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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    Well, I just examined Sifu's website and found some interesting information which I tend to believe but... I just wonder. http://dragongatesan...ery/baguazhang/ That's really intriguing info. I have read the book on "Prehistoric Bon" (Shamanism) by Ermakov who has transmissions in both Siberian Shamanism and Bon and according to that info there are many similliarities in them and he states that all relligions has the source in prehistoric Bon but as a matter of fact modern Bon does resemble Buddhism very very much and I have doubts that Siberian Shamanism is close enough to Taoism but I am not sure of course, just wonder. It is first time I here that Bagua's origin is in Bon. I only read that 8 trigram is come from Bon. I never heard that there are very much in common between Bon and Neikung systems and Sifu Matsuo seems to have some lineage from ancient shamanic Bon tradition which is close to shamanic Taoism... And he teaches some tibetan shamanic practices and looks like his approach is quite the mix of Shancing tradition through Max's lineage and Neikung of Bagua and Bon. In Tibet they stress more attention on central channel and according to my humble understading in Taoism they open up MCO prior to central channel as it helps to open shumuna later. I don't state it must this way. Just wonder Sifu's approach which is not common for China imo. In Bagua they open MCO first as I know. May it is in ChiKung like that and Alchemy is different.
  2. Prunes

    If you eat prunes only I am not sure how long more you going to post here. May be month two and then def. be looking like Gorlum. ha ha. And your erection wont be so goood anymore
  3. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    Thanks. But I am kinda confused now. I was going to buy this book but now I think that there is a liitle chance I would be able to come to the States so I cant get RP and another more advanced techniques afterwards and now I think about KYMQ as it is very elaborated and it is possible to learn through DVD's at least. Is KYMQ THE SAME is Kunlun1/Lamb's yiqong? The question pops up as I want to practice meditation path from another taoist school but there are no good neikungs but I like their approach in meditation and it might be even enough. They use ascending method. So I don't want to mix things up. And think about Sifu Matsuo methods as I am interested in Bagua as well and Iron Shirt
  4. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    Is it reversal breathing? I read here about Kunlun that descending goes FIRST in Kunlun. And there is difference in methods and not all of them are compatible. May it was said about intensive methods and meditation should be OK anyway with soft breath. ?
  5. Prunes

    there are no worms in it. Frst, the water is SALTY in ocean and there is only one worm possible. But it does not live in human Second, if you do raw like 75 -90 percents then your acidity level going to be very f**ng good and it KILLS ANY worms and even can dissolve nails. I have been eating fish for couple years now and look younger for at least 5 years and not any resemblance with picture above. Cooked food is not always good and to much cooked plant food going to inflict harm to microflora and stomach as it nourishes bacterias and acid kills it. Cooked food not good for acidity level and pancreas. There are loads of bacteria in plant food and may be even more
  6. Prunes

    I don't see any kind of problem eating raw OCEAN fish. Cooking it is just a habbit and kills all useful ingridients in it and not good for your body. We need animal protein anyway. I eat it only sometime. Normally eggs or yogurt. Try raw salmon and you will love it
  7. Prunes

    I eat RAW fish and me myself and my stomach feel HAPPY after meal. Cooked animal protein is harmful yes but raw is another story. It is dissolved in stomach acid very very good
  8. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    No. It is wrong you are telling IMO. There are ascending and descending methods IMO
  9. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    Also interested in this stuff here Sushumna in Taoism prior to MCO? In general sounds like form of Yi Jing Jin. Am I correct? I think that it is better choose ONE system. I have no chance to visit Kunlun Seminar. So if Sifu Matsuo system is quite sufficient and having taken into account I practice some another "fire" method, it does make sense learn Sifu Matsuo stuff for me as he provides very cool DVD's
  10. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    So it means KYMQ is fully compatible with Max's Kunlun1?
  11. Prunes

    This guy here does not seem eating prunes
  12. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    I read here something like abdominal breath is "fire method" (ascending) and Kunlun is "water" (discending).
  13. Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

    But how Kunlun is compatible with abdominal breath meditation? Is there such a technique to calm down the heart?
  14. Kunlun Level 1

    Thanks, folks. Yes, it is the question actually if Jenny's technique is the same and how clear spont. mov. is described in Max's book. So, may be it is better to buy the book first and then try it and see how it works. I just tought may be it is hard to learn such the thing from a book but you are saying it is very easy to learn. I don't know how Max is "cool" but I have read loads of good reports on his book and there are no books from Jenny and I have no chance to go for seminars of both of them... Actually I think to go with Alchemy of seated 8 brocades and do Kunlun as a boost but I even heard that Kunlun1 is quite enough for itself. And I am very interestes in method of spont. release motions so that whay I have a mind for that stuff
  15. Kunlun Level 1

    I have a question here. I am going to buy new Kunlun book and practice it. According to my knowlidge Max got spontaneous movements technique from Jenny Lamb, and I am going to buy her DVD as well. But it costs money of course. It is not a big problem and I just wonder if it worths to buy Jenny's DVD at all and may be Kunlun book is enough for the chikong. Also I plan to do Kunlun in the mornings and do practice seated 8 brocades meditation before bad as meditation to calm down and sink into the void. Hope it is not kind going to mess up my practice. Thanks
  16. Hey, dudes...

    Hi, I am kind a newbie here. I was happy to find this community. I have found a lot of handy info here on this forum.