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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    This is goof issue. I dunno what to say. I want to believe it is possible to learn high level practice from DVD. But all my experience says it is not possible untill you encounter really good system which is simple to learn and complete in fulfillment. I just dont know as I am limited normal person leaving in the west. Yes, I would trust more to the system with history and people who reached fulfillment in this system. But I can trust system if it just resounds with me, but again I want to have at least basic info on the system and all requirements prior involvement. Personally I would be happy to find system which can be learned from videos. But most of the teachers stand that then student must see teacher in person. This is common rule invented not by me and it is not my whim. Ask here on the forum Yamu, Terry Dunn or Garry. I can not travel to Hawaii. And they not willing to come to Europe. That is all
  2. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    Not everything so straight. Nowadays there is surge of chikungs are spread out in the world. And you can not practice all of them. And absolutelly not all of them are the same and giving same results. There are different systems with different approaches and aims at the very end. And not every system which is spread out publically is complete. You can spend your money, time and efforts for the certain system and you should know what is the system you practice. This is not money issue but sincerity of both student and teacher. I just have some doubts about possibility learning something serious from DVDs. How can you be sure that putting your time and effort you can get everything what you need for your personal growth? May be then teacher can tell you to come and meet him in Hawaii, New Zeland or Greenland. Well not everybody can afford it. At least basic info on the sytem must be given
  3. And its a Hit from this 7,000 ton meteorite

    I like this video
  4. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    OKey, fair enough. Do you know Chris's email for queries? Could you PM me his email? You see where I am coming from. I suppose that all teachers who spread out their materials should provide at least basic info on their systems. I have already encountered people who teach something for the high price but not providing proper info on a system they teach. And even when I asked them paticular questions they did not give proper answers saying oh just practice it.
  5. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    I want to put it more clear. For example you have choice. As usual I know this is not easy issue. I know there are few very credible lineages among taoist sects. They have certain authentic methods. Normally they are gradual. From and to... Animals play is just example. This is initial method. It is not just like "what your body needs...". It is what all we need on the way of transformation. Gradual method. May be I sound to orthodox here. But it what I know and understand at the point where I am. May be my mistake is that I want to have certain conception within taoist terms and methods. And KYMQ has older roots in shamanism. With different approach. But what the goal of this approach. Just go deeper and follow the white rabbit?
  6. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    Yes, in authentic Wudan sects like Complete Reality they teach all these methods of cultivation. But Chris seems to give only part of it. I know he sell DVDs with some another qigongs but why he does not teach meditations? Or may be he does? I think we should be clear here on such subjects as neidan and qigong. Does this qigong work with cultivation of xing and ming? What about night practice?
  7. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    Hi, Trunk. Thanks for sharing your experience. I personally like his videos on bagua. But I do not believe that one can get it straight from any DVD. All authentic bagua masters stand that bagua is highly internal system which require certain internal cultivation (nei kung) and this is not just walking standing it is all one need. As for KYMQ there is name qigong in it. This what was invented after neidan was distorted in China. I read about few taoist methods of alchemy from Wudan and all of them (2 i have found description) have seated and standing methods similar to what we know as brocades or five animals play. But latter ones were invented as qigong systems i.e. more calisthenics like. I want to say there should be at least three methods in alchemy and one of them is what they call shen gong. May be KYMQ is like shen gong and seated ones? but where standing ones? bagua is martial art and it is separate. So my query is what Chris saying on it if it is qigong or neidan? i understand it has some shamanic roots as coming from Wu family.
  8. What are you listening to?

    Infinity - just let go
  9. What are you listening to?

    breath - serebro
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    But "complete spiritual development" is not done by a yogic exercise alone--not even a powerful and complete healing Qigong art like Flying Phoenix alone is necessarily sufficient. "Complete spiritual development" means a life of spiritual victories in mastering oneself, then in combating ignorance and evil (per one's predilection, genetic talent and karma), and then sacrificing everything mundane for the life of Spirit and uplifting the human race towards enlightenment. Even if one is a Boddhisatva (returning Saint) and doesn't have to incarnate but chooses to do so, and is spiritually predestined and equipped to battle the dark forces of ignorance, one still has to fully serve humanity and complete whatever mission of aid-and-rescue-and-heal-and-empowerment he has assigned himself. And this supreme feat is normally--but not always--acomplished with the aid of a spiritual guide. Thanks. I was just talking about this with Sifu Garry in PM. You seem to be very spiritual person.
  11. Hi there. Yeah I realised that it is better to do one exercise but for 15 minutes and to do, for example, 3 standing ones and 3-4 seated for 15 mins each in one session than to do all of them for 5 minutes each. I spend now about 15 mins for the very first Wuchi stance and it works better than I was doing it for 2-3 mins before
  12. You can order 3-4 DVD's together and I can not believe the postage is over 50$. I did not buy first 3 from USA and not sure. But I tried to order from and yeah it was about 25$ for the postage for one DVD. Not 55$ anyway. It could be about 30-40$ for postage for 3 DVD's. And Sifu Terry might be doing the postage for less charge if you buy through his website.
  13. But... does the Skype transmission works? Or must go for seminar?
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yeah, 100 pages on Chinese New Year of Snake (I was born in year of Snake btw )
  15. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    I have got Jenny's DVD. What I can not understand yet is how to let go and do movements with hands not indulging it.
  16. What are you listening to?

    Midnight Odyssey - Never To Return (2011) {CAUTION - this is atmospheric black metal - do not listento it if you are not sure } I don't know how to use spoiler there is no icon for it (i can not see it)
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    OK. Now it is more the less clear that level 1 is complete HEALING system. And it empowers health and self feeling and builds the foundation of qi for the more advanced levels of BFP kung fu. But it was clear for me before and only I wanted to clarify what is the level 1 and how it is complete for those people who can not come for seminars which are hold in States. I see that level1 is good system anyway even without more advanced BFP stuff and can be practiced for years for the healing and health management and for good qi cultivation. But then one will need to practice something else because level 1 is not complete spiritual system. OK, it is no bad. As far as I understand after good foundation of practicing level 1 it can be practiced then for the less time and it can take may be some 30 minutes a day in addition to any other spiritual (martial) practice. For this purpose of Neidan I am seeking something else for future. I investigate other systems. At the moment I read about Kunlun system and even ordered the book. Then I will see how it is going and if I need anything else in addition
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, Friend. I did read as it was posted recently. And I had asked another question after that Sifu's Terry post which was not replied. Only answer that I relised was: In Chinese energy arts--and also in Tibetan and I believe Indian yogas--there are different Qigong methods that cultivate different types or what I call "flavors" of energy. There are basic and generic Qigong exercises that cultivates and elevates the level of the body's intrinsic energy, but every complete and authentic Qigong and Neigung system that I have learned or seen demonstrated at a high level indicates that there are many distinct types of internal energy that can developed by the human organism. (btw, you've just caused me to expand the intro section in my forthcoming book about the FP healing energy in contrast to other energies cultivated by Chinese arts.) FPCK cultivates a rare powerful healing energy that is one-of-a-kind. As described at various points in the thread, the FP healing energy when properly cultivated to a super-abundant reserve level--with only 2 or 3 years of diligent practice--will not only heal and empower yourself, but others in your proximity that you care about, and be visible a bright and flourescent blue aura. And that is where my query coming from. I understand more the less the common theory of jing chi shen and I do not understand what means "healing energy" and what means to "empower oneself" and what is this blue aura. I understand that Sifu Terry says that one just need only to practice (JUST DO IT). I just want to understand what is the core "energy" of the FP Chikung and what means "complete" - complete spiritual or healing? I have read this thread for days and it is still not clear for me. And why am I asking this? Because I have spent years for different kind of practices and now I am just more aware of what I am practicing. I like the FP meditations and it is giving me something but I can not estimate it else and I want to know more about GMDW's arts. I feel this are rare and beautiful arts and want to have more information. As for level 2 I saw those youtube movies - it looks great but it is not clear to me what means healing - self healing or healing others? How? And if one is not sick then what to heal? Just elaborate healing qi and blue aura? And what is the level 1 (and 2) without next levels for those who can not meet Sifu Terry in Los Angeles. I did not see answers for these questions. May be you can give a link where there is answers on these questions. I realised that Level 2 can be used for martial art purpose but I understand it can be useful if you are taught by a teacher and it is not just learning from DVD. So it sounds that level 1 is only be taught by DVD's and my main query is how level 1 complete and what does it really mean. I would stick with only one copmplete system if it is really complete. So I just do not understand if I need anything else in addition to FP chikung level 1 for the spiritual development. It is my main interest in chi kung. And I would spend time for one system because we do not have time in our busy lives for few differ. systems. And if level 1 is complete why there is no theory about chi jing shen, MCO - is it just self manifested? I just read about some another complete taoist wushu system. The importance of breath managing is stressed there and cultivation of prenatal breath and qi jing and shen. (I can not explain properly in English sorry). And there is nothing of this kind stressed in FP chikung system. I make conclusion it is just only healing chikung which is the introductory level to the neidan.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's interesting. I still don't understand what I am practicing not regarding I have read almost all 100 pages here. As far as I understood this chikung is introductory practice to all other internal arts within Doo Wai family, and it is not based on the common theory for taoist alchemy of jing, chi and shen. I just trust that it is wonderful healing chikung and it harmonises energy (chi) and mind and can help any other taoist practice of internal alchemy. But I am still confused if we need something else on top of it for the complete spiritual development. There are many other arts in Doo Wai family which Sifu Terry and Garry kindly describe here on the forum. I asked them both few times about it but never got reply. I understand you both are very busy men and not always can reply for all queries. Sifu Terry kindly supports this thread for couple of years and he does really good explanation on FPHCMC and other Doo Wai family arts but I did not understand what is FPHCMC exactly and how it is complete if not to practice other GMDW arts and not having chance to meet Sifu Terry in person. I was very interested in GMDW arts and I have read Sifu Garry's threads where he promotes other GMDW arts and contacted him through email amd PM but have not got any reply. I just contimue my FPHCMC practice but recently wanted to shift for some another wushu art because there is very advanced neikung system within taoist neidan sect. But based on orthodox taoist theory of cultivation jing chi and shen (prenatal and postnatal), MCO and spiritual transformation. May be it is the same system within GMDW system but I can not meet anybody from this lineage and I wonder if one needs to practice some another internal art on top of FPHCMC or it is very complete for itself. Sifu Terry wrote that GMDW taught some another kung fu system along with FPHCMC at the beginning and more advanced martial neikung afterwards. OK, I know that FPHCMC is sort of level 1 and there are levels 2,3 and 4. Why are there so many levels? What is the level 2?
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    MHP seating in a sauna? Hope you don't have the idea of doing BTB or WAC while standing in queue in a supermarket.
  21. Kunlun & Maoshan is descending qi. KYMQ is ascending. Bad combination if you are doing both
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hmm, on the DVD Sifu Terry says to do BTB and AFTER breath sequence and AFTER few reps of BTB. And that's how I am doing. I do only one breath for each med. I do 9 reps of BTB + breath + 9 reps of BTB. Now I see. All people different. No point to compare. Thanks again for sharing
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, Suburi. Thanks for sharing you experience. May I ask you few questions? How many repetitions of breath sequence you do? How many BTB repetitions? 18 before breath and 18 after or 9+9? I have been doing FP chi kung for a month now constantly (I missed only one day of practice) for 2-3 hours every day. And I have no any special results like you describe here only doing it for couple of weeks. I want to understand what I am doing wrong. I am in very good physical form with good stamina and many people here got good results being overweighted and with bad stamina. Looks like it is working better for the overweighted people. Should I eat more and get few more kilos? But may be what I was doing wrong I splitted vol. 1 and 2 and did them separately and only last few days I am doing them both together. It takes me about 60 mins for the vol.1 and some 40 for the 3 initial meds + 1 or 2 MSW from vol.2. May be I have to do all 6 meds from vol.2 together.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Also I want to ask Sifu Terry when is the Vol. 6 will be available again. As far as I know there are meditations for martial arts application. How is it important for the FPC energy cultivation if I am practicing another MA nei kung system? Is vol. 6 sort of must have addition to the FPC system and must not be practiced for the FP energy cultivation? I want to buy those volumes which I don't have yet and I wonder how long will I have to wait and if one must have vol. 6 or not. And I believe that one who can not see you in person can get FP level 2 (Sifu Terry released level 1 only on his DVDs) meditations represented by GM Doo Wai. Anyway I want to continue practicing FP system even if I am not able to meet Sifu Terry. I think it will be good anyway for the self-healing and longevity and energy cultivation. I want to practice some another chi kung in addition to FP system. I think of yigong by Jenny Lamb which is complete she says. And internal wushu which is complete system too. This should be pretty enough for the personal spiritual development. I would be happy to practice BFP or BMP kung fu but I do not believe much that it is good idea practicing it without teacher who you can see often. I hope Sifu Terry is going to come to the UK this year again. It would be very good to meet him and to practice FP in a group.