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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Here is the nice review on Osho' book Tao The Pathless Path: People like it. Yes, we can tell a lot about his personality, how he was good and bad. But this is his vision of Tao. One does need to read thoroughly his books. He discerned personality as Ego, only Ego can be good or bad. But the essence is always the same. This is diff from western mind philosophy. As I mentioned before if you tell this someone else on the street they will think you are going nuts and call a doctor. I personally do not care his personality and can agree with the reviewer above stating that "A spiritual rebel Osho pulled no punches where orthodox thinking is concerned. I am reminded of Morpheus in the movie "The Matrix". He wanted us to take the "Red Pill". To wake up and disconnect ourselves from the Matrix of self-deception. To free us from the nightmare world of separation from the whole of existence". You can watch BBC documentary about C. Castaneda where it is said almost the same about him that he is liar and cult guru. And then regard all his books from this point of view. And where it will lead us? Only I can say I listened to his audio book Tao The Three Treasures and really enjoyed it. Here is one excerpt from the book: This "to be nobody" is the same as CC's not to be self - important but from diff perspective. And in more clear way to understand it personally for me
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Today I really enjoyed Osho' book about Tao. I have mp3 audio book and listen it while walking. So enjoyable, so accurate psychology of the Path. I just was confused recently in my life and it what made me tensed. And this BOOK is just like answers to my questions. I have no teacher. It was like WOW effect. No any normal psychotherapist would tell you THIS. It sounds like antisocial psychology and if you tell it somebody they call doctor for you. He he. BTW I found it different from CC. CC is much power seeker. That's I do not like in it. Much fighting. Osho says of no-action. Tao. That's the point. I liked reading CC years ago but now I am different in my mind. Osho is more Chan' master. CC was power seeker and finished not very good. IMO
  3. Ron offers few special 100 days programs. One is supposed to take 3-4 different compounds at the same time for balancing jing, qi and shen. And one additional for adaptation. It is too many drugs at the same time. Quite confusing. I will be taking 3 as recommended. They work for different purposes. I will talk to my TCM doctor and will read Ron's book. What do you mean by good diet btw? I eat only once a day and as I mentioned it is almost without animal products, only some milk in tea. But I add raw food supergrass for good protein intake. In the evening it can be only juice with this grass. Just wonder because never know what people mean by the good diet. All people diff and everything individual. I noticed less hanger just practicing qigong more. I dont want to stuff up my body with loads of food. But some say for metabolism better eat more often. I am thin with fast metabolism by nature (vata) by the nature.
  4. Does it balance all system jing-qi-shen? I think that this is potent tonic in Aurveda. They tonify only after cleansing program during panchakarma which is as believed balancing doshas. So balancing doshas is primary to tonifying. In TCM one must restore yin yang balance. I use TCM because it is more clear for me. I know precisely my symptoms. Does your mixture nourish yang of the kidneys? I see now how it works. All this medicine working both on cleansing and balancing. But I have no much info on it yet. I am waiting Ron's book. Will read more thoroughly. There is nice story about 250 years old man who was supposedly taking it.
  5. Well, bhutanese one is quite expensive but you know what... can be most important than good health? I am not going to buy it right now. First I want to investigate if I really need it. There is many other good stuff on dragon herb and in the most cases cordyceps is only part of the compounds which are working so.... I ordered one bottle of cordyceps and will be taking it along with other stuff and it will be difficult to say how it is working. I did not know about DH before and considered cordyceps as the main medicine but now I found there loads of other stuff. Reishi is probably more essential for spiritual purpose as good shen balancing medicine. There are few good compounds with wild reishi. Cordyceps is working for jing restoration but he shou woo does it too. I think to buy he shou woo on the site you linked. It's cheaper Have you read the book from site you gave link above? I consider it might be good for the cleansing purpose. They seem to sell some wild stuff there too. I think that may be before tonifying it is better to take good detox program and go with healthy diet. This where I am confused. I almost refused from animal products recently and wanted to go through cleansing program for improving microflora. There is a theory that healthy body micro flora can produce all necessary aminoacids. That book might be good for detox program. May be I'll get some stuff from there.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    May be I used not accurate words as I am not expert. But I did some investigations on this before otherwise I would not post any doubts here. It was discussed on the taoist Wu Liu Pai's forum. But it is not in English and if I provide link you wont understand anyway. I asked it there couple years ago and recevied accurate respond for my query. From the very beginning they practice method to avoid lucid dreaming. As for links on another authentic taoist texts it would take time to find it but I can reverse it and ask you if you can cite where they practice lucid dreaming in taoist sects. May be it is not dispersed rather than transfers from yang to yin and leads to the cultivation of yin-shen, ghost what leads to the depletion of yuan qi (pure yang). I just have found discussion on this subj in another thread: Please read very first post for the cite. More over that I had a chance to discuss it with a instructor of gnostic christianity school who agreed completely with this theory. And regarding Cnan' Buddhism I think there is no such thing as lucid dreaming. As for Cataneda and Yaqi tradition I have doubts that such tradition exists in the way it was described by CC. I like his books but only as excellent warrior path psyhology. Do you practice recaputalation or contemplation as it advised by CC? I do not think it practical. The same I like Osho' books (even more than CC). Just read his book yesterday and found something very useful for myself. I think they both are very good psyhologists but very useful for spiritual seekers as a map on spiritaul path. Because people come accross with psyhology problems and no any "normal" psyho-therapist can help with different kind of problems on the path. Do BFP methods cultivate yuan jing and qi (prenatal qi)?
  7. No no. Only WILD is real deal. I tried many artificially grown. It works more like antibiotics and nearly zero effect for Shen qualities. I would pay double for wild shrooms.
  8. Sweet price. You can get on the ebay for some 20 bucks
  9. Actually I wanted it for detox program and jing restoration. I am reading Ron's website and can not find detox program. I believe that detox is happen naturally during any of his programs. It seems to be that TCM approach is such that it is for balancing whole body/mind system first of all. And then body detoxes itself naturally. Want his "spiritual" program give a try. His stuff is pricey but might be he uses TCM compounds that is important and essential for the health/spirit benefits.
  10. How are these ones grown? Or picked naturally?
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Dangerous stuff One day Angelina Jollie will knock your door.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I gave dating a try and wan not happy with it. Females have huge "dark" qualities in them even they are more appealing than aliens. I mean girls (espec. nice ones) like to socialize a lot and they are very much mundane. This is just reality. I dont know how it is in USA. I myself more like zen-mind person and do not like conversations about something like blah blah drinking beer. Not so easy to meet vibrant person even among men. I will "go out" when I myself have got more vibrancy. Then more chances to meet somebody vibrant but I do not care to be honest. I have few friends who have families and I see them suffering. Few of them divorced. Life is short and death is always behind left shoulder. But relationships can be spiritual but I do not believe much in it at the moment as people are people - much ego...
  13. Friend, all Dragon Herbs shrooms are wild and they know what they do. I used to take many other shrooms before and had no salient results. I think because the shrooms they used where artificially grown and they did not use authentic TCM formula in their compound. I ordered couple compounds and will let you know how far i fly away. Tried to order "alchemical" stuff - it is not shipped to EU. That's Okay... I have my homeopathic stuff yet to work. I think it similar to Bach' remedies but different.
  14. Sorry Ralis, my fault. It looks like homeopathy, I did not read thoroughly. Is this good book? I like to reveal something new. I would say homeopathy worked well for me.
  15. And Yes, I heard that homeopathy is more effective than plants. It works on the soul (energy) level. But I think both of them have power. I will try both.
  16. WOW, looks pretty GOOD. Loads of interesting stuff. I want to give a try with it. But it seems to be not "classic" homeopathy IMO. By classic I mean works of S. Haneman. I read his work couple years ago and cant recall exactly all his stuff. There are few others famous authors on homeopathy. I read couple books. They advise to work with 10-15 most essential types of remedies which correlate with certain types of people. This stuff you gave link is something more "new age" but I do not know. Any good book on this stuff or just read description? I seem to need many of those ones How did you take it? Dissolving In water?
  17. Do you mean this one here: Wow, thanks a lot. Seems to be very good. Did you take it? A bit pricey, but if it is real stuff then may be I would give it a try. Good that it is extract form. Must be very potent One review over there: magic pill?
  18. Training the Energy Body: Books

    Which DVD are you talking about? I have found 2CD's audio. Is it really worthwhile to have this audio? For me personally the video would be more helpful. I think to do it as it helps to work with tensions and it is very huge problem for me. Especially in upper part of the body. There are few videos on the tube actually but only some excerpts. Thanks.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sorry, I wont give info about myself. Only I can say that most important here is intention. As I mentioned before in the past I used to work under big stress. And I did work for 2 people and worked night shifts and my hands were jerking after work. I could not sleep... anger... anxiety.... stress.. But then I decided to change my life. I said to myself that I dont need much money and I want to practice practice and practice. This is not problem to practice 1-2 hours early in the morning. If you go to bed at 10. 2 hours no problem before going to bed. 1 hour during the day. What is hard here? Of course if you have family then you are in troubles... But then you need to decide what you want from life. It's entirely your personal choice between desires and intention
  20. I think that it is OK to mix practices but ONLY after you have mastered ONE certain practice. Any practice is not only movements / breath / attention IMO. It is also connected with certain tradition which has some psychic "entity". For example, if we discern yoga tradition there are not only asanas and breath. Some people regard it as it is asanas but I am sure it is not indeed. Authentic traditional yoga practice begins with yama niyama, talks to Guru, who gives you transmission which is certain type of energy which connects person to the certain subtle energies. And in most cases the transmission is given as certain mantra. And then newbie should evolve this energy, to connect with it this energy. It is also your intention. And practice is the way to evolve this energy and it is like to rewire energy in your subtle body which connected with our mind. If one would start to do it in different ways like in the morning one practice with one attention and intention and later with another then your whole system would not realize where you are going. I was doing it for few years, I was mixing yoga with qigongs and MA, pranayama and neikung, MA, mantras. NO MORE!!! I personnaly fuc...ed up with it. Even last days I was doing different practices in one system (BFP) for 3-4 hours a day. One night I woke up at 3 in the morning after 4 hours of sleep absolutely fresh. And I continued my practice for 3 hours next day. And I could fall asleep only at 2 at night. Almost 24 hours awake. May be I am in some cleansing process of my negative energy and I think it is true but anyway body should adopt to the energy softly. And last days I was thinking to add one another practice akin to 8 brocades and next morning I woke up and started to learn it and I could not. I felt like it is to much and even so the movements are slow and I thought like "okey, it is good for the morning and it is same energy which should help me... " but it is another way to give direction to the energy body. Shortly speaking I realized such mixes in practices and in one's mind are not good at all. I think it made me agitated and only confused me in many ways even when I thought what to practice, what time .... and what is better and blah blah blah... Only when you reached some very tangible results in one system then you can try to add another what you like. I have Jenny's DVD and Max' s book and I will practice it probably but after I have built up good solid foundation in the system I have practiced now. Sifu Terry says one needs 6-8 months or at least 3-4. I tried pranayama too and I was very agitated. I wont add anything else of the exception of some other practice in the same system. Even this not always advisable. I know one very good guru in yoga authentic tradition and once he said that his guru said to him not to go to another guru and not even to listen him in the beginning . All this only creates confusion.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Lloyd, may be it was cleansing of your negative stucked qi in your liver. Last days I was practicing FP for 2-3 hours and Sunn Yee Gung for 1 hour (two times of 30 mins each) plus Xing Yi Neikung (it is only 15-20 minutes exercises akin to 8 brocades) couple times and I was awake for 24 hours with no desire to sleep). But I think it was because I have liver stagnant qi issue too (hot turned into wind) and it may be cleansing process in the liver. I am going to visit my acupuncturist too. And there are good Chinese herbs for it too. Anyway I will continue FP for 3 hours and BFSYG for 1 hour and then I will see. I have liver wind issue which goes up and level 1 of BFSYG is good to bring energy down into lower DT. But breath meditations there 90 80... and 80 70... definitely not going to do them before sleep time as I did last days. I think it's OK to do vol.2 before going to bed. Before sleep I will be doing yin yoga for the liver with slow breath in static asanas followed by vol.2 meds.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Lloyd, but why you simply not doing Vol. 3 & 4? You can do it instead of vol. 1 & 2. .
  23. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    I did not mean physical heart. This would be nonsense. Heart is Xing. But in taoism once again: Thus, the goal of alchemy - to fuse the soul Xing with the energy Ming and creating a yang Spirit – a Tao fetus, who has the real potential and can move to higher worlds. How to perfect Xing you can understand by yourself or from the books, but how to perfect Ming you can get only in oral precepts of your Teacher. And important question is: Why it is so? Because of the fact that the secret of Ming is the secret of Life and Death! That is what you are against! If you love Buddhism that's FINE. Wu Ji Qigong is not Buddhist's. It was created by Zhang Sanfeng as they believe. No point to mix both philosophies. I think it is one of the common mistakes among practitioners. But there is Buddhist qigong as well with the same conception but different ones. Go and teach then what is correct.
  24. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment