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Everything posted by Antares


    I want to ask Garry here if it is OK to practice first level of SYG after other dynamic qi gongs. I am doing Chan Mi Gong as well which is working with spine column (washing it). Then I was thinking to do static SYG after few minutes.

    I did not understand your query at all.

    I just was thinking to switch entirely to BFSYG because I think I won't be able to meet Sify Terry in sunny California. But I am going to move to the place which is very close to the place where Sifu Wretfors resides. Thus it might be easier to learn it than by the DVDs. And yes, FPCK is good system but seems to be quite long what requires all life commitment. But it might be good idea to practice some levels of FPCK for the foundation as Sifu Terry recommends. It is good for grounding and gives very subtle and smooth healing energy.

    I can only quote Sifu Terry words here

    That's interesting. Sifu Terry stands for that fact that GMDW normally teaches Flying Phoenix system as safety and energy net for all other BFP arts. And FP system basis includes 2 moving meds and 3 static ones followed by seated ones. And Sifu Terry says vol.1 meds are foundation for FPCK and thus for all BFP arts. That's what I was thinking about this. And I am practicing FPCK now until I have good foundation and then I will do BFSYG meds. Anyway I believe one has to have good foundation for practicing BFSYG.

    You could continue practicing Flying Phoenix Chi Kung which has static and moving forms and it is complete system and same BFP energy system. And Sifu Terry Dunn is in California if I am correct.
  7. No bother. I am going for the vegan diet for awhile. I want to take antiparasite course and cleanse body. I take cordyceps now plus 8 immortals and some medicine for my kidneys as I have some deficiency there. Now I am picking herbs to help parasites to find another place. It just to make my body more yang. I think majority of us have more ying due to the food habits and stress.And then I plan to do 100 days of spiritual program: Nourishing yin and yang and then more yang. There is Ron's book. Very interesting with herbs description. I like it. I dont know how it will help me but I thought to give it a try. And as I said I feel it helps. My mood is more stable. Like feel more happy. But I do my qigong every day. That is all I can say now
  8. Just let you know lads that this stuff is little cheaper on Plus they do 10% discount for the order over 60$. And reasonably cheap shipping charges. This discount promotion ends up at the end of the month. If you use code ZEJ367 it will give you up to 10$ discount with your first order om If you are interested. This is not promotion from my side. Just saying as it is working for me and it might help to somebody.
  9. Well. All this depends on few factors. May be Ron has not cultivated qi in the way of alchemy and thus it does not help much in cultivation of internal qi. Plus to that he might be working much and has stress. Monks are living mostly in the wild. So we cant compare it. Herbs is what they call "external alchemy". I think it helps more to people who has diff health issues or imbalances of yin/yang. It does not do the job for you. It helps if you do the job. Many of taoists used herbs along with qi cultivation. I personally use it for the purpose of rejuvenation such as to detox organs, bring more balance and mind stabilization. I feel it does something to me. It just helps to bring more balance IMO. I think we have to think of physical body too. It helps to be more healthy and stable. I am taking tao in the bottle. It gives me some nice pleasant feeling of something hmmm let's say subtle. Like I had few cups of green tea. I think it helps to stabilize mood and sleep. It's little expensive but I use it for 100 days along with qigong. Just for the boost
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Regarding your post about Ron's stuff I replied here:
  11. It is not noticeable if you are healthy. Then it only boost up immune system and resistance to stress. Ron offers many programs for diff issues by the way. And one has to take it consistently for 100 days nourishing "three treasures" altogether. And I suppose it working much better if you do some qi cultivation. I have been taking some stuff for 3 days and noticed some calming effect and improvement in my concentration.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Aurélien, I would advise you to pay attention to some very potent herbal medicine. For example cordyceps: I've been taking it for awhile and feel it is in very good friendship with FP energy. It is absolutely safe medicine. Also there are some other medicine to strengthen shen (mind, heart) quality and thus fight depression issues. PM me if you want more information (also I can provide you with discounts option for this medicine if you consider to give it a try). That's all I will be able to help you with your problem
  13. It is said there Still worth buying. Good price at least. But I am not sure as I know that the best form is extraction form. It is digested much better. You should remember to have a look if it is just powder or extract form which less amount is required for intake
  14. Do you practice at midnight?

    I like night time practicing too. I think the best time for practice is early morning an late before midnight (9-12 pm) when there is more calmness around. I dont like practice when sun is high. And I think it is important to be in deep sleep before astronom. midnight. So I am trying to practice 9-11 pm and at 11 to fall asleep. Then wake up earlier and practice. But I feel lazy early, I have some blood (qi) stagnation and feel sluggishly straight after wake up.May be that is what I need to move gently after wake up. I am thinking to practice 8 brocades straight after wake up.
  15. "Old school" kung fu arts were very similar to taoist arts. At contemporary Shaolin they practice different arts, more external. Many taoists do practice now arts which are believed originated from chan buddhism kung fu elaborated by Boddhidharma. Many taoists practice baduanjin now, tendons muscles change and 18 hands lohan. This is just an example here: You can read excerpts from the book there and it has taoist energetic structure. Another case there are many new age calisthenics like 8 pieces of brocade which working more with muscles and will give you some flexibility and good physical conditions. Ancient Shaolin arts were incorporated with taoists arts and there are not much differences in general if any .
  16. Internal Power? Best Method

    Yeah, but only couple of posts about internal and all other is about he is COOL. This is off topic. Too much Clayman here
  17. Internal Power? Best Method

    Ohh, my god... Again.... Moderators, wake up and do something Who is mr. Clayman, why are you talking of him?
  18. Master Waysun Liao

    And forgot to mention there is Terry Dunn's well produced DVD on long Yang style taichi form. Ad to this Olson's tajchi qigong could be good option. And just wonder if there anything special in Liao's materials what really can give profound results?
  19. Master Waysun Liao

    As I far as I know he teaches Yang style taichi. Yang style was derived from Chen style as taichi for laymen. How can anybody call it Lao Tzu' taichi? Why we did not know anything of temple style taichi? If I am not mistaken they consider Wuji Primordial qigong as most relevant to what Lao Tzu was practicing. But this stuff could be good anyway. I know this Yang style form but I was not taught anything about qi there 9 (just form). Another option is to get Stuart Olsons' book and DVD on Taichi Yang style qigong which as believed is for qi cultivation. But Liao may be very good in form explanation. I am thinking to get couple of his books and DVD on the form. May be it good for details but it is quite pricey. Does he explain form from the perspective of qi cultivation?
  20. Do you practice at midnight?

    Okey, if A.M. is at 1 a.m. does it mean okey to practice at 1 a.m.? And going for the rest at Yang time?
  21. Do you practice at midnight?

    Friend, is it important to sleep hour or two prior to astr. midnight or it is okey to rest at midnight time (1 am)? Yin time is before 1 am, and after Yang is born.How much time to sleep at Yin time?
  22. Do you practice at midnight?

    I think that practicing till midnight is still good and beneficial but it is desirable to fall asleep at least at 12.30 and wake up at 7-8 am. I don't like to wake up early. I feel lazy for anything at 4-5-6 am. Astronomical midnight is at 1 a.m. in my region now. I think it is vitally important to sleep at least 1 hour prior astr. midnight. It is good for the nervous system to rest. As to be awake at this time imbalances vata - dosha. If you are awake at vata dosha time - from 10 til 2 of astronomical time (from 11 pm in my case) then it is more difficult to fall asleep as vata is wind. So it is desirable to fall asleep before 11 pm for the doshas balance. But this is Ayrveda' point of view. Taoists might have another perspective on it. I am somewhere in the middle. Will be trying to go to bed at 12 in order to give mind to rest for at least 1 hour before midnight
  23. May be the spirit of shroom is more important. Then it is the point to get homeopathic / spagyrics doses and not to spend money for bunches of substantial forms.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Steve, read the whole book! This is good for the idea of not expecting anything from practice/meditation/method/guru/path. Tao is pathless path.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Lloyd, were you witness how Rajnish poisoned people and manipulate people? My example with CC was that mass media mixes up often white and black. Watch documentary about CC and you will not have desire even to open his books. Such people are danger for society. Often authorities use dirty tricks against them. Good example is drama of 11/09. There are few diff perspectives on it. How do you know others are spiritual? Only because they saying sweet things? For some yogis people Dalai Lama is saint but for another is just talk man