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Everything posted by Sanzon

  1. Two questions

    Hey WTL, I have played around with energetic communication with animals, with some fun. One night I was alone & drunk, and saw a white horse very far off in the distance in a paddock. I fell in love with it & was beaming my good vibes down to it telling it what a beautiful creature it was. It responded & came up to investigate the source of all these good vibrations, and I spent about an hour embracing this creature, we had a great time hanging out together. Another time, there was a whale that had birthed a calf at the beach I was living at. It hung there for about 3 weeks, raising her young, & playing with it. One day I ventured into the surf with my board & she was there, about 50m from where I was. The beach was deserted. I decided to say hello, and as I paddled toward her, facing my fear & realising she may be territorial or protective of her calf, I said to her quite honestly "I would like to share your company. I realise you have the power to crush me should you wish to, but I am trusting in your benevolence, and that should you feel uncomfortable by my presence, that you would swim away rather than harm me, though I will suffer the consequences of my actions without judgement upon you". I am below 2m tall. The 3 week old calf was longer than I was. The mother was about 10-12m long. I stayed at a fair distance, like 10m away and she seemed fine towards me. Over the next 15mins as I lay flat on my board, I drifted closer to this great being, who had her calf alongside where I was, allowing me viewing privleges. 8m, 5m, 3m closer. She was the size of a small submarine. The calf may have been sleeping for all I know, but the mother was unperterbed by my presence. I could look directly into her eye, there were barnacles growing on her snout that I could see in every detail. It sounds like a beautiful new age moment, but in truth I was f#*king petrified, but awestruck nonetheless. A helicopter just happened to fly overhead and saw what was happening, circled around to come hover above us for a closer look. Bastard. The impact of the chopper's blades upon the water were like sonic hammers on my head, and Im sure the whale felt the same. It became agitated, & with a flick of its tail, dived and headed STRAIGHT TOWARDS ME. I pivoted on my sufrboard towards shore & these words came involuntarily out of my mouth..... "OH GOD, HELP ME NOW!!!!!!!" This great being swam straight underneath me, dwarfing myself & my board with its size, and gladly did not swat me with its tail on the way through as I was half expecting. I was pretty humbled by the whole experience, but yes, I chose the risk, and the consequences too. Though not of me or the particular whale in the story, here are a few photos for reference of the Southern Wright. Ill try & find a story I wrote a while back about some smaller creatures. They have their place in the scheme of things too.
  2. I remember the Dalai Lama talking about his 'old friend' anger popping up for a visit on the odd occasion. He referred to it like he was able to witness it with detachment, while experiencing it, but importantly, without judgement, but like it was a child whom he loved, but he, the witness, was no longer a child. I personally tihnk we all tend to wrestle with this sort of stuff. I wonder if you could befriend your foes and your ego, and have sway with their inclinations as a personal friend of theirs rather than as a conqueror.
  3. It's true. People were shorter way back when Jesus was a boy! It's news to me that not only Christians have expectations regarding Armageddon, but also Islam & the Bahai faith. In fact, the Bahai faith believe Armageddon to already have happened in WWI If the three faiths have claims in the outcome of Armageddon, who then was the Christ? Please tell Owledge.
  4. Wishing I had a kindle......
  5. Circumcism

    I'll chime in here again, thanks for your comments so far. I had a moment this morning where I was working with my presence & energy field, and the energy made its way to the circumcision scar on my penis. I stayed with the energy & worked with it through some things, and at the outcome, I found the whole genital area to resonate without static, and the background neurosis that I normally associate with motivation & drive to do things dissolved to give a state of quietness & being that is rare for me. The personal facade of happiness to the outside world dropped into a quiet & reconciled state of peace & authenticity. If this state of background neurosis is driving subconscious & outward behaviour, attitudes about the world and other people, I imagine there are patterns upon patterns of behaviour and belief that have this state of neurosis as their foundation. Imagine this. A baby boy gets born into the world. One of his first ever experiences of the outside world is sharp unanaesthetised pain & terror in regards to his penis being surgically circumcised. That experience gets imprinted, in the part of the brain that is learning early survival strategies. How does this play out in the males adult life? In my case, probably generalised background anxieties. Perhaps a study would show a higher incidence of sexual crimes are committed by circumcised males, because the association has already been made in early infancy. ANyways, I am going to work further with this. I feeling pretty chilled out as a result.
  6. Ah c'mon!!!! Besides, would you expect a sage to lead a world ending battle? An interesting side note. I remember Time magazine running an article In America's interest in maintaining the Isreali state and power. An obvious interest by the Jewish peoples perspectives, but the Christian population would see it as playing the role in fulfilling the pre-apocolypic prophecy of the Jewish people returning to their homeland, thus heralding the preparation of conditions for the second coming. They then went on to quote a bible passage that following the second coming, all will be given the opportunity to acknowledge Christ, or suffer the consequences, thus pointing out the possibility of armed conflict between the Jewish people and the Christians for the land of Israel. The end of the world has been such a preoccupation of human existence. With all the energy being channeled into it, I wonder if it will be a self fulfilling prophecy, rather than a possible metaphorical/allegorical illustration and meaning.
  7. This question got me googling, but with no answers. To attempt a second guess at what you are thinking, I wondered if the 1948 Arab-Israeli War of Independence may have been interpreted as Armageddon, and the Annointed One being one of the new figureheads of state upon the new government being formed. Anyways, great speculation. I learnt alot, again, from the Wikipedia oracle.
  8. PFL, kudos to you for chasing up information from its source, it has turned into an interesting topic worth reading. I wish it had a thread & title of its own, but again, it has taken this thread off topic. Are you able to relate your informative discussion to the thread title?
  9. Daoism, Ecology, and action

    Awesome thread. I have little background in Daoism. I do however work in the health & healing realms, and one of the things that appeals to me about the TCM view of the human body is that it is an ecology within itself, with the understanding of how it works in reference to the ecology of nature and it's elements. A microcosm of the microcosm. I understand Daoist practice to be similar in that the subtle energies of the body work in relation to an understanding of the workings of the cosmos. We can't separate ourselves from nature without a compromise to our health. From my perspective, the simple fact that the chemical equation for respiration is the exact opposite of the chemical equation for photosynthesis is proof enough that we have evolved side by side with plants and trees as our siblings, the Earth being both our Mothers. The sacredness of this is of great reverence. Thanks for the links & video, I shall enjoy reading further.
  10. Hey K, not too sure if you were responding to my post. I was referring to the "offenders" rephrasing the point being made.
  11. It's all about respect for each other the way I see it. Here is a repost from the other thread I made in regards to "fair play" while discussing contentious issues. "If you notice, here & in the other threads on the topic, I have attempted to validate the positions of both [members I was addressing], while attempting to encourage each to decrease the emotive intensity behind their delivery of "facts", and thus make their points clearer, and more receivable/palatable to people who are taking offence at them. I, for one, will defend LGBTI peoples and persuasions for all I am worth, because I believe that we are not separate as human beings. Though please note I am not attempting to change the minds of those that do not support my views, what I perceive myself as doing is challenging them to rephrase what they mean so that an equanimous discussion may take place here. I do like human diversity, and I do think my intent is based on the inclusion of the other side of the argument, given that it not be derogatory to others. Therefore, I do believe that the delivery of the message is important, for the sake of inclusion".
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    This interview with the Grand Dragon of the KKK is pretty funny.... <iframe src="" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
  13. PFL, I am just quoting you here so that this does not get edited out by you. If you become immortal or immortalized, I hope it is out of infamy for making statements such as these. a fantastic example of why this thread was started. Your studies are fair speculation, and everyone should be given the chance to speculate and conclude it as truth. That is akin to the statement "to err is to be human". But FFS, please start a new thread with your profound theories, or at least comment on the title of the thread..... `Does Racism/Sexism/Homophobia constitute a Personal Attack?'. Again, please, I ask of you to comment on it.
  14. No Pythagoreanfulllotus, it's just information not specific to the thread. Everyone's allowed their perspectives, start a new thread & go for gold.
  15. `Does Racism/Sexism/Homophobia constitute a Personal Attack` Which is what this thread is about, how to do it respectfully due to its core nature as Seth has stated in the first post. I dont believe anybody here for any reason would like their core opened up, scrutinised and analysed publically. Many apologies. I hope the end result is a positive one. The thread has gone into debate about things that should be in another thread. May I respectfully suggest that to you pythagoreanfulllotus? Which brings the discussion back on track to `Does Racism/Sexism/Homophobia constitute a Personal Attack?`
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Cat memes keep me sane, curious creatures that they are. Here is a run down on the basic differences between dogs & cats.
  17. New CFS report

    This is scary shit konchog uma. Here is a video of exactly what you are talking about. Don't mind the subtitles, I couldn't find the whole movie elsewhere. The Future of Food. <iframe src="" width="500" height="398" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">The Future of Food</a> from <a href="">picklock</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  18. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    All good points Apech. Thank you. I guess that is where I am coming from as well. If you notice, here & in the other threads on the topic, I have attempted to validate the positions of both WWROA & turtle shell, while attempting to encourage each to decrease the emotive intensity behind their delivery of "facts", and thus make their points clearer, and more receivable/palatable to people who are taking offence at them. I, for one, will defend LGBTI peoples and persuasions for all I am worth, because I believe that we are not separate as human beings. Though please note I am not attempting to change the minds of those that do not support my views, what I perceive myself as doing is challenging them to rephrase what they mean so that an equanimous discussion may take place here. I do like human diversity, and I do think my intent is based on the inclusion of the other side of the argument, given that it not be derogatory to others. Therefore, I do believe that the delivery of the message is important, for the sake of inclusion. May I further add to your list of responses. Response 1) condemn all gay men for their promiscuity & lifestyle. Response 1a) condemn only promiscuous gay men, and not gay men who do not fit into promiscuous or high risk categories, ie safe sex practicing, monogamous, celibate, and any other non high risk sub categories of gay men. Response 1b) not condemn, but acknowledge the fact that there are gay men in our communities that are at high risk through promiscuity and lifestyle choices, & out of concern for their health & wellbeing => go to response 2. 1c) Acknowledge people identifying as LGBTI, and the issues & struggles specific to their plight as a minority group within our society. Validate their rights through law, through cultural awareness, tolerance and acceptance, through personal acceptance, validation and approval, through the determination to defend their rights across the globe. Those who identify as LGBTI that still seek to live promiscuous high risk lifestyles => response 2) Response 2) promote safe sex practices through concern for people's wellbeing. I am a bit weary, so apologies if I haven't been thorough in my response here. Cheers.
  19. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    IMO, this is a hole: "Yes I said they tend to be STD-ridden. They are." Its all in the delivery.
  20. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Let me help you dig yourself out of a hole here. eg Findings have shown that there is a higher prevalence of STDs amongst gay men. This may reflect levels of promiscuity amongst gay men, and the results would obviously not reflect gay males in non promiscuous lifestyles, eg monogamous & celibate gay men, for example.
  21. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    No worries, I wont hound you. My issue is with your term disease ridden, or something to that effect, rather than stating it simply in terms of prevalence as you have above. Rest well.
  22. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    How does your statement affect all the gay men who are in monogamous long term loving relationships fighting desperately for marriage equality? What about gay Christians who practice celibacy? What about the many other sub categories of gay men who do not fit within your generalized statement? And also, I would love to hear your response to this part.
  23. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    It's findings from the bottom of the barrel, not relating to the barrel itself, nor the rest of its contents. What did you think of my analogy in regards to my point?
  24. Hi Seth, I have appreciated your sentiments in regard to this issue. I think your point about sub categories rings true with me. To apply this outside of the issues at hand, for example, to say that Islamics are all terrorists is obvious slander and is inflammatory. To use the term Islamic terrorists instead is to open the issue for a look inside and a point from which specific issues can be discussed. Over-generalization seems to me a way that things get out of hand here, and people have the right to feel personally offended and attacked. Over-generalization comes from ignorance IMO, and a lack of understanding or willingness to further break things down & look at the underlying issues specifically. Just my 2c.