thoughts of good and bad. If someone has karmic imprints then it is just his karma. People are people. That's why I mentioned classic taoist texts which say clearly that cultivation of Tao is not the way of morality but transformation of energy. Awareness comes after one nourishes his energy. But yes one needs good karma to obtain the method. We are making things too complicated now and screwing it up. Did Goddess give this practice to humanity to make money on it? This is good issue. If someone does not have money to pay for materials and doesn't have money even for food but want to practice? And not stealing it but just got chance to get online? And at the same time someone wants more money for materials and increases the price? What is the good and bad?
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Alles, you gave the link: Where it is said: She told him that people that were evil, sinful, or dishonest would be rejected by the meditations, and they will not be benefited by them. However, if the person were good, the meditations would provide them with Mystical Heavenly self-healing positive energies so powerful that if he or she has a terminal illness the meditations will teach that person's body how to heal itself. If the person is good, the meditations would not only heal them and provide them with perfect health, but it would allow them to have such positive energy within them that they could lay their hands on and heal others She reminded him that the meditations would reject those that are evil, sinful, or dishonest, and that only the pure would benefit from the mediations. I too don't like the conception of sin and good and evil. It "stinks" with dualistic Christian philosophy, Alles. Why do we talk of this? I just have read the article and did not like some conceptions in it. And asked myself which conceptions does this school belong to. I am not sure if we should discuss it here. I am just saying I have mix of conceptions in my head. I don't identify myself with negative things but I am not sure that I am pure enough for this practice.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In SYG the very first level is building the LDT (ming). In FP level 1 it seems to me it builds kidneys meridians too and brings energy to the central channel. As well as purges three main centers (mind, body, speech???). May be the practice is just the tool. I only did not understand the conception of sin as we talking of taoist practice. Practice should eliminate all this and help with these issues but not saying that "sinful people" and "not pure in heart" are rejected! All people have sin. If they not they would not be born. All people are lacking purity. This statement of rejection makes no sense for me and I doubt it is taoist. If you read taoist scriptures of taoist classics (Lu Dunpin) you will see that such methods of artificial purity are criticized. The high level yogi of Tibet Milarepa had a sin of killing dozens of people and he became the saint. He got the right method.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Taoism is not the same! Purification of heart is not the same process in all sects. Heart/mind subsume xing (yin), and energy is ming (yang). Only cultivation of yang (ming) purifies the heart, mind (xing). But not vice versa. And not all sects have ming methods. In some of the sects they cultivate the heart only. This is false method according to the alchemical taoism. We have to be clear on what are the "meditative practices". There is no word as meditation in alchemical taoism. I don't know anything about Ching Chung sect and can't argue here. That is why I asked couple of times here if BFP methods cultivate xing and ming, prenatal and postnatal. Only if one cultivates ming one can be pure and then speech will be reflection, I consent. But methods are not the same.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    He seemed to be taoist monk. But is purely buddhist conception of purity. Above I quoted the taoists conception of Hun and Po souls and where the purity coming from. The taoist conception is to unite yin and yang (xing and ming) and there is nothing as to be sinful and not pure. This is mixing things up. If we do taoist cultivation we should discern taoist terminology and scriptures and use taoist terms. Otherwise it is not taoist and only creates confusion.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    If he came from Shaolin he could not be taoist. He was taught Doo family's taoist neikung on the basis of which he created FP chikung.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    From buddhist Goddess. There is no conception of sin in taoism. And the main book with theory which is recommended is buddhist.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Do you really believe that your deepest desire is impure? I only said that Buddhism teaching is not my path. I tried to read many books on buddhism and I did not stick with any of them. But I love taoist philosophy and view on the path. Any practice is connected with certain philosophy. It seems that FP was derived as buddhist path and only people with good virtues will benefit from it . And I just have said that I am not the man of good virtue. I still have other desires and I am not 100 percent honest. That's part of my karma and that's how i can survive and continue my path, what helps me to practice. But the path is not only to practice qigong. it might mean the life of virtue in buddhist sense of it. I do not say FP is not for me, it's just what resonate more with certain person. I am fan of taoists philosophy and view and practice. As Sifu Terry says FP does not suite taoist map. Here many people said wow only after couple weeks of practice and I can not say wow after 6 months. It helped, my mood is better and more stable, better sleep, i quit some bad habits but most karmic still there and coming up and it did not change much person. I just live how I like and do what i feel.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Can both systems be learned via DVD's and Skype till the end? I like both of them but I need to know how far I could go with it not seeing the teacher in person. There are no FP's system teachers in Europe and for some people it would be just easier to meet the SYG teacher sometimes. It just happened some people started from FP. But Sifu Terry is not going to Europe. And I have no idea how these systems are complicated on more advanced levels. You did not provide us much with this info. FP seems to be more buddhist thing. I do not think I have enough virtues in my life for buddhism teaching at the moment. I do not understand the conception of being "sinful" and yes I still have sin. And I will not change so quickly. That's just I am. I would say taoism is much closer to me in general. SYG is good for grounding. And as you said as one can't sit quietly one will not be able to move right. I am not sure i am doing FP right.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Tao Stillness, that's well said! Regarding the heart purity in taoism they say about two souls Hun and Po :
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Steve, I am not sure how it works exactly but I just have noticed I have less negativity in mind. I would recommend you guys to listen to audio meditations programs by Jeffrey Thompson alfa, tetta and delta waves meditations. Is seems to work well for me and I have benefits from it.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, what is the transmission in BFP? Is it only to be pure in the heart and doing meds right? There is no certain philosophy in BFP, no scriptures, and how one can be sure that he or she is pure? The conception of karma is so vague. I like C. Castaneda's perspective on it but BFP seems to be more buddhist in philosophy. But it is taoist at the same time. And even they differ. Is there moral sense of it? You advised to read few books on this but there are diff perceptions on it. May be it is even more important than just doing meds correctly
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    He is very busy. You can use search for some phrases typing "zen-bear" at the find the author option. As far as I realized the answer to your question was that one CAN practice FP and other BFP arts at the same time as these arts are under the same BFP umbrella. But Garry says it is better to choose FP or SYG. Sometime they say different things but truth somewhere in the middle But it is fine to practice FP and Red Dragon or other kung fu arts as they are shorter than SYG
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Steve, thanks for posting of your clairvoyant's observations. That's very interesting. But I wonder why you can't make these observations from your own perception? Is it so subtle that you can't feel or perceive it yourself? Even that kundalini raising up?
  21. ChiDragon, what about metabolism with HS? And I did not get it how you do this HS. Is it special HS for cardio or part of your qigong? I have diff static stances in my qigong. I do not think i am going for additional to my qigong HS. Going to get rebounder
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Garry, I can't see dao yin right now in FP. But I feel I NEED some stretches right now. Explain me, why I should not do dao yin if it helps me to stretch body and relax.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That guy does ashtanga yoga as I realized. I left all other stuff of the exception of yin yoga (tao yin) asanas which are good for relaxation strengthen kidneys