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Everything posted by Antares

  1. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    I would not recommend any neigong in your case. Since Michael has recommended daode center I would recommend to do their daogong system in your case. You should ask them if you can do it since not all people with disability issues are allowed to practice any energetic practices. Their daogong practice is very good for beginners and I would even say must be done before they get involved in any advanced energetic methods. It helps to eliminate imbalances in the meridians also removing blockages, brings mind/body to greater balance and purifies mind-heart. I myself am coming back to it and find it very helpful.
  2. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    He states that he does it but in fact... as an example He talks a lot about how to use breath and post heaven Wu-Xing (metal - lungs for example) and from what I can see he teaches qigong with some elements of neigong plus seated meditations. I would not say it is harmful but it is very questionable how he is getting True Water and True Fire to activate the alchemical MCO. May be there is smth he does not teach openly but I can't see anything from real neigong/neidan in what he teaches in his books or youtube videos.
  3. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Well, in Russian seed also means smth that you plant in the garden. May be that is why the word sperm was used, BTW is not True Jing is what you get sperm from? May be you get it from plants I dont know
  4. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    This is excerpt from the book of WLP Patriarch The Teacher of Single Yang, but you are right in re to translation. I mean translation from Chinese was ok but somebody from Russian WLP branch made bad translation into English years ago so I left it as it is. Most important thing here is the idea behind it.
  5. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If there is no true sperm in the tripod (Fu), that is like to boil empty kettle (Cheng) using water and fire. This is the best apt expression in relation to the exercises of qigong in the performance of the rotation around the circle of heaven. Without Water flowing and without the True Sperm to realize a small circle of heaven - to use a feeling of qi is like using a fire to burn under an empty pot. Then you can’t escape a burn-out. This circle of heaven of qigong uses the mobilization-release potential of body and produces wastes. It's just like to speed up a car with the brakes on. The faster it will go, the more damage there will be, but it will give no benefits. Similar to this, the rotation of the circle of heaven does not do any good. The above shows the difference between a small circle in alchemy and qigong.
  6. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Alright, but I just wonder why he teaches qigong MCO, is any benefit in doing so If he teaches qigong how can he know neidan energetic mechanics? I am not talking about MCO specifically, it was just example of what he teaches.
  7. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    If I am not mistaken he teaches the work with MCO as seated meditation and trying to open it with the use of breath and attention. BTW he teaches qigong MCO. I dont think this is a good choice to read. I would even say to avoid it by all means
  8. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Let me guess...mmm... from muscles strength?
  9. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yes, but is there Heaven and Earth work in it? Does it build LDT? Which Yang form does it?
  10. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Agree. I dont remember that there were any other seminars in this lineage or any sort of meetings for further training.
  11. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Do you have any experience of training in this lineage? I remember may be 10 years ago they held a seminar and wanted approx-ly 5000 $ for 7 days retreat. May be it was very advanced training but... I doubt it.
  12. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Yang style is simplified version of Taiji, so no neidan in it. Read about the history of it - how and why it was developed.
  13. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Probably he fights demons and agents Smith
  14. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Interesting, I just found this info on"When we are able to reach our Te, we are able to slip through the doorway of birth and death, and transcend the human dimension. We can reach the “backbone” energy of the universe, which is pure Tao." It seems like he used the same analogy with candle I used here in re to De.
  15. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Let say Chinese Communist Party is going to hold meeting on how to rule the country next 5 years, how do you think all people are welcome to join it including westerners let say from Biden' team? Both sides have their own agendas and view on the subject. That is why CCP meetings are open only for members of CCP. Why you think in Daoist system it should be different? Let say master of qigong from New York is coming to Daoist meeting and says:"Hey dudes, majority of American masters knows better what you should do... "
  16. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    I disagree here. I used to train with teacher which lineage of taiji was verifiable (Cheng Man-Ch'ing) and also he taught neigong which lineage could be verified somehow, btw that was master from USA (master Ahn if you heard may be about him). But I would not say his neigong was authentic. It was quite rough and I would say harmful. I wasted 3 years of my life, money and my qi. Tai Chi form was not harmful but I am not sure where he picked up neigong. He claimed lineage is verifiable and sold it as authentic taiji (but it was tai chi )
  17. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    Best to choose the IMA neigong from authentic lineage and avoid weird things and people like this one (that's when somebody call it neigong just taking certain things from lineage and doing that pursuing their egoistic goals)
  18. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    The problem here is that this is open discussion and everyone can join it and express their valuable opinion. This is the downside of the "democracy" when politicians are set up by majority. But the majority is being programmed by politicians. I heard in USA some states are considering the law that when adults "love" toddlers that would be fine and legal. So the issue is who sets up these metrics. Here I used not accurate language I hope you got me what I speak about
  19. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    But this concerns the "external" De what we talked about in other topic. Also it concerns heart - mind purification and work with 5 elements. There are 5 positive and 5 negative qualities. It is all about that. In neigong you may work with heart - mind and 5 elements as well if you want to make a progress. The other thing is that there are loads of low quality neigong systems which should not be referred to as neigong at all. Somebody just got methods and invented their own system calling it neigong. But as I said neigong is just more power oriented in application, I mean how to strengthen body and produce power from inside outside
  20. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    what you mean by mental aspect of a training? If you have no foundation in neigong (xing ming training) it will deplete your yuan qi, so in both cases yuan qi must be replenished at the foundation stage. They are based on the same principles and woud not say they ARE VERY different things. From certain stage they will differ of course but both are based on internal qi cultivation. There might be a neigong which does not train yuan qi replenishment and this case one will get in trouble
  21. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    As I said there are 2 manifestations of De - internal and external. You provided the quote in re to external part of De. People are lazy to read texts carefully and even if they read the whole texts they wont understand what exactly many words imply there, this is not philosophical text which should be realized by post-heaven heart - mind. Also there is more concrete explanation of De which is internal one
  22. Where to learn neidan/neigong properly ? + How i ended up here

    really? neigong is more martial it depends what you consider neigong
  23. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    You think DDJ is not neidan text? There are many Daoist schools, a few just like religion. What is their goal I can only guess. May be they want to get good reincarnation, it depends
  24. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    I don't think so... I am not sure somebody would explain the world for people of that epoch. That would be nonsense considering that it was not public book. The text was designed especially for future generations and I believe such high-level master could foresee the future. So the main purpose was to leave the knowledge of self-realization in simple words but metaphorically so that evil people could not change it if LaoTzu would use more concrete recommendations. The problem is that the language was different and nowadays it is not easy to get all meanings of the words