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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    I see now it is better not to mix methods and put train on one rails. I do Kunlun1 method now and have much legs shaking. It is spontaneous but it is only in my legs. It is kinda different from another spontaneous chikungs which are standing ones. i will see how it will work for me further.
  2. I don't know honestly. May be in China. But we are not talking of China. Yeah, I see what you want to say - go to China. OK. May be later. I agree that we have to do something in life and work hard as well as earn money for travelling far away. I did that before - I was in many countries searching for something serious and always I found some BS. I was not ready at that time. And I think when one is ready there is no need to go somewhere, it can come spontaneously. I know there is no warranty for anything but what a problem to organize seminars on permanent basis for the third world countries to give chance for people who really interested and ready?
  3. This sounds pretty good for me. No need money for airplane fuel but need some energy fuel anyway. But as I mentioned above Michael claims not to practice without transmission. May be it was only about healing neikung described in his book and I am not sure about GOT. But I have read his posts on this forum and it sounds like there can be some benefits of practice without transmission but only small level like practising any health chikungs
  4. All serious neikung which we discuss here seem to be in the States. OK I agree there are loads of BS stuff. But we know what kind chikungs we are talking about. Agree? So, I would agree to practice some serious stuff but I want to have a foresight how it might turn out in the future. Michael write quite clearly that this chikung SHOULD NOT be practiced WITHOUT instructor i.e. transmission. But they sell DVD I think just to get people involved somehow and for making money too obviously. What it the point to practice it if you know that teacher not coming to this part of the world or if it happens then may be accidentally. This is not fair. I dont want to be engaged in something if there is not clear chance to be involved in certain method. I did many things like that and have spent loads money on it - yoga, chikungs, and so on including Bon and Tantra. Teachers coming occasionally - sometimes only once in two years and I gave it up coz did not feel any benefit out of practice. Now I am doing some neikung because it looks like working. And Skype transmission is possible AT LEAST. Peace
  5. Yeah, and what next? Fly to America in a dream to receive transmission? It seems to be that UK is the third world. No any high level seminars, NOTHING serious in this part of the world. Only mumbo yumbo chikungs. Everything in the States. I was interested in GOT but I wont go to the States. Only if in a dream...
  6. As far as I am concerned there are few people from Russia who have real transmission in taoist sects state that NO ONE of taoists monks know who is WANG LIPING. One of them was in those mountains where WL claims to be taught and no any monk know who is WL. There is no any record i the lineage on WL. I don't know what is true and just saying what I know from some people within Wu Lu PAI sect who quiered about WL in CHINA.
  7. Yes, I mean another practice of course, I just have bought materials on this qigong because I was doing baduanjin for a while and I encountered information about authentic seatted baduanj. And I love tthose materials. It is seatted meditation technique for health and longevity according to Staurt Alve Olson who has been training within authentic Tajchi lineage and this meditation coming from famous master Li Ching-Yuen
  8. Well, as I tried to explain a vis. is very soft and like a instant vis. and it is not main core of the practice and it is more about breath and LDT development. Just another tool. May be I don't need it really. I just like it. They state they the man who transmitted this practice had been living for over 250 years and there is official evidence of that indeed. So why not? Also regarding my quiery I found another statement from Ya Mu
  9. Thanks. Yes, I guess there is no any visualis. in this Neikung and it is why I like such systems where one does not need to do any visual-ns. I dont like vis. and trying to avoid such systems. But in this case it is quite ancient method of baduanjing alchemy and I just like method and visual. there is kinda very soft just to help to the qi flow up the spine. Just want to find benefit of it too. It is longevity exercise as well
  10. So if I am correct it is to develop LDT and it is ascending method. I want to practice some another LDT meditation along with this one where there is vizualisation of qi going up with breath. I would prefer LDT practice as I don't like much methods with 3d eye concentration. Looks like GOT meets my needs and sounds nicely for me as method. Are there any instructors of GOT in the UK? I have found some people teach jing dong gong in the north UK (not too far from me): I am not sure if they can do transimision.
  11. I have found on the forum what Ya Mu said about it
  12. Must one get transmission to practice GOT S_M? Or DVD's can be enough? I am interested.
  13. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    The Earth Meditation by Mike
  14. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    Ok. You are right. I am intellect. to much. This is my problem. I just tought there is a technique for calming mind along with this method and I was said here that there is indeed. And I got confused
  15. Kunlun Level 1

    OK. I will choose the book as it is cheaper and at the same time it is sufficient info for practice and I can have RP by Skype from Max what Jenny does not do. And I beleive there is something more in the book about Kunlun. And it is same lineage as Mike's. It makes more sense for me. Thanks
  16. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    NOT congruent? Even Yigong with Kunlun 1 knowing that Max got it from Jenny? It is more alaborated on her DVD as I know coz Max modified it and skipped some important techniques in Yigong
  17. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    Sorry could you explain a bit more this? Is there work with Yi to direct qi any direction or it is fully spontaneous? I will explain where my confusion coming from. I don't understand it right what is A. and D. method. Recently I bought another materials on meditation and wanted to be fully engaged in it till the very end. ) But after I found info here that Kunlun and Shancin are very powerful. And I like THIS approach because it is spontaneous and I beleive it is the most ancient method. On other hand the materials I bought before kinda based on Shancing sect as well along with Pao Pu Tzi text and Golden Flower text. OK. But they meditation method is based on abdominal contemplation and vizualizations that elixir coming UP from the tailbone to the upper DT. I.e. it is upward method. I want to practice Shancing now and want to get K. book but have no money at the moment and waiting when I get money and it will take may be month to get the book. I want to practice some meditation now. What I can practice now, which method? Is it 3d eye meditation? An abdominal breath meditation allright? I can't concentrate now coz I am confused. I am doing actually Earth meditation from Celestial Neikung and may be it is enough for me know. I asked Mike two times and he replied in the way I could not understand it right if it is all I need (3d eye medit.) or there is another meditation as well. So I understand they use 3d eye meditation in Shancing in the begining along with grounding to the earth. And there is not abdominal concentation on the level I. Am I correct?
  18. Kunlun Level 1

    I asked Mike already. He wrote me that everything from him and Kunlun is compatible. But at the same time he wrote that I don't need much techniques and I think he is right. I ahve Mike's book with 5 standing postures and I am doing CN and may be it is already enough for me. And plus HUL meditation is kinda resembles RP as I read. And I dont want to spend much money now for another materials. Only if it is MUST have. Is there anything in the book I really need (if I get Jenny's DVD)?
  19. Kunlun Level 1

    And I wonder if there anything in the Max's book I have to know? What about Pillars of Bliss book? I am practicing Mike Denny's Celestial Neikuns and I am thinking if I really need thechniques from Max as I read here that first half of year one needs only spontaneous neikung.
  20. Kunlun Level 1

    I am thinking to get Jenny's DVD anyway. Because Max got it from her and it will be very handy to get all techniques in the way she teaches as I read here she is very light and very noble person and it is important to get it in the way she teaches.
  21. Runes

    Also I see there is correlation between rune Laguz (Lagaza - one of the forms of ancinet pronunciation) and slavic goddess Lada. They beleive it is derived from indoeurop. word laku what means "water". Also interesting that there is one of the protoindoeur. words Leuk what means "light", old english lēoht, german lioht/licht, gaelic llug and baltic Lauks. Also I would say it is Love, Light, Lake -- running stream of the "water of life". Laguz is related with water and the sea. Flow, a fertility source, the healing cycle of constant change renewal. This is a strong feminine rune of intuition that also relates to fertility. I suppose that there can be correlation between runes and qi channels and points. Rune Teiwas - arrow up - is related with channel in the spine and point in the middle DT. Yan - masculine Laguz is front channel down, yin, front point in the MDT. IMO that is why it is "water" and love - it is heart center too. Water is liquids and qi of the body in liver, spleen and pancreas - life energy centers. Ancient mythology. The question if need it now??? IMO only confusion Goddess Lada is very nice correlation: There is slavic rune Lada by the way which has the same heometry. And rune Laguz is related with swan (I dont know why). This is just example how many things in common.
  22. Runes

    Some correlations with slavic gods I have noticed: Thurisaz - Svarog (Thuar-og) Berkano - Bereginya Jera - Jarilo Dag-az - Daj-bog
  23. Runes

    I do not think that runes is something to meditate on. It is symbols, ideas, alphabet. What is the point to meditate for example on the picture of the moon in a book trying to understand the moon? More over that the runes sounds could be changed very much and signs too. How we know it is authentic runic primordial sounds? I beleive it was distorted from original signs and sounds. For example some people state that runes are protogerman sacred "sounds" but as I know slavic languages I can see there and protoslavic "sounds" which correlate with slavic pagan gods. OK, it can have origin in the common protoindoeuropean language but it was changed with time anyway and now we know only "germanic sounds" but signs could be changed too. There are slavic runes as well and they have different geometry. There were turkish runes in north Asia.... So I want to say that it is just symbols of some primordial archetypes and I do not think one should meditate on it trying to change something in one's own mind. It would be only some "magical" work with the rune Egregor but not with archetypes IMO. How we know what we should change in our energy or mind? Why to meditate on a certain rune if one is not sure what is this rune certain archetype. It can come from some shamanic expereince or dream but not from just one's mind like "I think it should help me because... ". IMO runes is just some primordial IDEAS and steps in the spiritual path corrilated with sun calendar. This is more what we should change in ourselfs in order to feel more harmony, how to abandon our karma and be more enlightened
  24. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    Yup, I see now this Now it is more clear, I missed it before. So Chris inhereted this stuff through Max's Wu lineage? I am interested much in Chris's stuff because of Bagua, I found his approach is quite interesting, it sounds like it should be spontaneous form and not fixed as many others teach. It makes sense for me. But I have doubts it is possible to learn such a subtle thing with video.
  25. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    That's might be true but it is not clear where Sifu Matsou coming from. I see his "alchemy" lineage within the lineage of Shancing where Max got transmissions. Then Max admitted Chris as lineage holder. It can only mean that Chris Matsuo should teach "alchemy" stuff according to the Shancing lineage. And also Chris studied Bagua with Max as well as with other master in Japan. Does Max state the same about the origin of Bagua as well as japanese master? I want to say it is quite fishy statements from Chris's side and I wonder his lineage in his "alchemy". There are only Max and his japanese BAGUA masters mentioned on his website. What is Chris's lineage in Bon and Bagua not very clear for me. Yes, there are 2 masters mentioned but I don't know anything of them and they are from Japan. So stating that Bagua is derived from Bon shamanic dances is quite strange and not proved at all. Did he study Bagua within Bon lineage? Can anyone make it more clear for me?