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Everything posted by Antares

  1. End of relationship...

    I can agree. But I have never met a woman who was looking for spirituality and sexual attractive FOR at the same time. I would agree completely with you but I cant ignore my experience.
  2. End of relationship...

    Sorry what means "dead on some points"? And yes. This is not about just women. Many men the same. But women are more "unstable" in their mood and used the word "mondane". There were many spiritual MEN and only few WOMEN. As for spiritual mindset I mean matured soul, a person who is looking harmony in life on the spiritual path. That's not a way of a vast majority of woman. They have absolutely another goals and interests in life in majority, that what I wanted to say. "Molesting" ... I don t pick up girls on streets as have bad experience. At the moment dont even think of sex. It is more important to see your desires and work with it coz sex and sexual "behavior" takes much energy off. I want to be more clear it is better to find second half inside rather then looking someBODY outside for sex
  3. End of relationship...

    Sorry for my poor English as I cant use proper "poetic" English (I still learn english). Simply speaking women are "yin". IMO they have more emotionally unsteady minds caused by the motions of "karmic winds". And they more mundane deff. One day she might show her big interest to a man but next day she can start playing games. They are more looking fun and men who can give them good fun. Especially nice women who are spoilt by men from young ages. One time she might don't like that you don't molest her from the first day of your meeting and if you do this she may be offended. You gonna be always wrong from her perspective. Today she likes this thing tomorrow another one because their mood is very unstable. This is my experience only. I just have not met good woman who it would be nice to talk about serious things like spirituallity and have some fun too and who is mentally stable and matured. Normally they affraid my "spiritual" set of mind and we cant find something in common. I know there are many nice and clever women but nott much chances to meet them and I don't like molest a woman on a street. Where is it coming from? From "yin" nature first of all and second from society and "culture" based on TV. Of course, many people find each other and live somehow but how many are reaaly happy and healthy and spiritual? Yes, they have common interests such as: TV, walking with a dog, shopping, pubbing, drinking, smoking, jerking... and so on... In this movie thay had common interests and shw wanted something I think but the problem is that THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. From my perspective two ego meet each other and start playing games.
  4. OK. Where I can find the decription of s-m meditation? Is it on DVD GOT I?
  5. Well, I just realized that it is better to choose something one and it is very difficult to combine few things together on the spiritual path. I tried some IMA for 3 years and I did not find myself on this path. Neikung there was very weak I would say and just practicing for 2-3 hours every day is not fastest way. My Sensei was saying that there is no shortcut on the path but I think good neikung can be real shortcut. He was talking about karma much. But as I know authentic Taoism is not much about karma. I can practice taichi form sometime ans weightlifting and it is quite enough for more phys. aspect of the training . I feel call for "shamanic" qigong more then path of MA. But MA aspects may be integrated in neikung later on might be
  6. End of relationship...

    Oh, yeah, great story and sountracks
  7. End of relationship...

    My last relationship was broken because I was talking something about spiritual things. She said that there is no point in seeing each other again sending me sms that she wanted fun in a pub . Not all like that but vast majority. It is better to concentrate on your practice
  8. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Yeah, I personally agree we need some neikung like Iron Shirt. Very prominent benefits for the health promotion. And good for stamina and vitality. So I am thinking just doing Iron Shirt first instead of any kind of IMA neikung as Ir. Sh. is very good neikung for IMA and health aspects and then go further for IMA . Mantek Chia writes that traditionnaly they had practiced something like IS first for years and after they learned IMA applications
  9. End of relationship...

    Not easy to find your cup of tea if you are spiritual seeker as people NORMALLY are very much mundane and as according to my experience women don't need anything spiritual in common like men. May be just me exp. but it is mine. Typical crap in women's mind shown in this movie: This is Irish movie. Just watch it. It is depressive but very much true about people relations
  10. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Did you try this form yourself? Is it possible to learn only from DVD? I have seen some youtube movies of Chris Lomas how dudes tried to kick his ass ))
  11. I am not going to mix or bolt on it to "my stuff". That neikung I meant as it was said empowers ANY other chikung untill it is in contradiction to the energy "flow " of another system. That is is just yin yan hands and connection to the earth. As for MA aspects I tried to outline my needs for it. I used to do jogging almost every day and now I do some gym workout for 20 minutes every day but I don't see a problem to do some forms of IMA like taichi or bagua including some neikung basics from it such as tree stance and forms. I need something kinda more vigorous for general health promotion and for flexibility and for tendons and blood circulation. I dont know anything about S_M yet and can only suppose how it is "another level" and how it is really "complete" for everything. May be it is more advanced and elaborated indeed that I dont need anything else. May be you rigth, I'll het DVDs and will work on that thoroughly and then I "ll see if I need anything else. Cheers trying to help me dude
  12. Not hours for other practice, dude. Another pracrice that I meant is good for grounding and balancing and take only 1 hour. Also I tried to be clear saying that there is no martial art aspects in s-m and myself have been doing it for few years. It is the same practice of alignment and balancing and building thr internal power
  13. End of relationship...

    We have pain because of Ego. No Ego no pain. It is good chance to see our weak parts and work it out going through pain. It is the process of letting go. Ego projects our mind outside and looking for somebody there to satisfy itself by possessing somebody. But we can not be sure 100 percents in anyBODY else. The truth is only in non dual state of mind. That is where problems coming from - dual state of mind
  14. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    I was interested in this form. Looks very nice. A friend of mine has video and I watched little bit. It is quite possible to learn from the video. But.... I cant see the lineage of where this Iron Vest form coming from. He claims to be black belt in three IMA and that he is professor. But I dont really know anything about this man and origin of this form. One needs to train 1 year at lest every day for 1 hour in order to be able to estimate the benefits. So cant recommend and wonder myself about benefits of this form of IVQ. I don't think somebody was so patient to go for 1 year every day training but myself never again would go for pactice which is not within certain lineage of masters. I had been practicing such a practice for 2 years without any benifits. Never again
  15. BTW I can not get GOT DVD right now but want to continue meditation practice. I concentrate ob breathing in and out in my belly area. Is it what you doing in GOT? And there is no paper book on GOT in sale. Is somewhere short description of meditation which is very simillar to GOT? I suppose there is no 3d eye concentration in GOT system. Do you pull abdominal back when exhaling or it is fully natural? I come across with many decriptions on meditaion but all of them slightly different
  16. As for myself I need IMA not only for the qi development but for some another reasons too. It is what gives me some kind of calisthenics and to maintain form and flexibility and MA aspects all together. Taichi form that I know does not give qi experience. There is no neikung.I really enjoy watching bagua forms and I presume there is very prominent neikung there. I just feel I NEED something for my general wellbeing and IMA meet my needs more then anything other. I have some video and book on xing yi neikung for health and want to practice some initial level of bagua training during the day and in the mornings and evening I will be doing GOT. I was thinking of Iron Shirt but not sure which one is good. There is loads of crap in the west and I don't know who I may trust. And I know that IMA masters were avid practit. indeed and they were quite healthy espec-ly bagua players. I have been looking for years for some prominent qi system. Hope GOT is really one of them but not sure it does everything on all levels for the practic-er. Just wonder. Will try it. There is the same goal to develop LDT and I suppose it should complement each other
  17. Yes, I can agree with that but here you mean somebody who has trained with you. OK, I can admit the idea just believe to the system. It might def work. I already started doing neikung from Mike Denny which has shamanic roots too, and he states that this neikung will empower any other practice and balances very much too. But there are 3d eye concentrantions and may be it should not be done along with system that you teach. So I am confused now a little if it is really better to concentrate on one system solely without looking into any other system. I guess there are different energies in diff schools so may be it is enough reason to stick with one only. But I will buy def GOT 3 DVD's and will give it a try! Also I am interested in IMA very much and have some 3 years exp. And I would like to continue with it. There are neikungs systems in it. Which come along with Iron Vest sometime which is very beneficial and I suppose there is no Iron Vest in GOT. And there are others internal training in IMA systems that must be taught in order to make progress in it. At the moment I am interested in BGZ and want to train it with it's neikung or probably try Iron Shirt just for the prominent health and internal qi benefits
  18. Well, I have been doing long form taichi for couple years and very flexible due to yoga and MA experience so dont think S-M will give me nuts. I like the idea of spontaneous energy flow and that this system has some shamanic roots what is very interesting for me. I need to bring more balance into my system. I feel some disbalance. If only this a benefit it would enough already. May be we don't really need something difficult and look for something "powerful" like kundalini yoga or Iron Shirt Q. May be just some good and simple neikung and meditation on breath at LDT are quite enough.
  19. Edward, did you learn this chikung from DVD only? And general quiery to Ya Mu - so I realize that it is quite possible to make some good progress in healing, balancing and LDT building, and calming learning from 3 DVD's. Is it right? And another quiery. Does it worth to do this S_M along with some another system such as: Kunlun, Magnetic Qigong. If doing S_M only 1 hour per day as you recommend. Will they empower each other? I mean if S-M can be combined with other advanced Neikungs but in different time. I would be doing S-M solely but as you say it is desirable to have person in person studying with you. I am really interested in what you teach and would def practice it if I would have chance to attend a seminar. I was looking for such a system for years. Thanks for your reply here
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way Buddha
  21. Runes

    Rune Othala (Odala) represents connection with Earth. It is personal human potential (karma) Correlates with Mooladhara chakra. Moola and Adhara. In some indoeur. languages sound r turns into sound l. And what we can see here is almost the same sound athala. BTW in Vedas root chakrs is called adhara. Adhara means "support". The word Earth sometime is pronounced with hard T at the end. (If you come to Ireland ). The sacred sound of mooladhara chakra is Lam. The Worlds that are below earth are Athalam – Place associated with Yama Vithalam – Place associated with Shiva Suthala – King Bali resides here Rasathala – Rakshasas reside here Talathalam – Spot associated with Mayamayi Mahathalam – Place associated with Serpents Pathalam – Place associated with Yama and Nagas. Leg channels to the Earth. Serpents and nagas represent Kundalini
  22. What are you listening to?

    Out of all that crap like this ones
  23. What are you listening to?

    "Джинсы воды набрали и прилипли, не слышно ни часов ни чая..." IMO this is crap but not the art. Peace
  24. Thanks for trying to help me. I have doubts I am going so far just for the qigong. I am in Ireland actually and I used to go to London for a yoga seminar and then it turned out the system is quite complicated and requires continious transmission (Dzogchen) and practice of Tantra. I did that yoga for half of year. I spent much money and have experience now. I was in India too and the end was the same. They just teach you something but without interaction with guru all idle. I did one neikung for 2 years with teacher here in Ireland and it did not work for me as it was adjusted by teacher for himself and origin of this neikung is not within certain lineage and kind of self made up and very much about vigorous "fire" breath like pranayam. I tried some another spont. chikung here But it did not work well for me. I think this kind of QC is more "effective" for people who have some declinations in (mental ) health but for me it had very soft effect. So I will not spend money just for the another chikung. It must be complete system. For me to get USA visa is the same as encounter Barack Obama in local store