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Everything posted by Antares

  1. 2024 - Year of the Green Dragon

    It was irony on my part. I agree that both candidates will have problems, as well as the US in general. First of all, economic ones and a serious reform of the entire US structure is required, which will be associated with conflicts. The Dragon is the guardian of the East. The center of global governance will gradually shift to the East. And this year should be a turning point in this shift. For Taomeow only:
  2. 2024 - Year of the Green Dragon

    Are you not the One whom they refer to as "the Global Predictor"? Will Trump win the elections? I want to know it now
  3. Not only Dr E. translates it as Five Elements. I have seen other researchers translating it as "5 agents". So may be you translate it wrong... I have other researches translations on early Quanzhen methods and Wang Chongyang writings and they only confirm what I said. Nothing changes in general. I dont want to argue with you. Read my reference to DZ again. There everything is clearly stated, and your emotions are hindering you from understanding it
  4. How you think what is the root of the Virtue as such and whether it is possible to gain Virtue without specific daoist method? The Virtue has 2 parts - internal and external or in orher words preheaven and postheaven manifestations. In order to obtain preheaven Virtue one needs to cultivate it what implies a specific cultivation method. I even provided a reference to DZ in re: on this issue. Please (if you wish) let me know if I am clear enough for you to understand what i just said in this post. Thank you;)
  5. Incorrect. Even in re: DDJ there was specific method which is outlined inbetween words actually. There is no such thing as "one yogic, daoist, muslim...method ". More over it such posts mess up the daoist discussion branch of this forum.
  6. Alright, but as we are in daoist discussion thread I reflect over daoist methods of cultivation. As in a previous discussion I stressed the importance of no mixing approaches of different schools and methods. I mean in general it is incorrect to consider yogic and daoist methods as one common method of cultivation. They differ and should be mixed by no means. The Daoist method of cultivation is very narrow in terms of its precision, clarity, and sequence of stages. Any deviation from the rules leads to very undesirable consequences because the balance of yin and yang is a very delicate matter, as is the energy of the body as a whole
  7. I only respond to what you post here in this thread and share my thoughts with you and others. Yes, I agree with you that stillness is the key and I share my understanding about the root of where the stillness is born from. If you want to grow beautiful tree with strong stem first thing you need to learn how to plant it and how to cultivate it right. Also re: balance what is your understanding of it and where does it come from? Can you share your toughts on it? As for my personal experience I would not share it because it is too personal thing. You can consider me as a researcher of daoist cultivation methods.
  8. Who is the doctor E.? Do you know from whom Wang Chongyan received transmission? This is not the TCM approach and methods, and you seem to be confused. No chance to comprehend what it is about without teacher. Period.
  9. He he, and what about five elements method? There are questions and answers. How sitting and calmness work with it? What about Lesser Vehicle method? I would like you to explain it please
  10. Alright, can you understand next words? I hope you are able to see black and white here?
  11. I read it too and I meant to read it thoroughly. And what the northern schools you refer to? I know some initial methods from 2 northen schools (lineages) at least and how many northern methods and from what schools you know and practise? Texts cant help you much if no one explains it to you. Period
  12. Well, this seems to be the precondition of the cultivation method for it can't be considered as method cultivation. Read that text you provided link for - there is said that these preconditions precede the real cultivation method. I will continue citing the article that I mentioned above Wang Zhe thus endorses the simple cultivation of purity and stillness as the only true way toward recovering the Real Nature and gaining eternal life. This is the Greater Vehicle. However, this inner serenity needs to be built upon a foundation of sound physical health. This foundation is built through the more complicated physical practices of the Lesser Vehicle. Wang Zhe sometimes seems harshly critical of the various physical practices, referring to them as ‘small methods of subsidiary schools’ (pangmen xiaofa). The seeming inconsistency occurs because the various discourses of Wang Zhe address different audiences and situations. Some of his followers perhaps tended to content themselves with pursuing the petty details of physical exercises, failing to attain true inner purity and stillness in the process. Others probably suffered health problems that hampered their spiritual progress. So I agree that apparent contradictions are based on whom the teacher specifically gave instructions to, as he had several students. But overall, referring to the quote above, personally for me it is clear that the Ming cultivation method should either precede the cultivation of the Xing or go along with it, but it is definitely not the method of quiet sitting as some modern schools understand it.
  13. Not directly from his writing but nevertheless I have one at least from an article of a сontemporary researcher
  14. No. There are old Northern school and more modern Northern path of meditations. The latter one is just like echo of old Northen school. Wang Chongyan wrote that cultivation begins with Ming cultivation but his followers lost this method. I dont know how that happend.
  15. Again, you are describing the Northern path of meditations. It's worth keeping in mind that stillness and calmness are Yin. Cultivating only Yin can easily create an imbalance in energy. This way of cultivation can lead to excessive consumption of Yang Qi. It's a very common mistake made by many practitioners
  16. What are you listening to?

    To the very heaven I'll embark on Where do the clouds sail beneath me. Like an arrow through the body, through the heart I flew My soul, like a white bird, up after you (To the very heaven...)
  17. What are you listening to?

    Allow me, I asked the Lord, allow me To cope with the path of life To break down the barriers To not sell my soul And to depart if I need to Allow me this Allow me To breathe and keep my faith with a wounded heart To carry my heavy cross and not fall To live through all this And to love until my death Can you hear me? Allow me this Let me not go blind from the pain Let me simply be myself Let me be as free as a bird Let me understand my worth With two wings on my back Allow me this Allow me To breathe and keep my faith with a wounded heart To carry my heavy cross and not fall To live through all this And to love until my death Can you hear me? Allow me this You know when I fell When I was left completely alone I've always raised my head up high And seen how you look at me and smile I know you are always beside me Allow me To live through all of this And to love until my death Can you hear me? Allow me this
  18. What are you listening to?

    Let's rise As long as we're still living and the truth is on our side From up beyond someone is watching us with the eyes we love They smiled like children and marched into the skies Let's rise And get closer to them Let's rise As long as God and the truth are on our side We'll say thanks for granting us victory To those who found their heavens and are not with us any more Let's rise And singsong Let's rise Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves Let's rise The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts Till the end Let's rise And remember all those we have lost in this fire Those who were off to die for freedom, not medals I know we will definitely meet Let's rise And singsong anew Let's rise Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves Let's rise The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts Till the end We'll rise Let's rise Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves Let's rise The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts Till the end
  19. Yes, in 99,99 % they will do a harm. It is just impossible to explain all details of correct practice through video even if the practice correct but there is no any authentic teacher who would post it on the youtube. In general there are not much teachers who can share this knowledge and even if a teacher has a method it is transmitted in person.
  20. Damo: "Build the dan tien in qigong" Seriously?
  21. What are you listening to?

    The Sun poured out with sunset, Grace is present in the yard; The world is absolutely clear, But you cannot comprehend. Comets kiss the sky, And you laugh again. The world is absolutely clear, But you cannot comprehend. Chorus: I walk Like an old sage, Who has seen The eternal; To admire the Autumn sunset, On the shore; In secret bliss Directed To the infinite; To enjoy The beautiful, Autumnal, Sunset, I walk...
  22. Dude, you are in Daoist discussion thread. This is not "New Age relevant teaching for people who seem to be glamorous" thread of the forum
  23. OK. Can you provide a citation from daoist texts in which there is said that there is the need to work with 7 chakras? May be Zhang Boduan wrote about chakras? Was any method that you advise here described there in daoist scriptures? What about "sacral chakra"? Go ahead
  24. If one has sacral chakra it does not mean one has LDT. Chakras dont play a big role in daoist neidan. I mean they dont pay much attention to chakras but they give more attention to 8 extraordinary channels. Some methods in Indian system can be good to work with heart-mind. There are good Xing masters in India these days. But they dont have Ming methods at least in what is publicly known. These methods can help to quiet the heart-mind but they can cause the adverse effects on the energetic system and I would be careful with such methods. There are some shamanic methods which work with chakras and they can give some abilities but it has no relation to neidan or real nei kung
  25. The false one has no location because it is not dantien for there is no elixir. People think that they have built it but this is just water/fire channels harmonization. Good for health and balance though. The true one' location is between navel and ming men.