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Everything posted by Antares

  1. The Basics

    You describe the effects from post heaven qi stimulation. This is akin to doing gym with heavy weights. Your muscles will grow and you will enjoy it for some time. But it creates blockages in preheven channels and preheaven qi depletes.
  2. The Basics

    It depends on one's age and quantity of Ming (inborn preheaven qi). If one has a lot of it the negative effects will be postponed for some time. Every time when somebody is trying to use breath forcefully or uses vizualizations, or holds the breath with stomach pull ups etc, the person naturally depletes his Ming. But one might have some positive feelings from it temporary but in the long perspective it will deplete Ming and will create blockages in channels. It is not necessarily that that person will go mad straight away but after some time quite possible. When you see any "method" in a book try to find the correlations of this "method" with authentic daoist texts.
  3. The Basics

    That's the point. His methods are very hazardous and they are not daoist. They were made up by himself.
  4. The Basics

    But in Hindu "alchemy" Kundalini is Shakti which arises to Shiva (7th) chakra and there is nothing about Shakti descending back down. There are no chakras concepts in daoist system btw. And what sort of sexual energy you talk about? It would be just raw sexual energy which will make you crazy and sick if you have lifted it up. By no means this raw sexual energy should be lifted up
  5. The Basics

    Kundalini awakening in daoist "internal arts"? May be yes, if you got a bang on the head with mantek chia' book
  6. The Basics

    Yes, they are good at selling books. What sort of "mantak chia's transmittions " you mean? One must be really crazy to follow mantak chia' book instructions. Remember, please, no any book can transmit anything. This all mentioned above is simple qigong, some of it is good for health at least, but some of it is quite hazardous. I am not sure about Nathan Brine's methods but it seems to be Wang Liping's "northen" sitting methods of meditations. May be best out of all listed above but even this is quite risky path if done without qualified instructions. For they cultivate Xing by loosing Ming which has its own downsides along the way.
  7. The Basics

    I would not recommend reading or doing anything from Damo's stuff or YJM for they teach very simplified versions of "internal arts". But it depends on what you are looking for.
  8. Filling the Dan Tien

    Alright. The information in regard to what is De is not that much a secret. You can find it in texts. But Xing - Ming interaction is more the secret which is not disclosed to outsiders. One needs special methods for this and it is pointless just talking about it. I just wanted to clarify a little more on this subject because I see some people are in confusion about it. Just theory is useless information
  9. Filling the Dan Tien

    I loughed. Write more nosenses please Yes, of course. But the matter is HOW MUCH. It can be low or high.
  10. Filling the Dan Tien

    Alright. The excerpt from 仙佛合宗语录 The De is the piece of Dao within a person. So this is not just hun qualities and not mental thinking
  11. Filling the Dan Tien

    I am sorry but I cant tell more. This is secret information
  12. Filling the Dan Tien

    Yes, but this is just hun qualities. But de (vurtuous power) is something different from it
  13. Filling the Dan Tien

    I totally disagree with you. It is nothing to do with any mental activity
  14. Filling the Dan Tien

    Yes, I think No. Virtue is something different. But you are right partially. There are "internal " and "external" virtues but both interrelated. One feeds the other one. But "external" one is not enough for ascension
  15. Filling the Dan Tien

    Alright. But what doest it mean? Is it meditation? Can you provide any quotations from his writings in regard to how become a virtuous person?
  16. Filling the Dan Tien

    But where this idea comes from? What is cultivation of mind and how is this done practically?
  17. Filling the Dan Tien

    Is not the virtue the result of Xing - Ming interaction?
  18. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    Now they teach northern method online openly. I am not sure whether they teach foreigners online. And they seem to halt teaching yuxian openly. But one needs to get in touch with them to clarify the issue if interested. I have not been on their forum for quite long for I do another methods which have southern roots and methodology. It is not easy to get southern methods from Daode. Especially at this time of restrictions. But as for northern one they teach I can recommend it. They provide supplementary methods to balance yin which arises from sitting methods. In general northern methods are much slower than southern ones and might have adverse side "yin effects" if done incorrectly. But daode people know how to do it right and eliminate these adverse effects. It may suite people who cant travel but want to do authentic daoist methods.
  19. Yin and Yang

  20. Yin and Yang

    Do you use any terminology to describe this process and any specific work in stances/seated practices and awareness (Yi) is involved in this process?
  21. Yin and Yang

    There seems to be a very broad understanding of the "foundation work".
  22. Yin and Yang

    What is the center and how to come to it?
  23. Yin and Yang

    But the question then how to apply this knowledge to the real practice?
  24. Yin and Yang

    Daosits have their own perspective on yin and yang. They both can have post- and preheaven qualities. The most accurate approximation from daoist perspective is that yin is water and yang is fire as for postheaven qualities. Xing and Ming are preheaven qualities they hold. Most systems work with postheaven qualities and rare system works on preheaven level nowadays. As for yoga I suppose it is postheaven work mostly. Some Tibetan yogic systems might work on preheaven level. But I would prefer to discuss it from Daoist perspective. And I believe that the work must be done on preheaven level from the very beginning. This is how all ancient practices worked and this is what Lao Tzu wrote about in DDJ
  25. Yin and Yang

    She seems to talk about qigong approach. But what is yin and yang, true yin and true yang? How to couple them?