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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, thanks for the broad answer. But could you elaborate it once again please if FPCCM on Vol. 1-7 is complete system without these advanced meditations you just have mentioned? By the way there is one online shop where Levels 2 and 3 of FPCCM can be purchased and represented by GM Doo Wai. So I really enjoy practicing FPC but I have less motivation to practice FPC knowing that I will not be able to receive advanced FPCCM levels as it is very huge challenge personally for me even to get US visa. So I will think if I should continue practicing FPCCM or comitte to another chi kung system where full transmission will be possible.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi, Shagrat. These are good questions you are asking. I was thinking the same. You see, there are few systems within Doo Wai family. And I wonder myself because Sifu Terry wrote that FPC is complete but at the same time it is only pure medical chi kung and this is only introductory level that was released on DVD's. Also there is a martial system inside Doo Wai family. It is Bak Fu Pai and Bak Mei Kung fu. There are another healing chi kung systems. And martial chi kung sytems. Sifu Garry Hearfield from Australia and Sifu Christer Wretfors from Sweden teach these more advanced martial chi kungs. And there is another chi kung with healing aspects which consist of 72 levels. So to many systems for practicing. I tried to ask Sifu Garry about these systems and how to practice them correctly and if it is possible to learn COMPLETE Doo Wai family system by DVD's only and I have not recieved reply ( for 2 weeks now). May be because I am not in their VIP list. Sify Garry wrote on his website that if you wre not in VIP list your email will not be even replied. So I at the moment I stick with FP chi kung for self healing benefits and think to practice something else for spiritual purpose. I wanted to ask these questions here but I had read all thread prior to that and read that FPC is complete but it is still not clear enough for me and I would like to know as well what Sifu Terry will say here again. I realized that one would have to meet somebody from Doo Wai system in person for the full transmission
  3. I do not understand really what you want. I asked the same question myself. We always have choice and monkey's mind can tell you many nice stories. Qigongs are not just exercices for supernatural power. They are spiritual practices too. But of course not all of them. It depends on the teacher and the system and personal karma. No one can know your karma even you yourself. TB is very attractive for me personally. But I am thinking it is very much about your karma to find proper teacher in TB. And your (and mine too) readiness. At the moment I find it easier to practice chikungs and I am just checking it. Give the time to one system. Or work well with one and then add something else compatible with it. Otherwise monkey mind always knows better ways
  4. The goal of YY is to unite Yin and Yan but not flexibility. But yes for myself I got result that now I can seat in half lotus for FP. And I do full lotus easily. But still cant fly as it is promised in the YY book. Do you know any insructor of YY who can fly really? Don't want to criticise it. Some high level tummo masters could fly they say. But it is not always what they promise in books. It may be good if you really committed to Ningma and Namkai Norbu. Otherwise it is kundalini practice which was practiced in mountains in Tibet by very commetted to TB yogis. And it is not like now people buying books wanting to fly
  5. She has answered in her Q&A on her website that Yi Gong is actually complete practice. But may it means that you have to meet her in person and to receive more advanced practice. This is not clear at all and not only regarding Yi Gong. The same for many other chu kung sytems. They do not answer clear enough. Jenny Lamb recommends to stick with system as well as many others but they have to add it means that you coming for their seminars. I myself can not visit them as they are in USA.
  6. I don want to say anything bad about any system but I have some thoughts and experience. I used to practice Yantra Yoga for 6 months without any results. Only result I had was I became more flexible phisically. And yes, I did not have transmission either. But I was on seminar. Do you really want to do all those quite complicated asanas? As far as I know only 1-2 persons are able to do ALL asanas from Yantra in the WHOLE WORLD. And one of them is former acrobat. And it is not typical for Tibet yoga. There are many questions regarding YY and I heard many of criticism on some instructors of YY. It might be a good practice but I should ask again if one knows anybody who got tangible results with YY? At the same time many authentic chi kung systems are much easier to learn and you can read many positive reports on it here on the forum.
  7. I can not say exactly as I don't practice tummo. But I know one guy well who practices tummo and he said that it was not working for him untill he could experience "external qi" in channels.But he mentioned MCO. That MCO is very desirable for tummo and one should have ability to sense external qi and to gather it in lower tan tien for tummo. I am not sure about buddhist practices and cant give you any recommendations. But I am sure it is better to stick with one system or may be add something else if it is compatible. I myself am not sure but I think that FP chi kung is purely medical and produces very subtle energy which is good for any other practice and Sifu Terry said that it GM Doo's practices (which is FP I believe) boosted up his other internal arts he had practiced before. I myslef only know he does not recommend to learn other system when you LEARN FP chi kung but it is good to practice something else. I am not sure myslef because as far as I know according to Sifu Tery FP is complete system but the practice released on DVDs is level one only and it is incomplete without further tranmission. But at the same time Sifu Terry wrote that practice from DVD number 4 is very high level and can give very tangible result but you should ask him for clarification. I want to add something to my FP chi kung too. But not all three systems together. Even if you have time it is different energies from diff. systems and you should respect system you are practicing and trust it. You see Yantra Yoga requires good commitment to the Ningma and you should have Dzogchen transmission for it and it is very difficult practice as there are quite advanced asanas. And we should only trust Namkai Norbu it is authentic. Do you know anyone who got tangible results with Yantra Yoga? I dont.
  8. Hi! You may be could not beleive me but I was thinking about absolutely the same combination of practices. My opinion it is to much for mixing together. I wont tell you what I have chosen but I will give you few hints. You really need transmission for Yantra Yoga. It is not said in texts but it is practice of high level. You should have clear experience of "external qi" to practice yoga of tummo. So if you have elaborated good energy with FP already than it might work well for you. IMO. Sifu Terry said that FP chi kung is very compatible with many kinds of tibetan yoga as it was received by Feng Do Duk from buddhist deity and master Feng Do Duk got some elements of his system from tibetan and indian yogis. And FP is purely medical chi kung which is very compatible with many other systems. Yi gong of Jenny Lamb is from taoist Maoshan sytem. But she is buddist. As far as I know she does not recommend to mix practices and does recommend to stick with one system. But in general yi gong compatible with many other systems but you should be careful as yi gong is downward moving qi (Maoshan) and Yantra Yoga is upward moving kundalini. And you have to practice prelim. practices according to Namkai Norbu Rinpoche. More over that you need much time for different practices and every of these systems is complete for itself. As for PF chi kung as far as I know there is no much stress on chanels and kundalini but you have to ask Sifu Terry for clarification.
  9. What are you listening to?
  10. Kouk Sun Do in Korea

    Here is presentation of kouk sun do practice And here is main part of the first stage of KSD: And here is explanation of KSD breath by master Kim Ki Yong
  11. What are you listening to?

    Sorry but I dont understand such the "music".
  12. What are you listening to?

    Long Mantra Of Avalokitesvara
  13. What are you listening to?

    Boris Grebenshikov and Gabrielle - Vajrakilaya Refuge
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    It takes me 90 minutes only for standing. Hmm. May be I am doing something wrong? I try to stand about 10 mins in posture. And to do moveme nts slowly. Turtle moves slowly and lives longer - I try to count 1 om 2 om 3 om but it is still challenge. At the momemt I manage just counting 1 2 3... it takes me about 6-8 seconds for the full breath. 10 seconds is still challenge in horse stance
  15. Daoism in Europe

    They seem to teach dao yin and seated meditation. This is chi kung and not alchemy indeed. Of course quiet meditation can be powerful and there are few taoist texts regard meditation as alchemy method but many other sect criticize such methods. It is regarded as alchemy only in the west and in chi kung schools. And in Buddhism and Zen. That is why I mentioned that taoist alchemical sectarian methods are quite distinctive from other oriental methods
  16. Burning Palm System

    Hi, jiju. What do you practice exactly and what benefits you get out of this system?
  17. Daoism in Europe

    In Ukraine (Kiev) there is branch of 2 authentic taoist alchemical sects. One is "closed" and requies an apprentice to visit their chinese teacher in China (WuLuiPai) and second one is "opened" where teacher is going to come to Russia. But it is possible to learn alchemy in second one without seeing teacher as in this sect their first method is kinda alchemical and you can get transmission from local mentor. But you will have to practice chi kung prior to that. Aslo they practice very powerful medical chi kung which they call jiuyangshengong. This is the best branch of the taoist sects I have only heard in Europe and their methods are very very distinctive from other eastern teachings . Did not try yet myself but I have heard many positive feedbacks about their methods. All other european branches seem to be just chi kung schools but not really alchemical. I am not sure if there is anybody speaks good English in Kiev but if you are interested I am sure they will understand your Polish. Their main branch is in Russia. But I am not sure about ability to translate taoist terms as apprenticeship requires good knowledge of theory as well. I have not heard of any better authentic taoist school in Europe.
  18. What is Falun Gong?

    It is better to pay money but practice real authentic taosit system. I just watched falungun sectarians walking on their parade and I just did not like this mass. They are like christians in the times of Christ, a little crazy. And I personally did not like their online stories about practice. It does not sound true to me and there is no authentic roots of this practice. Just seems to be the sect on the basis of Buddhism. And what is the goal of this system? To walk on a parade with big drum and posters?
  19. Burning Palm System

    Thanks for your replies. I practice FP at the moment and probably I need to elaborate it to some level of strong energy and then practice Pak Mei stuff. But Sifu Terry said that without kung fu FP is not very effective and I myself feel that I need kung fu even for calisthenic at least. Will one need wooden dummy in the beginning? On your www it is said that training is started from Red Dragon practice. That should be OK with FP I believe. What there else in the beginnig? Sifu Terry says that FP is complete system. But I think that PM stuff could boost it up. What about Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung? Is is from Pak Fu Kung-fu system? I am thinking seriously of PM because I plan to move very close to Sweden soon and I know you have there good man who is expert in PM stuff.
  20. Burning Palm System

    Sounds pretty nice. But always better to have Sifu who will show the way through all gaps. If you want to master it. It is not only internal training but martial as well. I have few years experience and I know how it is working but I have not trained in Kung fu. I know that big part of kung fu training is to train on your own. So I would train kungfu of Pak Mei (if it is possible of course) on my own and train somewhere else for learning the application with partner for self defence skills. MA training is good for alignment, timing control, flexibility and patience. in "sticky hands" it is good to work with partner to feel your own tensions and it is good sensitivity training too. I don't know exactly, may be there is some work with qi in the form like in Taichi and this is all why it is practiced. But self defence is crucial aspect of internal MA too. Only experienced teacher can see mistakes. Without it there is big chance to do something wrong. So I am thinking to visit local Wing Chun group for the aspects I have mentioned above.
  21. Burning Palm System

    Well, if Australia run out of beer I would send few cans to paleface brothers. Happy New Year. P.s. Just wonder how similiar Pak Mei and Pak Fu to Wing Chun in application and forms. P.p.s. Almost run out of Yip Man movies. But good news is that there are few movies with Bruce Lee. And superstore is not so far P.p.p.s. Just wonder how is it possible to learn PM kung-fu without a partner. Internal part and forms I think no problem but as far as I know they teach kungfu beginning with martial application and it is not possible to learn it on your own. So I have the idea to learn Wing Chun for application and PM for internal part. Better than beer and popcorn def.
  22. Burning Palm System

    But the good thing here I have my beer and popcorn right now and watching Ip Man movie. It is better then nothing anyway
  23. Burning Palm System

    I have read this thread with huge interest and very interested in studying kung fu arts. I visited WBBM and found there infotmation that no one outside their family and their VIP list can purchase their products. Well, it seems to be very deep internal art which is difficult to find and it is very rare. I am thinking to start Winh Chun training at the place where I reside but I am sure it is not same internal kung fu but combining them together could make a sense. I did some martial arts training but after few years I still don't have good martial skills and there is no internal training as such what is such annoying for me now that I have spent so much time and money almost for nothing. Bak mei is very rare art and difficult to find good teacher in this art.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I just have done BTB and counted my breathes I do raise arms to the throat (A) for 6 breathes and 4 for ©. I do BOTH slow but as I mentioned (A) seems to be broader extension of arms to the sides then ©. I spend about 2 minutes for each rep-s with very short break when palms are down at the LDT. It is about 30 minutes for 14 rep-s and it ould be about 40 for 18 rep-s. So is it normal amount of breathes for the BTB?