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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Yoga & Qigong - Compared (by you)

    There is ancient practice which combines together qigong, yoga and martial art. This is Korean Kouk- Sun- Do. This is first sub level which is working with physical body and consists of 25 positions. 5 for each of elements. There are 9 levels. Work with tan tiens and MCO. At the end practitioner opens up skin breath. There are many people in Korea who practice it and have many benefits of it. Some people at the age of 70 look 40-50. It was practiced by hermits in mountains and they believe it is the root practice for qigong and yoga. There are no "yang" hatha yoga and no pranayama but there are elements akin to yin yoga and 10 seconds breath with retention on later stages. It is not commercial western yoga but high level Yoga and neikung.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks. Fair enough. I will practice for some 3 hours daily. Later on I will make clip on my seated meds. It is important to know if it is done correctly.
  3. Xing Yi Nei Gong By Dan Miller

    I have this book and was thinking if this neikung is any better than hatha yoga exercises or any others. Some people discern the exercises from the book solely and say that it is more physical than energy cultivation. But I think they forget to see the general conception of this nei gong and IMA in general. The most important I think is the mindset and state of mind in which it is done. So it can be both physical and qi cultivation depending on the way it is done. IMO. And there are two aspects in this exercises indeed. There are few very physical exercises but there are few qi cultivation as well and they were brought together. But I suppose these exercises will not be complete without correct practice of San Ti Shi. This is IMO crucial point in Xing Yi nei gong. It is something like tree stance but with more martial intention. And there is subtle qi mechanics in it for the "qi cultivation". I would say consciousness cultivation. I think those who have experience in IMA understand what I mean. Exercises for it self is preparatory warm up and open channels when done correctly with right set of mind. I have video on this neikung too and there are few differences in execution than it is presented in the book. I suppose this set has some subtleties which can be understood training with experienced teacher otherwise it can be just physical exercises. Well it really can prolong life and maintain health as flexibility does it for everyone. But if this is really internal cultivation system is up to the way it is done. Good stuff anyway and I started to do it myself.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Doing it 2-3 times are maybe too much to have enough rest. Energy still works if you dont do anything - if you have initiate the process. The FB belongs to Qigong where you not have to exercise everyday and so you dont lose it over time so very good for busy people but it needs good sleep because lack of sleep acts against the building up structure as I expirience - this feel near nothing when on has make the exercise yours until then it is important to sleep when one need it. Both teachers here say the more the better as they cumulative. And practicing every day is ideal. Normally I practice for 2-3 hours every day but planning to go for 4 hours every day.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You said you did Volume 1 the one day and Volume 2 the other day. Now what I consider fast is that you do the whole volume....I can only say in my opinion that I did only do one exercise of the Volume for hours per day (I did not go and add exercise but monopolize...) and it was not the hours that counted but the time that is needed to reach the point the build up structure not try to go back to the status quo from before. Last days I do normally vol.1 following by 2 meds from vol.2 (initial MGM + 90 50 40 30 10) and this is how I am going to proceed. May be you are right that first thing is to build up the energy and open breath. I can actually breath 10 seconds now in and out. But not in moving ones. So I think it might be better for me to do static meds first. I'll be doing warm up and wuchi stance + 3 static from vol.1 following by 2 meds from vol.2 for couple of months. Sifu Gary says the same in the DVD that it is better to work with only one meditation for a month and then add next one. It makes the sense for me and your experience along with SivaShakti exp. does approve this theory
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Edited to one post
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Well I was not nagging about FP. I just had experience with iron shirt chikung before which I did for some 2 years and taichi with one experienced man and even he had eye on me he had been correcting me for all that time and I just was saying here that it is better to have live teacher and as you can see what is challenge to do chikung without corrections. And may be I was impatient a bit. And there is bunch of another chikung systems and I was thinking what to choose. I watched Sifu Terry's DVD and it was like WOW thats what I need! I dont see this energy but it has good feeling even from DVD and I can see nice aura around Sifu even on DVD. And it is good that we have chance to share our practice more closely. I appreciate your advises and wish to help to others, Friend. Fasten up? I did vol.2 meds 2-3 times a day and vol.1 once a day or two days. And yes I did it sometime too fast and only last days I do it slower and more aware in seated and can feel more benefits. As for vol.1 I will do more warm up exerc. but still cant get you what speed should be in BTB and WAC - slower, faster? I wanted to read again what you wrote above but you deleted your posts. I want to come back to this: It causes stress or eliminates? Well each movement cause stress. In the moment you cause it to appear you can eliminate it. How to cause this stress? May bee you want to say to fo it slower, softer like taichi and more aware? I said to you that it is challenge to do very slow in BTB and WAC as there is stress for hips and doing it slower will inflict more stress and then I will not enjoy it. As WBBM says:Too slow as a beginner can cause u to tense up, find your speed that allows u to remain soong and in the zone. OK may be I concentrate more on static meds from vol.1 and on some of vol.2 with much awareness to build up the qi awareness. Also considering BFSYG vol.1 seated meds as you said it is good for calming down and relaxation.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I was considering smoothing it. Yes, it might should not be so much low! And then I will enjoy it more. But we have to listen to what our major expert will say on it here
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The right speed is the speed you can carry the FB Energy.... well can you actually feel it when you carry it or not? I still do not understand what is the right speed. Terry Dunn says speed should be as slow as possible akin to shifting dune. I start feeling something very subtle in seated meds. But not in standing. That is why may be it is better to work more with seated ones. Standing ones is some challenge for me as you call it "causes stress". I mean BTB and WAC really inflict some stress to hips BUT i think this is where this healing energy appears from. And I feel some warmth and sometime sweat even it is quite cold here and if it were plus 20+ C at least I would be all sweat (sweet) And I feel some subtle energy in standing ones but cant say it is something essential. It takes time and there is no overnight kung-fu. It causes stress or eliminates? Well each movement cause stress. In the moment you cause it to appear you can eliminate it. I am not sure I get it right. Yes there is always SOME stress even in first standing but more for mind to stay still but this is where this stress is eliminated if to stay relaxed. I cant say to what extent it should be relaxed as trying to relax causes stress. I just keep standing and concentrate on the feelings of the body and just trying to enjoy and no thinking how it is difficult. But in no way I am trying to cause stress for the purpose. The movements cause some stress for itself as they where structured. Alchemy is in movement but we need just do it right
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    What is the right speed? Which mediation you are talking? Do it slower? It causes stress or eliminates? I think you are confused in some english words It is the same energy within BFP. Vol.3 is soft motions which are good for stress elimination. Vol.1 of SYG working with stress elimination too. But in slightly different mode. I explained why I can not really ENJOY some movements in FP. For me it is really going through some stress and I am trying to do slow. What is wrong there excatly?
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have got Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung 2 levels and will add more seated meds for stress elimination. May be will come back to taichi but thinking to start doing vol. 3 which akin to taichi motions. But no one can check me out.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Work more on the basic "warm up" move in a slow motion which cause you stress and "sigh" it out, adjust the speed to cause this stress, you need to play your body as if it is a music instrument To cause more stress? Cause means "to make" "inflict". This is not taichi actually. I did taichi long form before but gave it up as I was not sure I did it right as my teacher took few classes before and I lost motivation as no real master could chek my motions. In BTB and WAC there is some stress for the body as I am really going down and it is some stress for hips. It is not so enjoyable as taichi dance.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have done short video clip on my FPCK practice. It is short in time for every med. and without breath. Quality is not great but you can see movements.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    A powerful and complete Qigong system like Flying Phoenix if practiced properly will activate and manifest all kinds of latent potential and genetic talents. Wow, will one be able to do like this?
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    But you are absolutely right when it comes to all the moving FP meditations--standing and seated--and especially the more complex forms such as Vol.4's Long Form Standing Meditation and the Advanced Monk Serves Wine seated meditations in Vol. 7: that if possible, students' practice should be checked to see if they are doing them correctly, starting with the basic principle of "the mind moves the chi; the chi moves the body."Thanks again for the suggestion to post video clips. What does it mean exactly the mind moves the chi; the chi moves the body regarding FPCK meds? Tomorrow I will make simple clips on my FPCK moving meds and will post it here. The quality will not be great as I use my PC camera but it is not so bad and picture should be clear enough to see movements
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You dont need any other practice if you're doing FP correctly! That's the point! I've just got DVD vol. 4 and watched it. It seems to be not complicated to learn on my own with DVD but what I am thinking I am doing correctly and how to do it correctly indeed is big difference. And I even do not mention level 2 of FPCK. I tried to be clear on it and suppose you understand I was looking for some another practice. But at the moment I have been doing FPCK solely for 3 months now and want to add vol.3 for the morning and night practice and go with it for another 3 months. Now I understand more clear what Sifu Garry says of the FPCK. May be I expected some "energy flow" and some wow effect but now I just feel myself happier and more calm. May the energy generated by FPCK is very subtle and there should not be expected and perceived as something very substantial. Anyway I am just in the beginning and will give it try another few months without mixing with anything else.
  17. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    Aware of her skin or man's skin?
  18. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    Why are wee talking of skin? Is it your fetish?
  19. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    No, no.... And yeas, yeas... I myself can understand it. When you are in the middle 30's and dating nice girl in her 20. It gave me feeling I was back to my 20. That is why I said that. It is only one side of the coin. Second side is that mentally I am not 20. This could be a problem. For people in 20 it is easier to date somebody their age. I myself have luminous skin and wrinkle free. My skin is even better than hers.
  20. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    I dunno. Love includes trust and honesty. Will you be happy with your partner (wife) if she would lie you for instance if she says to you she is going to see her mother but actually she is going to make love with other man? What about polygamy and morality in such the case? If you would discuss it with your partner and both okey with polygamy then it is fine. Treat to other the same as you wish other treat to you
  21. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    And another issue here. If you fell in love with another girl then what is the point to continue relationships with your partner? That only means you do not love her anymore and you deceive her. It is better to think about it.
  22. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    Well there is no appropriate age for love and everything is possible. but it may be just first feelings. You have to spend more time together and then you will see. Of course it is easy to fall in love with young pretty girl. But time will show. I can not judge anybody and I dont know her. Some people at 20 are quite mature another ones are still childish. I wanted to continue our relationships but dont think it would last long anyway. My first impressions of her were false. Some people not saying truth and put masks. I did not know she smokes and going often to clubs, she did not tell me. I am just saying if she is not interested in spirituality you will not be able to understand each other in some points. But if she is nice and clever person everything is possible. Better not to put limits and just flow and listen your heart. But do not forget about mindfulness.
  23. Falling in love and other spiritual tests

    Who's wife? Who are you talking to? What is hierachal? Guys talking here of feeling and spirit. Latter is what i am interested more than in just sex. Of course there is hierachy if you aware of it or not. All people are in different levels of their path. If there is huge gap in the way you live there is less chance you will be happy together. She wants party with friends every weekend, you want to practice chikung extensively at the weekend. She wants sex in the morning i want meditation and chikung. What is the compromise? Fulfill someone's desires? Most women never even think of it. And this is hierarchy