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Everything posted by CloudHands

  1. Hillary and Trump

    I'm just pointing you have no conscience as a society, you hold no responsibility for your elites nor your poor. You're supposed to be wealthy you can do better with it than just trying to maintain a leadership at any cost... Empires all falls anyway. But you're very eager to defend this beautiful country -which has plenty to offer (sell ?), I agree. Sorry, I apologize, very good, keep flipping the coin, denying, don't change, you're almost the chosen ones. EDIT : By YOU, I'm not pointing anyone in particular, please understand that. EDIT 2 (as a joke) : I had syrian neighbors in the 90', they called their dog Clinton, saying B. Clinton was a dog.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    Ahahahah you're so funny destroying countries
  3. Hillary and Trump

    This is what I call access to healthcare. I know it's not easy but it's your responsibility as citizens to change that coin. I hold myself responsibility for what is called Françafrique as well. It's diluted I can live with it but as a citizen of my country that would be a lie to deny it. Our situations are not that different but I think we still fighting for staying in charge which implies a strong government (to face bank, trusts, etc) led by people. 30 years ago there were no professional politicians I mean it was not supposed to be a career.
  4. Hillary and Trump

    and all companies will be national property in the next 5 years... Democratie means power to the people what is the value of your democratie if the people can't access politic, education and healthcare ? In France in the last 30 years the biggest capitalists moves have been done by so called socialist. It has been a long time since people don't rule politicians and politicians don't rule politic. Nothing is more interesting for the rulers than uneducated poor people then welcome to the wild wild west. You may not understand it but you are not only people and families you are a society and you all are responsible for the acts of your government. You have to understand that US government (that is supposed to represent you) has done a shitload of worldwide crap since WWII and that in the name of liberty but for profit. Profit and power is the only true goal of your states and whatever Trump or Hilary it won't change because you don't get it. I don't know if liberty can be a project but in US it for sure has became a lure.
  5. Hillary and Trump

    ... and Daesh is more related to US politic (and the whole West since colonization) than to Islam. A bad understanding of the concept of Jihad is the vector but the reason is war, torture and imprisonment led in the name justice for the sake of petrol. It's time to realize that the misery and despair a system create in its course for dominion will turn against it sooner or later one way or an other.
  6. Hillary and Trump

    I want to point something. You make me uncomfortable every time you try to label her communist and that for 2 reasons. That habit to call "communist" something to make it appear like the last desirable thing is a really cultural one based on decades of brainwash. It looks rather obvious and shocking. If I understand how bad (even terrible) a centralized powerful government can be, reading your constantly renewed horror towards these ideas is a bit scary. From my perspective if you see a devil you're looking at you own fear. Secondary there is not a chance that america turns too a communist state or something close to it. Look at Obama care. There were plenty of US citizen waving placards like once again they were turning to the reds... but help from everyone for everyone to have an easier access to basic health care doesn't sound like a bad idea ? Does it ? I have few interest in that election since for me Clinton is the archetypal opportunist power greedy money greedy politician that will not make any major change (and certainly not is Marxist orientated). The other one looks more like a joke but a very bad one. The fact he's who he is where he is shows a tremendous level of despair and stupidity in USA (or I'm just brainwashed). Have fun !
  7. Losing Members

    It easily turns onto procrastination... Lot of trash anyway Too big to quickly find the informations you want Bad interactions And on the other side, the opposite Lot of things comming form the heart An area of discussion Good interactions. People entering, leaving, You know what ? it looks like the life of a living community.
  8. What is freedom?

    Too much daobums
  9. Hello from France

    That tells you if he drinks water or beer, that's all
  10. Hello from France

    Ah Brian, I still have this feeling I can learn from you.
  11. Hello from France

    Sometimes one, sometimes two, but when it comes to three not sure you should eat it
  12. Hello from France

    Hi, I'm french too. You'll find tons of interesting material here. I wish you to have fun and to take anything with a grain of salt
  13. Or you can see the society as something dysfonctionnel and question perfectly adapted persons
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Power is nothing without control" Pirelli It sounds -for once- better in french, "Sans maîtrise la puissance n'est rien."
  15. OM

  16. This is a translation of what someone close to me experienced 4 days ago. ***** The first February am morning, I lived a beautiful experience, I led my mother to the light. She was in the palliative care unit because of terminal cancer. She was in coma since few hours and 800 km away from me. A friend of mine, former palliative care worker told me that patients on hypnovel (drug) may not be aware of being dead. Thing I hardly didn't want for my mother or any human being. She proposed me to pray to help her. I answer her I was thinking about to do a meditation/prayer, and I thought the right time as came. I felt despite all the modesty we can may have for this kind of event, that the creation of positive egregor would be important to support the crossing. So did I contact 2 people I knew believers through facebook, then I finally posted : 12h05 « Believers, a thought, a prayer, to help my mother to find the path to the light, she needs help for the crossing. Her name is M**** » 12h14 I started this 9 minutes prayers to sustain my meditation Then I went to my altar where I gather items found in India : a Shiva statuette, picture of Shiva and Shiva's family, sandal wood stick, sandal powder, a white candle, a Rudraksha seed, two kinds of traditional hindouist ashes, white and red to apply on the third eye. I prayed Shiva, then get in touch with my mother's soul. At this moment, I was feeling like a floor made of my friend's thoughts was supporting me. I called : « M***** », she came on my right, answering « Yes ». I was seeing her SmillingFaceSoul very close to me. I told her : « Take my hand, everyone love you... », she understood. « I'm with you... and here is the baby ». She put her right hand to my belly : « Yes the baby », she smiled even more. We turned to the right to saw her physical body, the hospital's room (window on the left of the bed, one woman bent in the room, chairs around the bed). She was aware of being apart from the physical reality. We turned to the left and I showed her a lightly white mass. I accompanied her closer, the light was more intense, everything was quiet, serene, full of love and compassion. I felt her to be sucked in, I let go of her hand and she left full speed to the light, smiling. I saw her silhouette disappear against the light. I took a moment to come back at my physical body and thank Shiva for support throughout fire and smoke. Further to that I gave a (phone !) call to my sister, she did not answer but called me back few moments later, crying « I missed her ! » because she just arrived at the hospital, stuck in traffic jam... before she added « She died like... 5 minutes ago ?! ». On one side I was blew away by what I was hearing, because I knew to have had the experience of a beautiful visualization but from this to really had my mother soul to cross... and on the other side I was very sorry for her, I thought her to be arrived at my mother bedside. I couldn't have wait anyway, it was time for my mother to leave. To tally with informations, my grand mother told me that the medical staff made the family quit the room for treatment at 12h15. My sister pointed me that my mother died around 12h25. I'm very happy she to not suffer anymore and to have had the possibility to accompanied her to the light.
  17. What happens when we die

    I still don't know, but the closest experience I know happened to my wife and was very well corroborated by facts.
  18. Are you saying that Tibetan Buddhism is a fraud ?
  19. Tao

    Great answer.
  20. I got a lot of respect for you man and the way you speak tells a lot. Then question All these things you say about dzogchen sound a lot like daoism (contradiction, paradox, elusive, acceptation, one true way -> wu-wei) what do you find in dzogchen that complete daoism ? Maybe a less "shortcuted" question should be, where do I start with or... what synthesize it best ?